[Wikimediauk-l] Fwd: Your MEP can help stop ACTA this week!

2012-06-20 Thread Jon Davies
SOme of you may be moved to email in support of ORG.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Jim Killock jim.kill...@action.openrightsgroup.org
Date: Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 12:33 PM
Subject: Your MEP can help stop ACTA this week!
To: jon.dav...@wikimedia.org.uk

[image: Logo] http://www.openrightsgroup.org/
Dear Dear Jon Davies,

Great news! Your MEP is involved in the key vote in the European Parliament
tomorrow 21 June about the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement.

This will affect whether the European Parliament ultimately reject ACTA or
not. It is important that your MEP understands people's concerns. Calling
your MEP will help make this happen.


MEP: Syed Kamall

Note: *Tell Syed Kamall if you believe the plenary vote should not be
delayed. Neither the European Commission nor the European Court of Justice
can provide meaningful guarantees about the implementation of ACTA and a
delay will simply deny citizens and their representatives the chance they
have now to make a meaningful decision about this treaty. You could ask him
to withdraw his amendment if you agree with us.   *

Contact: Tel.: +322 28 45792
E-mail: syed.kam...@europarl.europa.eu

*What's happening tomorrow?*

This is a really big vote. Once again it will really help if you contacted
your MEP. Once again, it really will make a difference. The INTA committee
is basically in charge of the 'dossier' - meaning they're leading on
examining ACTA and recommending to the whole European Parliament whether it
should give its consetn to or reject ACTA. They are supposed to take into
account the other committee's opinions - which as you may remember, all
voted to recommend ACTA is rejected.

Those decisions were influenced hugely by the many people across Europe who
got in touch with their MEPs to tell them why they think the European
Parliament should reject the treaty. It's now to time to get back behind
the wheel and get in touch with the members of the INTA committee to make
sure they understand the problems, and why you care about it.

We would like MEPs in the committee to vote in favour of the opinion of the
lead rapporteur David Martin MEP  - that is to say,* to recommend ACTA is
rejected*. And we believe that *the plenary vote should happen as
scheduled*(this is the vote by the whole of the European Parliament on
the ultimate
decision, which is due to happen in early July). That means that *we think
the amendment recommending a delay to the plenary vote should be rejected*.
This amendment was proposed by MEP Syed Kamall, who represents London.

More information is available on our

Thank you for your help in beating ACTA.

Jim Killock
Executive Director

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Re: [Wikimediauk-l] Train the Trainers workshops

2012-06-20 Thread Jon Davies
Martin - I have read this through this twice and enjoyed it both times.

This is not going to be easy but we are heading in the right direction and
doing the right things.

As preparation for the job interview as CE here and once in post I talked
to people sho had received training. The enthusiasm could never be doubted
but the educating skills were sometimes lacking.

The Train the Trainers initiative is, and I go on and on about it, probably
the single most important ting we can do if we are to grow the community
and influence potential partners in the UK.


On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Martin Poulter infob...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi all,
 I realise that I hadn’t set out expectations for last week’s training
 workshop, and what we’re doing with the Train the Trainers programme.
 So, with my apologies for that, here is quite a long essay about how I
 personally see it, which I’m sharing with the community as a whole.
 I've put it at 
 in case you'd prefer to read it on-wiki.

 We’re already delivering training in various contexts. A lot of it is
 professional quality, because Wikimedia UK is very lucky in the amount
 of expertise and experience we have available. However, our luck won’t
 always hold, and we need to be serious and systematic.

 In the long term we want our training programme to be flexible,
 sustainable, professional quality, credible, and owned by the
 community. It will be trapezoid shape: an “upper” layer training and
 accrediting another layer of trainers, cascading skills and knowledge
 through a system that ultimately reaches a large volume of training
 recipients. Since WMUK has diverse training needs and we each have
 different, complementary skills, our training will be diverse,
 avoiding any kind of “one size fits all”. People will be able to
 specialise in GLAM outreach, education outreach, events for other
 experienced Wikimedians, or whatever they’re best at. They’ll also be
 encouraged to develop individual approaches to training based on their
 own strengths.

 This all means we are going to have to train and accredit people who
 train and accredit people who train and accredit... indefinitely. I’ll
 call this the Hard Problem. The training workshops last week and
 forthcoming in October are our first stab at tackling the Hard

 We were invited to take part *both* as participants in the training
 and as observers of the process. As a participant, I found myself
 often thinking “I already knew that” or “I wouldn’t want to do that in
 my training”, but I picked up some useful tips and suggestions. It was
 as an observer that I really learnt an enormous amount.

 We spent a lot of time on social skills: Candy acted in a role as a
 terrible presenter, and we had to give feedback. There was feedback on
 the feedback, and we discussed the process of giving feedback on the
 feedback -very meta! People were generally very good at this task, but
 we had to address it.

 If you do a lot of training for WMUK, you will face that situation for
 real at some point. Someone very like Candy’s character will come to
 you. They’ll be wildly enthusiastic about getting their town or their
 local society involved with Wikimedia, but they won’t yet have
 developed crucial skills. You’ll have to handle that in a way that
 avoids wasting that person’s enthusiasm. Wikimedia UK won’t come in
 and sort this out: as the trusted volunteer, you will *be* Wikimedia
 UK in that situation.

 You might even see this problem at a meta level, if a colleague gives
 an enthusiastic volunteer really unhelpful feedback which discourages
 them. You’ll need to give feedback on the feedback.

 We discussed conveying professionalism and authority, and how this has
 to be interpreted differently when talking to t-shirted sysadmins or
 sharply-suited legal professionals. One participant thought this part
 of the training wasn’t relevant to them. At the time, that set off an
 alarm bell in my mind, but it seems that over the course of the
 weekend this person did come to see this as something they needed to
 think about and see that it only meant a small change to what they
 were doing.

 There was an assessment and accreditation aspect to the weekend. Even
 when you already have skilled trainers, this is important. Some people
 are excellent at training but don’t know they are, and we saw this
 among our group. As a community of trainers, we need to build
 confidence in each other, and also to see that people approach
 training in distinctive ways. That was a very valuable aspect of what
 happened in the workshop.

 We talked about coping when things go wrong. If you do lots of
 training for WMUK, at some point you’ll be in a room with librarians
 or archivists who have the misconception that you’re there to
 undermine their jobs. Or the event organiser will have given you the
 wrong impression about the audience and what they are 

Re: [Wikimediauk-l] Train the Trainers workshops

2012-06-20 Thread Charles Matthews
On 20 June 2012 14:23, Jon Davies jon.dav...@wikimedia.org.uk wrote:

 The Train the Trainers initiative is, and I go on and on about it, probably
 the single most important ting we can do if we are to grow the community and
 influence potential partners in the UK.

That is clearly true (to me). And what is more we are going to
innovate and have fun pushing it forward.


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