Pe marți, 26 octombrie 2021, Galder Gonzalez Larrañaga <> a scris:
> I think that the WMF has a whole departament devoted to product.

They still need to balance between the requests of millions of readers, 70K
users and tens of affiliates.

> This is not about someone trying to get some money, is about University
professors that have asked directly how they can upload their dynamic
content to wikipedia and they didn't have a way.

What format/software/technologies are they using? How are they publishing
on the web? Is there a free alternative?

How often do they update their visualizations? How many articles would
benefit from such a feature? Can a mathematician or a biologist reuse the
same software? Can a template editor edit such a visualization?

These are all details of a simple question: are you sure this can be done
within the constraints of the movement?

Also keep in mind that "Dynamic content" is a huge umbrella. Other parts of
the puzzle are far more advanced, clearly more impactul and still not
getting enough love.


How can a regular Physicist in Uzbekistan upload it without knowing someone
who knows someone who could fill a grant proposal? Is like asking a grant
proposal to be able to upload a video!
> 2021(e)ko urr. 26(a) 20:13 erabiltzaileak hau idatzi du (Strainu <>):
> Changing subject, this is no joke.
> Pe marți, 26 octombrie 2021, Galder Gonzalez Larrañaga <> a scris:
>> "Don't assume that just because you can't do something it's impossible
or even particularly hard. "
>> I don't assume it, just we can't do it: or
> As a matter of fact, these 2 tickets say it's totally possible to have
dynamic content on Wikipedia, just not by an average user. They even have
examples of dynamic content.
> What I don't see there (I just skimmed the content though) is a list of
requirements for what we want to achieve. Are there big classes of similar
visualizations that could be done with simple customizations that a
semi-technical person (think:excel user) could do?
> You could start from there and have someone write a project grant
proposal for such a project.
> Strainu
>> If you know a way to do this kind of interactive content in any given
wiki, we could go forward fast.
>> ________________________________
>> From: Strainu <>
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2021 7:45 PM
>> To: Wikimedia Mailing List <>
>> Subject: [Wikimedia-l] Re: An Uzbek praktical joke and Wikimedia
>> Pe marți, 26 octombrie 2021, Galder Gonzalez Larrañaga <> a scris:
>>> Anders: we can't add a physics simulator.
>> We totally can. It takes programming knowledge and a technical
administrator, but it's possible.
>> Don't assume that just because you can't do something it's impossible or
even particularly hard. What's nearly impossible is to scale such
initiatives in a meaningful manner (I.e. over 250+ languages).
>> Strainu
>> (
This is not "info wars", this is being useful. And we can't do it
because... well, because we are... obsolete.
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Anders Wennersten <>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2021 6:02 PM
>>> To: <>
>>> Subject: [Wikimedia-l] Re: An Uzbek praktical joke and Wikimedia
>>> We have an army of volunteers to guarantee correctness and that issues
of controversies are dealt with in a way that hopefully all parties can
>>> we have no cookies or technical things that make us follow up on our
editors, truly believing in the full integrity of our users
>>> our financial and governing set up is fully independent of an third
>>> Our reading interface works well for our users and on most platforms
(which is made easier with no technical smarties)
>>> Our interface can be made better for editors, but this does not make it
as a phenomenon obsolete
>>> In the info war we are in, it is beer to be on the "boring" side with
few or none smart gadgets then being too smart and open for foul play by
parties that want to undermine our system by clever hackers
>>> Anders
>>> Den 2021-10-26 kl. 17:37, skrev Galder Gonzalez Larrañaga:
>>> Thanks Anders,
>>> "We are the opposite to obsolete" is a good sentence, because this
would imply that our platform is the bow of an icebreaker. But we still, in
2021, can't do this things (you can help by expanding this list):
>>> Simultaneous edition
>>> Auto-save in sandbox
>>> Publishing from sandbox
>>> Upload MP4 files
>>> Render correctly vectorial files
>>> Embed our own Wikidata query results in our own projects
>>> Have a modern look
>>> Have cross-project templates and modules
>>> Visual edit from mobile
>>> Create visually interesting cartography
>>> Hear the articles
>>> Export multiple articles as a pdf/doc (whatever)
>>> ...
>>> ........
>>> Someone will answer to this message talking about the "Wishlist survey"
every year we have. This scarcity generating system also gives funny
outcomes. Let's take the 2019 survey. 10 projects were voted. Only 4 done: Or
the 2017 one:
Some projects where done, some not and there are some that are external
tools that you have to use as a gadget.
>>> Students are relying on YouTube to learn things. We are obsolete. Very
>>> Galder
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Anders Wennersten <>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2021 5:23 PM
>>> To: <>
>>> Subject: [Wikimedia-l] Re: An Uzbek praktical joke and Wikimedia
>>> "We will have more and more and more millions, but we will still...
>>> yes... obsolete." Galder
>>> What phenomenon do you see challenge Wikipedias role as a source for
>>> common knowledge, an encyklopedia for everyone?
>>> I see that for the last 20 years no successful commercial encyclopedia
>>> has been launched.
>>> I see how the social media have a hard time to be a platform for common
>>> knowledge and hard pressed to employ armies of moderators. And Google
>>> very happy to lean and steal from Wikipedia rather the do something
>>> similar themself (which would go down badly in the public)
>>> But the war of information is a reality and heating up. We can be very
>>> glad that so far we have not been a target of all angriness of what is
>>> to be seen as the "correct" information. But that could change, what if
>>> a new administration in US want to control what is written in Wikipedia.
>>> Or China want to set up a parallel in English as the have now in
>>> Chinese. If these thing happen we need to have resources to fight off
>>> these type a of challenges, not only for our own sake but for he people
>>> in the world who is used to turn to Wikipedia for basic facts.
>>> We are the opposite to obsolete, we are in the front seat and driving
>>> for correct facts in the emerging information war we now see
>>> Anders
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