debt renamed this task from "[epic] Determine baseline for metrics on Commons" to "[epic] SDoC: Determine baseline for metrics".
debt raised the priority of this task from "Normal" to "High".
debt edited projects, added Discovery-Analysis (Current work); removed Discovery-Analysis.
debt updated the task description. (Show Details)

As the #structured-data-commons project ramps up, we'll need to figure out a baseline for metrics on Commons in order to measure future successes. This ticket will be used as a base for the needs/wants for this endeavor.

> This is scheduled to take place in Q2, as per goals:

= Let's do this by:
** is eventlogging setup only on Commons or is it on other projects
*** Multi-projects at once?

** can eventlogging from various sources be combined into a meaningful set of metrics/dashboard*** Search satisfaction schema
* How do users generally use Commons
** Is there a way to tell what the current zero results rate is for searches on Commons

> This is scheduled to take place in Q2,
* How many search "hits" are based on a match in the file name vs. description vs. category
* Better analysis of how many files may be currently "unfindable" because of lack of categorization, unhelpful file name, no description (or poor description)
* Analysis of how many contributions are made by individuals vs.
as per goals:


= Things to think about / keep in mind:
* Zero results rate (ZRR)
* More relevant results
** What is ‘relevant’
* Clickthroughs from cross-project searches
* API usage
* User engagement
** ‘People were able to learn more’
* User satisfaction
* Effort users spend finding something
* Time users spend finding something
* Tracking downloads of media
* Steps to unique queries
* How many embeds on other projects
* How many times a specific file/image has shown up in searches
* How many files/images never show up in searches
* How many searches are by exclusions
** ‘Pictures of cats but not calicos’



To: debt
Cc: Capt_Swing, Ramsey-WMF, SandraF_WMF, Abit, chelsyx, mpopov, debt, Aklapper, E1presidente, Jmmuguerza, GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, EBjune, Acer, Avner, Gehel, FloNight, Susannaanas, Izno, Wikidata-bugs, PKM, Base, matthiasmullie, aude, Ricordisamoa, Fabrice_Florin, Raymond, Mbch331
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