Re: [Wikitech-l] On your python vs php talk

2013-07-28 Thread Svip
On 28 July 2013 09:52, Виталий Филиппов wrote:

 Also for example I don't like python's strict typization ideas (for example 
 it throws exception if you concatenate long and str using +). PHP is simple 
 and has no such problems.

Except, you know, that is not entirely true.  PHP's weak dynamic types
causes numerous problems.  You cannot compare strings in order to sort
them, you need to convert individual characters to their ASCII/Unicode
value and compare it that way (and that in itself is not always
perfect, because their value may not be in the same order as humans
consider an appropriate sorting[0]).

If I do `10 == 10' in PHP, PHP will yield true.  I can force it to
say false (because they are not the same type) by using '===' (except
- of course - PHP developers fails to understand what the === operator
is for[1]).  But if I do `10  11' in PHP, it will yield true,
because  does what == does (converts the types), but there is no way
to tell PHP, I don't want that.

Particularly because int nor str doesn't exist in the language, you
cannot cast things in PHP to control your types.

Furthermore, PHP has an annoying habit of doing stuff without warning you.

I recommend you reading this article:

This is one of the main reasons I stopped contributing to MediaWiki; I
simply got tired of writing in PHP.  I don't like a language where I
constantly have to circumvent it, because its developers are stupider
than I am.

[0] Of course, no other languages solves this issue as well, so that's
another thing.
[1] === compares values and type… except with objects, where === is
only true if both operands are actually the same object! For objects,
== compares both value (of every attribute) and type, which is what
=== does for every other type.  Wat.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] On your python vs php talk

2013-07-28 Thread Svip
On 28 July 2013 17:48, Robert Cummings wrote:

 On 13-07-28 06:33 AM, Svip wrote:

 Particularly because int nor str doesn't exist in the language, you

 Yes they do.

No, they don't.  They only exist in the context you describe below:

 cannot cast things in PHP to control your types.

 One certainly can:

 $int = (int)$string;

Can I do var_dump(int);?  Well, it turns out the only thing you can do
is casting, but even casting in PHP is rather pointless.

 I can only see one failing... consistent and much of that is for historical 
 reasons and the
 mirroring of C based library functions. All turing complete languages are 
 predictable by
 definition. PHP is certainly concise compared to many languages. Reliability 
 is dependent
 on the skill level of the developer. Debuggable is certainly possible, 
 although perhaps more
 difficult than some languages. Screen prints, log prints, and xdebug 
 generally make the
 process simple enough.

I have been doing a lot of debugging PHP in my time, and I know how it
works.  That doesn't change the fact that it is rather annoying and a
tedious process compared to other languages.  I also like that other
languages *tell* you stuff, rather than having to know all these small
quirks in a language; this create language overhead, meaning a
programmer needs to contain a lot of information readily available
when programming.

And for what?  So I can save 10 minutes when setting up, but enduring
6 months of torture?  Yeah, I think I'll pass.

PHP wasn't chosen for MediaWiki because it was the language the
development team (at least the current) liked the best; but because
the first developer on MediaWiki chose it.  And that's that.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] On your python vs php talk

2013-07-28 Thread Svip
On 28 July 2013 16:53, wrote:

 It's not bad design. It's bad only theoretically and just different from
 strongly-typed languages. I like its inconsistent function names - for a
 lot of functions they're similar to C and in most cases they're very easy to
 remember, as opposed to some other languages, including python (!!).

For a lot of C functions from vastly different libraries; there is
nothing in the PHP library functions that make them easy to remember,
I often had to look them up.

 And my main idea is that only a statically typed should try to be strict.
 And python very oddly tries to be strict in some places while being
 dynamically typed. Look, it doesn't concatenate string and long - even Java
 does that!

You are confusing two kinds of type languages; Java is strongly
strict, while Python is strongly dynamic.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] On your python vs php talk

2013-07-28 Thread Svip
On 28 July 2013 18:36, Robert Cummings wrote:

 I debunked your original comments and you come back with more false claims
 and subjective argumentation.

You debunked my comment that casting is impossible; I concede that I
was wrong.  But it is the only context where you are allowed to use
'int'.  'int' isn't a keyword in PHP, '(int)' is.  And why?  There is
intval() after all.  It's only to match C syntax.  It's the same with
new, protected, public, private, etc. keywords for classes, despite
these not really being useful in a interpreted language.  The idea is
to catch these issues on compile time, which PHP doesn't have.[0]

Your is_int() solution is correct, but it isn't exactly pretty.  It's
another example of 'working against the language'.

 for why MediaWiki uses PHP... I guess that's what you get when you invent
 something-- you get to choose the design and tools.

I don't blame MediaWiki for using PHP.  It makes pretty rational sense
at the time it was created.  And even if it was created today, it
might have been PHP as well.  I have often praised MediaWiki for its
excellent PHP (also notice so does the article I linked to).

[0] I know there are some systems that can compile PHP, but the
primary objective of PHP is not to be compiled.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] On your python vs php talk

2013-07-28 Thread Svip
On 28 July 2013 18:43, Petr Bena wrote:

 And as I already stated once, I didn't start this discussion to start
 a war (not that I wouldn't like it) I just wanted to find out what's
 so cool on python and why in the world would people prefer it over

To give you an answer that isn't just PHP bashing (by the way, I am no
big fan of Python myself); I think it has a lot to do with more
corporations having skin in the game.  Large companies like Google
have invested in Python, but few have invested in PHP.  Well, at least
not prominent ones like Google.

This gives Python a sense of 'serious language' compared to PHP's
'hobby language' sentiment.  And some programmers looks down on PHP's
hobby language status.  You can argue whether that is fair or not.

But Python is a different beast all together; its initial purpose - as
I recall - was fulfil those programs that were too large for bash
scripts, but too simple for C-programs.  It was not created for the
web, it was later applied to it; and this you can tell in the language
as well as its standard library.  Python feels like a script language,
it has not very good threading and concurrency mechanism, which have
been added to the language later.

Google even tried to improve Python, but eventually abandoned that
plan and came up with Go instead.

There doesn't exist popular frameworks like Django (which I also
loath) for PHP, because PHP's standard library (well bindings) fulfils
much of task itself.

I don't mind Python's indentation syntax, but I don't like its
underscored standard functions (like __init__) and whatnot; they look
incredibly ugly.  I also don't like that you have to create a file in a directory to make it a package; that seems silly
to me (and ugly).

As for why Python is cool?  Because it tries some new things (look at
the syntax) and it is a language more designed to the nature of being
interpreted than compiled (which is a syntax PHP mimics).  I remember
personally being excited about Python when I first really met it back
in 2007.  But now that excitement has vanished.

My issue with Python isn't so much setting it up (which is a pain
itself, don't get me wrong), but it's the fact that it's standard
library are rather missing on functionality for the web (there are
plenty of frameworks, and whatnot, but not in its standard library),
so I have to ask myself; what's the purpose of writing in Python
rather than PHP?

I'd rather write in neither.  But hating PHP has traction, and you
don't want to be the uncool guy who writes in PHP, so to some people,
Python is the only option.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] On your python vs php talk

2013-07-28 Thread Svip
On 28 July 2013 18:37, Svip wrote:

 Java is strongly
 strict, while Python is strongly dynamic.

Woops, I think Java might be weakly strict and not strongly strict
(that's like Standard ML or Erlang).

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] python vs php

2013-07-27 Thread Svip
May I recommend taking a look at Go?  I'd love to implement a Wiki in
Go, if I had the time or motivation (and not a million other things I
want to do).

Go captures my excitement.

Oh but, a word of warning; if you are using to one language, then Go
will be rather different.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] MediaWiki to Latex Converter

2012-06-16 Thread Svip
On 16 June 2012 10:51, Dirk Hünniger wrote:

 This problem is actually sovled there is an easy way to export mediawiki
 articles to LaTeX and PDF.


Interesting, but why is it so large?  Is the source code available?

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] IE7 tax

2012-06-15 Thread Svip
On 14 June 2012 20:49, Tyler wrote:

 Yes, Microsoft was great when they made IE 6, but when IE 7 came out, 
 Microsoft killed
 the Internet star. I mean, HTML 5? What? I read a book that said after HTML 
 4.01, it would
 be XHTML 1.0, XHTML 1.1 ... not HTML 5!

I recommend you learn a thing or two about HTML's history, and how
XHTML 1.0 and 1.1 (as well as 2.0) was a mistake.  XHTML was an
attempt to make sure to use strict XML for the HTML, which would
create easier parsing.  Unfortunately, no one actually did what was
required; *serve* as XML, which meant the browsers would still quirk
parse it.

Now, of course, if you serve as XML, the browsers will parse it as XML
and then break if there is a syntax error.  But XML also does not
support most HTML entities, so there is a problem right there.  But
the parsing is likely to be faster.

HTML5 was create in protest against the slow progress to a new HTML
standard, and as XHTML wasn't going anywhere fast, people gave it the
shrug it so richly deserved.

For that reason, XHTML5 exists, which is just like HTML5, but is
required to be parsed as XML.

Also, your email seems to indicate that Microsoft created HTML5, they
were perhaps the _last_ ones to get onboard the 'HTML5 train'.  Much
of HTML5 was supposed to go past the usual long-winded and slow
process of standards that is W3C.

And IE6 sucked when it was released.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Development process doesn't work (yes this is another complaint from another community member)

2012-04-04 Thread Svip
On 4 April 2012 10:19, Petr Bena wrote:

 I am very disappointed by current development process we have on
 wikimedia project. The wikimedia project itself is classified as open
 source at some point, but the current development process sort of
 beats the purpose of that.

 I started working on two extensions in October, more than 6 months
 ago. Both were approved by community on Village Pump and it was agreed
 to deploy them to english wikipedia. One of the extension had hundreds
 of lines and is considered as bigger, the other one consist of +- 15
 lines of code, which was developed together with Ian Baker who is
 employee of the wikimedia foundation. I was told that in order to
 deploy it, I need to pass code review. I requested code review many
 times on many places and although it was more than 6 months ago, no
 one seemed to be able to review these 15 lines of code so far, despite
 the community agreed with the idea of extension.

 I understand it, that only employees of the foundation are actually
 permitted to write the code which is going to be deployed to wmf
 sites. If that is true, it should be noted somewhere, so that
 volunteers (the people who aren't employees / paid for that) can know
 that spending time on creating such an extensions, will likely result
 in it never going to be implemented, thus it's not anything they are
 suggested to do.

 While this is secure for the foundation, so that it can actually have
 perfect control over the code which is wikimedia running on, it is
 sort of against the idea of open software.

 So, it should be either described how this works, because if what I
 just said is true (I hope it's not) it should be definitely somewhere
 noted, to avoid getting more volunteers spending time on pointless
 work, or the development process should be completely changed so that
 it allows this open source project, to be actually open.

My NaturalLanguageList extension[1] has been queued for code review
since March 2010.[2]  And I still believe WMF wikis like Wiktionary
and Commons would greatly benefit from such an extension.  At least
until the Lua-wikicode thing gets worked out.


Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Time to redirect to https by default?

2012-04-01 Thread Svip
On 1 April 2012 13:01, David Gerard wrote:

 On 1 April 2012 11:55, Petr Bena wrote:

 I see no point in doing that. Https doesn't support caching well and
 is generally slower. There is no use for readers for that.

 The use is that the requests themselves are encrypted, so that the
 only thing logged is that they went to Wikimedia. You did read the
 linked articles, right?

Obviously, I cannot confirm whether Mr Bena read the linked articles
or not, but he did provide an answer regarding the technical

Wikimedia already spends an incredible amount of time caching its
content, because *so many* users use Wikipedia and its sister projects

And since most of the content is fairly static, caching makes a lot of sense.

However, HTTPS does not support caching (at least not well), which
means each page would suddenly have to be generated for *each* page.
It's true that MediaWiki itself supports caching, but its own caching
is no where near as fast as a caching server like Varnish (although I
believe a less powerful caching server is used on Wikimedia's

The trade off is that the service would be slower for everyone or we
would need more servers.  And I am not sure Wikimedia has that kind of

Those are the *technical* limitations to defaulting to HTTPS.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Time to redirect to https by default?

2012-04-01 Thread Svip
On 1 April 2012 12:06, David Gerard wrote:

Also, this article was written on 1 April and is far beyond any
monitoring scheme ever suggested in the Western World.  And I am sure
we would have heard about it being mentioned up until this point, if
it was real.

So I would take that article with a grain of salt.  Particularly the
statement about 'real time'.  That's not even feasible.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Time to redirect to https by default?

2012-04-01 Thread Svip
On 1 April 2012 13:59, David Gerard wrote:

 On 1 April 2012 12:23, Svip wrote:

 On 1 April 2012 12:06, David Gerard wrote:

 Also, this article was written on 1 April and is far beyond any
 monitoring scheme ever suggested in the Western World.  And I am sure
 we would have heard about it being mentioned up until this point, if
 it was real.

 It would be nice, but if it's a prank then (a) lots of other
 newspapers are in on it (b) ORG flagged the programme described
 several weeks in advance:

 So no, it's in no way a joke. This is absolutely real.

Still *kind of* a joke.

 So I would take that article with a grain of salt.  Particularly the
 statement about 'real time'.  That's not even feasible.

 That a desired monitoring regime would require a violation of physics
 has *never* stopped a legislative push for such.

But it has always stopped it from being implemented or executed in
practice.  While the development is terrifying, it is also important
to note the lack of actual consequences it will have.  Other than
being a huge embarrassment.

But I was always under the influence that the UK didn't really care
about free speech and privacy.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] correct way to import SQL dumps into MySQL database in terms of character encoding

2012-04-01 Thread Svip
On 1 April 2012 16:04, Piotr Jagielski wrote:

 mysql --user root --password=root wiki 
 C:\Path\plwiki-20111227-categorylinks.sql --default-character-set=utf8

It's -p, not --password=root and it will prompt you for the password.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] reject edits that cause two links for the same language

2012-03-18 Thread Svip
On 19 March 2012 03:47, wrote:

 Well OK, but in no case could
 * 中文
 * 中文
 be legitimate.

I disagree.  There are plenty of examples where an English article
(for instance) is covered in two or more languages in another
language, where it makes no sense to link to a disambiguous page.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Proposed removal of some API output formats

2012-02-08 Thread Svip
On 8 February 2012 20:39, Thomas Gries wrote:

 Am 08.02.2012 20:31, schrieb Max Semenik:

 * txt, dbg, dump - the only reason they were added is that it was
   possible to add them, they don't serve the purpose of
   machine/machine communication.

 I think we should keep txt or raw

That's an excellent reasoning for why we should keep txt or raw.
Do you use either?

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Mediawiki 2.0

2011-12-07 Thread Svip
On 7 December 2011 02:34, Dan Nessett wrote:

 3. It would help to get it down to 2.

 I assume my comments apply to many other small wikis that use MW as well.
 Most operate on a shoe string budget.

Tried a caching system?  My wiki gets 3000+ visitors a day (I don't
know how many Citizendium gets).  But my server (costing 49EUR a
month) can easily manage that plus several other websites including
running some game servers as well.  All I am saying is; it may be too
easy to blame it on MW alone.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Temporary password too short

2011-10-30 Thread Svip
On 26 October 2011 13:55, William Allen Simpson wrote:

 Many of these accounts have expired email, so I don't see any notices.
 Recently, one that has a current email sent me a notice that reads in
 relevant part:

 # Temporary password: YH2MnDD
 # This temporary password will expire in 7 days.
 # You should log in and choose a new password now. If someone else made this
 # request, or if you have remembered your original password, and you no longer
 # wish to change it, you may ignore this message and continue using your old
 # password.
 I use fairly long passwords with special characters (a 96 character set
 including space).  This replacement password is much more easily guessed.
 The account could have been stolen within minutes or hours.

 (Merely 7 case insensitive alphanumeric characters is equivalent to only
 40-bits of strength.)

 Please update the password generator to use at least 17 characters, with
 at least some punctuation!  (Users reading the text might have trouble
 noticing blanks, so don't use the space character.)

You do not seem to understand how they get access to your password
these days.  Far fewer people try to get through the front door.  Most
systems have methods against brute-forcing (e.g. waiting for 5 seconds
on every third wrong guess, etc.).  So brute-forcing is not desirable
against the system you are trying to hack (unless you wish to deny it

The most likely scenario is an attempt to obtain either the database
through SQL injections (probably tricky on a MediaWiki set up) or
through your cookie.  Most systems use a system where the hashed
salted (I hope) password is saved in the cookie.  Somehow getting your
cookie will allow them to bruteforce the hashed sum.  Although,
depending on your system this can take from a few hours to a couple of

Few systems are going to walk up to the front door and try to knock
itself in.  Your system will discover the behaviour if it is clever

Wikitech-l mailing list

[Wikitech-l] Reclaiming a lost account on a private wiki: impossible

2011-08-16 Thread Svip


Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Reclaiming a lost account on a private wiki: impossible

2011-08-16 Thread Svip
On 16 August 2011 12:47, Huib Laurens wrote:

 make the wiki less private for a second, request the password and voila

Assume that it is a company or community wiki that people are invited
into.  That means several accounts will be using the wiki and an
administrator may not always be available to make it less private for
a moment.  It is not *my* account that is lost, it is another one's.
Perhaps allow sysops to request passwordresets for other users?

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] XKCD: Extended Mind

2011-05-25 Thread Svip
On 25 May 2011 08:35, K. Peachey wrote:

 Wikipedia trivia: if you take any article, click on the first link in the 
 article text not
 in parentheses or italics, and then repeat, you will eventually end up at 

This is also true.  I came from Groom Range to Philosophy.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] facebook like box in mediawiki

2011-04-18 Thread Svip
On 18 April 2011 20:27, MZMcBride wrote:

 Raul Kern wrote:

 how to add facebook like box to chapters mediawiki homepage:

 The like button is usually added with an iframe HTML element. I suppose
 it would be simple enough to create this element in JavaScript (in
 MediaWiki:Common.js) and then have it inserted on the Main Page (or

 The bigger concern would be whether doing so is acceptable under the
 Wikimedia Foundation's privacy policy. I'm not sure how much data is
 transferred simply by users loading an iframe from another site or what
 other risks there might be from doing so.

Or the fact that Facebook Like-buttons are popping up everywhere, and
I hope they won't on WMFs wikis.  Great, you liked enwiki's article on

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] I need an extra tab.

2010-08-09 Thread Svip
On 9 August 2010 13:35, Natasha Brown wrote:

 It gave me

 Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ELSE, expecting T_FUNCTION in
 /home/wikitra2/public_html/w/includes/SkinTemplate.php on line 894

 Then somehow I have managed to delete my LocalSetting.php and I have spend all
 night restoring it: I might have learn a bit...

 I wish someone Can help me! My site needs an extra tab.

Can you pastebin that function?

le Svip

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] I need an extra tab.

2010-08-08 Thread Svip
On 8 August 2010 10:50, Natasha Brown wrote:

  How do I add an extra tab on the top of all the wiki pages, right to Page
 and Discussion in Vector skin?

Well, Wiktionary uses JavaScript, I think.  Which is terrible.

I recommend this method:

/me rins before someone cries 'no--'

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] bold and italic

2010-05-12 Thread Svip
On 12 May 2010 13:33, Platonides wrote:

 Alex Brollo wrote:

 This question gives me the opportunity for a question to experts about
 server load. Is really so harder for the server to manage html tags like
 b, /b, i,/i instead of usual wiki markup ''', ''? The former have a
 great advantage since they are well-formed tags (even if they are
 deprecated html tags), while wiki markup is not at all; this would make
 much simpler to manage them by some bot scripts.

 You can use b and i in the wiki. In fact '' and ''' translate into
 b and i.

Which reminds me, why doesn't it translates into strong and em or
better yet, span style=font-weight: bold and span
style=font-style: italic; ?

It could still accept b and i, but translate them into correct HTML tags.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] bold and italic

2010-05-12 Thread Svip
On 12 May 2010 13:57, Platonides wrote:

 You could use span style=font-weight: bold, but what's the point of

Because it would be correct HTML.

 Using b and i where what you really want is to make it bold and
 italic isn't deprecated.

Incorrect, they are deprecated exactly for that reason, because the
HTML should in no way imply the style and appearance of the content.
Let CSS take care of that.  Of course, you could do span class=i
and span class=b instead, to make it neater.  And it would follow
the standard too.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] bold and italic

2010-05-12 Thread Svip
On 12 May 2010 14:24, Conrad Irwin wrote:
 On 05/12/2010 01:11 PM, Svip wrote:
 On 12 May 2010 13:57, Platonides wrote:

 You could use span style=font-weight: bold, but what's the point of

 Because it would be correct HTML.

 It's foul HTML... The whole point is that you say what you mean, not
 what it should look like.

How is bold and italic things you say?  Maybe my own language isn't
that nuanced.

 Using b and i where what you really want is to make it bold and
 italic isn't deprecated.

 Incorrect, they are deprecated exactly for that reason, because the
 HTML should in no way imply the style and appearance of the content.
 Let CSS take care of that.  Of course, you could do span class=i
 and span class=b instead, to make it neater.  And it would follow
 the standard too.

 It isn't deprecated.

Okay, correct, but it is 'discouraged'.  They even removed them in
XHTML 2.0, not that anyone uses that.  Though, I don't think it is
going out of HTML5.

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