[Wikitech-l] On your python vs php talk

2013-07-28 Thread Виталий Филиппов

The question is a good base for a holy war :-)
I want to say that PHP has some advantages Python will never have - it's very 
simple in deployment, there is no fuss with library versions, nearly all needed 
features are already built-in including a good SAPI (!) so you don't need wsgi, 
psgi and etc, you don't need any virtualenvs for deploying because nobody 
typicaaly uses pear libraries :-)
PHP is faster (if you don't take pypy and etc in account).
Also I personally HATE block formatting using indentation. It's so silly idea 
no more language in the world has. Also for example I don't like python's 
strict typization ideas (for example it throws exception if you concatenate 
long and str using +). PHP is simple and has no such problems.
And for webdev I don't like frameworks, either. I.e I don't like them at all - 
because I always feel they are trying to restrict me. So Django is not an 
argument for me, and may be not an argument for you too. And definitely you 
can't say django is just better than php.
What php misses it's the builtin metaprogramming, but in 99% cases you should 
better write code instead of doing metaprogramming.
So for webdev my opinion is that php is MUCH better than python.
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[Wikitech-l] A small note on your composer talk

2013-07-03 Thread Виталий Филиппов
Hi there!

I didn't read the whole discussion but I have a small note - please don't let 
composer to become a mandatory dependency for MW :-) OK if you're not talking 
of this anyway :-)
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