Re: [Wikidata-tech] Wikidata for cultural heritage?

2016-07-01 Thread Richard Light

On 2016-07-01 10:36 AM, Maarten Dammers wrote:

Hi Richard,

I think that persons are probably most mature. All humans have 
instance of (P31) human (Q5) and for some subsets (like artists) a lot 
properties have a high coverage. Wikidata already connects to a lot of 
other sources on the web making it a central node for linked open 
data. For painters I keep track of this at 

Yes, artists look like a well-served part of the ecosystem.

For events you probably need subclass of event, see
For place geographic location is probably the best one, see
I don't think a subclass is required: if anything the CIDOC-CRM 
definition of E5 Event is more abstract than the Wikidata definition of 
Q1656682.  It's more a case of getting 'isa' (i.e. instance of) 
relationships into the data, so that a SPARQL query can know that it is 
only dealing with entities of the desired type.  What is the Wikidata 
procedure/mechanism for doing something like that?

Also take a look at 
. We tried to link to external concepts here.
That's interesting.  Has anyone made an attempt to map these properties 
to the CIDOC-CRM?




Op 30-6-2016 om 12:07 schreef Richard Light:


Thank you for your responses.  I suggest that it would add to the 
utility of Wikidata entities if their basic type ('person', 'place', 
'event', etc.) was explicitly stated in the RDF.

Best wishes,


On 2016-06-29 4:56 PM, Lydia Pintscher wrote:

On Sun, Jun 19, 2016 at 1:27 PM, Richard Light
<>  wrote:


My view is that, in order for there to be any point in cultural heritage
bodies (museums, libraries, archives, historians) publishing their
collections etc. as Linked Data, there needs to be a common Linked Data
framework representing the historical space-time universe, which they can
all quote.  Current practice (such as the British Museum Linked Data
offering) suggests that concepts such as people, places and events will
otherwise be represented either by useless string values or by
system-specific URLs which have no wider meaning.

As a result, I would like to explore the potential for Wikidata to act as
this lingua franca for the cultural heritage community.

You'll see from my earlier messages to this list that I have been grappling
with the SPARQL end-point. Initially I was confused by the interactive
version of the Query Service [1], which differs in its response format from
the similarly-URLed end-point and doesn't provide an RDF/XML response.  I
have now managed to set up Wikidata as a 'web termlist' service for artists,
within the Modes software (see attached screenshot). (The data in the pop-up
window is generated on the fly from the Wikidata RDF.)

At this point, I have the following questions:

1. what level of stability is planned as regards Wikidata identifiers/URLs?
Can I treat the full URL (e.g.[3]) as persistent, or can I only rely on the
core Wikidata identifier (e.g. [4]) remaining unchanged into the indefinite
future?  (Can I even rely on that?)

Wikidata's IDs are supposed to be stable.

2. what is the policy on inclusivity?  Do entities need to be 'notable' in
some sense to be accepted into Wikidata?  (I'm imagining a research body
wanting to offer very precise place or event data, or someone with the
ambition to include in Wikidata details of any person who ever lived.)

3. is there a template for each entity type (e.g. person, place, event)
which guarantees that a query for certain properties will at least identify
entities of the desired type?  (My artist termlist query includes a test '$s
ps:P31 wd:Q5' which picks out humans: I'm not clear how I would do the same
for events or places.)

No that does not exist.


*Richard Light*

Wikidata-tech mailing list

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*Richard Light*
Wikidata-tech mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-tech] RDF/XML response from SPARQL query?

2016-06-21 Thread Richard Light


To answer my own question (in case someone else has the same challenge 
in future): the Wikidata SPARQL end-point is also available at the very 
similar URL:{SPARQL}

and this version does return RDF/XML.  This is all nicely documented in 
the Wikidata documentation [1].



On 2016-06-02 6:33 PM, Richard Light wrote:


I have just been exercising the SPARQL end-point [1], and have 
successfully retrieved birth and death details for artists mentioned 
in the ODNB.  That is great, and I am really pleased about it.  
However, I would ideally like my CONSTRUCT statement to produce a 
machine-processible result, and for me that would mean RDF/XML.  Is 
there an argument I can add to the URL below which would have the 
effect of returning a RDF/XML response?




*Richard Light*

Wikidata-tech mailing list

*Richard Light*
Wikidata-tech mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-tech] URL strategy

2016-06-13 Thread Richard Light


To respond (partially) to my own question: SPARQL does do the job for 
me, e.g.:

select distinct ?person where {?person ?p ?prop .
?prop ps:P31 wd:Q5 .
} limit 100

returns a list of person URLs.  So I'm happy.  However, I am still 
intrigued as to the logic behind the redirection of the statement URL to 
the URL for the person about whom the statement is being made.



On 2016-06-13 10:51 AM, Richard Light wrote:


I'm trying to get to grips with using Wikidata as a Linked Data 
resource, and would welcome some guidance.

Using the SPARQL end-point [1], I submit a query which looks for people:

PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
describe ?s where {?s ps:P31 wd:Q5 .
} limit 100

The results give a set of wd:statement URLs (e.g. [2]), each of which 
has the required 'P31 Q5' property and four others (wikibase:rank, 
rdf:type and a couple of 'derived from' properties).  So this looks 
like a simple statement, which is in some sense a property of the 
person I am looking for.  I would then expect to refine my SPARQL 
query to pick up the person about whom this statement was made, and 
thereby get access to their other properties.

However, when I dereference the statement URL, I find that I have 
magically arrived at the URL of the person themselves [3].

While this is all very clever, it leaves me at a loss as to how I can 
access the properties of the person using SPARQL.



[3] when accessed through the 
browser, or when 
accessed through curl with a suitable Accept header

*Richard Light*

Wikidata-tech mailing list

*Richard Light*
Wikidata-tech mailing list

[Wikidata-tech] URL strategy

2016-06-13 Thread Richard Light


I'm trying to get to grips with using Wikidata as a Linked Data 
resource, and would welcome some guidance.

Using the SPARQL end-point [1], I submit a query which looks for people:

PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
describe ?s where {?s ps:P31 wd:Q5 .
} limit 100

The results give a set of wd:statement URLs (e.g. [2]), each of which 
has the required 'P31 Q5' property and four others (wikibase:rank, 
rdf:type and a couple of 'derived from' properties).  So this looks like 
a simple statement, which is in some sense a property of the person I am 
looking for.  I would then expect to refine my SPARQL query to pick up 
the person about whom this statement was made, and thereby get access to 
their other properties.

However, when I dereference the statement URL, I find that I have 
magically arrived at the URL of the person themselves [3].

While this is all very clever, it leaves me at a loss as to how I can 
access the properties of the person using SPARQL.



[3] when accessed through the browser, 
or when accessed 
through curl with a suitable Accept header

*Richard Light*
Wikidata-tech mailing list

[Wikidata-tech] RDF/XML response from SPARQL query?

2016-06-02 Thread Richard Light


I have just been exercising the SPARQL end-point [1], and have 
successfully retrieved birth and death details for artists mentioned in 
the ODNB.  That is great, and I am really pleased about it.  However, I 
would ideally like my CONSTRUCT statement to produce a 
machine-processible result, and for me that would mean RDF/XML.  Is 
there an argument I can add to the URL below which would have the effect 
of returning a RDF/XML response?




*Richard Light*
Wikidata-tech mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-tech] how is the datetime value with precision of one year stored

2015-09-01 Thread Richard Light

On 01/09/2015 09:26, Markus Krötzsch wrote:

On 01.09.2015 05:17, Stas Malyshev wrote:


I would have thought that the correct approach would be to encode these
values as gYear, and just record the four-digit year.

While we do have a ticket for that
( it's not that simple since
many triple stores consider dateTime and gYear to be completely
different types and as such some queries between them would not work.

I agree. Our original RDF exports in Wikidata Toolkit are still using 
gYear, but I am not sure that this is a practical approach. In 
particular, this does not solve the encoding of time precisions in 
RDF. It only introduces some special cases for year (and also for 
month and day), but it cannot be used to encode decades, centuries, etc.

My current view is that it would be better to encode the actual time 
point with maximal precision, and to keep the Wikidata precision 
information independently. This applies to the full encoding of time 
values (where you have a way to give the precision as a separate value).

For the simple encoding, where the task is to encode a Wikidata time 
in a single RDF literal, things like gYear would make sense. At least 
full precision times (with time of day!) would be rather misleading 

In any case, when using full precision times for cases with limited 
precision, it would be good to create a time point for RDF based on a 
uniform rule. Easiest option that requires no calendar support: use 
the earliest second that is within the given interval. So "20th 
century" would always lead to the time point "1900-01-01T00:00:00". If 
this is not done, it will be very hard to query for all uses of "20th 
century" in the data.
This is an issue which the cultural heritage community has been dealing 
with for decades (:-) ).

In short, a single date is never going to do an adequate job of 
representing (a) a period over which an event happened and (b) 
uncertainty over the start and/or end point in this period.  These 
periods will almost never neatly fit into years, decades, centuries, 
etc.: these are just a convenience for grouping approximations 
together.  Representing e.g. '3.1783 - 12.1820' as either decades or 
centuries is going to give a very misleading version of what you 
actually know about the period (and you still can't reduce it to a 
single 'date thing').

I think that you need at least two dates to represent historical event 
dating with any sort of honesty and flexibility.  What those dates 
should be is a matter for discussion: the CIDOC CRM for example has the 
concept of "ongoing throughout" and "at some time within", which are 
respectively the minimal and maximal periods associated with an event.  
Common museum practice in the U.K. is to record 'start date' and 'end 
date', each with a possible qualification as regards its precision.



Wikidata-tech mailing list

*Richard Light*
Wikidata-tech mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-tech] how is the datetime value with precision of one year stored

2015-08-31 Thread Richard Light


How do you get to these 'fine grain values'?  They are not in the HTML 
rendition at the URLs you quote, and when I go to the RDF for these 
concepts I don't see any date information.  Is this a Wikidata secret?

I would have thought that the correct approach would be to encode these 
values as gYear, and just record the four-digit year.


On 31/08/2015 18:19, Raul Kern wrote:

how is the datetime value with precision of one year stored?

For example for birt date in
fine grain value for "1700" is "1.01.1700"

But for population date field in
the fine grain value for "2014" is "30.11.2013"
Which is kind of unexpected.


Wikidata-tech mailing list

*Richard Light*
Wikidata-tech mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-tech] Content negotiation

2015-08-27 Thread Richard Light


Thanks for this. Yes, that works.

For SELECT queries, the response format is 
application/sparql-results+xml by default (even without specifying the 
format parameter), and the only other format I could persuade it to 
offer was JSON (with format=json).

For CONSTRUCT queries (the useful sort :-) ), you need format=rdf (or 
format=application/rdf+xml), which returns a lovely RDF XML document.  
If you omit the format parameter, you get a 'File not found' error.

If you put format=json, you do get a JSON response, but (a) the file 
type isn't specified: the response filename is just the generic 
'sparql', and (b) the JSON that is returned looks a bit reified to me.  
Others can comment on whether this is what they would expect from 
serializing the results of a CONSTRUCT query in JSON. [1]



On 27/08/2015 08:24, Bene* wrote:

Hi Richard,

I can only answer the last part of your question but you can access 
the SPARQL endpoint directly under and I think 
you can also add a format parameter to specify in which format the 
result should be returned.

Best regards

Am 27.08.2015 um 09:20 schrieb Richard Light:


I am doing some 'kicking the tyres' tests on Wikidata as Linked 
Data.  I like the SPARQL end-point, which is more helpful than most, 
and successfully managed a query for people with the surname Light 
last night.  (Only five of them in the world, apparently, but that's 
another matter. :-) )

What I do have an issue with is the content negotiation.  I kept 
failing to get an RDF rendition of my results, and as a last resort I 
read the documentation [1].

This described a postfix pattern which delivers RDF XML (e.g. [2]). 
However, this pattern is itself subject to content negotiation, and 
an initial 303 response converts the URL to e.g. [3].  I am 
interested in knowing what pattern of URL will deliver RDF/XML 
/without /requiring content negotiation, and the answer to that 
question is not [2] but [3].  This matters, for example, in scenarios 
where one wants to use XSLT's document() function to retrieve an RDF 
XML response directly. The URL pattern [2] will fail.  So the 
documentation is currently unhelpful.

In a similar vein, is there a syntax for running a SPARQL query on 
Wikidata such that the response is delivered as RDF XML?  In many 
end-points there is a parameter you can add to specify the response 
format, which allows you to submit searches as HTTP requests and 
include the results directly in your (in my case XML-based) 
processing chain.  An HTML results page isn't very machine-processible!




*Richard Light*

Wikidata-tech mailing list

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*Richard Light*
Wikidata-tech mailing list