Hello everyone!

The Wikimedia Foundation Community Events Team
<https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_Events_team> will
begin holding monthly office hours for any community members who are
interested. To start, this will be a place where people can come ask us
questions, get to know us, and have discussions. If only a handful of
people show up it will be completely informal but if a larger number of
people show up we will add a little bit of structure.

The first office hours will take place this Thursday, December 10 starting
at 15:00 UTC <https://zonestamp.toolforge.org/1607612429> and lasting for
an hour. Find the link to join on meta

Our Team Members who will be attending and general topics which we will
each be able to speak to:


   Rachel Farrand, Senior Program Officer: Conference grants (thematic and
   growth events), accessibility, remote events in the Wikimedia context,
   planning for future office hours

   Chen Almog, Senior Program Officer: conference grants (regional events),
   risk assessment, capacity building, the new Events portal

   Joël Letang, Senior Events Strategist: event strategy, Wikimania,

We will move the time of the meeting around month-to-month in order to be
inclusive of more timezones. We will also be adjusting these office hours
as we go based on community feedback and are very open to changing the
scope of these office hours over time or incorporating community theme
requests, presentation requests or requests for outside speakers. In some
cases we will be using these office hours to test out different options for
remote conference software.

You can find more information about upcoming officer hours and add your
comments and questions here and on the talk page:

We hope to see you there!

Rachel Farrand
Senior Program Officer
Community Events Team
Wikimedia Foundation
Wikimedia-l mailing list, guidelines at: 
https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and 
New messages to: Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org
Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l, 

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