This looks relevant to Wine as well.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2000 21:23:19 -0700
From: David Dawes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Printing Summit (fwd)

Some people at VA Linux are organising a "printing summit", and they've
asked if XFree86 would like to be prepresented there.  If anyone here
is interested in representing XFree86, please let me know soon.  The
details are included below.


Currently we have lined up from the development side CUPS, LPRng,
GPR, libppd, printing HOWTOs, GNOME, KDE, IBM and the efforts within
VA Linux. On the manufacturing side we have HP, Okidata, AGFA, set
to come, as well as many of the GNU/Linux distribution vendors.
As you can tell this is a pretty substantial representation of all
of the efforts within the Linux printing environment. The dates
are July 27th and 28th, the location is the Sheraton hotel in
Sunnyvale California.

The agenda is somewhat open by design, and as such we suggest the
following schedule:
- July 27th Opening comments
- Introductions from each effort
        *Provide a 10-15 presentation of efforts, vision, and
         issues surrounding each of your efforts. 
- BoF

After all efforts are outlined, a large portion of the agenda is open to
allow the group to address those issues that they perceive as being the
most important.  The rest of the summit will consist mainly of BoF
sessions to allow people to tackle specific issues in smaller, more
focused groups. To help facilitate this conversation I have created a
Printing Summit mailing list at:
You are encouraged to subscribe, either by using the form accessible at
the above URL, or by sending a message to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word "subscribe" 
in the subject or body of the message.  It is a discussion list where  
some fine tuning of the agenda and other logistical information will be
discussed , and all are encouraged to participate. I know this seems    
to be a fairly open agenda but we feel it is imperative that the meeting
be a working group with the only hidden agenda to be a sharing of  
visions, ideas, and issues.  We can always hope that there will be a  
great epiphany and a single future vision of Linux/*nix printing can be
realized, but realistically we feel that building the relationships and
communication channels among the various groups will be a huge step in  
the right direction. More information on the organization and goals of
this summit will be available on the mailing list.  Latecomers who may
wish to catch up on the list discussion may wish to visit the above URL
for a pointer to the archives.

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