I hav seen the SpamAssasin configuration of Tera-Byte internet.
I do not remember where it is, and I could ask them again. It did not contain 
much in the way of content scans, except for SMTP validity. It contained a 
*lot* of Realtime-Block-List ratings a year or two ago. Open relays are a 
closed topic (for me) in news:/news.admin.net-abuse.email (probably not on 
gmane). None are on my part of the internet. So, for that matter, is Paul 
Vixie's initial declaration that he does not want spam-friendly sites talking 
to him with *any* protocol. Since that time, I hav tried to use Trend 
MicroSystems RBL, to no effect--too many hoops, too little feedback. I make 
submissons to http://www.rfc-ignorant.org It probably costs them fourty 
thousand a year to be around.

There may indeed be thousands of proxies on the internet. Their main purpose is 
screening porn from children in the way of Net Nanny, but more dynamically and 
No one can abuse you without your permission.
--Ann Landers
That's an empowering lie. It usually does not serve you to remember exceptions. 
Either that or it pays you to make it true.

"Nathan" <nawr...@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> With all due respect, you appear to have no idea what you're talking about.
> Nathan
> On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 11:47 PM, brewhaha%40edmc.net 
> <brewh...@edmc.net>wrote:
>> Do we not yet hav a policy regarding open proxies (relays)? I would think
>> that anonymizer.com and anything like it is blocked indefinitely. hotmail
>> and gmail blocked anonymizer.com. Why should we not? As a jeneral rule,
>> open
>> relays for e-mail are listed and blocked, so as a jeneral rule, mail relays
>> only serve congestion physics and paying users.
>> _______
>> No one can abuse you without your permission.
>> --Ann Landers
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