User "NeilK" changed the status of MediaWiki.r91319.

Old Status: deferred
New Status: ok

User "NeilK" also posted a comment on MediaWiki.r91319.

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Commit summary:

* follow up on r91317 to readd spider.php and setuptables.sql with the correct 
lowercase name to adhere to coding conventions
* add function to spider.php to deal with replag on databases to prevent 
duplication by mulitple instances of the spider
* fix setuptables.sql to actually have data instead of being empty (problem in 


varchar(10000) is kind of overkill. In practice URLs over 4K aren't handled by 
browsers. But okay.

What's the point of the local file? That seems like another thing which can go 
wrong; why not keep all the state about what you are doing in the db?

Minor nit, instead of 
    if ( $retval !== true ) {$retval = false; } return $retval;
you can say 
    return ($retval === true);

delete_dups -- try not to select '*', it's bad style

I like the way you did parse_wget_log, very clean that way

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