Re: [Wikitech-l] Skin pages on, and Skin repos in Gerrit

2012-09-26 Thread Krinkle
A few random points:

We should get some basic structure conventions in place before stuff goes wild.

I like the idea of installing a Skin as an extension, but placing it in the 
core skins directory
feels wrong because it currently does auto-discovery to some degree, and of 
course it means
wgExtensionAssetsPath can't be used as skins as it is outside that directory 

The way the skins in mediawiki/extensions/skins.git do it is by simply being 
installed as a completely valid extension.

Another problem I found in the current setup is that its a bit 
counter-intuitive how to manage the directory structure for developers. I mean, 
most of us probably have this:

- mediawiki
- /core (clone mediawiki/core.git)
- /extensions (directory with clones of individual extensions or clone of 
mediawiki/extensions.git tracking repo)

* Set $wgExtensionAssetsPath accordingly
* Use require_once( "$IP/../extensions/Foo/Foo.php"); (whether or not via a tmp 
  instead of require_once( "$IP/extensions/Foo/Foo.php");

But then, where to clone a skins repository (or mediawiki/skins.git tracking 

Wherever it is, it needs to be scalable to more complex installations. A 
directory "skins" next to "extensions" next to "core" is not feasible as the 
paths would be incorrect (it wouldn't be in wgExtensionAssetsPath, nor in 

I think it'd be a lot easier if skins were installed as extensions, not as a 
(currently, unhandleable) hybrid.

Maybe as proper extensions in mediawiki/extensions/SkinName.git (and drop 
That would be the easier, though it is also nice to keep extensions and skins 
separate enough in that anything that adds preferences, special pages etc. is 
in a separate optional repository.

Or perhaps agree that skins should be installed from mediawiki/skins/*.git 
repositories, but clones inside mediawiki/extensions/skins/*. That would mean 
in module definitions and require's, we just add an extra /skins/.

In that case we should get rid of mediawiki/extensions/skins.git to avoid 

-- Krinkle

On Sep 26, 2012, at 1:44 AM, Daniel Friesen  wrote:

> Skin pages on (and repos in Gerrit) are now ready.
> is now ready for modern skins (ones NOT using old QuickTemplate 
> and skins/Foo.php patterns) to have pages about them just like extensions do.
> Relevant links:
> Some examples that currently exist:
> Gerrit can also handle your skin repos. Ask for a mediawiki/skins/{skinname} 
> repo.
> So your skins can now have proper review and be updated with the various 
> improvements that get made to MediaWiki's skinning system.
> When you do introduce a skin here please do follow the file layout patterns I 
> used in my tutorials:
> I don't want to see any non-core skins using the outdated skins/TheSkin.php 
> pattern in the new skins area.
> -- 
> ~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) []
> ___
> Wikitech-l mailing list

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] New extension: Diff

2012-09-26 Thread Denny Vrandečić
2012/9/26 Tim Starling :
> On 26/09/12 03:54, Tyler Romeo wrote:
>> This looks pretty interesting. Is there a reason we don't just put this in
>> the core?
> It has about 50 lines of useful code wrapped in 1600 lines of
> abstraction. I don't think it is the sort of style we want in the core.

I am sorry, but I find this comment a bit harsh, and just wanted to
deliver some data on that. Maybe it was meant as a hyperbole, in which
case I apologize for not treating it as such.

The extension has, altogether 2846 total lines of code in 24 files, of
which 332 lines are blank, 1328 lines are comments, and 1186 are
physical lines of code.

Of the latter 1186, 641 are tests. I find that commendable.
(That leaves us with 1663 total lines of code, which are probably the
1600 from the original comment)

Another 148 physical lines go to initializing the extension and

Remain 402 physical lines of code.

Now, one might discuss the suitability of using interfaces in PHP, but
we have that in core: IDBAccessObject, ICacheHelper, IDeviceDetector,
and a few others. Not many, but they exist. Anyway, the two interface
classes account for only 18 physical lines of code anyway.
The only 18 lines a user of the extension needs to care about.

One might discuss the suitability of using a class hierarchy to
represent different DiffOps. But then again, that is the same class
design as in the DairikiDiff engine, included in core as well.

There sure are other design choices that can be discussed. But the
picture painted above was exaggerated, and I merely wanted to add some
data to it.


P.S.: terminology: "total lines of code" - lines in all code files,
"physical lines of code" every line that has at least one non-comment
or non-whitespace character. All numbers according to cloc.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Can we kill DBO_TRX? It seems evil!

2012-09-26 Thread Daniel Kinzler
On 26.09.2012 02:49, Aaron Schulz wrote:
> Perhaps some code could be restructured
> in some cases so that the calls at least match, meaning the splitting of
> transactions would at least be more deliberate rather than accidental.

I think this is the most important bit here: it should be obvious to the
programmer what is going on, and it should be easy to debug when stuff gets
committed and why. The behavior of the respective functions should be documented
in detail for all the possible situations.

My impression is that I'm not the only developer who had the wrong mental model
of what begin/commit does, or how it is intended to use. Fixing that is the most
important thing. Coming up with ways to actually allow for unbroken nested
transactions would be good I think, but that comes second.

For the "being obvious" bit, better documentation is the first step. Another
possibility would be to provide additional functions (even if they just act as
aliases) that allow the programmer to make explicit the desired behavior.

The "debug" bit is mostly about when debug messages and warnings should be
issued. I see three factors that could influence that:
* the DBO_TRX flag
* whether write queries have been executed on the connection (since the last
* whether wgDebugTransactions is enabled.

What do you think, which of these factors should be considered, and how?

-- daniel

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] GLAMwiki Toolset Project : Request for Comments - Technical Architecture

2012-09-26 Thread Emmanuel Engelhart

On 09/25/2012 12:17 PM, dan entous wrote:

I thought the lab instance was only an incubation environment and that the 
final goal was to put gwtoolset on the WMF prod. servers. Isn't it?

the final goal, as far as i understand it, is to have it run as its own 
application in its own environment, similar to the way some applications are 
running on the current toolserver. i was told that instead of using the 
toolserver we should use a wikimedia labs instance. would love to hear if this 
is not the intended outcome.

Hi Dan

Sad news :(

Having as goal to integrate (at the end) the gwt extension in WMF prod. 
env. would:
* help to involve the rest of the community of developers - at least for 
the code review process.
* improve the global quality of code of the tool by applying WMF high 
dev/op standards.
* remove the work (for the gwt team) of maintaining the environment 
running (for example avoid scalability issues...)

* offer a better visibility to the tool.
* simply the understanding for the end-user by using a builtin solution (instead of a third part tool)

Regarding the size and the purpose of the project, we should IMO try to 
include that goal in the list of outcomes of the gwt project.


Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] New extension: Diff

2012-09-26 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

> Is there a reason we don't just put this in the core?

One of the reasons is that from my experience the MediaWiki core dev
community is not very open to such things. I think Tim is illustrating the
point pretty well, by implying what I did is total nonsense. Having tried
to get this into core would have lead to more insults getting thrown at my
head. Of course this is nonsense, as I'm sure some core developer will
point out in a reply.

Another reason is that although this is a rather generic diff utility, the
number of extensions that could make use of this seems rather limited. And
I don't think we want to just put any generic component into core without
good reason.

> It has about 50 lines of useful code wrapped in 1600 lines of
> abstraction. I don't think it is the sort of style we want in the core.

Unsurprisingly I'm going to Agree with Denny that this is rather harsh.
This kind of attitude is not very welcoming to other developers, especially
if you make such comments where they are not applicable.

And yes, I'm going to maintain it's not applicable. Being the genius that
you are, I challenge you to put your money where your mount is to write a
50 line extension that offers the same functionality as this extension.

One might discuss the suitability of using a class hierarchy to
> represent different DiffOps. But then again, that is the same class
> design as in the DairikiDiff engine, included in core as well.

Although you find small things to nitpick over, I'm confident the overall
design is sound. The Diff and DiffOps are following the composite pattern,
which seems very much like the right choice to me. I would not mind being
proven wrong or having other constructive discussion though.

"This is crap" is not constructive.


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Can we kill DBO_TRX? It seems evil!

2012-09-26 Thread Daniel Kinzler
On 26.09.2012 02:08, Tim Starling wrote:
> I think that to avoid confusion, begin() and commit() should continue
> to issue the queries they are named for.

True. So we'd need start() and finish() or some such.

> Your scheme does not appear to provide a method for hooks to release
> highly contended locks that they may acquire. Lock contention is
> usually the most important reason for calling commit(). Holding a
> contended lock for an excessive amount of time has often brought the
> site down. Imagine if someone wrapped a hook that writes to site_stats
> with begin/end. The code would work just fine in testing, and then
> instantly bring the site down when it was deployed.

I see your point. But if we have the choice between lock contention and silent
data loss, which is better? While I agree that inconsistencies in secondary data
like link tables is acceptable, I think we do need a way to protect critical
transactions to prevent data loss.

Hm... if we use flush() for immediate commits, and start() and finish() for
blocks that disable immediate commits (i.e. critical transactions), then a
"silenced" flush() inside an start() and finish() block should issue a warning.
That would make tests fail. Would you be OK with that?

So, my current proposal is a more expressive high-level api for transaction
control consisting of start/finish/flush (and perhaps abort) on top of the low
level interface consisting of begin/commit/rollback. Documentation needs to be
very clear on how they behave and how they relate to each other.

For the short term, I suggest to suppress warnings about nested transactions
under some conditions, see my previous response to aaron.

-- daniel

Wikitech-l mailing list

[Wikitech-l] Can we kill DBO_TRX? It seems evil!

2012-09-26 Thread Asher Feldman
On Wednesday, September 26, 2012, Daniel Kinzler wrote:
> I see your point. But if we have the choice between lock contention and
> silent
> data loss, which is better?

This isn't really a choice - by default, when a statement in mysql hits a
lock timeout, it is rolled back but the transaction it's in is not. That
 can also lead to data loss via partial writes in real world cases if not
properly accounted for by the application.

Avoiding holding locks longer than needed really should be paramount.
Developers need to adapt  to cases where transaction semantics alone can't
guarantee consistancy across multiple write statements. We're planning on
sharding some tables this year and there will be cases where writes will
have to go to multiple database servers, likely without the benefit of two
phase commit. That doesn't mean that we should give up on consistancy or
that we shouldn't try to do better, but not in exchange for more lock
Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Can we kill DBO_TRX? It seems evil!

2012-09-26 Thread Daniel Kinzler
On 26.09.2012 12:06, Asher Feldman wrote:
> On Wednesday, September 26, 2012, Daniel Kinzler wrote:
>> I see your point. But if we have the choice between lock contention and
>> silent
>> data loss, which is better?
> This isn't really a choice - by default, when a statement in mysql hits a
> lock timeout, it is rolled back but the transaction it's in is not. 

Uh. That sounds evil and breaks the A in ACID, no? Why isn't the entire
transaction rolled back in such a case?

> That
>  can also lead to data loss via partial writes in real world cases if not
> properly accounted for by the application.

How could we detect such a case?

> That doesn't mean that we should give up on consistancy or
> that we shouldn't try to do better, but not in exchange for more lock
> contention.

Well, improving consistency and avoiding data loss is going to be hard without
the use of locks... how do you propose to do that?

-- daniel

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Can we kill DBO_TRX? It seems evil!

2012-09-26 Thread Daniel Kinzler
I have submitted two changes for review that hopefully remedy the current 

* I1e746322 implements better documentation, more consistent behavior, and
easier tracking of implicit commits in Database::begin()

* I6ecb8faa restores the "flushing" commits that I removed a while ago under the
assumption that a commit without a begin would be a no-op.

I hope this addresses any pressing issues.

I still think that we need a way to protect critical sections. But an RFC seems
to be in order for that.

-- daniel

Wikitech-l mailing list

[Wikitech-l] Announcement: Mark Holmquist joins Wikimedia as Features Engineer

2012-09-26 Thread Terry Chay
Hello everyone,

It’s with great pleasure that I’m announcing that Mark Holmquist has joined 
the Wikimedia Foundation as a Feature Engineer.

Mark is a free software advocate and software engineer. Before joining us, 
he was getting his B.S. in Computer Science at the University of Redlands. You 
may have remembered him from back when he was a student doing the WMF org chart 
before he graduated in June of this year, or as a contractor working on 
UploadWizard and assorted bug zapping. :-)

He has contributed to many free software projects in the past, including 
Minetest, Etherpad, and OpenHatch. Recently he has worked on the EtherEditor 
extension for MediaWiki[0]. BTW, Erik will be wanting to suck your 20% time 
into finishing out the outstanding bugs. ;-)

On the side, he enjoys playing Bridge[1] and the occasional jaunt for 
Parkour[2]. He lives in the Mission in foggy San Francisco. He also really 
enjoy reading and discussing court cases, either oral arguments or decisions. 
He's subscribed to the Cornell Supreme Court bulletin [3], so bug him  about 
the cases that are in the news. :-)

His first official day was on September 17th, but I flaked out because of 
the all-staff and then decided to procrastinate some more on this announcement 
since you already know him from all his participation on IRC and wikitech-l. 
Until December, he will be working with Gabriel Wicke on the Parsoid, which is 
the rewrite of the Wikitext parser to work with the VisualEditor proejct (I 
assume James and Trevor have completed the necessary hazing on the VE Team and 
he has gotten his t-shirt). But more generally, he'll be on the Features team 
with Editor Engagement and assorted front-end technical debt here at the WMF.

Please join me in welcoming Mark Holmquist to the Wikimedia Foundation. :-)

Take care,



Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Announcement: Mark Holmquist joins Wikimedia as Features Engineer

2012-09-26 Thread Akshay Agarwal
Welcome Mark!

- Akshay

On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 10:27 PM, Terry Chay  wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> It’s with great pleasure that I’m announcing that Mark Holmquist has
> joined the Wikimedia Foundation as a Feature Engineer.
> Mark is a free software advocate and software engineer. Before joining
> us, he was getting his B.S. in Computer Science at the University of
> Redlands. You may have remembered him from back when he was a student doing
> the WMF org chart before he graduated in June of this year, or as a
> contractor working on UploadWizard and assorted bug zapping. :-)
> He has contributed to many free software projects in the past,
> including Minetest, Etherpad, and OpenHatch. Recently he has worked on the
> EtherEditor extension for MediaWiki[0]. BTW, Erik will be wanting to suck
> your 20% time into finishing out the outstanding bugs. ;-)
> On the side, he enjoys playing Bridge[1] and the occasional jaunt for
> Parkour[2]. He lives in the Mission in foggy San Francisco. He also really
> enjoy reading and discussing court cases, either oral arguments or
> decisions. He's subscribed to the Cornell Supreme Court bulletin [3], so
> bug him  about the cases that are in the news. :-)
> His first official day was on September 17th, but I flaked out because
> of the all-staff and then decided to procrastinate some more on this
> announcement since you already know him from all his participation on IRC
> and wikitech-l. Until December, he will be working with Gabriel Wicke on
> the Parsoid, which is the rewrite of the Wikitext parser to work with the
> VisualEditor proejct (I assume James and Trevor have completed the
> necessary hazing on the VE Team and he has gotten his t-shirt). But more
> generally, he'll be on the Features team with Editor Engagement and
> assorted front-end technical debt here at the WMF.
> Please join me in welcoming Mark Holmquist to the Wikimedia
> Foundation. :-)
> Take care,
> Terry
> [0]
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> ___
> Wikitech-l mailing list
Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Announcement: Mark Holmquist joins Wikimedia as Features Engineer

2012-09-26 Thread Mark Holmquist

On 12-09-26 10:23 AM, Akshay Agarwal wrote:

Welcome Mark!

Thanks, Akshay! And thanks to Terry for the intro (I thanked him on the 
staff list, not here yet), and to wikitech-l for endlessly entertaining 
conversations :)

Mark Holmquist
Software Engineer, Wikimedia Foundation

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] [Wmfall] Announcement: Mark Holmquist joins Wikimedia as Features Engineer

2012-09-26 Thread Ori Livneh
One of us, one of us! :) Congrats, Mark!  

Ori Livneh

On Wednesday, September 26, 2012 at 9:57 AM, Terry Chay wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> It’s with great pleasure that I’m announcing that Mark Holmquist has joined 
> the Wikimedia Foundation as a Feature Engineer.
> Mark is a free software advocate and software engineer. Before joining us, he 
> was getting his B.S. in Computer Science at the University of Redlands. You 
> may have remembered him from back when he was a student doing the WMF org 
> chart before he graduated in June of this year, or as a contractor working on 
> UploadWizard and assorted bug zapping. :-)
> He has contributed to many free software projects in the past, including 
> Minetest, Etherpad, and OpenHatch. Recently he has worked on the EtherEditor 
> extension for MediaWiki[0]. BTW, Erik will be wanting to suck your 20% time 
> into finishing out the outstanding bugs. ;-)
> On the side, he enjoys playing Bridge[1] and the occasional jaunt for 
> Parkour[2]. He lives in the Mission in foggy San Francisco. He also really 
> enjoy reading and discussing court cases, either oral arguments or decisions. 
> He's subscribed to the Cornell Supreme Court bulletin [3], so bug him about 
> the cases that are in the news. :-)
> His first official day was on September 17th, but I flaked out because of the 
> all-staff and then decided to procrastinate some more on this announcement 
> since you already know him from all his participation on IRC and wikitech-l. 
> Until December, he will be working with Gabriel Wicke on the Parsoid, which 
> is the rewrite of the Wikitext parser to work with the VisualEditor proejct 
> (I assume James and Trevor have completed the necessary hazing on the VE Team 
> and he has gotten his t-shirt). But more generally, he'll be on the Features 
> team with Editor Engagement and assorted front-end technical debt here at the 
> WMF.
> Please join me in welcoming Mark Holmquist to the Wikimedia Foundation. :-)
> Take care,
> Terry
> [0]
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> ___
> Wmfall mailing list
> (

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] New extension: Diff

2012-09-26 Thread Krinkle
On Sep 25, 2012, at 7:54 PM, Tyler Romeo  wrote:

> Is there a reason we don't just put this in the core?

Many points have been made already in a short amount of time, which emphasizes
how touchy this subject can be.

Anyway, a different view that I haven't heard as much is the following.

Being in core is not a stamp of approval. This picture never existed and if it
did, it needs to go away. We're going towards a flexible modular system, which
means components have dependencies and build on each other - as opposed to just
"being there".

So unless other existing core functionality would need it, it doesn't make sense
to include it.

Instead, extensions should prove themselves. If an extension provides
functionality that other extensions need, those other extensions will simply add
"Make sure X and Y is installed first" to their instructions and use it that

This gives a few advantages:
* Fair competition. Extensions can decide that they want to use, make it also
easy for developers to fork a utility and improve it (like extensions do).
* Flexibility. Once it is in core, we have to support it, which is especially
awkward if it isn't in use, because that means we have an untracked dependency
on something we don't even use, and can't be easily replaced either because some
extension might use it, somehow. 

It goes at the cost of not having a standard, but I'm not sure a blanket
"standard now, must use this" is what we want here, at least not until it has
proven itself by being used over a long period of time by other extensions.

I mean, things don't have to be in core to be usable. Let it be an extension,
let it grow. Extensions can perfectly depend on other extensions, there is no
need to have it be in core, make your own decisions.

-- Krinkle

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Skin pages on, and Skin repos in Gerrit

2012-09-26 Thread Niklas Laxström
On 26 September 2012 10:08, Krinkle  wrote:
> Another problem I found in the current setup is that its a bit 
> counter-intuitive how to manage the directory structure for developers. I 
> mean, most of us probably have this:
> - mediawiki
> - /core (clone mediawiki/core.git)
> - /extensions (directory with clones of individual extensions or clone of 
> mediawiki/extensions.git tracking repo)

In SVN time extensions were a subdir of mediawiki core and I doubt
that everyone has suddenly decided to change it. At least I haven't.

Niklas Laxström

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Skin pages on, and Skin repos in Gerrit

2012-09-26 Thread Mono
It would be nice if we could convert some additional themes...
On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 11:01 AM, Niklas Laxström  wrote:

> On 26 September 2012 10:08, Krinkle  wrote:
> > Another problem I found in the current setup is that its a bit
> counter-intuitive how to manage the directory structure for developers. I
> mean, most of us probably have this:
> >
> > - mediawiki
> > - /core (clone mediawiki/core.git)
> > - /extensions (directory with clones of individual extensions or clone
> of mediawiki/extensions.git tracking repo)
> In SVN time extensions were a subdir of mediawiki core and I doubt
> that everyone has suddenly decided to change it. At least I haven't.
>   -Niklas
> --
> Niklas Laxström
> ___
> Wikitech-l mailing list
Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] [Wmfall] Announcement: Mark Holmquist joins Wikimedia as Features Engineer

2012-09-26 Thread James Forrester
On 26 September 2012 09:57, Terry Chay  wrote:
> It’s with great pleasure that I’m announcing that Mark Holmquist has joined
> the Wikimedia Foundation as a Feature Engineer.


> Until December, he will be working with Gabriel Wicke on the Parsoid, which
> is the rewrite of the Wikitext parser to work with the VisualEditor proejct
> (I assume James and Trevor have completed the necessary hazing on the VE
> Team and he has gotten his t-shirt).

Check. :-)

Welcome aboard, Mark!

James D. Forrester
Product Manager, VisualEditor
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. | @jdforrester | +1 415-839-6885 x6844

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] [Wmfall] Announcement: Mark Holmquist joins Wikimedia as Features Engineer

2012-09-26 Thread James Alexander
Welcome Mark!

I've never been that great at bridge but I'll definitely need to engage you
in a couple legal discussions. We have a couple legal nuts in the office
(not even counting our amazing legal team, who is also nuts!), we may have
to start having more organized debates over drinks/food/bridge etc :)


On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 9:57 AM, Terry Chay  wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> It’s with great pleasure that I’m announcing that Mark Holmquist has
> joined the Wikimedia Foundation as a Feature Engineer.
> Mark is a free software advocate and software engineer. Before joining
> us, he was getting his B.S. in Computer Science at the University of
> Redlands. You may have remembered him from back when he was a student doing
> the WMF org chart before he graduated in June of this year, or as a
> contractor working on UploadWizard and assorted bug zapping. :-)
> He has contributed to many free software projects in the past,
> including Minetest, Etherpad, and OpenHatch. Recently he has worked on the
> EtherEditor extension for MediaWiki[0]. BTW, Erik will be wanting to suck
> your 20% time into finishing out the outstanding bugs. ;-)
> On the side, he enjoys playing Bridge[1] and the occasional jaunt for
> Parkour[2]. He lives in the Mission in foggy San Francisco. He also really
> enjoy reading and discussing court cases, either oral arguments or
> decisions. He's subscribed to the Cornell Supreme Court bulletin [3], so
> bug him  about the cases that are in the news. :-)
> His first official day was on September 17th, but I flaked out because
> of the all-staff and then decided to procrastinate some more on this
> announcement since you already know him from all his participation on IRC
> and wikitech-l. Until December, he will be working with Gabriel Wicke on
> the Parsoid, which is the rewrite of the Wikitext parser to work with the
> VisualEditor proejct (I assume James and Trevor have completed the
> necessary hazing on the VE Team and he has gotten his t-shirt). But more
> generally, he'll be on the Features team with Editor Engagement and
> assorted front-end technical debt here at the WMF.
> Please join me in welcoming Mark Holmquist to the Wikimedia
> Foundation. :-)
> Take care,
> Terry
> [0]
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> ___
> Wmfall mailing list

James Alexander
Manager, Merchandise
Wikimedia Foundation
(415) 839-6885 x6716 @jamesofur
Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] New extension: Diff

2012-09-26 Thread Tyler Romeo
> So unless other existing core functionality would need it, it doesn't make
> sense
> to include it.

This makes sense.

*Tyler Romeo*
Stevens Institute of Technology, Class of 2015
Major in Computer Science |

On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 1:54 PM, Krinkle  wrote:

> So unless other existing core functionality would need it, it doesn't make
> sense
> to include it.
Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] MediaWiki 1.20 release candidate

2012-09-26 Thread Sam Reed
Krinkle> writes:

> On Sep 22, 2012, at 10:54 PM, Mark A. Hershberger> 
> > On 09/22/2012 02:50 PM, Krinkle wrote:
> >> On Sep 21, 2012, at 4:13 PM, Mark A. Hershberger> 
> >>> That commit is not included.  I can merge it in or make a second RC with
> >>> 1.20wmf12.
> >>> 
> >>> What do you think is the better way to go?
> >> 
> >> I'd say re-branch from master.
> > 
> > My thinking was to branch from a point that was known -- something whose
> > issues we knew.  I think this worked pretty well.
> > 
> > For instance, the issue Niklas raised was because I used a WMF branch.
> > 
> > I'm now thinking that I'll just stick with the 1.20wmf12 and just apply
> > the patch he pointed to.  This is in the vein of sticking to known issues.
> > 
> > What do you think?
> > 
> > Mark.
> I think master is more stable then whatever wmf branch. I know because of 
> recently merged and whatnot.
> If there are problems we'll find them in the release candidate period.
> And by that time we'll have had a new wmf branch as well to see how the 
> latest 
> performs on wmf.
> Also, this bugzilla query should be empty before release as well (either by 
fixing bugs,
> or reviewing/merging pending commits that claim to fix stuff, or deferring 
> the 
bug to
> a later release etc.). People assign and block things usually for a reason:

Those reasons for using master can be used in the counter argument. The counter 
argument has the fact that we've been using said branch in production for upto 
weeks - we know it works (mostly).

Yes, master will have had numerous bugfixes brought into it, but there are also 
likely "new features" and other bugs introduced.

I think using a branch (though, not specifically the WMF branches "as is", due 
to WMF specific modifications. They want reverting out. Same goes for we don't 
want any of the extension update to master commits) is the best idea. Branching 
a REL1_20 branch from say the point that 1.20wmf12 branched, and then also 
backporting any relevant fixes from master makes sense. Pretty much how we did 
it for SVN, hopefully without the months and months of merging hell.

If we create a REL1_20 release branch now, we should then go through the usual 
process of bumping $wgVersion, creating RELEASE-NOTES-1.21 and new WMF branches 
can go back to wmf1 etc as a prefix.


Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] MediaWiki 1.20 release candidate

2012-09-26 Thread Chad
On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 3:24 PM, Sam Reed  wrote:
> Krinkle> writes:
>> On Sep 22, 2012, at 10:54 PM, Mark A. Hershberger>
> wrote:
>> > On 09/22/2012 02:50 PM, Krinkle wrote:
>> >> On Sep 21, 2012, at 4:13 PM, Mark A. Hershberger>
> wrote:
>> >>> That commit is not included.  I can merge it in or make a second RC with
>> >>> 1.20wmf12.
>> >>>
>> >>> What do you think is the better way to go?
>> >>
>> >> I'd say re-branch from master.
>> >
>> > My thinking was to branch from a point that was known -- something whose
>> > issues we knew.  I think this worked pretty well.
>> >
>> > For instance, the issue Niklas raised was because I used a WMF branch.
>> >
>> > I'm now thinking that I'll just stick with the 1.20wmf12 and just apply
>> > the patch he pointed to.  This is in the vein of sticking to known issues.
>> >
>> > What do you think?
>> >
>> > Mark.
>> I think master is more stable then whatever wmf branch. I know because of
> commits
>> recently merged and whatnot.
>> If there are problems we'll find them in the release candidate period.
>> And by that time we'll have had a new wmf branch as well to see how the 
>> latest
> code
>> performs on wmf.
>> Also, this bugzilla query should be empty before release as well (either by
> fixing bugs,
>> or reviewing/merging pending commits that claim to fix stuff, or deferring 
>> the
> bug to
>> a later release etc.). People assign and block things usually for a reason:
> query_format=advanced&target_milestone=1.20.0%20release&product=MediaWiki&resolu
> tion=---
> Those reasons for using master can be used in the counter argument. The 
> counter
> argument has the fact that we've been using said branch in production for 
> upto 2
> weeks - we know it works (mostly).
> Yes, master will have had numerous bugfixes brought into it, but there are 
> also
> likely "new features" and other bugs introduced.
> I think using a branch (though, not specifically the WMF branches "as is", due
> to WMF specific modifications. They want reverting out. Same goes for we don't
> want any of the extension update to master commits) is the best idea. 
> Branching
> a REL1_20 branch from say the point that 1.20wmf12 branched, and then also
> backporting any relevant fixes from master makes sense. Pretty much how we did
> it for SVN, hopefully without the months and months of merging hell.
> If we create a REL1_20 release branch now, we should then go through the usual
> process of bumping $wgVersion, creating RELEASE-NOTES-1.21 and new WMF 
> branches
> can go back to wmf1 etc as a prefix.

I agree with Sam on all counts here (and actually suggested this as well). Since
we're getting ready to land ContentHandler, it would be nice to have
this branched
before that happens. That way 1.20 can remain stable and be near a release
ContentHandler will just be the first big thing to land in 1.21 :)


Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Can we kill DBO_TRX? It seems evil!

2012-09-26 Thread Tim Starling
On 26/09/12 19:13, Daniel Kinzler wrote:
> I see your point. But if we have the choice between lock contention and silent
> data loss, which is better? 

It's better if you don't have to make that choice. So don't call any
hooks while a critical transaction is open.

-- Tim Starling

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Skin pages on, and Skin repos in Gerrit

2012-09-26 Thread Krinkle
On Sep 26, 2012, at 8:01 PM, Niklas Laxström  wrote:

> On 26 September 2012 10:08, Krinkle  wrote:
>> Another problem I found in the current setup is that its a bit 
>> counter-intuitive how to manage the directory structure for developers. I 
>> mean, most of us probably have this:
>> - mediawiki
>> - /core (clone mediawiki/core.git)
>> - /extensions (directory with clones of individual extensions or clone of 
>> mediawiki/extensions.git tracking repo)
> In SVN time extensions were a subdir of mediawiki core and I doubt
> that everyone has suddenly decided to change it. At least I haven't.
>  -Niklas

No, not at all. They never were and never will.

In svn we have:

- trunk/
- - phase3/
- - extensions/

Extensions has always been besides never inside core.

Of course in unversioned installations (e.g. tarballs) we put extensions in
the extensions subdirectory. And even in versioned installations, one can

* git clone individual extensions in the extensions directory
* git clone extensions next to core and place symlinks for invidual extensions 
in the extensions directory

But if someone simply clones the mediawiki/extensions.git tracking repository, 
then it is kind of annoying to have to put symlinks in place. I have my local 
dev environment set up like this:

$wgScriptPath = '/mediawiki/core';
$wgExtensionAssetsPath = '/mediawiki/extensions';
$extDir = dirname( $IP ) . '/extensions';

require_once( "$extDir/Vector/Vector.php" );


-- Krinkle

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Can we kill DBO_TRX? It seems evil!

2012-09-26 Thread Platonides
On 27/09/12 01:16, Tim Starling wrote:
> On 26/09/12 19:13, Daniel Kinzler wrote:
>> I see your point. But if we have the choice between lock contention and 
>> silent
>> data loss, which is better? 
> It's better if you don't have to make that choice. So don't call any
> hooks while a critical transaction is open.
> -- Tim Starling

Can the "critical transactions where world will end if holded a little
more" be listed?
Not being able to touch things out of fear that it might explode in
production (while unable to test it before) is bad.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Skin pages on, and Skin repos in Gerrit

2012-09-26 Thread Max Semenik
On 27.09.2012, 3:26 Krinkle wrote:

> On Sep 26, 2012, at 8:01 PM, Niklas Laxström
>  wrote:

>> On 26 September 2012 10:08, Krinkle  wrote:
>>> Another problem I found in the current setup is that its a bit 
>>> counter-intuitive how to manage the directory structure for developers. I 
>>> mean, most of us probably have this:
>>> - mediawiki
>>> - /core (clone mediawiki/core.git)
>>> - /extensions (directory with clones of individual extensions or clone of 
>>> mediawiki/extensions.git tracking repo)
>> In SVN time extensions were a subdir of mediawiki core and I doubt
>> that everyone has suddenly decided to change it. At least I haven't.
>>  -Niklas

> No, not at all. They never were and never will.

> In svn we have:

> [mediawiki]
> - trunk/
> - - phase3/
> - - extensions/

> Extensions has always been besides never inside core.

> Of course in unversioned installations (e.g. tarballs) we put extensions in
> the extensions subdirectory. And even in versioned installations, one can

> * git clone individual extensions in the extensions directory
> * git clone extensions next to core and place symlinks for invidual
> extensions in the extensions directory

> But if someone simply clones the mediawiki/extensions.git tracking
> repository, then it is kind of annoying to have to put symlinks in
> place. I have my local dev environment set up like this:

> $wgScriptPath = '/mediawiki/core';
> $wgExtensionAssetsPath = '/mediawiki/extensions';
> $extDir = dirname( $IP ) . '/extensions';

> require_once( "$extDir/Vector/Vector.php" );

This approach has a problem:

Let's take a look at random extension's (AbuseFilter was in the
beginning of directory listing) maintenance script:

require_once ( getenv( 'MW_INSTALL_PATH' ) !== false
? getenv( 'MW_INSTALL_PATH' ) . "/maintenance/"
: dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../../maintenance/' );

If MW_INSTALL_PATH is not set (and nobody sets it), this layout will
break all the maintenance scripts. And there are more way extensions
rely on themselves being present in $IP/extensions

Best regards,
  Max Semenik ([[User:MaxSem]])

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Can we kill DBO_TRX? It seems evil!

2012-09-26 Thread Asher Feldman
On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 4:07 AM, Daniel Kinzler wrote:

> On 26.09.2012 12:06, Asher Feldman wrote:
> > On Wednesday, September 26, 2012, Daniel Kinzler wrote:
> >>
> >> I see your point. But if we have the choice between lock contention and
> >> silent
> >> data loss, which is better?
> >
> >
> > This isn't really a choice - by default, when a statement in mysql hits a
> > lock timeout, it is rolled back but the transaction it's in is not.
> Uh. That sounds evil and breaks the A in ACID, no? Why isn't the entire
> transaction rolled back in such a case?

There's a distinction (possibly misguided) between cases where a statement
can be retried with an expectation of success, and cases that aren't which
trigger an implicit rollback.  Deadlocks are considered the latter by
mysql, they result in a transaction rollback.  Oracle behaves the same way
as mysql with regards to lock timeouts - it's up to developers to either
retry the timed-out statement, or rollback.  The results can definitely be
evil if not handled correctly, but it's debatable if it's a violation of

If lock timeout throws an exception that closes the connection to mysql, at
least that will result in a rollback.  If the connection is pooled and
reused, it can likely result in a commit.

Mysql does offer a "rollback_on_timeout" option that changes the default
behavior.  We can enable it at wmf, but since that may not be an option for
many installs, it's better to work around it.

> That
> >  can also lead to data loss via partial writes in real world cases if not
> > properly accounted for by the application.
> How could we detect such a case?

I can't think of a way that's actually good. Better to account for the

> That doesn't mean that we should give up on consistancy or
> > that we shouldn't try to do better, but not in exchange for more lock
> > contention.
> Well, improving consistency and avoiding data loss is going to be hard
> without
> the use of locks... how do you propose to do that?

We could try to identify cases where consistency is extremely important,
vs. where it isn't.  In the cases where a very important lock holding
transaction will be entered, can we defer calling hooks or doing anything
unrelated until that transaction is closed at its intended endpoint?  If
so, perhaps everything else can be subject to current behavior, where
unrelated code can call commit.
Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Skin pages on, and Skin repos in Gerrit

2012-09-26 Thread Chad
On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 7:26 PM, Krinkle  wrote:
> On Sep 26, 2012, at 8:01 PM, Niklas Laxström  
> wrote:
>> On 26 September 2012 10:08, Krinkle  wrote:
>>> Another problem I found in the current setup is that its a bit 
>>> counter-intuitive how to manage the directory structure for developers. I 
>>> mean, most of us probably have this:
>>> - mediawiki
>>> - /core (clone mediawiki/core.git)
>>> - /extensions (directory with clones of individual extensions or clone of 
>>> mediawiki/extensions.git tracking repo)
>> In SVN time extensions were a subdir of mediawiki core and I doubt
>> that everyone has suddenly decided to change it. At least I haven't.
>>  -Niklas
> No, not at all. They never were and never will.
> In svn we have:
> [mediawiki]
> - trunk/
> - - phase3/
> - - extensions/
> Extensions has always been besides never inside core.

Actually, they were back in the day, but were quickly moved out.
Early wmf repo history is fun ;-)

Fun fact for the day: we rewrote history to remove wikihiero and a
couple of other things (should've just deleted them all, grr :\) that
were making the core git repo way larger than it needed to be
(wikihiero used to have huge uncompressed images).

Compare [0] and [1]



Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Can we kill DBO_TRX? It seems evil!

2012-09-26 Thread Jay Ashworth
- Original Message -
> From: "Asher Feldman" 

> If lock timeout throws an exception that closes the connection to mysql, at
> least that will result in a rollback. If the connection is pooled and
> reused, it can likely result in a commit.

I would assert that if that's true, than connection pooling is unacceptably 
Broken As Designed.

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth  Baylink
Designer The Things I Think   RFC 2100
Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII
St Petersburg FL USA   #natog  +1 727 647 1274

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Skin pages on, and Skin repos in Gerrit

2012-09-26 Thread Krinkle
On Sep 27, 2012, at 1:36 AM, Max Semenik  wrote:

> On 27.09.2012, 3:26 Krinkle wrote:
>> On Sep 26, 2012, at 8:01 PM, Niklas Laxström
>>  wrote:
>>> On 26 September 2012 10:08, Krinkle  wrote:
 Another problem I found in the current setup is that its a bit 
 counter-intuitive how to manage the directory structure for developers. I 
 mean, most of us probably have this:
 - mediawiki
 - /core (clone mediawiki/core.git)
 - /extensions (directory with clones of individual extensions or clone of 
 mediawiki/extensions.git tracking repo)
>>> In SVN time extensions were a subdir of mediawiki core and I doubt
>>> that everyone has suddenly decided to change it. At least I haven't.
>>> -Niklas
>> No, not at all. They never were and never will.
>> In svn we have:
>> [mediawiki]
>> - trunk/
>> - - phase3/
>> - - extensions/
>> Extensions has always been besides never inside core.
>> Of course in unversioned installations (e.g. tarballs) we put extensions in
>> the extensions subdirectory. And even in versioned installations, one can
>> * git clone individual extensions in the extensions directory
>> * git clone extensions next to core and place symlinks for invidual
>> extensions in the extensions directory
>> But if someone simply clones the mediawiki/extensions.git tracking
>> repository, then it is kind of annoying to have to put symlinks in
>> place. I have my local dev environment set up like this:
>> $wgScriptPath = '/mediawiki/core';
>> $wgExtensionAssetsPath = '/mediawiki/extensions';
>> $extDir = dirname( $IP ) . '/extensions';
>> require_once( "$extDir/Vector/Vector.php" );
> This approach has a problem:
> Let's take a look at random extension's (AbuseFilter was in the
> beginning of directory listing) maintenance script:
> require_once ( getenv( 'MW_INSTALL_PATH' ) !== false
>? getenv( 'MW_INSTALL_PATH' ) . "/maintenance/"
>: dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../../maintenance/' );
> If MW_INSTALL_PATH is not set (and nobody sets it), this layout will
> break all the maintenance scripts. And there are more way extensions
> rely on themselves being present in $IP/extensions

That's a known problem, nothing new. And that goes for both extensions and
skins alike.

-- Krinkle

Wikitech-l mailing list