Hello everyone,

I want to modify the default Vector theme that comes with 1.21.1. But before I 
do that I want to rename it. I want to name it nighttime.  I created a folder 
called nighttime and copied all the vector files into it. Then I made a copy of 
Vector.php and called it Nighttime.php. I then modified the appropriate 
contents of Nighttime.php as follows...

class SkinNighttime extends SkinTemplate {

 protected static $bodyClasses = array( 'vector-animateLayout' );

 var $skinname = 'nighttime', $stylename = 'nighttime',
 $template = 'NighttimeTemplate', $useHeadElement = true;


unction setupSkinUserCss( OutputPage $out ) {
 parent::setupSkinUserCss( $out );
 $out->addModuleStyles( 'skins.nighttime' );


class NighttimeTemplate extends BaseTemplate {

You can see what the site looks after I renamed everything at 
http://beta.dropshots.com/j00100/media/75373447 It appears as if there is no 

I did some searching on Google but everything I found dealt with older 
versions. Does anyone know how to rename Vector and have it working on 1.21?


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