Dear all,

Excited to share that my article "Investigating the potential of the
semantic web for education: Exploring Wikidata as a learning platform
<>" has finally
been published in an excellent journal "Education and Information
Technologies" by Springer Nature. This has been a long time coming, and
essentially the very first publication directly from my PhD research.

It's worth noting that to those who know Wikidata, the article would
probably not share anything new you haven't heard before; but it really was
a missing piece in academic research, in terms of making the case for
Wikidata as a learning platform for educators and researchers who are not
familiar with it, so it's really great to finally have such a resource
It's also a good moment to thank again the amazing Wikidata Community, and
specifically all the people who filled out the questionnaire way back when
and later interviewed, for this to happen. In this specific article, I was
directly drawing from the work of Martin Poulter, Richard Knipel & Andrew
Lih, João Alexandre Peschanski, Toby Hudson & Daniel Mietchen.
Thank you all for the inspiration!


PS -- if you can't view the link and are interested, do drop me a line and
I'll send the PDF your way.
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