[Wikitech-l] Fwd: suggestions regarding my proposals for gsoc and outreach program

2013-04-12 Thread Richa Jain
Hi, i have written a rough draft for my proposal to outreach program and
gsoc and need your suggestions regarding this.
http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Rjain/Gsoc-Prototyping-inline-comments .

Thank you.
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[Wikitech-l] Summaryog GSoC project: Prototyping inline comments

2013-10-01 Thread Richa Jain
I worked on making a prototype for an extension supporting inline comments
on wiki artciles. This was implemented using the Open Knowledge Foundation
Annotator (OKFN) library. The project can be tested [1], switch to the view
annotations tab, select a particular text and leave an annotation. It also
supports the logged out users. But currently the update and destroy of
annotations is restricted only to the user of the annotation since we are
not having any history of annotations.

The prototype phase of the project is over, it was a fun working around
with the community and the mentors. The future implementation includes the
history of annotations, internationalization support, may be a change of
frontend, etc.
Overall it was nice working around with the community and the mentors!
Thanks for your support :)

Read my blog post[2] and project updates[3] if you are interested.

[1] http://annotator.wmflabs.org/
[2] http://richajain-annotator.blogspot.in/
[3] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Rjain/Gsoc2013/Project_Updates
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