Re: [Wikimediaau-l] Apparently corrupt administration of this list

2014-03-16 Thread Chris Watkins
 4(5) and
 4(6).) If not, I believe that neither his membership nor his position on
 the committee is legal.


 - Original Message -
 Wikimedia Australia Chapter

 Wikimedia Australia Chapter

 Sun, 16 Mar 2014 17:23:18 +0800
 Re: [Wikimediaau-l] Apparently corrupt administration of this list

 Please respect 
 Wikiquette avoid
 attacks the 
 mailing lists, especially in the subject header as this is likely to
 be repeated by those replying.

 It's in black and white.

 kindest regards

 On 16 March 2014 17:18, K. Peachey wrote:

  On 16 March 2014 17:50, Steven Zhang

  2. ... but actively disrupting the list is against both the rules and
 spirit of the list, and always has been. ...

 [Citation Needed], I see no rules or

 And what and which foundation staff members where involved in this?

 Wikimediaau-l mailing list

 Wikimediaau-l mailing list

 Wikimediaau-l mailing list

Chris Watkins - Sharing knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives.
Wikimediaau-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediaau-l] Fwd: Contracting: procurement subcommittee

2013-06-23 Thread Chris Watkins
Thanks John,

On 23/06/2013 4:54 PM, John Vandenberg wrote:


 The following email has been sent through to the members mailing list.
  If you have the desired experience, we need you! ;-)

 Please join our public meeting next Sunday to help us establish the
 contracting model.

Looking at I see an IRC meeting on 7 July - is that
the one you mean?

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: John Vandenberg
 Date: Sun, Jun 23, 2013 at 4:51 PM
 Subject: Contracting: procurement subcommittee
 To: WMAu members

 Hi members,

 Wikimedia Australia has adopted a contracting model for resourcing our

 The first step down this path is setting up a 'procurement
 subcommittee', which will be a group of volunteers who review and
 approve packages of work that are to be given to contractors.  The
 committee is seeking members of the organisation who have an interest
 in being part of this procurement subcommittee.  If you have
 financial, HR, or project management experience, you'd be ideal.  If
 you have some other experience that might be relevant, you're ideal

 However members of the procurement subcommittee can't be a contractor.
 You can be part of this procurement subcommittee for a limited time
 if, say, you'd like to help set it up but can't make a long-term
 commitment to the role.

 If you're interested, please send an email with your relevant
 experience to the committee (

 We'll be discussing this at the next public meeting, which is next Sunday.

 If you are interested in working for Wikimedia Australia as a
 contractor, or know someone who is, we'll be calling for contractors
 soon after the procurement subcommittee is established.

 If you have a wiki project that could benefit from some paid
 personnel, please send your ideas to the members mailing list
 ( for discussion, and please come to the
 public meeting next week.

 For more details, see the approved proposal page.

 John Vandenberg

 Wikimediaau-l mailing list
Wikimediaau-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediaau-l] Fwd: [---] Australian Census Data Released Under CC License, But Official Site Tries To Make It Hard To Download

2013-04-29 Thread Chris Watkins
On 26/04/2013 1:28 PM, Nick Dowling wrote:

 It would be worth considering whether the ABS is actually funded to
provide the IT infrastructure and staff time needed to set up and maintain
arrangements to allow people to download the entire Census dataset (which I
suspect would be a fairly unusual requirement). In my experience ABS staff
are pretty keen to have people use their data -

An anecdote: At a BarCampCanberra a few years ago (2010?) there was a
session on open data and Gov 2.0. Someone from the ABS (not a spokesperson)
was in the session and said that the ABS wanted to make data available, but
in sets to be used for particular purposes - they didn't want purple to
have access to the whole thing lest the data be misused. Steve Collins
(a.k.a. @trib) and others made it clear that they disagreed, and why.

That said, things may have changed in ABS, and I don't know how
representative those views were in the first place. But it's a safe bet
that ABS has some people pushing for wide open access and others trying to
restrict access, to some degree.


 the problem is that they're permanently short of money for non-essential
tasks and need to cover at least some of their costs for non-core business
as they're not funded for it.


  Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2013 20:34:17 +1000
  Subject: [Wikimediaau-l] Fwd: [---] Australian Census Data Released
Under CC License, But Official Site Tries To Make It Hard To Download

  From a private list I'm on, Thought some of you guys may be interested
  -- Forwarded message --
  From: MW
  Date: Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 8:05 PM
  Subject: [---] Australian Census Data Released Under CC License, But
  Official Site Tries To Make It Hard To Download
  To: --- ---
   by Glyn Moody
   Mon, Apr 22nd 2013 8:09pm
   The whole point about adopting Creative Commons licenses is to make
it easier for people to share and use works released under them. Sometimes,
though, you get the impression that certain organizations adopting these
licenses would rather that didn't happen, as in the following case from
Australia, reported by IT News:
   The Australian Bureau of Statistics has released the latest census
data for free under a Creative Commons license but appears to be steering
people towards a $250 mailed out DVD rather than making it easy to download
the information directly over the internet.
   Programmer and freelance journalist Grahame Bowland who first noticed
it, said the government agency is going to great lengths to discourage
people from downloading the files directly by dint of a convoluted site
layout and Javascript functions that obfuscate file paths.
   The post then goes on to describe in detail some of the attempts to
make it difficult to download all of the census data, including a
hard-to-find registration page, a complex matrix of download options, and
Javascript code that does stuff like this:
   // Function: guidGenerator
   // Description:returns a pseudo-random GUID
   //This is appended to a url for 2 reasons
   //1. to make the URL unique, so that the browser always gets it and
doesn't use a cached version
   //2. to make a URL look like its got a unique key, in a naive attempt
to fool a not-so-wily hacker
   //into thinking they can't download a datapack directly if they know
the URL pattern, because they
   //need a unique key.
   Notice how anyone who might want to download datapacks directly is
branded a hacker. That's a worrying attitude, since it seems to equate
people who want to take advantage of the CC license to explore the census
without jumping through the site's hoops as shady subversives (I doubt the
comment used the term hacker in its more positive sense).
   As the IT News story suggests, the motivation for this obfuscation
seems to be to encourage people to pay AU $250 (about US $257) for the DVD
version instead. To save others from having to deal with the unhelpful Web
site, Bowland generously stumped up the $250 himself, and made the full
census database freely available as a torrent, as is perfectly legal under
the CC-BY license. This shows perfectly why it is pointless trying to make
it hard for people to download content that is CC licensed: once anyone has
obtained a copy, they can then make it available in a more convenient form,
neatly by-passing forlorn attempts to control something that has been set
free forever.
  Wikimediaau-l mailing list

 Wikimediaau-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediaau-l] GovHack

2013-04-22 Thread Chris Watkins
Thanks. I can't make the first day, but 'll be in Sydney on the 2nd - in
case anyone forms a team and wants to invite me :-).

On 18 April 2013 11:07, Gnangarra wrote:

 Might be an opportunity for some people to make new contacts, get involve
 increase free content access

 Photo Gallery:
 Gn. Blogg:
 Wikimediaau-l mailing list

Chris Watkins - Sharing knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives.
Wikimediaau-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediaau-l] Wikimedia Australia's FDC application

2013-03-06 Thread Chris Watkins
Thanks Craig,

Your efforts and the efforts of others in moving this forward are much
appreciated. What can we, members and supporters, do to help?

I don't want to make big promises (what with the cooking and the kids...
metaphorically speaking) but is it possible to chunk down the key parts of
the key projects and see where people are inspired to contribute?
On 06/03/2013 10:25 PM, Craig Franklin wrote:

 Dear All,

 As you may be aware, Wikimedia Australia has withdrawn its application
 for funding from round two of the Funds Dissemination Committee’s
 (FDC) application process.  John Vandenberg and Steve Zhang spoke
 about this at length during our public meeting last weekend, and I
 encourage you to read the transcript of the meeting below for their
 thoughts on the matter:

 This email is a summary of some of my thoughts on why we did this, and
 what direction the organisation should take from here.  These are my
 thoughts only and not the official position of the chapter.

 The nature of the FDC’s application process is that they have two
 major grantmaking rounds every year, with the most recent round
 closing on March 1.  It had been the intention of the management
 committee to apply for annual funding for the 2013 calendar year
 through this process.  As March 1 came closer, it became apparent to
 me and the rest of the committee that we simply weren’t going to be
 ready for this date.  The reasons for this were:

 * We were still in the early stages of planning the World War One WiR
 programme, a major initiative of the chapter that is tentatively
 budgeted at over $150,000.  However, we felt that it was unlikely we
 would be successful in getting funding for this initiative until we
 had a more concrete idea of which institutions would be participating,
 how many Wikimedians in Residence we could realistically support, and
 what the overhead costs of running the program would be.

 * Other programmes that the chapter has on the table need further
 detail and costing to be performed before they’re ready to go. The
 outcomes of these programmes are positive, and they align with the
 strategic plans of both the chapter and the Wikimedia Foundation, but
 we need to get better at articulating how we’ll get from vision to
 implementation, and how much money we’ll spend, and what we’ll spend
 it on.

 * The FDC in the last round recommended that we establish a more
 consistent record of programme success, and while we have had
 successful programmes in that time (our presence at the New
 Librarian’s Symposium and ALIA Information On Line events, workshops
 in Toowoomba and Bendigo, and the beginning of a relationship with the
 State Library of New South Wales), another six months of solid
 achievement will give us a better foundation upon which to ask for
 further funding.

 The other major factor in making this decision is the significant
 amount of administrative overhead that is involved in preparing and
 submitting an application to the FDC.  As you are probably aware,
 Wikimedia Australia has no paid staff, and the bulk of the work is
 done by members of the management committee, whose time is taken up
 with their own jobs, families, and other commitments.  Our limited and
 precious Wikimedia time is usually best served advancing the interests
 of the community and the movement by doing the things that we are good
 at – running workshops, talking to GLAMs, and bringing the community
 together, rather than filling out paperwork for the Foundation.  I
 have observed that most if not all of the entities who have thus far
 been successful in obtaining funds from the FDC have been those
 entities who already have paid staff and other resources who can write
 a quality application without having to worry about looking after the
 kids and cooking dinner at the same time.

 My other observation would be that lodging an FDC application
 effectively bars an organisation from requesting funding from the
 Wikimedia Foundation through their other funding processes.  I do not
 see any logical reason for this; surely a request for funding ought to
 be judged on its merits and positive impact on the movement, rather
 than on decisions made in a separate programme by a separate body.  If
 we applied to the FDC and got another disappointing offer, it would
 more or less preclude the chapter from being able to take advantage of
 any other opportunities that presented themselves for a whole year.
 Having been on the committee of management for over two years now, it
 has been my experience that such opportunities often present
 themselves at very short notice, and tying ourselves to an annual
 funding model with no opportunity to make supplementary applications
 would not be in the best interests of the movement.

 So, where to from here?  At the moment, the plan is to apply for
 funding on a per-project basis from 

Re: [Wikimediaau-l] [wmau:members] Re: Wikimedia Australia public meeting

2013-03-03 Thread Chris Watkins
On 3 March 2013 14:46, Tony Souter wrote:

 Could there be more notice? And an agenda topic or two might attract more
 members into participating. Items don't have to be billed as occupying the
 meeting exclusively.

Agreed - I appreciate the work done by the organizers, but I reckon more
notice and topics would get more of us to join in.

I have the meetings as a recurring event in my calendar, but something
always distracts me... if I knew what was going to be discussed, I'm sure
I'd be more likely to remember to actually log on.

Chris Watkins - Sharing knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives.
Wikimediaau-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediaau-l] Wikimedia in Higher Education symposium at The University of Sydney on Friday 5 April 2013

2013-02-27 Thread Chris Watkins
It's probably worth contacting them - if submissions have fallen short of
expectations, they'll probably be very happy to have a submission by
Monday, say.
On 28/02/2013 6:17 PM, Leigh Blackall wrote:

 last night! Jesus. I would have, but not last night, not tonight even. I
 must have missed the news confirming this symposium.
 On Feb 27, 2013 2:10 PM, Toby Hudson wrote:

 In case anyone is not yet aware, there is going to be a Wikimedia in
 Higher Education symposium at The University of Sydney on Friday 5 April
 2013.  Both Wikimedians and Educators are welcome.  If you are interested
 in presenting a paper, the call for papers closes tonight, so please be
 quick to at least indicate that you're interested.

 Wikimediaau-l mailing list

 Wikimediaau-l mailing list

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[Wikimediaau-l] Dreamhost customers - Dreamhost will double your donation to WMF

2013-01-20 Thread Chris Watkins
Donate via the DreamHost panel.

It's normally for a three month period, and it should finish at the end of
Feb, I think (replaced by new charities)... but they're being quiet about
it so I can't confirm the date. I only found out by looking in the panel.

Chris Watkins - Sharing knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives.
Wikimediaau-l mailing list

[Wikimediaau-l] Two Kay Nesbits, not on en

2012-11-14 Thread Chris Watkins
Not meaning to make a fuss - I just thought this was odd enough for
comment, and Laura will probably be interested:

The Australian badminton player Kay Nesbit is on de: - but there's no article on en for

Translated by Google:

Mary Kay Nesbit (* around 1945, Kay married Terry) is an Australian badminton


Kay Nesbit won from 1964 to 1968 five times in a row at the Australian
Championships in women's singles. Further, she won four titles in
doubles, another
two in mixed doubles. For Australia, it started in 1963, 1965 and 1969 at
the Whyte Trophy and 1966 and 1970 at the British Commonwealth Games.

 Annual Handbook of the International Badminton Federation, London, 28
Edition, 1970, pp. 110-112

I actually found it by looking for the other Kay Nesbit, the Australian
woman who survived a shotgun attack in 1985. Also not on en, so I made a
userspace draft: Kay

Chris Watkins - Sharing knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives.
Wikimediaau-l mailing list

[Wikimediaau-l] Looking for a Semantic MediaWiki developer

2012-10-27 Thread Chris Watkins
I wonder if anyone could recommend a developer to do some work for, upgrading our MediaWiki and cleaning up our server, and
doing some work with our Semantic MediaWiki... we're looking for reliable
and tidy work rather than super-flash snazzy coding.

It's a paid gig - but we're a small non-profit foundation, so it will be a
small job (possibly with more work in future).

Location is not important, of course, but if they happened to be in either
Melbourne or Northern California, all the better.

Feel free to pass this on. Anyone who's interested can contact me - send a
CV if you have one, or a bit about your MediaWiki experience.

Chris Watkins - Sharing knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives.
Wikimediaau-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediaau-l] Looking for a Semantic MediaWiki developer

2012-10-27 Thread Chris Watkins
Sorry for going off-topic - should have checked first.

On 28 October 2012 12:27, John Vandenberg wrote:

 Is there a place on to place this sort of thing?

Can't find one, but this looks useful: - and I'll hang out
on IRC a bit.


 John Vandenberg.
 sent from Galaxy Note
 On Oct 27, 2012 9:48 PM, Chris Watkins

 I wonder if anyone could recommend a developer to do some work for, upgrading our MediaWiki and cleaning up our server, and
 doing some work with our Semantic MediaWiki... we're looking for reliable
 and tidy work rather than super-flash snazzy coding.

 It's a paid gig - but we're a small non-profit foundation, so it will be
 a small job (possibly with more work in future).

 Location is not important, of course, but if they happened to be in
 either Melbourne or Northern California, all the better.

 Feel free to pass this on. Anyone who's interested can contact me - send
 a CV if you have one, or a bit about your MediaWiki experience.

 Chris Watkins - Sharing knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives.

 Wikimediaau-l mailing list

 Wikimediaau-l mailing list

Chris Watkins - Sharing knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives.
Wikimediaau-l mailing list

[Wikimediaau-l] Is there a Wikimedia Melbourne Meetup this Sunday 21 July?

2012-07-16 Thread Chris Watkins
From past announcements it seems that there's a Wikimedia meetup at 11am on
the fourth Sunday of each month - which would mean this coming Sunday. Is
that right?

I'm staying in the boondocks (Seaford - lovely but a bit far from
interesting stuff) and I'd like to plan ahead. Thanks!

Chris Watkins - Sharing knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives.
Wikimediaau-l mailing list

[Wikimediaau-l] WikiAcademy Ingham starting today.

2012-04-18 Thread Chris Watkins
WikiAcademy Ingham is happening now - participants are about to start their
pages, and these will be added here (probably before lunch):

Wikipedia:GLAM/SLQ/19 April

Thanks for supporting these new Wikipedians!

Chris Watkins - Sharing knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives.
Wikimediaau-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediaau-l] WikiAcademy Ingham starting today.

2012-04-18 Thread Chris Watkins
There are a few pages to check now. Thanks to those who have been helping.

On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 10:56, Chris Watkins

 WikiAcademy Ingham is happening now - participants are about to start
 their pages, and these will be added here (probably before lunch):

 Wikipedia:GLAM/SLQ/19 April 

 Thanks for supporting these new Wikipedians!

 Chris Watkins - Sharing knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives.

Chris Watkins - Sharing knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives.
Wikimediaau-l mailing list

[Wikimediaau-l] WikiAcademy is go. New pages will appear here...

2012-04-16 Thread Chris Watkins
WikiAcademy in Townsville will be starting soon - new draft pages created
by participants will be listed at the following link. Expect to see some
action in a bit over an hour (after 11 AEST):

*Wikipedia:GLAM/SLQ/17 April

Your help in improving the pages will be welcome. You might like to monitor

Thank you!
Chris Watkins - Sharing knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives.
Wikimediaau-l mailing list