Summary: Localization corrections and additions of Estonian
                    Wikimedia projects
           Product: Wikimedia
           Version: unspecified
          Platform: All
        OS/Version: All
            Status: NEW
          Severity: normal
          Priority: Normal
         Component: General/Unknown

Some Estonian Wikimedia projects have either sitename untranslated or logo
untranslated or project talk namespace invalid and there is no support for
Estonian project name forms in WikimediaGrammarForms.php. This includes
Estonian Wiktionary, Wikibooks, Wikiquote and Wikisource.

I request it being set as follows:

1) For
  a) Set sitename (displayed on browser's title bar) as 'Vikisõnastik'. So far
the name 'Vikisõnaraamat' have been used on main page, but shorter form of it
should be better. Approved by both active admins of site at and
  b) Set project namespace as 'Vikisõnastik' and project talk namespace as
'Vikisõnastiku arutelu' (using genitive form of project name) in accordance
with sitename request.
  c) Set project logo as – style different
from Wiktionary default approved at and locked.

2) For
  a) Set sitename as 'Vikiõpikud'. So far the name 'Vikiraamatukogu' have been
used on main page, but to make the name shorter and purpose of the site clearer
'Vikiõpikud' was proposed and approved at .
  b) Set project namespace as 'Vikiõpikud' and project talk namespace using
genitive form of project name as 'Vikiõpikute arutelu' in accordance with
sitename request.
  c) Set project logo as
using the default design and requested sitename. Hopefully it's not a problem
that it's not locked as unfortunately there are no site admins to lock it.

3) For
  a) Set sitename as 'Vikitsitaadid', which have been used on the main page for
the past years.
  b) Set project namespace as 'Vikitsitaadid' and project talk namespace using
genitive for of project name as 'Vikitsitaatide arutelu' in accordance with
sitename request.
  c) Set project logo as
using the default design and requested sitename. Hopefully it's not a problem
that it's not locked as unfortunately there are no site admins to lock it.

4) For
  a) Set project talk namespace as 'Vikitekstide arutelu' using genitive form
of project name to have it grammatically valid.

Finally please add Estonian project names and forms in
as follows. Note that for Wikipedia (Vikipeedia) nominative and genitive are
the same (So no need to add this in following?).

$wgGrammarForms['et'] = array(
    'genitive' => array(
        'Vikisõnastik'  => 'Vikisõnastiku',
        'Vikitekstid'   => 'Vikitekstide',
        'Vikitsitaadid' => 'Vikitsitaatide',
        'Vikiõpikud'    => 'Vikiõpikute',
    'partitive' => array(
        'Vikipeedia'    => 'Vikipeediat',
        'Vikisõnastik'  => 'Vikisõnastikku',
        'Vikitekstid'   => 'Vikitekste',
        'Vikitsitaadid' => 'Vikitsitaate',
        'Vikiõpikud'    => 'Vikiõpikuid',
    'illative' => array(
        'Vikipeedia'    => 'Vikipeediasse',
        'Vikisõnastik'  => 'Vikisõnastikku',
        'Vikitekstid'   => 'Vikitekstidesse',
        'Vikitsitaadid' => 'Vikitsitaatidesse',
        'Vikiõpikud'    => 'Vikiõpikutesse',
    'inessive' => array(
        'Vikipeedia'    => 'Vikipeedias',
        'Vikisõnastik'  => 'Vikisõnastikus',
        'Vikitekstid'   => 'Vikitekstides',
        'Vikitsitaadid' => 'Vikitsitaatides',
        'Vikiõpikud'    => 'Vikiõpikutes',
    'elative' => array(
        'Vikipeedia'    => 'Vikipeediast',
        'Vikisõnastik'  => 'Vikisõnastikust',
        'Vikitekstid'   => 'Vikitekstidest',
        'Vikitsitaadid' => 'Vikitsitaatidest',
        'Vikiõpikud'    => 'Vikiõpikutest',
); # et

Thanks in advance!

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