Re: [Wikimediauk-l] Making Wikipedia loves monuments work in the UK.

2012-01-18 Thread Charles Matthews
On 18 January 2012 23:36, Roger Bamkin  wrote:

> Just picking up on a point that Charles made earlier about whether the
> board wants to solve all the issue and then find someone to do it   or
> get someone to run it and decide the rules
> I would be very surprised if the board wanted to sort everything out and
> then delegate it. IMO we are not very good at that. We have had some
> success with choosing the right person and telling them to do it and tell
> us what they've decided ...
> I think you need to decide the objective. 

Indeed, and switching to more opinionated mode, I think (firstly) that the
Board here should only be setting the broad strategy, and (secondly) that
there is more to say on those aims.

It appears to me, in the context that the future of WMUK's fundraising
agreement with the WMF is uncertain, that there is a need of a "Plan B".
And there is, independently of that consideration, a good case that WMUK
should be plugging into the very widespread support in this country for

In other words what Roger says makes sense to me: details of WLM-UK should
be subject to management decisions that don't have to go back to the Board.
But on the other hand the strategic aim should be linked, not just to
participation to promote grassroots activity in the form of people going
out of their front doors with a camera to help Wikimedia, and not just to
producing a *welcome* addition of a stack of images to Commons, but also to
positioning WMUK as a force in its own right in documenting UK heritage on
the ground. "Part of the work we do is to mobilise volunteers to create
content that makes this country's heritage more accessible and easier to
find online" sounds just fine to me.

In what is a crowded and complicated field of UK institutions and charities
and websites that already work on "heritage", such positioning does require
an assertion of distinctiveness. And this goes back to Geni's initial
point. So this is the area where I think the Board ought to be looking
carefully right now.

Geni and Johnbod and I were in the National Gallery hashing some of this
over on Tuesday, and this was earlier than the conversation to which WSQ
alluded, which was in The Euston Flyer, over the road from the British
Library. We each argued our own corner. I had some comments about "lists",
to the effect that examples come by me often enough that seem relevant
here. One that I brought up: in the Whitechapel Gallery not long ago there
was a display about murals in London: the non-posh "paint it on the side of
a house" type. It said that there were 86 (maybe) known examples, there was
no protection and they disappeared over time, and there was no one whose
job it was to photograph them and keep a record. So this rang bells with
me, especially as there was an opinion piece not long ago in the Signpost
about just such ephemeral things, and the required sense of urgency to
preserve them."If not us, who?"

So I'd be very happy to see a third "aim" laid down by the Board, not
prescriptive, but getting closer to a mission statement: to the effect that
WLM as run and developed should be seen as part of a distinctive and
"reaches the parts that others don't" approach to a UK heritage strategy.
What Geni has said in my hearing about (for example) concrete pillboxes is
compatible with that approach; taking "monument" in a too restricted and
unambitious sense is not. Bearing in mind also that a first year of running
a competition need not be the last word on what happens in another year,

Wikimedia UK mailing list

Re: [Wikimediauk-l] Making Wikipedia loves monuments work in the UK.

2012-01-18 Thread André Costa
A comment based on my experiences with the Swedish WLM last year.

Since the majority of our "monuments" had coordinates attached to them we
could easily display their locations on a map. We then made a visual
distinction between which monuments already had illustrations and which
were missing. A common reaction when people opened the map page was that
they spotted the monuments missing images and, since the map automatically
focuses on your local area, often knew which buildings they were. Thus
fuelled by a combination of local pride and a feeling that here was a way
of making an actual contribution they decided to participate.

As a result you automatically get more attention to the monuments needing
illustrations and less to the ones already being illustrated. Of course
you'll still get pictures of the more famous places where we already have
plenty of illustrations already but that's not always a bad thing.

On a cautionary note though, identifying which monuments already have
illustrations can be a pretty arduous task which isn't necessarily easily

Andre / Lokal_Profil

On 18 January 2012 23:36, Roger Bamkin  wrote:

> Just picking up on a point that Charles made earlier about whether the
> board wants to solve all the issue and then find someone to do it   or
> get someone to run it and decide the rules
> I would be very surprised if the board wanted to sort everything out and
> then delegate it. IMO we are not very good at that. We have had some
> success with choosing the right person and telling them to do it and tell
> us what they've decided ...
> I think you need to decide the objective. Some bad objectives are - create
> more geograph style pictures (which are actually quite good and quite well
> categorised considering they were not intended forus to use per se).
> Another bad one is to run because everyone else it - although I can see the
> appeal of this one.
> My experience so far in Monmouth where we are trying to write something on
> everything of notability is that we have enough pictures if we put some
> appeals on Flickr. What we are lacking is historic pictures - but here
> negotiation has just got us 10,000 pictures. Do we want some incredible
> quality pictures (which WLM will deliver)? Do you want other types of media
> files? A 3 second movie clip that we could use to show what Trafagar Square
> looks like with moving pigeons and cars? ... we have lots of articles that
> lack a geo-tagged video.
> Roger
> On 18 January 2012 22:46, Lodewijk  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> it is good to see that between all the SOPA noise, there is some Wiki
>> Loves Monuments discussion ongoing! I want to use this opportunity to once
>> again point to the brainstorm meeting in London next month (details on the
>> wikimedia UK wiki), where we can probably tackle these and other issues
>> much more effectively.
>> TL;DR version: don't worry, problems can be solved, solutions are plenty.
>> Let's discuss it at the London brainstorm on 18 Feb.
>> I don't want to go into detail here on every single issue, and I don't
>> have all the answers immediately either. However, I would like to make a
>> few general points which might help in finding solutions.
>> 1) Wiki Loves Monuments is indeed an international contest, however it is
>> organized very much in a federative way. Our general credo is always that
>> you should "do whatever works best in your country" within a few main
>> restrictions of course. And these restrictions are not even thát tight - if
>> you have very good reasons to deviate that is up for discussion (at the
>> international WLM mailing list of course, which everyone is welcome to
>> join). This means for example that it is common to hold the contest in
>> September, and it is common that it is called 'Wiki Loves Monuments' (or a
>> translation), it is common that we offer a high number of objects
>> ('monuments' in the broadest sense of the word) so that there is sufficient
>> coverage throughout the country, and that each object is identified with an
>> identifier. However, you can create special categories, choose to have a
>> jury or a public vote, you can organize local events or not, you can even
>> create a prize for categorizing existing photos. Do whatever works best in
>> the UK.
>> 2) I hear many worries about categorization - this is something we have
>> tried to tackle in previous years already. You may have noticed that I
>> mentioned times that objects have an identifier. The idea is that a
>> submission to the contest is only valid if the uploader identifies the
>> object on the photo with that identifier. Because this identifier is linked
>> to a database, it would then be pretty easy to categorize the images once
>> you know what the object is - you can even immediately geo-locate them
>> (exceptions probably present). Surely there is community work involved

Re: [Wikimediauk-l] SOPA/PROTECT Blackout

2012-01-18 Thread Harry Burt
Or numerous other methods to avoid the blackout.

I believe the same FA is going to run for 48 hours.

Harry (User:Jarry1250)

On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 7:25 PM, Alison M. Wheeler <> wrote:

> > From: "Gordon Joly" 
> > I am told that if you disable JavaScript you can see the light.
> Indeed.
> And what is more, the main page doesn't lead with the SOPA news (but does
> include a featured article, which I feel quite sad for as few will see it),
> likewise the [[Portal:Current events]] completely omits the days big event.
> Given that mobile users, non-scripting browsers, etc. can see these pages
> it seems somehow wrong that there is nothing on them.
> AlisonW
> ___
> Wikimedia UK mailing list
Wikimedia UK mailing list

Re: [Wikimediauk-l] Making Wikipedia loves monuments work in the UK.

2012-01-18 Thread Roger Bamkin
Just picking up on a point that Charles made earlier about whether the
board wants to solve all the issue and then find someone to do it   or
get someone to run it and decide the rules

I would be very surprised if the board wanted to sort everything out and
then delegate it. IMO we are not very good at that. We have had some
success with choosing the right person and telling them to do it and tell
us what they've decided ...

I think you need to decide the objective. Some bad objectives are - create
more geograph style pictures (which are actually quite good and quite well
categorised considering they were not intended forus to use per se).
Another bad one is to run because everyone else it - although I can see the
appeal of this one.

My experience so far in Monmouth where we are trying to write something on
everything of notability is that we have enough pictures if we put some
appeals on Flickr. What we are lacking is historic pictures - but here
negotiation has just got us 10,000 pictures. Do we want some incredible
quality pictures (which WLM will deliver)? Do you want other types of media
files? A 3 second movie clip that we could use to show what Trafagar Square
looks like with moving pigeons and cars? ... we have lots of articles that
lack a geo-tagged video.


On 18 January 2012 22:46, Lodewijk  wrote:

> Hi all,
> it is good to see that between all the SOPA noise, there is some Wiki
> Loves Monuments discussion ongoing! I want to use this opportunity to once
> again point to the brainstorm meeting in London next month (details on the
> wikimedia UK wiki), where we can probably tackle these and other issues
> much more effectively.
> TL;DR version: don't worry, problems can be solved, solutions are plenty.
> Let's discuss it at the London brainstorm on 18 Feb.
> I don't want to go into detail here on every single issue, and I don't
> have all the answers immediately either. However, I would like to make a
> few general points which might help in finding solutions.
> 1) Wiki Loves Monuments is indeed an international contest, however it is
> organized very much in a federative way. Our general credo is always that
> you should "do whatever works best in your country" within a few main
> restrictions of course. And these restrictions are not even thát tight - if
> you have very good reasons to deviate that is up for discussion (at the
> international WLM mailing list of course, which everyone is welcome to
> join). This means for example that it is common to hold the contest in
> September, and it is common that it is called 'Wiki Loves Monuments' (or a
> translation), it is common that we offer a high number of objects
> ('monuments' in the broadest sense of the word) so that there is sufficient
> coverage throughout the country, and that each object is identified with an
> identifier. However, you can create special categories, choose to have a
> jury or a public vote, you can organize local events or not, you can even
> create a prize for categorizing existing photos. Do whatever works best in
> the UK.
> 2) I hear many worries about categorization - this is something we have
> tried to tackle in previous years already. You may have noticed that I
> mentioned times that objects have an identifier. The idea is that a
> submission to the contest is only valid if the uploader identifies the
> object on the photo with that identifier. Because this identifier is linked
> to a database, it would then be pretty easy to categorize the images once
> you know what the object is - you can even immediately geo-locate them
> (exceptions probably present). Surely there is community work involved
> still in fixing up stuff, broken templates and whatever else, but
> categorization would be one of the last tasks I'd expect - that can be done
> with a bot.
> 3) You could definitely choose a theme to give extra attention - such as
> war memorials. Personally I would advise not to limit yourselves to that,
> and allow all historic sites you can get a list for. However, that would be
> your call as organizers of the national contest of course.
> 4) The definition of 'monument' worries some people. I would like to make
> a note that this definition simply differs from country to country. It is
> probably clear that we mean all kind of buildings that deserve preservation
> - however thanks to our NPOV principles, we tend to choose an external
> definition for what buildings fall inside that category. In the Netherlands
> we use the definition that it has to be a national monument
> ('rijksmonument'), and this year we may expand that definition with
> municipal monuments and provincial monuments. In the UK you would have to
> choose a definition which suits your needs best. Some good criteria would
> be imho: a) get the list (will possibly require negotiation with the
> government agencies/agency responsible), b) coverage through

Re: [Wikimediauk-l] Making Wikipedia loves monuments work in the UK.

2012-01-18 Thread Lodewijk
Hi all,

it is good to see that between all the SOPA noise, there is some Wiki Loves
Monuments discussion ongoing! I want to use this opportunity to once again
point to the brainstorm meeting in London next month (details on the
wikimedia UK wiki), where we can probably tackle these and other issues
much more effectively.

TL;DR version: don't worry, problems can be solved, solutions are plenty.
Let's discuss it at the London brainstorm on 18 Feb.

I don't want to go into detail here on every single issue, and I don't have
all the answers immediately either. However, I would like to make a few
general points which might help in finding solutions.

1) Wiki Loves Monuments is indeed an international contest, however it is
organized very much in a federative way. Our general credo is always that
you should "do whatever works best in your country" within a few main
restrictions of course. And these restrictions are not even thát tight - if
you have very good reasons to deviate that is up for discussion (at the
international WLM mailing list of course, which everyone is welcome to
join). This means for example that it is common to hold the contest in
September, and it is common that it is called 'Wiki Loves Monuments' (or a
translation), it is common that we offer a high number of objects
('monuments' in the broadest sense of the word) so that there is sufficient
coverage throughout the country, and that each object is identified with an
identifier. However, you can create special categories, choose to have a
jury or a public vote, you can organize local events or not, you can even
create a prize for categorizing existing photos. Do whatever works best in
the UK.

2) I hear many worries about categorization - this is something we have
tried to tackle in previous years already. You may have noticed that I
mentioned times that objects have an identifier. The idea is that a
submission to the contest is only valid if the uploader identifies the
object on the photo with that identifier. Because this identifier is linked
to a database, it would then be pretty easy to categorize the images once
you know what the object is - you can even immediately geo-locate them
(exceptions probably present). Surely there is community work involved
still in fixing up stuff, broken templates and whatever else, but
categorization would be one of the last tasks I'd expect - that can be done
with a bot.

3) You could definitely choose a theme to give extra attention - such as
war memorials. Personally I would advise not to limit yourselves to that,
and allow all historic sites you can get a list for. However, that would be
your call as organizers of the national contest of course.

4) The definition of 'monument' worries some people. I would like to make a
note that this definition simply differs from country to country. It is
probably clear that we mean all kind of buildings that deserve preservation
- however thanks to our NPOV principles, we tend to choose an external
definition for what buildings fall inside that category. In the Netherlands
we use the definition that it has to be a national monument
('rijksmonument'), and this year we may expand that definition with
municipal monuments and provincial monuments. In the UK you would have to
choose a definition which suits your needs best. Some good criteria would
be imho: a) get the list (will possibly require negotiation with the
government agencies/agency responsible), b) coverage throughout the country
(everybody should be able to get to a monument easily, where ever he or she
happens to live), c) usefulness on Wikipedia (if the photos don't end up on
Wikipedia, people are not that interested - so lists of these monuments
would have to be(come) available) and d) diversity and interest (people
need to feel "wow, interesting, I never knew that this cool building was so
nearby"). You can probably find more and even more relevant criteria, but
this as a trigger to think about it.

Keep the thoughts flowing, and hopefully see you in London soon!


No dia 18 de Janeiro de 2012 21:11, WereSpielChequers <> escreveu:

> I was in the same discussion as Charles last night, and I'm one of the
> people who has categorised bits of the Geograph backlog.
> Currently we have 1.7 million images from the Geograph on Commons, roughly
> two thirds of the Geograph has been loaded and that bit constitutes two
> thirds of the Geograph.  The Geograph is a UK and Ireland project, and its
> 2.5 million images are probably rather more images than Commons has from
> the British isles, even including the 1.7 million geograph ones loaded so
> far. The bot lad was stopped due to categorisation problems, much is done
> by geocode and there are anomalies, and not just the predictable ones of
> places on either side of the Solent being categorised to the wrong shore.
> We don't know how big the categorisation

Re: [Wikimediauk-l] BBC Newsnight - Jimmy on right now.

2012-01-18 Thread Gordon Joly

About 36 minutes in


On 17/01/2012 23:18, Michael Peel wrote:

Ah, never mind, they've moved on now. In summary: after an initial gaff at the 
beginning of the show where they talked about Wikileaks rather than Wikimedia, 
it provided somewhat reasonable (but rather short) coverage of this issue - 
mostly due to Jimmy being on the show live by video feed.

(personal viewpoint)

On 17 Jan 2012, at 23:15, Michael Peel wrote:

Watch if you can. :-)


Wikimedia UK mailing list


Gordon Joly
Don't Leave Space To The Professionals!

Wikimedia UK mailing list

Re: [Wikimediauk-l] Making Wikipedia loves monuments work in the UK.

2012-01-18 Thread WereSpielChequers
I was in the same discussion as Charles last night, and I'm one of the
people who has categorised bits of the Geograph backlog.

Currently we have 1.7 million images from the Geograph on Commons, roughly
two thirds of the Geograph has been loaded and that bit constitutes two
thirds of the Geograph.  The Geograph is a UK and Ireland project, and its
2.5 million images are probably rather more images than Commons has from
the British isles, even including the 1.7 million geograph ones loaded so
far. The bot lad was stopped due to categorisation problems, much is done
by geocode and there are anomalies, and not just the predictable ones of
places on either side of the Solent being categorised to the wrong shore.

We don't know how big the categorisation backlog is because Catalot won't
remove the uncategorised Geograph template - though it is possible that we
might get a bot to fix that.

The migration is unlikely to resume en masse, but the licenses are
compatible so we can still suck in the images we want.

I'd suggest that we run a WLM contest asking people to add war memorials
and listed buildings that we don't have images of or views of those images
that we don't already have. Obviously we don't want yet more images of the
Gherkin, Tower Bridge or Buckingham Palace.

But there are circa 30,000 war memorials in the UK and we only have a
minority of them.

As for judging, it is easy to create userboxes for participants to claim,
much more difficult to judge thousands of images and fairly choose a winner.

On the categorisation side I think we could do some outreach work and
recruit people to categorise images of the UK. I'd be up for a training
session if we put an ad in Metr or somesuch inviting people to help.


On 18 January 2012 03:38, geni  wrote:

> I would argue that the UK is a uniquely bad place for wikipedia loves
> monuments. Not only has it already been done directly:
> But geograph has also covered a lot of the ground. Repeatedly.
> So what are the alternatives. If you want to insist on architecture
> then everything listed in the Pevsner Architectural Guides is an
> option. At least the stuff there has a reasonable chance of being
> notable. Alternatively everything listed in the Defence of Britain
> project
> While I think photos of everything there exist they are not all online.
> If people are prepared to move away from monuments options include
> every single species native to the UK and underwater wrecks (which
> have a higher challenge aspect). The species approach has the
> advantage that we could also include videos.
> --
> geni
> ___
> Wikimedia UK mailing list
Wikimedia UK mailing list

Re: [Wikimediauk-l] SOPA/PROTECT Blackout

2012-01-18 Thread Alison M. Wheeler

> From: "Gordon Joly" 
> I am told that if you disable JavaScript you can see the light.


And what is more, the main page doesn't lead with the SOPA news (but does 
include a featured article, which I feel quite sad for as few will see it), 
likewise the [[Portal:Current events]] completely omits the days big event. 
Given that mobile users, non-scripting browsers, etc. can see these pages it 
seems somehow wrong that there is nothing on them.


Wikimedia UK mailing list

Re: [Wikimediauk-l] SOPA/PROTECT Blackout

2012-01-18 Thread Gordon Joly

I am told that if you disable JavaScript you can see the light.

Ah. That's better!



Gordon Joly
Don't Leave Space To The Professionals!

Wikimedia UK mailing list

Re: [Wikimediauk-l] SOPA/PROTECT Blackout

2012-01-18 Thread Charles Matthews
Channel 4 News is running a story 1925 hrs.

Wikimedia UK mailing list

[Wikimediauk-l] Event in Oxford tomorrow: Free Speech Debate

2012-01-18 Thread Martin Poulter
Hi all,
as part of our global education programme, both the Foundation and
Wikimedia UK are working with an Oxford University project that Jimmy
Wales is helping to launch tomorrow. Specifically, they will be
improving articles related to free speech in multiple languages on

-- Forwarded Message --

Free Speech Debate (, a multi-lingual (13
languages!) website for the discussion of free speech in the age of mass
migration and the internet has now launched.

The research project is being run by Timothy Garton Ash, Guardian columnist
and professor of European Studies at Oxford University, with help from a
team of graduate students who are native speakers in all 13 languages.

Draft principles are laid out on the website, together with explanations
and case studies - all for debate. Prominent individuals from a variety of
backgrounds are interviewed and asked to comment through video, audio and
text. The English site is now up and running, with the other language pages
to be rolled out over the coming days. Please register to comment and
receive updates.

Free Speech Debate will be holding its launch event on Thursday 19 January
2012 at 5pm UK time. Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales will be in conversation
with Timothy Garton Ash, with a contribution from Iranian Nobel peace prize
winner Shirin Ebadi. We will be live streaming and live blogging the event
on our website. Wikipedians are warmly invited to join us online for the

You can also follow us on Twitter (@onfreespeech), Sina Weibo
(@言论自由大讨论), LiveJournal (onfreespeech) and Mixi

Dr Martin L Poulter
Board member/ Trustee, Wikimedia UK
Wikipedia contributor

Wikimedia UK mailing list

[Wikimediauk-l] Celebration 2.0 - live coverage for events

2012-01-18 Thread Andy Mabbett
My friend John Popham has a project:

in which he is offering free live audio & video coverage of events. I
can vouch for his expertise and good standing.

I suggest we find a suitable Wikimedia UK event at which we can deploy
this - one with lots of people and activity.

Can anyone suggest something? Perhaps in Monmouth?

Andy Mabbett

Wikimedia UK mailing list

Re: [Wikimediauk-l] SOPA/PROTECT Blackout

2012-01-18 Thread David Gerard
On 18 January 2012 12:20, Harry Burt  wrote:

> Okay, so is now available,
> the product of the earlier conversations on this list and onwiki.
> Thoughts on linking to it in a completely voluntary manner from the blackout
> notice? Time is of the essence, rather.

If it passes Foundation legal muster ... do it.

- d.

Wikimedia UK mailing list

Re: [Wikimediauk-l] SOPA/PROTECT Blackout

2012-01-18 Thread Harry Burt
Okay, so is now available,
the product of the earlier conversations on this list and onwiki.

Thoughts on linking to it in a completely voluntary manner from the
blackout notice? Time is of the essence, rather.


On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 11:40 AM, Gordon Joly  wrote:

> On 17/01/2012 22:58, Alison M. Wheeler wrote:
> > - Original Message -
> >> From: "Gordon Joly"
> >> So who owns the Internet? Who has ultimate authority over DNS?
> > A very good question indeed ;-P
> >
> > And the answer, of course, is it depends on who you are talking to. Even
> though it shouldn't. And the people in one country disagree with the rest
> of the world.
> >
> > AlisonW
> Alison,
> It was two questions!
> :-)
> Gordo
> --
> Gordon Joly
> Don't Leave Space To The Professionals!
> ___
> Wikimedia UK mailing list
Wikimedia UK mailing list

Re: [Wikimediauk-l] SOPA/PROTECT Blackout

2012-01-18 Thread Gordon Joly
On 17/01/2012 22:58, Alison M. Wheeler wrote:
> - Original Message -
>> From: "Gordon Joly"
>> So who owns the Internet? Who has ultimate authority over DNS?
> A very good question indeed ;-P
> And the answer, of course, is it depends on who you are talking to. Even 
> though it shouldn't. And the people in one country disagree with the rest of 
> the world.
> AlisonW


It was two questions!




Gordon Joly
Don't Leave Space To The Professionals!

Wikimedia UK mailing list

Re: [Wikimediauk-l] [Mediawiki-api] Editing en.wp via API to be disabled on 18 January

2012-01-18 Thread Gordon Joly
On 18/01/2012 05:40, Sumana Harihareswara wrote:
> On 01/16/2012 05:20 PM, Sumana Harihareswara wrote:
>> Editing pages on English Wikipedia via the web service API will be
>> disabled for 24 hours beginning at 05:00 UTC on Wednesday, January 18,
>> as part of the anti-SOPA/PIPA blackout.
> The blackout has begun.  Technical FAQ:
Some good work from FLICKR with selective blackouts...



Gordon Joly
Don't Leave Space To The Professionals!

Wikimedia UK mailing list

Re: [Wikimediauk-l] SOPA/PROTECT Blackout

2012-01-18 Thread Mark (Markie)
Not too sure what the official action is but
suggests petitioning the State Department?


On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 11:12 AM, David Gerard  wrote:

> On 17 January 2012 11:09, Harry Burt  wrote:
> > What is the official UK call to action here?
> > Emailing the embassy? Or could you create a Number10-esque petition?
> > Or did I miss something else entirely?
> I'm wondering too ... we need to know ASAP.
> - d.
> ___
> Wikimedia UK mailing list
Wikimedia UK mailing list

Re: [Wikimediauk-l] SOPA/PROTECT Blackout

2012-01-18 Thread Mark (Markie)
On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 10:58 PM, Alison M. Wheeler <> wrote:

> - Original Message -
> > From: "Gordon Joly" 
> > So who owns the Internet? Who has ultimate authority over DNS?
> A very good question indeed ;-P
> And the answer, of course, is it depends on who you are talking to. Even
> though it shouldn't. And the people in one country disagree with the rest
> of the world.
> Well, who does and who should is two different matters

Currently the Root DNS servers are supervised by IANA, who in turn has to
get permission from the US Department of Commerce if they want to change
any of the root servers which hold the records for the TLDs, which then
point to the nameservers for each different domain (see and

As well as this potential area of influence for the US to control the DNS
queries of the world, due to the whole nature of the internet, local
networks can change/pollute DNS or network records on their networks (like
the Youtube incident -

All in all there are many different areas and ways that
any organisation (be it a government, organisation via court
orders/injuctions or just IP networks making accidents) can interfer with
the internet as it is.

Wikimedia UK mailing list

[Wikimediauk-l] Fwd: Anyone available for telly in London?

2012-01-18 Thread David Gerard
Anyone who thinks they could represent us and is onhand?

-- Forwarded message --
From: David Gerard 
Date: 18 January 2012 08:50
Subject: Anyone available for telly in London?
To: Communications Committee 

I'm not (WFH today), and my Skype connection is being shit. (Radio
Scotland this morning, the Skype *sound* was breaking up and we had to
resort to my mobile.) I've just had two calls in quick succession from
different bits of the BBC asking someone to go to Television Centre in
W12. Neither has emailed back yet ... but is there anyone on hand who
can get to Television Centre I can just point them at?

- d.

Wikimedia UK mailing list