
This email contains updates for the last two weeks - August 5 and 12, 2020.

For the HTML versions, see:





*= 2020-08-05 =*

== Callouts ==
* FYI: Removing our old helm charts endpoint (<nowiki>
https://releases.wikimedia.org/charts</nowiki>) and moving to a new one,
powered by chartmuseum. <nowiki>https://helm-charts.wikimedia.org/</nowiki>.
if you are using helm locally with the old repo, you will have to switch to
the new one. On the plus side, this is integrated with our CI now and no
longer requires manually creating helm chart artifacts. Docs at <nowiki>

== Product ==

=== iOS native app ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** Continuing development on [[phab:project/view/4661/|6.7 release]].
*** "Article as a living document" experiment
*** Event Platform Client MVP
*** iOS14 widgets & bug fixes

=== Web ===
* Updates:
**'''Summary''': Desktop Improvements Project's (DIP) deployment continues;
continuing WVUI Vector integration and the network client now has a
MediaWiki REST API implementation in review.
** [[Reading/Web/Desktop_Improvements|Desktop Improvements Project (Vector
/ DIP)]]:
*** [[phab:T250968|[ShoutWikiAds] Replace use of deprecated hook
*** [[phab:T254227|Switch test wikis to new version of vector by default]]
*** [[phab:T253842|Fix the printable versions of modern Vector]]
*** [[phab:T250851|Allow skins to override mediawiki.page.ready
initialisation to enable search JavaScript to be swapped]]
*** [[phab:T249363|Move the existing search to the header in preparation
for Vue.js search development]]
*** [[phab:T259372|Refactor: Move PHP logic into JS for collapsing tabs
under more menu]]
*** [[phab:T257647|Integrate WVUI into Vector for Vue.js search]]
*** [[phab:T251212|[Dev] Drop VectorTemplate usage in Vector]]
*** [[phab:T248399|Document Skin API and their stability, if any (including
*** [[phab:T247790|wgLogos follow up work]]
*** [[phab:T255319|Eventually deprecate SkinTemplateNavigation::SpecialPage
and SkinTemplateNavigation hooks in favor of
*** [[phab:T244392|Vue.js search case study]]:
**** See [[Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements/Vue.js case study/Status
log|weekly status updates]].
** Mobile website (MinervaNeue / MobileFrontend):
*** [[phab:T259080|Minerva bundle checks are broken]]
*** [[phab:T257872|Uncaught Error: Set map center and zoom first on mobile
domain Android]]
*** [[phab:T258096|Regression: Nested references do not open if user clicks
on [ or ] (which are wrapped in span)]]
** Standardization
*** [[phab:T250762|UsersMultiselectWidget not announcing status message]]
*** [[phab:T248062|Deprecate and remove `.background-image-svg()` mixin
from 'mediawiki.mixins.less']]
*** [[phab:T259086|Remove obsolete 'set-graphics'/'svg2png'/'imagemin'
tasks and Less background-image raster fallback for former Grade C browser
*** [[phab:T254195|Implement a core 'clearfix' mixin in mediawiki.mixin and
evaluate deprecation/removal of 'visualClear' class]]
*** [[phab:T258752|Unify `line-height` to `20px` in widgets to simplify
code and better i18n]]
*** [[phab:T257279|Standardize 'mediawiki.ui' variables to CSS variables
naming scheme in preparation for WikimediaUI Base variables takeover]]
*** [[phab:T247033|Add 'i18n-directionality.less' file to core and extract
overarching theme styles from legacy.less]]
** Portals
*** [[phab:T128546|[Recurring Task] Update Wikipedia and sister projects
portals statistics]]
** Miscellaneous
*** [[phab:T258256|<nowiki>OOUI window management broken on pages with with
additional frames, due to cross document access</nowiki>]]
*** [[phab:T255913|Document tagline and icon options of $wgLogos by putting
them in the installer]]
*** [[phab:T253047|TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating
*** [[phab:T257877|MediaWiki installer appears unstyled]]

== Technology ==

=== Site Reliability Engineering ===
* Blocked by:
** None
* Blocking:
** None
* Updates:
** Removing our old helm charts endpoint (<nowiki>
https://releases.wikimedia.org/charts</nowiki>) and moving to a new one,
powered by chartmuseum. <nowiki>https://helm-charts.wikimedia.org/</nowiki>.
if you are using helm locally with the old repo, you will have to switch to
the new one. On the plus side, this is integrated with our CI now and no
longer requires manually creating helm chart artifacts. Docs at <nowiki>


*= 2020-08-12 =*

== Product ==

=== Web ===
* Updates:
** '''Summary''': WVUI Vector integration in Vector, Vue.js-focused week
** [[Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements|Desktop Improvements Project (Vector
/ DIP)]]:
*** [[phab:T258493|[Spike 8hrs] "Use Legacy Vector" is not working as a
global preference]]
*** [[phab:T254227|Switch test wikis to new version of vector by default]]
*** [[phab:T250851|Allow skins to override mediawiki.page.ready
initialisation to enable search JavaScript to be swapped]]
*** [[phab:T249363|Move the existing search to the header in preparation
for Vue.js search development]]
*** [[phab:T248399|Document Skin API and their stability, if any (including
*** [[phab:T244392|Vue.js search case study]]:
**** See [[Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements/Vue.js case study/Status
log|weekly status updates]].
** Mobile website (MinervaNeue / MobileFrontend):
*** [[phab:T240622|[Technical debt payoff] Remove InlineDiffFormatter and
InlineDifferenceEngine from MobileFrontend]]
** Standardization
*** [[phab:T248062|Deprecate and remove `.background-image-svg()` mixin
from 'mediawiki.mixins.less']]
*** [[phab:T259086|Remove obsolete 'set-graphics'/'svg2png'/'imagemin'
tasks and Less background-image raster fallback for former Grade C browser
*** [[phab:T257279|Standardize 'mediawiki.ui' variables to CSS variables
naming scheme in preparation for WikimediaUI Base variables takeover]]
** Portals
*** [[phab:T128546|[Recurring Task] Update Wikipedia and sister projects
portals statistics]]
** Miscellaneous
*** [[phab:T259955|Skin hooks should not have unexpected side effects to
*** [[phab:T259630|TypeError: results.error is undefined]]
*** [[phab:T259400|Drop MonoBookAfterContent hook]]
*** [[phab:T259193|[betalabs] FF only - Notifications - vertical scrolling
in the header]]
*** [[phab:T258488|MenuTagMultiselectWidget removes selected tag if invalid
input is entered]]
*** [[phab:T258420|MenuTagMultiselect adds items twice if specified as
options and selected options]]
*** [[phab:T258256|<nowiki>OOUI window management broken on pages with with
additional frames, due to cross document access</nowiki>]]
*** [[phab:T250968|[ShoutWikiAds] Replace use of deprecated hook
*** [[phab:T203023|skins.monobook.mobile.uls dependency doesn't do mobile?]]
*** [[phab:T259354|ActionField + dropdown styling issues]]
*** [[phab:T259316|Drop Monobook/resources/screen-desktop.css from
*** [[phab:T258752|Unify `line-height` to `20px` in widgets to simplify
code and better i18n]]
*** [[phab:T257015|Redeploy quicksurvey on enwiki (for a Growth study)]]
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