Alright Jeremy I'll bite one this one. Of course, I think that some of
my statements are a little nebulous (good cannon fodder)...

In message "RFC: Wine 1.0", you write:

>Given the amount of progress Wine has made over the past year,
>it seems (to me anyway) that the time may be appropriate to
>try for Wine version 1.0.
>I was hoping to spark a conversation on this topic, in two basic areas:
>    1.  Should we do it?  (If not, why not, and when?)

 I would say that if we do it, it can mean one of the following two things:

1) We think that enough progress has been made on Wine since its infancy
   then it's a psychological type of thing. It doesn't have to imply that
   it's stable just that it's a good basis for what we're going to do in the
   future - big features done. Perhaps start by releasing a Wine 0.9 type of
   thing - or just call it 1.0 (most of which are generally buggy products

2) We have a "somewhat stable" version which we think we can handle having
   people run for ages. We've made the decision to perhaps fork off a bug fix
   stream or start with multiple streams. We've also made the decision that
   we're going to have pseudo periodic "releases" which are of the same or
   higher quality in the future. Essentially come out of Beta - or would that 
   be Alpha?

If we're considering 1 as the reason for making "the release" then I would 
suggest not bothering.

We need to be happy forking our resources onto something like a stable branch 
and the development branch. This means that we need to say which features of 
the windows we're going to support and draw some immaginary line in the code.

Then there's this old argument about trying to hit a moving target. How long
before we would have to produce another release which would support the 
next version of changes that microsoft introduces to their product which 
gets adapted (DirectX changes pretty often). Now, however, that our dlls
are more seperated out, it could mean that we might offer incremental
releases of dlls rather than everything at once. That might be a logistical

We do need to consider the fact that it would mean directing more developer 
time away from code and into admistrivia functions.

>    2.  What needs to be done before we can release Wine 1.0?

- Come up with a list of apps that we want working. 
- Also define what having a working app means - how perfect is it?
- Be willing to produce some sort of "state of the union" type documention
  indicating what our future strategy is and what we expect to work in
  this release.

- Come up with a list of products which should compile out of the box 
  (microsoft SDK examples etc)
- Major known gotcha's fixed - I guess that might be implied in the previous


- All important Corel (and other) fixes existing in our tree.
- Having the application database up to date?
- Better documentation - everything we have updated - so that we don't
  get bombed with the same old questions. This is just the dotting the i's
  and crossing the t's of a real release.

>I'll start with my personal list:
>    1.  All apps listed as a '5' work perfectly with Wine
>        (revising the apps database so that it's accurate
>         is a fine way to accomplish this, IMO).

  This would require a fixed list of apps which are required to work (something
we don't have yet) and a test cycle type of thing before release. Nothing 
wrong with either idea.

>    2.  Many sample applications compile and work with Winelib 'out of
>       the box' (along the lines of the work that Francois Gouget is doing).
Yup. I'm going to, hopefully next week, get around to seeing what Francios
has been doing and do the same thing for VWCL as I promissed Todd quite some
time ago.

>    3.  The installation and configuration stuff is cleaner
>        (I think it's mostly there; I just think it needs a
>         little spit and polish).

How much do we need to do. Most people will get it from some sort of package
format anyways. Source could always be considered the developer way of doing

>    4.  The wine server interface is standardized so that
>        Wine version 1.01 and version 1.1 and version 2.0
>        will be able to interoperate with the Wine 1.0 server.

  I'm not too sure if we want to get into the backwards compatibility type of
issues. Comming from an industry where we're fanatical about this sort of
stuff, I've seen products that are horrid because this sort of stuff wasn't
considered early enough in the design cycle - it was just an after thought.

  I think that it would be nice, but at the cost of how much work before
the release and in future releases? We need to be careful insisting on this one
quite yet. If we knew that we had everything in the server that we wanted,
I wouldn't have a problem with this (of course I probably wouldn't be coding 
it). Perhaps start that with version 2.0 when we might be a little more 
stablized ;)

>Thoughts?  Comments?

Peter Hunnisett

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