Dear Dumisani,

Thank you for your reminder. I have submitted the 2019 activities and
financial report on behalf of Wikimedia Indonesia.

Best regards,

Pada tanggal Kam, 4 Jun 2020 pukul 05.12 Dumisani Ndubane <> menulis:

> Hello there,
> In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Wikimedia Foundation is
> aware of the enormous difficulties and pressures this has on individuals as
> well as affiliate organizations in general. The committee recognizes the
> impact this may have on affiliates being able to submit their required
> annual activity and/or financial reports on time. Should your organization
> be unable to meet its reporting deadline, please reach out to us in order
> to propose a revised timeline for your report.
> We recognize also that, for legal entities local legal requirements may
> still require your organization to meet reporting deadlines, in that case,
> please attend to your local requirements and reach out if there is any
> adjustment to the expectation for your submission to the reports portal on
> meta.
> When you are ready to submit your report on meta, you will be able to
> share your report via our new Affiliates data portal [1].
> We understand the Foundation’s Community Resources team is also working to
> develop guidance around reporting and the impact of COVID-19 on the event
> and reporting timelines. We will work to also align with these guidelines
> as they become available.
> Links:
> [1]
> If you have any questions or need any further guidance, please don’t
> hesitate to reach out.
> Kindest regards
> *Wikimedia Foundation*
> Dumisani Ndubane
> Manavpreet Kaur
> Jaime Anstee
> _______________________________________________
> Affiliates mailing list

Biyanto Rebin | Ketua Umum (*Chair*)
Wikimedia Indonesia
Wikimedia Indonesia adalah organisasi nirlaba dan merupakan mitra lokal
dari Wikimedia Foundation, pengelola situs populer dunia *Wikipedia* dan
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pertumbuhan, pengembangan, dan penyebaran pengetahuan dalam bahasa
Indonesia dan bahasa lain yang dipertuturkan di Indonesia secara bebas dan

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