[Wiki-research-l] [Mark Your Calendars] HCOMP 2019

2019-01-16 Thread Ujwal Gadiraju


### Apologies for cross-postings ###

The 7th AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP 
2019) will be held Oct 28–30 at Skamania Lodge in Washington State near 
the Columbia Gorge River, just 45 minutes from Portland, Oregon. This 
year is the 10-year anniversary of the very first HCOMP workshop in 
Paris, and to celebrate, there will be special events, talks, and panels 
throughout the conference. HCOMP 2019 -- 

HCOMP is the premier venue for disseminating the latest research 
findings on human computation and crowdsourcing. While artificial 
intelligence (AI) and human-computer interaction (HCI) represent 
traditional mainstays of the conference, HCOMP believes strongly in 
inviting, fostering, and promoting broad, interdisciplinary research. 
The field is particularly unique in the diversity of disciplines it 
draws upon and contributes to, ranging from human-centered qualitative 
studies and HCI design, to computer science and artificial intelligence, 
to economics and the social sciences, all the way to digital humanities, 
policy, and ethics. We promote the exchange of advances in human 
computation and crowdsourcing not only among researchers, but also 
engineers and practitioners, to encourage dialogue across disciplines 
and communities of practice.

Abstracts submission: 3 June 2019 (5pm EST)
Full Papers Due: 5 June 2019 (5pm EST)
Notification: 2 August 2019
Main Conference: 29-30 October 2019
Workshops & Doctoral Consortium: 28 October 2019


This year, we especially encourage work that generate new insights into 
the “human computation” side of HCOMP, such as new understandings about 
human cognition, human-in-the-loop intelligence systems, human-AI 
interaction and collaboration, algorithmic and interface techniques for 
augmenting human abilities to perform tasks, and other issues that 
affect how humans collaborate with AI systems (such as bias, fairness 
and interpretability).

## Topics of Interests ##

HCOMP strongly believes in inviting, fostering, and promoting broad, 
interdisciplinary research on crowdsourcing and human computation. 
Submissions may present principles, studies, and/or applications of 
systems that rely on programmatic interaction with crowds, or where 
human perception, knowledge, reasoning, or physical activity and 
coordination contributes to the operation of computational systems, 
applications, or services. More generally, we invite submissions from 
the broad spectrum of related fields and application areas including 
(but not limited to):

 - Crowdsourcing areas: e.g., citizen science, disaster response and 
relief, crowdsourcing in health, travel, journalism, etc., collective 
action, collective knowledge, crowdsourcing contests, crowd creativity, 
crowd funding, crowd ideation, crowd sensing, distributed work, 
freelancer economy, open innovation, microtasks, prediction markets, 
wisdom of crowds, the future of work, etc.
 - Applications: e.g., gaming and gamification, knowledge bases, fact 
verification, computer vision, databases, digital humanities, 
information retrieval, machine learning, natural language and speech 
processing, optimization, programming languages, systems, etc.
 - Crowd/human algorithms: e.g., computer-supported human computation, 
crowd/human algorithm design and complexity, mechanism design, quality 
control, etc.
 - Human-centered crowd studies: human-computer interaction, social 
computing, cultural heritage, computer-supported cooperative work, 
design, cognitive and behavioral sciences (psychology and sociology), 
incentives, management science, economics, policy, ethics, etc.


HCOMP 2019 Website -- https://www.humancomputation.com/


Dr. Ujwal Gadiraju
L3S Research Center
Leibniz Universität Hannover
30167 Hannover, Germany

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[Wiki-research-l] [CFP] HumBL 2019 : Augmenting Intelligence with Bias-aware Humans­-in-­the-­Loop @ TheWebConf 2019

2019-01-16 Thread Ujwal Gadiraju
 include diagrams and appendices. Submissions should be 
formatted according to the formatting instructions in the General 

Submit papers through 

All submissions must be written in English.
Accepted papers will be published online via CEUR-WS.

Lora Aroyo, Google, USA
Alessandro Checco, University of Sheffield, UK
Gianluca Demartini, University of Queensland, AU
Ujwal Gadiraju, L3S Research Center, Leibniz Universitaet Hannover, DE
Anna Lisa Gentile, IBM Research Almaden, US
Oana Inel, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL
Cristina Sarasua, University of Zurich, CH

Dr. Ujwal Gadiraju
L3S Research Center
Leibniz Universität Hannover
30167 Hannover, Germany

Phone: +49. 511. 762-5772
Fax: +49. 511. 762-19712
E-Mail: gadir...@l3s.de
Web: www.l3s.de/~gadiraju/

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[Wiki-research-l] Call for Registration and Scholarship Applications for the Web Science Summer School 2018 (WWSSS'18)

2018-03-08 Thread Ujwal Gadiraju


Apologies for cross-posting.

 Call for Registration and Scholarship Applications for the Web 
Science Summer School 2018 


Scholarship applications by :   15 April 2018
Official registration open  :   19 March 2018
Early bird registration by  :   7 May 2018
WWSSS summer school :   30 July - 5 August 2018

The Web Science Summer School 2018 (WWSSS'18) will be held in Hannover, 
Germany. It is hosted by L3S Research Center and will take place from 
30.07.18 till 04.08.18.

Web Science is the emergent study of the people and technologies, 
applications, processes and practices that shape and are shaped by the 
World Wide Web. Web Science requires mining and understanding data from 
the Web, requiring both technical skills for handling big (Web) data as 
well as fundamental understanding of the social, psychological or legal 
aspects underpinning online activities.

The WWSSS'18 will address the inter-disciplinary field of Web Science by 
focusing on lectures which tackle the aforementioned challenges in 
topics such as data science and data mining, big data processing, 
information retrieval, Web governance as well as the sociology and 
psychology of online interactions.


The program includes keynote talks from prominent researchers in Web 
Science. Alongside lectures from experienced researchers, that will 
address major trends in Web Science, the Summer School will provide 
hands-on training in data processing, analysis and methods, team work, 
and opportunities to present current research. Participants shall work 
on specific tasks linked to the datasets provided, and will be mentored 
by local instructors. All teams will present the results of their work 
on the last day of the school.


Registration is open to everyone interested with a registration fee of 
200 EUR (175 EUR for early bird registration). Full time-students 
enrolled for Bachelors, Masters or PhD degree in computer science, 
digital humanities and related fields may apply for scholarship grants 
funded by the SoBigData project. The organizing committee will evaluate 
all applications. Every attendee with a successful application will 
receive a fee waiver. In addition, a minimum budget 300 EUR is reserved 
for every successful applicant for travel and accommodation refunds. 
More details are available on the website.

Follow the updates at http://wwsss18.webscience.org/, and do not miss 
the chance to be a part of this enriching experience! Please feel free 
to contact the chairs of the summer school or the local organization 
team if you have any queries: wwss...@l3s.de.


Dr. Ujwal Gadiraju
L3S Research Center
Leibniz Universität Hannover
30167 Hannover, Germany

Phone: +49. 511. 762-5772
Fax: +49. 511. 762-19712
E-Mail: gadir...@l3s.de
Web: www.l3s.de/~gadiraju/

Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] [Call for Participation] Web Science Summer School 2018

2018-01-18 Thread Ujwal Gadiraju

Hi all,

Apologies for cross-posting.

*** WEB SCIENCE SUMMER SCHOOL 2018, Hannover, Germany 

The Web Science Summer School 2018 (WWSSS’18) will be held in Hannover, 
Germany. It is hosted by L3S Research Center and will take place from 
30.07.18 till 04.08.18.

Web Science is the emergent study of the people and technologies, 
applications, processes and practices that shape and are shaped by the 
World Wide Web. Web Science aims to draw together theories, methods and 
findings from across academic disciplines, and to collaborate with 
industry, business, government and civil society, to develop our 
knowledge and understanding of the Web: the largest socio-technical 
infrastructure in human history.

Web Science requires mining and understanding data from the Web, 
requiring both technical skills for handling big (Web) data as well as 
fundamental understanding of the social, psychological or legal aspects 
underpinning online activities.
The WWSSS’18 will address the inter-disciplinary field of Web Science by 
focusing on lectures which tackle the aforementioned challenges in 
topics such as data science and data mining, big data processing, 
information retrieval, Web governance as well as the sociology and 
psychology of online interactions.

Alongside lectures that will address major trends in Web Science, the 
Summer School will provide hands-on training in data processing, 
analysis and methods, team work, and opportunities to present current 
research. Participants shall work on specific tasks linked to the 
datasets provided, and will be mentored by local instructors. All teams 
will present the results of their work on the last day of the school.

Speakers, tutors and the full program are currently being finalized. 
Registration for the summer school will be made open for everyone. In 
addition, there will be a selection process for a few scholarships that 
will be awarded to students to cover participation costs.
Follow the updates at http://wwsss18.webscience.org/, and do not miss 
the chance to be a part of this enriching experience! Please feel free 
to contact the chairs of the summer school or the local organization 
team if you have any queries.


Ujwal Gadiraju
L3S Research Center
Leibniz Universität Hannover
30167 Hannover, Germany

Phone: +49. 511. 762-5772
Fax: +49. 511. 762-19712
E-Mail: gadir...@l3s.de
Web: www.l3s.de/~gadiraju/

Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] HT 2018 [Call for Workshop Proposals]

2017-11-11 Thread Ujwal Gadiraju

Hi all,

This is a call for workshop proposals at HT 2018, Baltimore, Maryland.

The ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT) is a premium venue 
for high quality peer-reviewed research on theory, systems and 
applications for hypertext and social media. The conference would be 
held in the beautiful city of Baltimore this year. HyperText is 
concerned with all aspects of modern hypertext research, including 
social media, adaptation, personalization, recommendations, user 
modeling, linked data and semantic web, dynamic and computed hypertext, 
and its application in digital humanities, as well as with interplay 
between those aspects such as linking stories with data or linking 
people with resources. HT2018 will focus on the role of links, linking, 
hypertext and hyperlink theory on the web and beyond, as a foundation 
for approaches and practices in the wider community.

*Apologies for cross-posting*



The goals of the workshops are to provide a more informal setting for 
exchanging opinions, to share experiences, presenting ideas, foster the 
research community and identify open problems and/or explore directions 
for future research. As such, they also offer a good opportunity for 
researchers to present their work and to obtain feedback from an 
interested community in an interactive atmosphere. Proposals are 
especially encouraged on emerging topics, related to the main conference 
themes, but may also include other (novel) topics, which might be of 
interest for the hypertext community.

Acceptance of workshop proposals will be based on the experience and 
background of the organizers in the topic, and on the relevance of the 
subject matter with regard to the topics addressed in the main 
conference. We welcome proposals for different types of workshops, from 
working groups on a specific topic to more traditional conference-like 
workshops. However, we prefer “interactive” workshops that guarantee 
richer active interactions among participants and provide significant 
room for controversial and stimulating discussions. Potential proposers 
are invited to discuss their ideas with the workshop chair before 
working out a detailed proposal.

Proposals for workshops should be no more than four pages in length 
(10pt, single column, with reasonable margins) with the following 

- Title of the workshop and suggested acronym
- Keywords (describing the main themes)
- Abstract
- Description of the workshop (topics and goals)
- Relevance of the workshop to Hypertext 2018
- Workshop organizers bios (1-2 paragraphs per organizer)
- Motivation (why the topic is of interest for the conference audience)
- Workshop and submission formats
- Length (half day or full day- in this case, motivation for the need of 
a full day
- Previous editions of the workshop series, if applicable (URLs, 
conference it was co-located with, number of registrants, number of 
submissions, number of accepted papers, and any other relevant 

- Any plan for further publication (e.g., special issue in journals)
- Initial list of (potential) members of the program committee
- Send your workshop proposals (in PDF format) by email to the workshop 
chairs, Haewoon Kwak (haew...@acm.org) and Ujwal Gadiraju 
(gadir...@l3s.de). For additional inquiries, please do not hesitate to 
contact the workshop chairs.

***Key Dates***
(All deadlines are specified as Anywhere on Earth)

Workshop proposal submission deadline: December 1, 2017
Workshop acceptance notification: December 14, 2017
Workshop paper submission: April 10, 2018
Workshop paper acceptance notification: May 8, 2018

Best Regards,

Dr. Ujwal Gadiraju
L3S Research Center
Leibniz Universität Hannover
30167 Hannover, Germany

Phone: +49. 511. 762-5772
Fax: +49. 511. 762-19712
E-Mail: gadir...@l3s.de
Web: www.l3s.de/~gadiraju/

Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] Call for Participation in WebSci'16 Hackathon [Exploring the Past of the Web: Alexandria & Archive-It Hackathon]

2016-03-14 Thread Ujwal Gadiraju



Exploring the Past of the Web: Alexandria & Archive-It Hackathon
Web Science 2016 Hackathon: http://www.websci16.org/hackathon

Hackathon Chairs

Avishek Anand, L3S Research Center, Germany
Jefferson Bailey, Internet Archive, USA

The Web has pervaded all walks of life and has become an important 
corpus for studying the humanities, social sciences, and for use by 
computer scientists and other disciplines. Web archives collect, 
preserve, and provide ongoing access to ephemeral Web pages and hence 
encode traces of human thought, activity, and history. This makes them a 
valuable resource for analysis and study. However, there have been only 
few concerted efforts to bring together tools, platforms, storage, 
processing frameworks, and existing collections for mining and analysing 
Web archives.

We present the Alexandria & Archive-It Hackathon @ WebSci’16 as a forum 
for scientists, engineers, practitioners, and enthusiasts to work with 
Web archive collections at scale and use and help build tools that can 
help realize the largely untapped potential of using Web archives in 
their research and work. The goal of the Hackathon is to bring together 
a small and focused group of participants to collaboratively work with 
Web archive collections using open-source tools and platforms and to 
discuss new ideas in exploring and analyzing these collections.

We will provide access to focused, subject-specific Web archive 
collections from a diverse set of institutions and topics. The data 
consists of collections from Archive-It, Internet Archive’s web 
archiving service, and is housed on a commercial data cluster (provided 
generously by www.altiscale.com) for processing and analysis, but can be 
browsed on the Web as well through their collection pages 
athttps://archive-it.org/. The topics range from web pages collected 
around events (like the U.S. Occupy Movement), interest groups 
(politics, art, et cetera), home pages (museums, universities) and more. 
All collections were archived over a notable period of time and can 
support multiple analytical approaches and tools.

A range of collections will be available for use in the hackathon. Some 
examples of the types of collections to be included:

[1]. Human Rights web archive collected by Columbia University: 
[2]. Occupy Movement 2011/2012, collected by Internet Archive: 
[3]. Auction Houses web archive, collected by New York Art Resources 
consortium: https://www.archive-it.org/collections/2135
[4]. Contemporary Women Artists on the Web, collected by National Museum 
of Women in the Arts:https://archive-it.org/collections/2973

To lower the entry barrier in accessing and analysing this data we will 
provide a small hands-on session on Day 1, using existing open source 
tools, and will be able to provide some coaching during the Hackathon to 
groups not yet fully fluent with working with large data clusters. We 
want to ensure that participation will be truly cross-disciplinary with 
the hope of fostering cross-fertilization of ideas from users and 
researchers from multiple disciplines, including social and political 
sciences, the humanities, and computer science. We will end the 
Hackathon on Day 4 with presentations of team accomplishments as well as 
discussions and exchange of ideas for future projects and 

The Hackathon will run in parallel to the WebSci’16 conference, to allow 
participants to register and attend the conference, and will finish one 
day after the conference. Participants will receive promotional 
materials from the event hosts and Internet Archive and Archive-It. The 
research team with the most accomplished plan, project, or future work 
will receive a complimentary Archive-It account that can be used to 
build their own web archive collection for use in their own future 
research. Alexandria and Archive-It also plan on convening additional 
hackathons and web archive data mining challenges in conjunction with 
future conferences and events.


The registration for the Hackathon is free for WebSci'16 participants, 
however we waive off the charges for participating only in the 

If you want to register for "Hackathon Only": People who only want to 
attend the hackathon, can register on http://websci16.org/registration 
by selecting "Dinner only" first and on the next page below their 
personal details select "Hackathon only".

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions at: 

Best Regards,
Ujwal Gadiraju

Ujwal Gadiraju
L3S Research Center
Leibniz Universität Hannover
30167 Hanno