2014-11-06 22:10 GMT+01:00 Liam Wyatt <liamwy...@gmail.com>:
> You'll not be surprised to hear that the idea of a single national license
> has been proposed before (and especially supported by the smaller /
> non-metropolitan universities. And you'll be equally unsurprised to hear
> that the database companies don't like the idea.
> This is why the fact that you can get off-site access to a LOT of academic
> database for free via the national library is an open-secret... The national
> library is proud of the service but if university libraries stop subscribing
> and instead tell their students to go via the NLA, then the database
> companies might start disallowing offsite access in the future.

I'd just like to point out that we have a similar scheme in Germany
which is widely used and which is not dealt with  as an open secret,
but officially. The scientific libraries at Munich, Göttingen, Berlin,
and Frankfurt have taken over the technical and the administrative
side, while the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft provided the money.
Everyone living in Germany may apply for access to the databases

List of databases: http://www.nationallizenzen.de/angebote


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