Re: [Wine] newsletter dead forever?

2007-01-16 Thread Hiji
The developer's list was talking about this a couple of weeks back.  Somebody 
was going to take over and continue the newsletter, but nothing yet.

- Original Message 
From: Michal Seliga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 10:14:31 AM
Subject: [Wine] newsletter dead forever?

I know its like this for a long time, but i have to ask...

what happened with Wine newsletter? it was interesting reading and now its gone
there is no update since last wineconf

wine-users mailing list


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Re: Adobe Photoshop idea

2006-10-03 Thread Hiji
- Original Message 
From: Tom Wickline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Karsten Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 3, 2006 4:46:22 AM
Subject: Re: Adobe Photoshop idea

> Sun Microsystems, Novel, Corel and countless others are soon to be known as 
> ... Who ?
 Sun Microsystems can't be killed.  Many of the world's infrastructure 
literally relies on them (though, it's not quite evident from the end user 
standpoint.)  The only way they would go away is if they were bought out, and 
then, the Sun name was axed.


Re: Adobe Photoshop idea

2006-10-01 Thread Hiji
Hey Karsten,

Is there any other way to see the thread?  It requires a login.  ATM, I think 
its great that PhotoShop 7 runs near perfectly under Wine, but it would be 
fantastic if CS and CS2 versions ran just as smoothly.


- Original Message 
From: Karsten Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2006 11:51:43 PM
Subject: Adobe Photoshop idea

I know a lot of people really want newer versions of photoshop (CS,
CS2) to work with wine, myself included, so I opened up a feature
request on Adobe's Photoshop forum, first with the intent to lobby for
a Linux version, but then had the idea that maybe it would be more
realistic to get Photoshop to work in Linux via Wine, possibly via
having some sort of collaboration between the two dev groups.  A reply
I got on their messageboard is actually from a dev, and I suggested to
him that they work with the Wine devs on this, as it seems much more
realistic and possible than a Linux port.

So I'm sending this to you guys as a heads up that this might be a
good opportunity to get in contact with the Adobe people about getting
some ideas on getting Photoshop working in Wine.  Here's the link to
the thread:

maybe someone could reply and say Hi at least and say to Chris (that's
the guy) that you'd be receptive to some input from Adobe on this.  I
can only see this as a win-win situation for everyone, Linux users for
getting Photoshop working, and Adobe for the admiration of the Linux
community and the possibility of  new revenue that might be available
to them via new sales of the software.  Sorry to drop in from out of
nowhere on this, but I thought the opportunity seemed to good to not
say anything.  So long and thanks for wine, it's awesome :)


Re: Governance revisited

2006-09-23 Thread Hiji
- Original Message 
From: Mike McCormack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc:; Marcus Meissner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 11:42:36 PM
Subject: Re: Governance revisited

> The current process is crippling this project, limiting the developer 
> base  
> and reducing community value. Without some healthy dissent it will never 
> change and get better.  I am a friend of change, a true believer in the 
> process of continuous improvement. I believe one day, the WIne project will 
> value my contribution - even in dissent.

We value your contribution, however it's even more valuable to have 
developers that listen to feedback and fix their broken patches rather 
than just complaining loudly.

Since you know better, how about maintaining your own Wine tree and 
showing us how it's done?



I think Bob, Jim and co. were very diplomatic in their recommendations, and I 
firmly believe that they symbolize the opinions of a much larger group of 
people.  I don't think they've overstepped their boundaries at all, have 
"complained" or rushed-in to proclaim that they are "know-it-alls".  What they 
do realize is that the process can be improved and have tried to provide 
recommendations.  I'm also very suprised that they have been accused of 
"trolling" when I didn't see it that way at all - I think someone who was 
"complaining" or "trolling" because their patches never/ rarely make it in 
would be MUCH less constructive.  You guys, you don't have to be on the 
"defensive" because Bob, Jim, and co. are "attacking" you.

Watching and being on this list for a few years now, it's no secret that this 
topic has come up over and over again - clearly, they aren't the only ones 
feeling this way and the "problem" persists.  We've seen MANY discouraged 
developers leave because of situations like this, and I believe this hurts the 
project.  Yeah, the team can say "hey, we have no problem with it", but I think 
that's only because those who disagree have been "scared away".  As far as the 
recommendation to fork the tree, I wouldn't be suprised if that happens because 
it's already happened once before - of course, relations between this team and 
with Transgaming aren't all that great; so, I doubt they would want to share 
their development process.

I think this team has done an incredible job with Wine - heck I've made it a 
point to stop by the CodeWeavers booth the last two year at LinuxWorld to say 
how much I love the work you guys do (sometimes, I'm the only one there).  
However, I can't help but believe that this project can evolve MUCH faster and 
better to gain the respect that it deserves.

I've been using Wine for a little over 2 years now (it's the first app I've 
ever installed on Linux, and its what kept me on Linux), but from a user's 
perspective, I have seen very little progress (and in some cases, steps 
backwards.)  And frankly said, it really sucks to hear that the developers here 
don't place user needs/ value higher on their priority list.  Granted, Wine is 
free software, and I could off and do my own thing, but speaking merely from a 
personal satisfaction perspective, when I develop something, what really makes 
me happy is knowing that the person using my app REALLY enjoys and makes use of 
it.  That's why it's always high on my priority list.  If I don't have that 
going for me, I have no reason to develop the app.

I just want to close with this: I'm not trolling (the team should know this 
because I've been on the list for awhile) and I certainly don't think that 
anyone else here has trolled around this thread.

A Wine Fan,

Re: my dsound/winealsa hacks

2006-09-22 Thread Hiji
Keep us posted.  I'm interested in getting better support for audio recording 
under Wine.


- Original Message 
From: Tomas Carnecky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 9:34:14 AM
Subject: Re: my dsound/winealsa hacks

Tomas Carnecky wrote:
> I'm fairly sure this all could be done in a WoW-independent way, eg. 
> configure the hardware as the application requests it (by passing 
> LPCDSBUFFERDESC to the low-level driver etc) and keeping track of the 
> read/write positions could also be done in a better way.

A small update on that, I managed to indeed make it WoW-independent, I 
tested it with foobar2000 and the playback works fine, there is an issue 
with the sound volume, it keeps changing if I seek :-/

Right now I'm documenting the code, so my next patch will be a little 
bit better readable and easier to understand :)


Re: Thank you

2006-09-01 Thread Hiji
We just shipped a public beta of CrossOver for the Mac.

We're very excited about the Mac opportunities as we
hope it will give us a much needed boost and
allow us to accelerate our own contributions to Wine.

I'm proud of our work on Wine - and I am very privileged
to work with the folks at CodeWeavers.

However, it's also clear that the Wine community is
a growing one, and that a large portion of the
work in CrossOver comes from people who contribute here.

This past year, in particular, I've noticed a great
jump in contributions, notably in the area of games
(yay for World of Warcraft support!).

By doing so, I think you make the world
a better place, and indirectly you help all of us at CodeWeavers
to make a living - you literally help to put food on my table
(although my wife is getting tired of beans and rice :-/).

So, thanks.  I personally appreciate it, and think it's Good (TM)
that you do.  I also believe that countless other folks
who use Wine in various forms also appreciate it, although
they're polite enough not to write long winded emails expressing that.

But for any of you that come to Reading, the least we
can do is buy you dinner and a drink or two.  And if any contributor
ever needs something from CodeWeavers (like a free
CrossOver account), just holler.


Jeremy White
CodeWeavers, Inc.

p.s.  Okay, being brutally honest, the jury is out on whether
or not all the work making World of WarCrack^H^Hft is going to be
a net gain for us or not.  Now even my wife is addicted, and I
have to go level up my Paladin to keep the work group happy... :-/


Wow!  That's great news!  Congrats on getting that public beta out.  On a side 
note, I made it a point to stop by the CrossOver booth at LinuxWorld.  I didn't 
catch the name of the guy manning the booth, but poor guy, I basically talked 
his ear off about how much I love Wine, and that I wish Wine and CrossOver got 
a lot more exposure.  Hopefully, adding the Mac to the mix will help with that!


Re: What purpose does wineinstall still serve?

2006-08-28 Thread Hiji
> I know this feature is intended to make it easier for people to compile wine,
> but people who aren't comfortable with this should use precompiled packages.

I don't agree with this.  For most software, I will use an RPM, but I refuse to 
use Wine RPMs.  Either it is not optimized for my setup, or weird things happen 
(like I can't run anything unless I'm root.)  Wine-install makes installing 
Wine simple and painless, and if you want to make and compile yourself w/o 
wine-install, you can do that too.  So, there's no harm in keeping it around.


Re: What purpose does wineinstall still serve?

2006-08-27 Thread Hiji
Last we discussed, wineinstall was kept to make it easier for newbies to 
install Wine.  I'm not quite the newbie to Linux or Wine anymore, but I think I 
would still be a bit lost without it.  From what I understand, there's more 
than "configure/ make/ make install" required to install Wine.  Wineinstall 
nicely packages everything for ya! :)

- Original Message 
From: Scott Ritchie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Wine Devel 
Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2006 11:53:36 PM
Subject: What purpose does wineinstall still serve?

A while back, we talked about deleting Wine install.  What exactly does
it do these days, and why do we still have it?

Scott Ritchie

Re: OT: General behaviour of the community (from 'Why winetools is utterly useless, once and for all')

2006-03-29 Thread Hiji
On Wednesday 29 March 2006 7:31 pm, Hiji wrote:
> > How do you propose we prevent people from emailing people that post to
> > wine-devel?  How do we choose who gets to email people directly and
> > who doesn't?  How do we filter the contents of their email?
> I want to chime in and say that I'm with Tom and the ole Doc here.  I don't
> think there's any way to filter somebody's contents, but I think it's
> important for the community to speak up when somebody is out of line.

Chris Morgan wrote:
> Perhaps you didn't actually read the emails that were sent.  This might 
> explain the discrepancy between your comment about "thinking its important 
> for the community to speak up when somebody is out of line" and this email 
> from Tom, the one I was replying to:

I read all the emails, and I know exactly what I am referring to; so, there is 
no discrepancy. ;)  I had in mind Segin's initial email (which was sent to the 
entire list):
--- Segin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is one reason, inarguable (if you reply to
> this you have a IQ of 
> 0) as to why WineTools is useless: Most of the
> WineTools 'magic' is in 
> it's ~/.wine/config file, which Wine no longer
> uses/acknoleges, thefore, 
> WineTools is utterly useless and has no point in
> existing AT ALL, PERIOD.

To which I responded:
> Dude, you need a bit more constructive in your
> comments, or you'll be getting a lot of resentment on
> this list REAL fast.

Per your comment "What he said on the list seemed pretty reasonable to me.", if 
you don't see anything wrong with what Segin said, then so be it.  Others, 
meanwhile, have recognized his misplaced behavior.


Re: OT: General behaviour of the community (from 'Why winetools is utterly useless, once and for all')

2006-03-29 Thread Hiji
> How do you propose we prevent people from emailing people that post to
> wine-devel?  How do we choose who gets to email people directly and
> who doesn't?  How do we filter the contents of their email?

I want to chime in and say that I'm with Tom and the ole Doc here.  I don't 
think there's any way to filter somebody's contents, but I think it's important 
for the community to speak up when somebody is out of line.

I know I was the first to respond to Sergin's email by asking that he be more 
constructive in his feedback, but past that, none of the regulars on this 
thread said much.  Now, his thread has spawned into something that is s far 
out there that it almost has no relevancy to this list.  I want to note that I 
don't see how Sergin's comments and behavior could have been interpreted as 
anything but inappropriate; however, with the majority of people not saying 
anything, I can only imagine that Sergin felt that what he did was perfectly 
okay and acceptable on this list.

I'm trying to say two things here:
1) If somebody says/ does something that is not okay, say something to that 
person.  Of course, be constructive about it.  For example, when I first joined 
this list, people got upset that I was top-posting - I learned that it was not 
ok in this community because people said someting.  So, I try to bottom post 
(when I remember.)
2) I've always said Wine is an awesome thing - probably the best thing to come 
out of the Linux community since ... well, Linux and its desktops.  Now, more 
than ever, Wine need as many developers as possible to keep it improve b/c as 
Linux adoption continues people will look to Wine and CrossOver for application 
cross-compatibility.  And, I'm not talking about the developer who pops in with 
a patch every 6 months (I see that person as a patch submitter), but instead, 
I'm talking about a developer who dedicated him/herself to the Wine project.  
And with that, the team can't afford to lose that good talent b/c the "newbie 
talent" was mistreated in this community.

Those are my 2 cents that I think will go a long way.


Re: Why winetools is utterly useless, once and for all.

2006-03-27 Thread Hiji
--- Segin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is one reason, inarguable (if you reply to
> this you have a IQ of 
> 0) as to why WineTools is useless: Most of the
> WineTools 'magic' is in 
> it's ~/.wine/config file, which Wine no longer
> uses/acknoleges, thefore, 
> WineTools is utterly useless and has no point in
> existing AT ALL, PERIOD.

Dude, you need a bit more constructive in your
comments, or you'll be getting a lot of resentment on
this list REAL fast.

Just a word of advice,

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Re: I have a complaint about the website

2006-03-27 Thread Hiji
> So theoretically a virus could spread just as 
> easily through a wine system as well as a Windows
> system. That virus could spread even if the 
> security in Linux is in place. The wine 
> installation could be affected and we have to
> reinstall the wine directory.

Take a look at this.  It's a good read:


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Re: CreateScalableFontResourceA: what does it mean?

2006-03-24 Thread Hiji
--- Vitaliy Margolen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Friday, March 24, 2006, 12:44:46 AM, Hiji wrote:
> > There is this program, Cakewalk Sonar XL 2
> >
> (
> > that I always try to run on Wine.  The good news
> is, I
> > can get it running, not smoothly, but it does run.
> > However, it tries to utilize one of its own fonts,
> and
> > always stubs on CreateScalableFontResourceA.
> > It hits this:
> > fixme:font:CreateScalableFontResourceA
> >
> > stub
> > Then the app tells me the following in a popup:
> > "Cannot create the Staff view musical symbol
> font."
> > Anybody know what this means or have any
> workaround
> > for making CreateScalableFontResourceA work?  I've
> > seen this problem since Dec. 2004, but since it
> hasn't
> > gone away, I thought I'd pipe up and ask about it.
> > Thanks in advance!
> > Hiji
> AFAIK that was the only way for any program to
> "temporary" install it's
> fonts. Temporary means that the font will be
> available to the current
> session only (no entirely sure here if font will
> stay after program
> closes or will be available).
> Vitaliy

Thanks for the tidbit - it makes things a lot clearer!
 The TTSNOTE.FOR font, I found, resides within the
application's folder in Program Files and appears to
go through this motion every time it starts up.  So,
my guess is that it goes away after the program
closes.  I know that on my Win install, the app never
permanently moves the font to my system fonts folder.

Anybody have a workaround for making this work?


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CreateScalableFontResourceA: what does it mean?

2006-03-23 Thread Hiji
There is this program, Cakewalk Sonar XL 2
that I always try to run on Wine.  The good news is, I
can get it running, not smoothly, but it does run. 
However, it tries to utilize one of its own fonts, and
always stubs on CreateScalableFontResourceA.

It hits this:

Then the app tells me the following in a popup:
"Cannot create the Staff view musical symbol font."

Anybody know what this means or have any workaround
for making CreateScalableFontResourceA work?  I've
seen this problem since Dec. 2004, but since it hasn't
gone away, I thought I'd pipe up and ask about it.

Thanks in advance!

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Re: May be a bad idea to have Winetools in the next SUSE release

2006-03-09 Thread Hiji
> Hmm, I have some kind of recommendation here.
> What about winetools using ".winetools" as
> WINEPREFIX setting? 
> This would make it possible to keep a ".wine" for
> the purists, and
> ".winetools" for the "just get things done" people.
> Up to now winetools does not seem to honor a
> WINEPREFIX setting
> (also a bug I think).

Seperating .wine and .winetools would be cool.  In
fact, the only reason I don't use winetools is because
it "dilutes" my pure wine install.  Just tossing in my
2 cents!


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Re: wine-0.9.8 and Lotus Notes 6.5.1

2006-02-23 Thread Hiji
--- Rainer Dorsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> just wanted to report my wine experience with Lotus
> Notes 6.5.1:

I wanted to add that the Wine Application DB is also
an excellent place to report Wine experiences with



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Re: What to do??? -- WINE 0.9.3-0.9.7 and Photoshop 7

2006-02-15 Thread Hiji
> > On Tuesday 14 February 2006 22:12, Hiji wrote:
> > > Can anybody help?
> > 
> > Did you try latest CVS? I don't have PS7, but this
> > patch went in on Saturday 
> > and might be related (If I recall correctly,
> Martin
> > mentioned the PS7 
> > breakage):
> Martin just replied to me.  I don't pull out of CVS;
> so, I'll wait for the next release!
> If it doesn't work out, then I'll report back.
> Thanks!
> Hijinio

Thumbs up!  Photoshop 7 runs once again via 0.9.8. 
Though, I didn't try installing it (I just carried
over my .wine folder.)

Thanks to everyone!  MANY people will be happy again!


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Re: What to do??? -- WINE 0.9.3-0.9.7 and Photoshop 7

2006-02-14 Thread Hiji
--- Michael Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tuesday 14 February 2006 22:12, Hiji wrote:
> > Can anybody help?
> Did you try latest CVS? I don't have PS7, but this
> patch went in on Saturday 
> and might be related (If I recall correctly, Martin
> mentioned the PS7 
> breakage):

Martin just replied to me.  I don't pull out of CVS;
so, I'll wait for the next release!

If it doesn't work out, then I'll report back.


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What to do??? -- WINE 0.9.3-0.9.7 and Photoshop 7

2006-02-14 Thread Hiji
Photoshop 7 has been broken for quite some time, and
the person who submitted the patch which broke it
can't fix it because he doesn't have PS7.  Except for
the first email, all emails sent to him have gone

People on the APPDB have been commenting on this for
awhile now:

PS7 is one of the more popular apps to run via Wine, I
believe.  It can't look good on the Wine community if
PS7 once ran, but no longer does.

Can anybody help?


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Re: WINE 0.9.3-0.9.6 and Photoshop 7 & CS

2006-01-20 Thread Hiji
--- Aleksey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The patch has been found that breaks Photoshop, but
> 0.9.6 still brakes PS.

Yes, if the submitter of the patch that broke
Photoshop could take a look and fix this, that would
be great!  (This has been broken since 0.9.3)

It's this patch:;a=commit;h=0b17529332b0ef5ee57873afd4ded6f359e76781


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Re: WINE 0.9.5 and Photoshop 7 & CS

2006-01-06 Thread Hiji
> Hi,
> I've found the patch that breaks the thing. GIT
> commit-ish is
> 0b17529332b0ef5ee57873afd4ded6f359e76781.
> I haven't looked at it deeply, just done some git
> bisect's.
> -- 
> Elvis Pranskevichus - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fantastic!  Now, if somebody could fix this so we
could get Photoshop 7 running on Wine again (broken
since 0.9.3), we could close the loop on this issue.


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Thank you! - Bug #3148 (Drag and drag behavior fixed)

2005-11-25 Thread Hiji
Hi there,

I don't know who fixed this, but "THANK YOU"!  I'm
trying out 0.9.2, and drag & drop behavior within
explorer-like menus now work again; selections no
longer "stick" infinitely.  For those catching up,
check out this bug:

The behavior has slightly changed from before, but
things work again, and that's what matters!
* Previously: shift+select multiple files, release
"shift", and then drag files to desired folder
* Now: shift+select multiple files, drag files to
desired folder, release "shift"

Again, to the Secret Bug Fixer: THANK YOU!


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Reality check

2005-10-15 Thread Hiji
--- Vitaliy Margolen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What do you expect from poor open-source copy of it?

To help the Wine community realize that even though it
is poor, it is stronger than it thinks.  I truely see
Wine as the David in the Goliath world of Microsoft -
and Linux is the stone.  (Or is Linux the David, and
Wine the stone?) ;)


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Re: Reality check

2005-10-14 Thread Hiji
> Additionally, you might want to read this part of
> the LICENSE file again:
> "This program is distributed in the hope that it
> will be useful, but
> WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
> warranty of
>  See the GNU
> Lesser General Public License for more details."

Of course I'm familiar with that.  I'm not saying
anything at all about Wine's warranty.  What I am
talking about is about the general sense of
responsibility.  Money or not.  Fixing what you broke
is the right thing to do -- regardless of the

And yet, presenting that disclaimer almost defeats the
argument to pay for bug fixing; again, I could
theoretically pay for development to fix a bug which
could end up broken again in 3 months.

> Nobody magically made it so that you *have* to
> upgrade.
Magic?  No.  Progress?  Yes, I have to because of
this.  What do I mean?  I have been using
wine-20041201 until I upgraded to opensuse 10.0; the
compile won't succeed now.  Otherwise, I would have
stuck with that old version.

Now, take a different look on things and try to recall
how often people tell users, "Why are you on such an
old version of Wine?  You should be using a newer

>  If you made it 
> work before, then it's possible to make it work
> again, isn't it?  If you 
> forgot what combination of software worked, is that
> really my problem?
I think you're steering far away from the point I was
making about responsibility. ;)  Far FAAAR away.  I
don't screw around with DLL overrides (perhaps just
for experimenting), and I don't even use wine-tools. 
If something breaks, it's definately not because I
can't remember a combination of hacks I did - simply
because, I didn't do this.

> Now if somebody changes something in an attempt to
> improve things, and 
> you want their improvements, and you want your old
> applications to work, 
> then you want something from them, don't you?
In the context of this example and referring to what
I'm getting at, you get one improvement, but in
return, something else gets broken.  That just doesn't
seem right.  It's like the little kid who makes
breakfast for mom & dad, but in the process, makes a
mess of the kitchen (that mom & dad end up having to
clean up anyways).

And really, in the grand scheme of things, I'm not
writing all of this because of what *I* want for
myself.  I'm writing this because I really DO care
about Wine, I'm a big supporter of it, and I want it
to succeed ...  I'm hoping that this will cause some
light bulbs to turn on and bring some realizations to

You guys are probably sitting on the most valuable API
of this era, and it drives ABSOLUTELY nutz that many
people here don't even realize this.  And when people
pop out these disclaimers as an excuse for not fixing
things, it adds salt to the wounds.  If I could get in
there to code, I would do so, but I can't.  And, all I
can do from this corner of the ring is cheer on Wine
and bring to the table non-technical issues which
clearly get in the way of its progression.

Peace & Love for Wine!! :)

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Reality check

2005-10-14 Thread Hiji

--- Lionel Ulmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 14, 2005 at 09:50:48AM -0700, Hiji
> wrote:
> > However, there is a more fundamental problem here.
>  I
> > don't see "bugs" in a black vs. white type of
> view; in
> > fact, I can classify bugs in two ways:
> > 1) A bug is something that has always been broken
> > 2) A bug is something that is broken, but it once
> > worked
> This is still too 'white and black'. What about a
> patch that fixes 1) and in
> the process introduces 2) (case in point the WM
> rewrite and windowed GL
> applications) ?

I think that still falls into #2, and that's pretty
much my point.

Analogy: I need an oil change.  I take my car to the
car shop.  They do the oil change.  They also return
my car with a flat tire that it didn't have before.  I
know it could be an accident, but the responsible
thing to do is for the car shop to fix that flat tire.

Besides, without this type of "responsibility" in
place, I could theoretically pay a developer to fix a
bug for me, and then, 3 months down the line, some
other developer breaks it.  What do I do then?  Pay
money again to have someone refix it?


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Re: Reality check

2005-10-14 Thread Hiji
>   3.  Ask nicely

This is key, and I completely agree.

However, there is a more fundamental problem here.  I
don't see "bugs" in a black vs. white type of view; in
fact, I can classify bugs in two ways:
1) A bug is something that has always been broken
2) A bug is something that is broken, but it once

When it comes to #1, I say, "Yes, ask nicely. 
Hopefully, someone will step up to fix it.  If you
need to, pay someone to fix it."

When it comes to #2, I say, "Explain nicely.  You
broke something which once worked; you caused this
bug.  Fix it.  It's the right thing to do.  Don't
expect to get paid for something you broke."

And of my biggest concerns about the growth of Wine,
it's always been about #2.  First, it was Photoshop7
which worked perfectly (and from what I understand,
Disney poured money into getting this to work), but
then someone broke its ability to run for close to a
year; no one stepped up to fix what got broken. 
("Success" popup window, anyone?)  Now, it's about bug
3148 which magically showed up after December of 2004;
aside from Vitaliy who was kind enough to look into
it, no one has stepped up to say, "whoops!  Sorry, I
seem to have broken that by accident.  I will try to
get that fixed."  Even something as simple as an
acknowledgement will help ease the situation.

Do I want to pay someone to fix something that they
broke?  Absolutely not.  That's like having someone
say, "I will wash your house windows for free."  You
say, "ok."  Then, they break your windows by accident,
won't fix them, and then say, "If you want, you can
pay me to fix your windows."

Is it is the right and responsible thing to do for
someone to step up and fix bugs that they cause? 
Absolutely yes.  Open source or not.  Absolutely yes.


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Re: Ping

2005-10-12 Thread Hiji
I just got it too.


--- Kuba Ober <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wednesday 12 October 2005 14:29, Daniel wrote:
> > Is there anyone that actually receives my mails?
> I do :)
> Kuba

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Re: [Wine] Re: Can you reproduce this bug on wine-20050930 like me?

2005-10-12 Thread Hiji
--- Jonathan Ernst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Tuesday, October 11, 2005, 9:00:49 PM, Hiji
> wrote:
> > > > Can you reproduce this bug?  Follow these
> steps:
> > > > 1. Install Filezilla:
> > > > 2. FTP into the server of your choice
> > > > 3. Click and drag files from the server to
> your
> > > local
> > > > machine (to copy them)
> > > > 4. Realize now that even though the files have
> > > been
> > > > copied to your machine, you are still dragging
> the
> > > > files around
> DVD Shrink exibits the same issue.
> Thanks
> -- 
> Jonathan Ernst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It looks like this bug is more serious than most
thought.  Thanks for chipping in!  Do you think you
could also add your comments to

Can anybody else help out?  I know Vitaliy tried
fixing it, but found out that the work required
possibly wouldn't be allowed into the .9 release.


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Re: Can you reproduce this bug on wine-20050930 like me?

2005-10-11 Thread Hiji
--- Vitaliy Margolen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Tuesday, October 11, 2005, 9:00:49 PM, Hiji wrote:
> > Can you reproduce this bug?  Follow these steps:
> > 1. Install Filezilla:
> >
> > 2. FTP into the server of your choice
> > 3. Click and drag files from the server to your
> local
> > machine (to copy them)
> > 4. Realize now that even though the files have
> been
> > copied to your machine, you are still dragging the
> > files around
> > If you can replicate this serious bug, can you fix
> it?
> > Hiji
> > P.S.  This is for bug 3148, and I have been able
> to
> > reproduce it on both Filezilla and AbsoluteFTP
> Yes this is a bug in list view. I've looked into it
> several days ago.
> Unfortunately there is no easy fix for it. Wine's
> DragDetect does not work the
> same way as it does on windows. When I tried to fix
> it, it completely broke
> drag&drop for list view. I didn't want to go to far
> with fixing it as it surely
> would of been big changes and not acceptable ATM
> until after 0.9 release.
> All I managed to fix was single click dragging that
> used to start as soon as you
> clicked on anything.
> Vitaliy

Hi Vitaliy,

Thanks for looking into this.  Good to see that I'm
not going crazy!!!  Would it help to compare against
the code in wine-20041201 where this bug wasn't

In my opinion, this type of bug is a show-stopper. 
What good is dragging and dropping if this
"stickiness" occurs?

Anybody else care to chime in?

Thanks again!

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Can you reproduce this bug on wine-20050930 like me?

2005-10-11 Thread Hiji
Can you reproduce this bug?  Follow these steps:

1. Install Filezilla:

2. FTP into the server of your choice
3. Click and drag files from the server to your local
machine (to copy them)
4. Realize now that even though the files have been
copied to your machine, you are still dragging the
files around

If you can replicate this serious bug, can you fix it?


P.S.  This is for bug 3148, and I have been able to
reproduce it on both Filezilla and AbsoluteFTP

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Re: [Bug 3148] Mouse: multi-file "selection" & drag behavior broken

2005-10-01 Thread Hiji
What do I do?  I'm still seeing the same mouse
misbehaviors in wine-20050930 as I have been seeing
for the last few months.

Vitaly, any idea whats going on?

I'd be willing to email the app to anyone who is can
help fix this.  That way, you can compare this UI
regression against that of wine-20041212.  (It has a
30 day trial; so, there's no illegal stuff going on


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Suggestions for improvement of the emulator

2005-09-07 Thread Hiji

--- Alexandre Julliard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hiji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > As a user, I've been particularly happy about how
> Wine
> > has progressed.  However, what is of GRAVE concern
> to
> > me is when patches that fix serious bugs aren't
> > applied; specifically, bug 3148.  Even the patch
> > submitter had to plead with this alias for someone
> to
> > listen because no one was paying attention to the
> > patch.  Yet, to date, the patch has either not
> been
> > applied nor the bug been fixed.  Simple, yet
> silly,
> > bugs like the beforementioned one can keep users
> from
> > taking advantage of newer versions of Wine because
> > they prefer to stay with older versions that don't
> > have the bug(s).
> That patch was applied 2 weeks ago.

Great!  Thanks for acknowledging this.  I'll wait for
the September release because the August release
produced the same bug(s).

Thank you,

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Re: Suggestions for improvement of the emulator

2005-09-06 Thread Hiji

--- Dmitry Timoshkov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Hiji" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > As a user, I've been particularly happy about how
> Wine
> > has progressed.  However, what is of GRAVE concern
> to
> > me is when patches that fix serious bugs aren't
> > applied; specifically, bug 3148.  Even the patch
> > submitter had to plead with this alias for someone
> to
> > listen because no one was paying attention to the
> > patch.  Yet, to date, the patch has either not
> been
> > applied nor the bug been fixed.
> Do you or the author of the patch know why the patch
> has not been
> accepted? Did you or he ask about the reason? If the
> patch was
> rejected because it's wrong or of a poor quality,
> Wine CVS with
> multiple committers would not solve this particular
> problem.

I don't want to speak for the author directly, but
last I checked, no one would even acknowledge that the
patch was submitted - so it didn't even reach the
rejection or acceptance point.  The sad part is that
the patch that created the bug was accepted, but after
realizing the error of the first patch, the author
tried to submit a second patch to fix his first error.
 Thus, that leads us to where we are at now.

This is my understanding of the situation.


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Re: Suggestions for improvement of the emulator

2005-09-06 Thread Hiji
> [...]
> > I suspect the current model is either at or near
> its limits. It would
> > certainly not cope with a significant number of
> commercial outfits putting in
> > a serious level of contribution, nor does it
> encourage them to make the
> > attempt.
> I can assure you that there are many more important
> factors that might 
> dissuade a company from getting involved in Wine
> besides 'it's hard to 
> get patches committed'.

As a user, I've been particularly happy about how Wine
has progressed.  However, what is of GRAVE concern to
me is when patches that fix serious bugs aren't
applied; specifically, bug 3148.  Even the patch
submitter had to plead with this alias for someone to
listen because no one was paying attention to the
patch.  Yet, to date, the patch has either not been
applied nor the bug been fixed.  Simple, yet silly,
bugs like the beforementioned one can keep users from
taking advantage of newer versions of Wine because
they prefer to stay with older versions that don't
have the bug(s).

Food for thought...


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Re: DirectX status update....

2005-09-06 Thread Hiji

--- James Liggett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This is some excellent news! Kudos and keep up the
> great work :)
> James

I agree.  This is freakin' awesome!


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Re: Suggestions for improvement of the emulator

2005-09-05 Thread Hiji
> Firstly, Wine is not an emulator, it it a binary
> loader and an 
> implementation of the Win32 API.

Bingo.  It irritates me when people call Wine an
emulator.  ALEX, did you know that Wine stands for
"Wine Is Not an Emulator"??


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Re: [Bug 3148] Mouse: multi-file "selection" & drag behavior broken

2005-08-30 Thread Hiji
--- Vitaly Lipatov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ÷ ÓÏÏÂÝÅÎÉÉ ÏÔ 24 á×ÇÕÓÔ 2005 22:14 ÷Ù ÎÁÐÉÓÁÌÉ:
> > If Vitaly is busy and won't object, I can resync
> his changes to the
> > current CVS and send a patch from his name.
> Well, I resent my patch again to wine-devel...

And the bug lives on in wine-20050830.  Is this
something I should not hope on ever getting fixed or
having the patch merged into the tree?

I think this is a REALLY serious bug.  What good is
Wine if mouse behavior is broken? :(


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Re: [Wine]Softlinking to a dvd-drive with inconsistent mount points? => HAL-Support

2005-08-27 Thread Hiji
> Thanks for the link to the xml hack, it may come in
> useful one day.

Glad I could help; here are my comments to this thread
in wine-users:
"It might be the ugly way, but it is the official way.

This is definately *not* a Wine issue because it
affects any application which relies on have a static
name for the drive - let's make sure we're clear on
that. ;)  I suspect this "mounting by volume label"
won't last past Suse 9.3 since I haven't read anyone
praise this "feature" anywhere."

Have a great day! :)

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Re: [Bug 3148] Mouse: multi-file "selection" & drag behavior broken

2005-08-24 Thread Hiji
--- Saulius Krasuckas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> * On Tue, 23 Aug 2005, Hiji wrote:
> > --- Vitaly Lipatov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > Hi, Can you pay attention to this patch? It
> really fixes the problem 
> > > but not discussed in the list and not applied:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > WOOHOO!  This fixes "half" the problem with
> Bug3148. 
> > Once I applied the patch, I no longer had the
> problem
> > with the effect of the mouse button being
> continously
> > pressed once I clicked on something.
>   ...
> > So, can someone listen (pay attention) to Vitaly
> and
> > apply the patch so at least this bug can get
> half-way
> > fixed???
> The patch has 2 points to change (I am afraid):
> a, header of its first section refers to
> "sysparams.c" and 
>"dlls/user/sysparams.c", which makes patcher to
> not find needed file
>Command "cvs diff -pu dlls/user/" would do the
> job. :-P
> b, first hunk of the second section
> (dlls/user/sysparams.c) is already 
>in the tree, so it fails too.

Ok, I had applied it to the July release, but if some
changes are already in the tree, then that's good
news.  Vitaly, any thoughts on this?


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Re: [Bug 3148] Mouse: multi-file "selection" & drag behavior broken

2005-08-23 Thread Hiji
--- Vitaly Lipatov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi, Can you pay attention to this patch? It really
> the problem but not 
> discussed in the list and not applied:

WOOHOO!  This fixes "half" the problem with Bug3148. 
Once I applied the patch, I no longer had the problem
with the effect of the mouse button being continously
pressed once I clicked on something.

However, one problem still remains.  If I select 3
items (shift + click from start item to finish item),
and I click with the left-mouse, my selection is lost
as now only 1 item is selected (the one I clicked on).
 However, if I right-click, my selection isn't lost.

It seems what *should* happen is the following:
1. you make your selection in a listview (2+ items) by
using the shiftkey + left-mouse button
2. let go of shiftkey and items are still selected
3. click on one of the highlighted items
4. selection remains intact
5. drag-drop as you wish

However, things seem to go amiss at step 3.  I can
somewhat retain the selection if I keep the shift-key
pressed throughout the process -- which is not the
norm as I should let go at step 2..

So, can someone listen (pay attention) to Vitaly and
apply the patch so at least this bug can get half-way


--- Hiji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > > Anybody on this list make any changes to
> listview
> > or
> > > treeview in the last few months?
> > I wouldn't even find it hard to believe that they
> > already forgot about it...
> > 
> > If you want hard, definitive data, then I I cannot
> > find any reason why you
> > wouldn't want to look at ChangeLog...
> > 
> How about this: I didn't know about ChangeLog!  LOL!
> I'm looking through it now... ;)
> Thanks!
> Hiji
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Linuxworld - meeting the guys at the Codeweavers booth

2005-08-09 Thread Hiji
Hi all!

I just got back from Linuxworld, and fortunately, I
found the Codeweavers booth!  I had the pleasure of
meeting both Aric Stewart and Rob Shearman (hope I
spelled your names right!); I wanted to meet Jeremy
too, but I was told that he was off at meetings.  In
any case, both Rob and Aric were very polite,
intelligent and full of humor!  From the booth, I
walked away with a CrossOver Office demo disc, some
Wine accessories (wine, as in the type you drink), and
some, ahem... Codeweavers prophylactics to protect
against Windows viruses, trojans, etc.  LOL!

Anyhow, I know this isn't exactly development related,
but I thought I'd share my experience with you all! :)
 Those Codeweavers guys rock!


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Re: [Bug 3148] Mouse: multi-file "selection" & drag behavior broken

2005-08-08 Thread Hiji
> > Anybody on this list make any changes to listview
> or
> > treeview in the last few months?
> I wouldn't even find it hard to believe that they
> already forgot about it...
> If you want hard, definitive data, then I I cannot
> find any reason why you
> wouldn't want to look at ChangeLog...
How about this: I didn't know about ChangeLog!  LOL! 
I'm looking through it now... ;)


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Re: [Bug 3148] Mouse: multi-file "selection" & drag behavior broken

2005-08-04 Thread Hiji
Looks like someone else is having this problem.  I've
tried looking at listview.c and the treeview
equivalent as well, but I can't made heads or tails of
it.  I have no experience with C.

Anybody on this list make any changes to listview or
treeview in the last few months?


> --- Additional Comments From
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2005-04-08 23:58 ---
> About the same problem with AceFTP
> Free download for trial
> wine-20050524-1fc1winehq
> Problem starts before I do the FTP thing.
> When I drag a file within the local pane(a
> listview),
> a copy of that file is immediately created. But
> things
> don't stop there. The moment I move the mouse a bit,
> AceFTP asks me with a popup menu if want to:
>   Move to current location
>   Copy to current location or
>   Create a short
> If I choose to copy, ANOTHER copy of the file is
> created.
> After that, every time I move the mouse,
> AceFTP asks me again, thus an infinite loop
> and infinite number of copies of the same file.
> BTW. I have to use native shell related dlls for
> AceFTP to
> display the local pane. So I suspect the problem is
> with
> the interaction between native and builtin code.
> I hope my English is good enough for me to make some
> sense...
> -- 
> Configure bugmail:
> --- You are receiving this mail because: ---
> You reported the bug, or are watching the reporter.

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Re: bugs #3148 - Still in wine-20050725

2005-07-27 Thread Hiji
--- Andreas Mohr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Mon, Jul 25, 2005 at 02:31:58PM -0700, Hiji
> wrote:
> > Can anyone help out with this bug?  It's still in
> > existence in the July Wine release.
> OK, I've added a comment.
> Andreas Mohr

Thanks for taking the time to look into this. 
Basically, problems start the very moment I
"left-click" within a list view of a windows
explorer-like menu (left pane is tree, and the right
pane is the list).  I'm searching through the code to
find references of WM_LBUTTONDOWN , but they are
everywhere!  So, it may take awhile for me to figure
out where things changed...

If anybody else has any ideas, please chip in. 
Somebody here *must* have been trying to make some
changes with WM_LBUTTONDOWN, so I was hoping this bug
would ring a bell for them.


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bugs #3148 - Still in wine-20050725

2005-07-25 Thread Hiji
Can anyone help out with this bug?  It's still in
existence in the July Wine release.

Basically, I select 3 files, and I click on the
highlighted files to try to drag all 3.  However, as
soon as I click on them, they deselect, and one file
is now selected.  If I attempt to click+drag the one
file, it gets stuck on the click+drag -- that is, I
let get go of the mouse button and the highlighted
file is still attached to the mouse arrow.

Help!  I want to use the latest Wine, but it's useless
to me if I can't get proper mouse behavior. :S  (I'm
still stuck on wine-20041201 otherwise.)


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Installer hangs with no output :S

2005-07-25 Thread Hiji
I'm trying out this month's release.  I'm trying to
install AbsoluteFTP which previous installed fine, but
now I try to install, the install shield begins, but
just sits there.  There's not even any output...

How can I get something together to report to you


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Re: Celebrating some hard work

2005-07-19 Thread Hiji
> Thus, I am now making good on my promise to
> lock Rob and Aric in a room and make installers go.
> So, if you have an app that doesn't install, post a
> message
> to wine-devel, and let's see if we can't make some
> lemonade
> and have a party!

Celebration time!!! :) :)  This is good news to my


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Re: stdole2.tlb

2005-07-16 Thread Hiji

--- Ivan Gyurdiev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > By the same logic, you must make sure Windows is
> installed.
> > This is a developers list and Ivan is saying (and
> I hope I interpreted 
> > this right) that the only thing blocking him from
> installing GTA: San 
> > Andreas out of the box is a missing stdole2.
> I don't know if it's the only thing..but it's the
> first one, so
> I can't proceed further. I was interested if GTA
> would run with
> the new d3d additions.
> > Ivan, I believe the status was that a similar
> enough stdole2 cannot be 
> > generated using widl without some extensions.
> > There are two options:
> > 1. Generate the file manually by invoking
> ICreateTypeLib2 functions (I 
> > believe Microsoft do it this way).
> > 2. Add another mode to widl that allows the
> necessary forward references 
> > in idl files. Huw Davies knows more about this
> problem.
> I'm not sure how helpful I can be - just wanted to
> be informed,
> and to bring some attention to the problem - thanks
> for the update.
I believe this is related to the work that Jeremy W.
and co. are working on.  That is, they are working on
getting the installer fully functional.  I had a
similar issue installing Flash MX as it needed
stdole32.tlb, but after December's release, I could
not use a native version.

So, the best thing to do is to hang in there and wait
for that installer to get done.


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Re: Black Boxes on Apps

2005-07-15 Thread Hiji

--- Hiji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Reading tonight through some of the old CXOffice
> threads, I noticed some people were having issues
> running apps likes Illustrator because the panel
> buttons would be black.  This is the same thing that
> happens on ImageReady.  I also saw this:
> The only "apparent" way to fix this is to change
> your
> XF86Config file so the screen depth is 16 and not
> 24. 
> Is there a way around this since (I'm guessing) apps
> which run fine at 16bit (like Photoshop) do not have
> this issue.  I'm assuming Adobe products carry a lot
> of the same codebase.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks again,
> Hiji

Correction: screen depth should be 24 and not 16. 
(The opposite of what I mentioned above.)

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Black Boxes on Apps

2005-07-15 Thread Hiji
Reading tonight through some of the old CXOffice
threads, I noticed some people were having issues
running apps likes Illustrator because the panel
buttons would be black.  This is the same thing that
happens on ImageReady.  I also saw this:;issues=1

The only "apparent" way to fix this is to change your
XF86Config file so the screen depth is 16 and not 24. 
Is there a way around this since (I'm guessing) apps
which run fine at 16bit (like Photoshop) do not have
this issue.  I'm assuming Adobe products carry a lot
of the same codebase.

Any ideas?

Thanks again,

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Wierd multi-file "selection" & mouse drag behavior

2005-07-15 Thread Hiji
Trying out both June's and May's release of Wine, I
noticed that there is some wierd behavior when
selecting multiple files and dragging within an
application.  It basically makes the ability to select
and drag files unusable.

In my case, I am using AbsoluteFTP; as you guessed,
its an FTP app.  If you can imagine, within it, there
are two windows that look like the file Explorer on
Windows.  On the left, is the local machine and the
right is the box you've FTPed into.  On wine-20041201,
I can hold down shift and select >2 files on the
remote box.  Then using my mouse, drag them to my

On (at least), these last two releases, I select
multiple-files, and the moment I try to drag, the
multi-select turns into a one file select. 
Furthermore, the app enters into a state where it
thinks I am holding the mouse down dragging the one
file around.  Minimizing and maximizng the app doesn't
work either; in previous versions, when I couldn't
drag a file from one window to the other, I'd
minimize/ maximize the app (which would "reset"
things), and I could drag files once again.

Also, on my CodeWright application, I can no longer
highlight text by dragging the mouse across code.

Any ideas?  I'm sure it will ring a bell for someone
who may have been working towards improving the mouse
dragging capabilities.


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Re: Installer: How is the progress coming along?

2005-07-12 Thread Hiji
Fantastic!  Thank for you for the prompt update/
response. :)


--- Jeremy White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm the one that promised to lock Rob and Aric
> in a room; and I intend to stick to that promise.
> But give me one week; we're planning on launching
> a program around it, and we're still ironing out
> the kinks.
> Cheers,
> Jeremy
> Hiji wrote:
> > How are things coming along with the application
> > installer?  I remember at one point reading that
> > "person A" was going to lock "person B" in some
> room
> > until work on it was completed. >:)
> > 
> > Right now, many us wine users can't install a lot
> of
> > apps on newer versions of Wine.  So, either we're
> > stuck on an earlier version of Wine, or we have to
> do
> > wacky things like install an app on an old version
> and
> > then move the install files to a newer version. 
> (The
> > latter only works in some instances like Flash
> MX.) 
> > Certain workarounds we used in the past for
> installing
> > apps don't work with the current state of the
> > installer; i.e. utilizing stdole32.tlb
> > 
> > I want to get an idea of how long I/ we need to
> hold
> > my breath for. :)
> > 
> > Thanks!
> > Hiji
> > 
> > __
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> > 
> > 

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Installer: How is the progress coming along?

2005-07-12 Thread Hiji
How are things coming along with the application
installer?  I remember at one point reading that
"person A" was going to lock "person B" in some room
until work on it was completed. >:)

Right now, many us wine users can't install a lot of
apps on newer versions of Wine.  So, either we're
stuck on an earlier version of Wine, or we have to do
wacky things like install an app on an old version and
then move the install files to a newer version.  (The
latter only works in some instances like Flash MX.) 
Certain workarounds we used in the past for installing
apps don't work with the current state of the
installer; i.e. utilizing stdole32.tlb

I want to get an idea of how long I/ we need to hold
my breath for. :)


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Re: [Wine]june 2005 release and 'registry' ?

2005-07-08 Thread Hiji
--- Dan Sawyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> All,
> I am testing with the wine 2005 release. The release
> notes state config 
> file control has been moved to the registry and that
> winecfg is active. 
> winecfg does not seem to recognize dll overrides.
> Has anyone else seen 
> this? If so were you able to work around it?
> Thanks,
> Dan

I'd be interested to know as well!  I could not find
how to do DLL overrides with winecfg.  I believe that
some portions of the config file will still work, but
I didn't know what parts were referred to.  I'm adding
the wine-devel alias to this email; maybe someone
there can help.

How are DLL overrides done in winecfg?


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Re: Get FireFox button ?

2005-07-06 Thread Hiji
I think the bottom line is this:

* Even though many of us are huge Firefox fans (me
included), promoting only Firefox on the Wine home
page is counter-productive simply because one of the
appealing (and marketable) aspects of Wine is that it
can run I.E. ;)

I think the Wine sites are perhaps the only exception
I can think of where promoting Firefox wouldn't
necessarily fit.


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Re: Wine and raw printing

2005-06-20 Thread Hiji
> --- Marcelo Duarte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hiji escreveu:
> > 
> > >I'll join, and add this.  I'm on Suse 9.2 Pro,
> > >wine-20041203, and the only printers I have are
> on
> > the
> > >network.  I can print fine through any native
> linux
> > >apps, but if I try to print through Wine, it says
> > >there are no printers.
> > >
> > >Maybe the problems are related somehow?
> > >
> > >Hiji
> > >
> > >  
> > >
> > I think that you need CUPS instaled, and if you
> > build wine from sources, 
> > you need cups-devel.
> Ah, I'm seeing that libgnomecups-devel is not
> installed (I don't see a cups-devel).  I will
> install
> that and give the recompile a go! :)
> Thanks!
> Hiji

Installing libgnomecups-devel didn't work; so, I had
to "google for" a cups-devel binary.  (Really, I don't
know why my Suse 9.2 didn't offer it.)  So, installing
it, and recompiling DID THE TRICK! :)

Thank you!

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Re: Wine and raw printing

2005-06-17 Thread Hiji

--- Marcelo Duarte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hiji escreveu:
> >I'll join, and add this.  I'm on Suse 9.2 Pro,
> >wine-20041203, and the only printers I have are on
> the
> >network.  I can print fine through any native linux
> >apps, but if I try to print through Wine, it says
> >there are no printers.
> >
> >Maybe the problems are related somehow?
> >
> >Hiji
> >
> >  
> >
> I think that you need CUPS instaled, and if you
> build wine from sources, 
> you need cups-devel.

Ah, I'm seeing that libgnomecups-devel is not
installed (I don't see a cups-devel).  I will install
that and give the recompile a go! :)


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Rekindle the Rivalries. Sign up for Fantasy Football

Re: Wine and raw printing

2005-06-15 Thread Hiji

--- André Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I posted the same message on wine-user list , but
> got no help.
> Hi,
> I was wondering if someone could help me on this
> issue.
> I use a windows program that print direct to the
> printer, but it uses 
> the printer from the printer list, it doesn't use
> the port directly.
> On Windows, to use the program I have to install a
> "Generic / Only Text" 
> printer to work.
> The program runs on wine without problems.  The only
> problem is to print.
> I created a raw printer in CUPS, but when I select
> the printer in the 
> program, wine still uses the WinePS driver and
> generate a PS, giving me 
> an error on the printer, of course.
> I tried to install a driver tty.drv on wine but
> couldn't get it to work.
> Is there a way to disable WinePS ? or another way to
> get the program to 
> print ?
> Thanks
> Andre Carvalho

I'll join, and add this.  I'm on Suse 9.2 Pro,
wine-20041203, and the only printers I have are on the
network.  I can print fine through any native linux
apps, but if I try to print through Wine, it says
there are no printers.

Maybe the problems are related somehow?


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Re: Wine on Sparc

2005-05-25 Thread Hiji
As an end-user, I'd find any screenshots of notepad
running amazing. :)  Got any?


--- Eric Frias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Chuck Hall wrote:
> > On Wed, 25 May 2005, Eric Frias wrote:
> >>I'll be trying to get the current wine running
> this afternoon; I'll post 
> >>something when it's working.
> > 
> > I look forward to hearing how this turns out.
> It actually went more smoothly than I expected. 
> I've attached a patch 
> with the minimal changes I needed to get 'notepad'
> running.  As you can 
> see, I disabled winedbg, oleaut32, and dbghelp
> because they are missing 
> some assembly bits, and they aren't strictly
> necessary for most winelib 
> applications.  I haven't tried compiling or running
> anything big with 
> this, so it may be missing a few patches... but it's
> a start.
> Eric
> > Index: programs/
> --- programs/  (revision 30735)
> +++ programs/  (working copy)
> @@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
>   winebrowser \
>   winecfg \
>   wineconsole \
> - winedbg \
>   winefile \
>   winemenubuilder \
>   winemine \
> @@ -58,7 +57,6 @@
>   winebrowser \
>   winecfg \
>   wineconsole \
> - winedbg \
>   winefile \
>   winemenubuilder \
>   winemine \
> @@ -81,7 +79,6 @@
>   winebrowser \
>   winecfg \
>   wineconsole \
> - winedbg \
>   winefile \
>   winemine \
>   winepath \
> @@ -112,7 +109,6 @@
>   winebrowser.exe$(DLLEXT) \
>   winecfg.exe$(DLLEXT) \
>   wineconsole.exe$(DLLEXT) \
> - winedbg.exe$(DLLEXT) \
>   winefile.exe$(DLLEXT) \
>   winemenubuilder.exe$(DLLEXT) \
>   winemine.exe$(DLLEXT) \
> Index: programs/winetest/
> --- programs/winetest/ (revision 30735)
> +++ programs/winetest/ (working copy)
> @@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
>   netapi32_test.exe$(DLLEXT) \
>   ntdll_test.exe$(DLLEXT) \
>   ole32_test.exe$(DLLEXT) \
> - oleaut32_test.exe$(DLLEXT) \
>   psapi_test.exe$(DLLEXT) \
>   quartz_test.exe$(DLLEXT) \
>   rpcrt4_test.exe$(DLLEXT) \
> Index: dlls/ntdll/signal_sparc.c
> --- dlls/ntdll/signal_sparc.c (revision 30735)
> +++ dlls/ntdll/signal_sparc.c (working copy)
> @@ -388,7 +388,7 @@
>  /* wait with 0 timeout, will only return once
> the thread is no longer suspended */
>  timeout.QuadPart = 0;
> -NTDLL_wait_for_multiple_objects( 0, NULL, 0,
> &timeout );
> +NTDLL_wait_for_multiple_objects( 0, NULL, 0,
> &timeout, 0 );
>  }
> Index: dlls/ole32/storage32.c
> --- dlls/ole32/storage32.c(revision 30735)
> +++ dlls/ole32/storage32.c(working copy)
> @@ -4130,8 +4130,8 @@
>  memcpy(&tmp, buffer + offset,
> sizeof(ULARGE_INTEGER));
> -value->LowPart = htole32(tmp.HighPart);
> -value->HighPart = htole32(tmp.LowPart);
> +value->u.LowPart = htole32(tmp.u.HighPart);
> +value->u.HighPart = htole32(tmp.u.LowPart);
>  #else
>  memcpy(value, buffer + offset,
> sizeof(ULARGE_INTEGER));
>  #endif
> @@ -4143,8 +4143,8 @@
> -tmp.LowPart = htole32(value->HighPart);
> -tmp.HighPart = htole32(value->LowPart);
> +tmp.u.LowPart = htole32(value->u.HighPart);
> +tmp.u.HighPart = htole32(value->u.LowPart);
>  memcpy(buffer + offset, &tmp,
> sizeof(ULARGE_INTEGER));
>  #else
>  memcpy(buffer + offset, value,
> sizeof(ULARGE_INTEGER));
> Index: dlls/
> --- dlls/  (revision 30735)
> +++ dlls/  (working copy)
> @@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
>   d3dim \
>   d3drm \
>   d3dxof \
> - dbghelp \
>   dciman32 \
>   devenum \
>   dinput \
> @@ -100,7 +99,6 @@
>   odbccp32 \
>   ole32 \
>   oleacc \
> - oleaut32 \
>   olecli \
>   oledlg \
>   olepro32 \
> @@ -270,7 +268,6 @@
> \
> \
> \
> - \
> \
> \
> \
> @@ -346,7 +343,6 

Re: APPDB: Half-Life and Counter-Strike with WINE

2005-05-09 Thread Hiji

--- "David F. Colwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hiji et al,
> Couldn't find Half-Life or Counter-Strike in the DB
> yet they returned...
> Submitted version rejected
> The version you submitted ( has been
> rejected.This application is already in the
> database.  If you are interested in helping out with
> the howto please sign up to be a maintainer of the
> application.  Thanks.
> We appreciate your help in making the Version
> Database better for all users.
> Best regards.
> The AppDB team
> I did my part.  :-)

> On Monday 09 May 2005 7:40 pm, Hiji wrote:
> > Any ideas?  (I'm forwarding the message, so, it
> > defaults to showing below my message.  Sorry!) :(

--- Chris Morgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I plugged 'half-life' into the search box and got:
> Looks like its working here.  What did you search
> for?
> I just added 'halflife' as a keyword to the
> half-life application so searching 
> for 'halflife' also returns the appropriate results.
> Chris

I found it too, but I believe the problem was that he
was trying to add a specific version (, and he
got the error.  The versions I see on there are and

David, can you elaborate for us?


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APPDB: Half-Life and Counter-Strike with WINE

2005-05-09 Thread Hiji
Any ideas?  (I'm forwarding the message, so, it
defaults to showing below my message.  Sorry!) :(

Note: forwarded message attached.

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Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone. --- Begin Message ---
Hiji et al,
Couldn't find Half-Life or Counter-Strike in the DB yet they returned...
Submitted version rejected
The version you submitted ( has been rejected.This application is 
already in the database.  If you are interested in helping out with the howto 
please sign up to be a maintainer of the application.  Thanks.
We appreciate your help in making the Version Database better for all users.
Best regards.
The AppDB team
I did my part.  :-)
wine-users mailing list
--- End Message ---

Re: DirectX 9 patches

2005-04-29 Thread Hiji
FREAKIN' AMAZING!  Seeing those screenshots in a Linux
environment are jaw-dropping.  :)


--- Oliver Stieber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've put an updated patch and some new screeshost on
> sourceforge for the time being
>, I'm now at the
> point where I'm happy to stop fixing bugs in DirectX
> 9
> and start sending in more patches..
> Thanks for evertyone help and support.
> Oliver.
> Send instant messages to your online friends

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Re: USB status ...Who maintains wineserver?

2005-04-26 Thread Hiji
> If you want to get a scanner going, the best way
> would be to make it 
> work with SANE or V4L, and then get SANE or V4L to
> work with Wine's 
> still imaging interface. 
> Have a look at the work that Maarten Lankhorst is
> doing on Web cameras 
> ... he's doing things the right way.
> If you still want to loader the Windows driver, go
> and have a look at 
> ndis wrapper.

Conceptually, I think a combination of two solutions
would be the best solution.

* The first is obvious: bridge the gap between Wine
and the existing support (SANE, V4L, ALSA, etc.)  This
way, you don't reinvent the wheel and use what's in

* The second is not-so-obvious, but crucial: load the
Windows driver in a way that is similar to NdisWrapper
or DriverLoader (where those items are modules that
wrap around the Windows driver [I think!]).  Why is
this important?  Because the reality is that beyond
the generic USB hardware (scanner, webcam, mouse,
etc.), there won't be a Linux equivalent driver for a
specialized piece of hardware (Guitarport, DVC100, MP3
Player, etc.)

Of course, this is "easier said than done", but I
think its a good starting point for the ambitious. . .


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Re: DirectX 9

2005-04-26 Thread Hiji

--- Tom Wickline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/26/05, Oliver Stieber
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I've been moving house over the past couple of
> weeks
> > which is why I dropped off the face of the earth
> for a
> > while.
> > 
> > Between moving I've managed to get a lot more
> DirectX
> > 9 work done, Roller coster tycoon, Warhammer 40K,
> > tenage mutat ninja turtles and the increadables
> are
> > now the same under WINE as Windows. Evil genius,
> Kohan
> > 2 and Axis and Allies have a few graphics problems
> but
> > are still playable and colin McRea raley 2004 now
> > plays ok, but there are lot of graphics issues. i
> > expect Settlers Heritige of the King and Myst 4
> will
> > work but I haven't been able to test since I lost
> the
> > demo disk. hopefully the problems with  Halflife2
> and
> > world of warcraft are fixed, but again I don't
> have
> > coppies to test.
> > 
> There was some funds in the "Wine Party Fund" that
> Jeremy offered others
> to purchase games for dev/testing. So you may want
> to contact Jeremy about this.
> Tom

Also, FYI: and the
marketplace (used) usually have pretty good deals on
games! :)  Also, if you're in the U.S., Target's
clearance endrack has good deals too.  (I bought
Spiderman, Catwoman, and The Hobbit for about $5 USD


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Re: USB status ...

2005-04-18 Thread Hiji
> > --- Lars Segerlund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > > 
> > >  What is the status of wines USB support ?
> > >  Is there anything done yet or am I on my own ?
> > >  Can someone also giva a hint on the
> feasibiliyt,
> > > complexity of managing a USB
> > >  implementation for wine ? I am rather good at
> > linux
> > > device drivers and such.
> > >  / regards, Lars Segerlund.

> > There's not much I can say in the way of
> > development,
> > but as a user, getting USB support (beyond what's
> > supported in the kernel) would be a HUGE leap of
> > improvement for Wine.  I think others have said
> > before
> > that there are a lot of apps out there that will
> run
> > on Wine, but are useless because they depend on
> > their
> > hardware counterpart.  (In the music world,
> > Guitarport
> > comes to mind.)
> > 
> > Hiji

> I have proposed several possible solutions for using
> USB under Linux. In fact, I have given 4 possible
> ways
> of doing it, one of which I have hacked up (and
> gotten
> to work, at least partially).
> If you're interested in the details, let me know,
> and
> I'll email you (or look at the "Wine device drivers
> proposal" email in the Wine archives in the past
> month
> or so).
> Phew, I thought I'd type a short reply! Interested
> in
> working on this? I can't do it all alone.
> Damjan

There's not much I can do other then try to encourage
you and Lars to work together (as I'm not a C
developer).  Damjan, it sounds like you have already
covered a lot of the groundwork through your research
and understanding of the USB infrastructure (from both
the Windows, Linux and Wine worlds).  Lars, I see you
have both the motivation and experience with Linux
device drivers to work on Wine USB.

To me, it sounds like a perfect match for you two to
pair up and work on implementing additional USB

I suppose the last piece missing is to consult the
expert on the wineserver (as far as USB is concerned)
to see if any changes would truely need to be made
there.  Who would that be?


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Re: USB status ...

2005-04-15 Thread Hiji

--- Lars Segerlund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  What is the status of wines USB support ?
>  I have an IDE for a developement board and I really
> would like to flash it from
>  Linux, ( I don't have windows), and this uses USB
> to talk to the board.
>  Is there anything done yet or am I on my own ?
>  Can someone also giva a hint on the feasibiliyt,
> complexity of managing a USB
>  implementation for wine ? I am rather good at linux
> device drivers and such.
>  / regards, Lars Segerlund.

There's not much I can say in the way of development,
but as a user, getting USB support (beyond what's
supported in the kernel) would be a HUGE leap of
improvement for Wine.  I think others have said before
that there are a lot of apps out there that will run
on Wine, but are useless because they depend on their
hardware counterpart.  (In the music world, Guitarport
comes to mind.)


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Re: Wine FAQ removed from the doc tarballs

2005-03-19 Thread Hiji
> I always find it annoying when I cannot go to
> /usr/share/doc/ 

I suppose the other option is to provide all docs as a
seperate package on a release basis (like any other
package.)  I could be wrong on this, but I don't think
the docs are updated on a monthly basis. :)  For
example, a user could see that the newest Wine package
released thus far is from March and the newest Wine
docs package could be November of last year (arbitrary
date).  And if its only 23kb, it shouldn't be much of
a problem for modem users; escpecially since it saves
them from having to download an extra 23kb with every
Wine release when they don't really need it. :)


P.S. Looking at , it
looks like they are already doing something similar
with their help files.  They offer them as a seperate download.

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Re: Wine FAQ removed from the doc tarballs

2005-03-18 Thread Hiji

--- "Dimitrie O. Paun" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 18, 2005 at 02:04:08PM +0100, Francois
> Gouget wrote:
> > But I don't see any reason not to put it in
> wine-doc-html.tar.gz or 
> > wine-doc-txt.tar.gz. The idea of these tar files
> is so that one can get 
> > all the Wine documentation with just one download
> and the FAQ is part of 
> > the documentation.
> Yes, but I can not possibly see why would anyone
> want to download and
> read the FAQ like this. A FAQ is essentially a Web
> type of document,
> best view and browsed on the Web. By including it in
> those packages,
> we just make them bigger for 99.99% of the users
> that don't care
> about the FAQ, and those users are probably the ones
> that have most
> bandwidth restrictions anyway.
> But I'm not totally against it being there, if
> people feel strongly
> that we must, I'll go with the flow.

As a web developer (and Wine user), I feel inclined to
believe that all major documentation should be removed
from the source.  A README file pointing the user to
the web site for the latest documentation would be
most efficient and beneficial.

Basically, by doing this, users will begin realizing
that if they want documentation, WineHQ is the place
to go.  In a sense, it is streamlining information. 
Not only does this reduce user confusion, but it also
minimizes the propagation of old documentation which
no one will have the power to update.  By not
consolidating the documentation resource, there will
eventually be a certain percentage of the Wine
userbase trying to follow outdated Wine documents.


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Re: New wine user

2005-03-18 Thread Hiji
--- "Jerry H. Menor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Wine is ronning just fine, and our program.exe is
> working, I just want to
> know if it is possible to create a shorcut of our
> program on our desktop
> so that a end user will just click the icon on the
> desktop to run the
> program.exe without typing on th text command "wine
> program.exe".
> TYIA! 
> Jerry

Hi Jerry,

Yes, you can.  On your Linux desktop, create a
launcher with the "wine program.exe" command (there
should be a field for such a thing).  Also, for
general Wine usage, [EMAIL PROTECTED] might be
better suited for your needs. :)


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Re: Dragon Naturally Speaking - working.

2005-03-02 Thread Hiji

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Good news and what looks like a first.
> Dragon Naturally Speaking 4 working under Wine.
> ===
> reqd riched32 and comdlg32 native from 98SE
> Gentoo Linux , 2.6.10-nitro4 kernel
> wine-20050111
> Fresh Wine installation
> installed IE6 using sidenet
> Install Dragon from CD no major issues.
> copy missing dll's
> ran up Dragon , enter user name , setup sticks at
> setting mike level but  
> exits cleanly.
> #wine gentrain.exe
> picks up user name , dictated training text .
> It saves the vocab/voix profiles the drops out with
> 3 repeat errors but  
> the profile is safe
> #wine natspeak.exe
> Can now dictate in stand-alone mode as in windoze.
> I now need some help with the guts of Wine to see if
> I can capture the  
> keystrokes output by Dragon and pipe it to another
> Linux thread.
> Any suggestions on that?

Yes! :)  Document what you did to get it working at
the web site so it can get
recorded.  :)


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Re: wine-user.pdf feedback

2005-03-02 Thread Hiji
> In my case, though, combining a high IQ and being a
> complete helpless
> newbie to Linux, is a powerful combination that
> produces questions out
> of nowhere. In the chapter about installing and
> un-installing, one small
> detail got left out: "How does one KNOW whether wine
> is installed, and
> if so what version it is?" I'm sure it must sound
> like typical newbie
> crap questions to you, but to me it's a solid and
> tangible one. Well, I
> do know that I do have wine installed, because when
> I installed Fedora
> Core 2, I said "install everything". Besides, I
> tried..
>  "wine /mnt/C/windows/notepad.exe" and it worked
> *snip*

You're definately right; some of the documentation
needs to be updated, improved, or more generally
geared towards complete newbies.  In all fairness, a
little over a year ago, I was a complete Linux newbie,
and Wine was the first application I ever installed
(compiled from source) and ran on Linux. :)  Of
course, it took some reading of the documentation, and
some educated guessing, but it was possible.

In any case, I don't know who currently maintains the
documentation, but you sound like you have some great
ideas to contribute to it.  I encourage you to get
involved. :)


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Re: Wine, CrossOver wins LQ Members Choice awards 2004

2005-02-11 Thread Hiji
> Hey, we won by a large margin!
> Wine  293 42.59%
> Crossover Office  139 20.20%
> Cedega131 19.04%
> VMware101 14.68%
> Win4lin24 3.49%
> Good going chaps and chapettes! Nice also to see the
> results are ranked 
> in rough order of "freeness" too.
> Let's see if we can win again in the 2005 voting :)
> thanks -mike

Hey guys & gals,

Congrats!  As always, your work is amazing -- that
alone is a reason to keep supporting Wine/ Crossover! 
I don't know what I'd do in the Linux world if your
applications weren't in existence.


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Re: PRESS: run windows viruses with wine ...

2005-01-27 Thread Hiji

--- Mike Hearn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 2005-01-27 at 13:45 -0800, Hiji wrote:
> > That said, the JDS does a lot of stuff for you. 
> By
> > default, it automounts windows partitions so
> basically
> > anyone can write to them (root or not).  In this
> case,
> > with this specific distro, a virus would have
> write
> > access to that partition.  I don't mount anything,
> the
> > distro does...
> Yeah, but there's no point in exaggerating this. Is
> it a technical
> possibility with some setups? Yes. Have I ever heard
> of it happening?
> No.

No exaggeration intended here; I understood this
thread was following a hypothetical scenerios.  My
appologies.  I was trying to raise awareness about a
default entry-point on a specific distro.  I was in
the mindset that its better to share this information
to not share it at all.


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Re: PRESS: run windows viruses with wine ...

2005-01-27 Thread Hiji

--- Francois Gouget <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 27 Jan 2005, Hiji wrote:
> [...]
> > Here's something to add into the mix...
> >
> > I'm not quite sure how other Linux distros work,
> but
> > Sun's JDS mounts any Windows partitions under
> > /windows/[drive letter] .  IIRC, Wine makes drive
> Z
> > the root.  So, a virus theoretically could go
> through
> > each drive, eventually hit Z drive, and then from
> > there, get to the Windows partitions -- that is,
> if
> > the partitions are Fat32, it can do damage.
> It seems you're just repeating what Mike Hearn said
> and ignoring what he 
> and I said about non-root users not necessarily
> having write access to 
> the Windows partition. It's a bit irritating because
> that last part is 
> exactly what I was trying to pointing out.
> Apparently I failed :-(
> Now you may have been confused by the fat32 thing.
> But under Linux if 
> you mount a fat32 partition with all defaults then
> only root can write 
> to it. If you want other users to have write to it,
> then you have to 
> use the appropriate mount options to set the umask,
> user and group just 
> right.
> Do man mount and look for uid, gid and umask in the
> 'Mount options for 
> fat' section.

No need to get irritated.  I did read the posts, and
was reconfirming the topic about Z drive.  My
appologies as I probably wasn't as clear as I should
have been.  So, let me elaborate.

Sun's JDS R2 (based on a hybrid of Suse 8.1/8.2 --
essentially Suse SLEC) is marketed and created for the
basic end-user.  Essentially, someone who doesn't know
anything about Linux, but needs the basics of an
office setting: word processing, email client,
browser, etc.

That said, the JDS does a lot of stuff for you.  By
default, it automounts windows partitions so basically
anyone can write to them (root or not).  In this case,
with this specific distro, a virus would have write
access to that partition.  I don't mount anything, the
distro does...

Not only that, chances are that a general JDS user out
there in the real world wouldn't know where to start
to change permissions ... much less know what "man"
is. ;)

Hope that helps!

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Re: PRESS: run windows viruses with wine ...

2005-01-27 Thread Hiji

--- Francois Gouget <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 27 Jan 2005, Mike Hearn wrote:
> > On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 08:29:08 -0600, Brad DeMorrow
> wrote:
> >> Many also seem to be worried that a virus under
> wine could do damage to
> >> their other partition with windows installed.  I
> tell them that without
> >> an entry in Wine's configuration for that virtual
> drive - any pure
> >> windows application wouldn't even know that such
> a drive existed.
> >
> > That's not quite right, some viruses just do a
> recursive search for all PE
> > EXE/DLL files. They will find a real Windows drive
> eventually if it's
> > mounted r/w as drive z: makes the whole system
> available.
> Yes but that's an important point. As you are not
> running as root, you 
> may not have write access to the files in that
> Windows partition. And 
> thus it would be safe.
> Of course this depends on how your system is
> configured but I know this 
> is how mine is configured and I don't think it is an
> unusual setup (but 
> I don't have hard statistics to back it up so I may
> be wrong).

Here's something to add into the mix...

I'm not quite sure how other Linux distros work, but
Sun's JDS mounts any Windows partitions under
/windows/[drive letter] .  IIRC, Wine makes drive Z
the root.  So, a virus theoretically could go through
each drive, eventually hit Z drive, and then from
there, get to the Windows partitions -- that is, if
the partitions are Fat32, it can do damage.


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Re: we just hit the 1 MB mark!!

2005-01-21 Thread Hiji

--- Tom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> Looks as if we just hit the 1 MB mark in wine-cvs
> commits
> for the first time. :-)
> Tom

I don't know about you guys, but as end-user and
advocate of Wine, this rings good news to me.  It
tells me more people are gaining interest and getting
involved with the project! :)


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Re: Palm OS Desktop & Wine

2005-01-11 Thread Hiji

--- Ivan Leo Puoti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >About USB...  Isn't it working (at minimum) with
> >iTunes?
> >
> >  
> >
> AFAIK USB isn't supported.
> Ivan.

Referring to the following message:

USB in iTunes is said to work "with a lot of fiddling


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Re: Palm OS Desktop & Wine

2005-01-10 Thread Hiji

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hiji wrote:
> > Ah, but my friend, in the Wine-Users alias we
> > established that it should follow the trend of the
> > thread.  In this thread, I started the trend as a
> > "top-post".
> > 
> > So, I should ask you (in this specific thread),
> > "Please don't bottom-post." hehehe. ;)
> > 
> > About USB...  Isn't it working (at minimum) with
> > iTunes?
> That may be ok in wine users. But not so much wine
> devel...  PLEASE do _NOT_ top 
> post.
> You can do what you want. However aggravating the
> developers when you are asking 
> for help is not a good way to start things off.

Woah... Slow down there.  Who's aggravating who, and
who is starting things off?  I'm not new here (I may
lurk, but I do pop in), wasn't asking for help (I was
answering another person's question), and a little
humor never hurt anyone. ;)

Honestly, when someone makes a big deal out of whether
to "top post" or "bottom post", it makes no sense. 
(You might as well start nitpicking at how people do
their grammar.)  Two schools of thought and popularity
exist for each methodology; you'll find an equal
amount of people to backup each side.  (To paraphrase
what someone emailed me via the wine-users alias
thread, "This argument happens at least once a year.")

If you need to have people bottom-post... that's fine,
and let them know kindly.  If you've told them before,
and they've forgot, then please remind them.  But
don't go off and get Terminator on them (I'm not
speaking to you directly, but to the attitude in
general about top/bottom posting.) :)

I would understand if this thread was in the middle of
a long bottom-posting discussion.  But for Pete's
sake,  I answered someone's question, and here I am
now having to defend myself because I didn't
"bottom-posting".  (How the heck does this happen?  I
thought I was on the wine-devel alias - not the alias
for "Etiquette for Various Alias Cultures".)

I can guarantee you that right now someone reading
this thread is rolling their eyes because we are
arguing over something which shouldn't have to be
argued about. ;)

Now, take a deep breath, and let out a few laughs to


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Re: Palm OS Desktop & Wine

2005-01-10 Thread Hiji
Ah, but my friend, in the Wine-Users alias we
established that it should follow the trend of the
thread.  In this thread, I started the trend as a

So, I should ask you (in this specific thread),
"Please don't bottom-post." hehehe. ;)

About USB...  Isn't it working (at minimum) with


--- Ivan Leo Puoti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't think wine supports USB at all. And please
> don't top post.

> Hiji wrote:
> > I've never done this, but thinking on a more
> > fundamental level, USB isn't fully supported under
> > Wine.  So, I'm assuming your PDA relies on a USB
> > connection.  So, even if you got the application
> to
> > run, chances are, you couldn't sync with your
> device.
> > :S
> > 
> > I could be wrong, but this is my understanding of
> Wine
> > & USB at the moment.

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Re: Palm OS Desktop & Wine

2005-01-10 Thread Hiji
I've never done this, but thinking on a more
fundamental level, USB isn't fully supported under
Wine.  So, I'm assuming your PDA relies on a USB
connection.  So, even if you got the application to
run, chances are, you couldn't sync with your device.

I could be wrong, but this is my understanding of Wine
& USB at the moment.


--- FyD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear All,
> I have a Tungsten E PDA and use K-pilot/J-pilot to
> backup/restore/install
> .pdb/.prc files with my linux box. No problem for
> that.
> => However, I would like to install a .pdf viewer on
> my PDA and the files
> provided for this installation are not .pdb/.prc
> files but a Windows executable
> file (AdobeReader305-PalmOS.exe). To install this
> file, I need to install the
> whole Palm Desktop CD under windows.
> => Consequently, I thought to use Wine for that: I
> compiled Wine_20041201 on my
> linux box (RedHat 9.0), configured it with
> 'winesetuptk' and run 'wine
> /mnt/cdrom/autorun.exe' to install the whole Palm
> Desktop CD for window.
> The installation seems to start ok & I get the
> following error message:
> [...]
> fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnRelease destroy child objects
> fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnRelease destroy child objects
> fixme:powermgnt:SetThreadExecutionState
> (0x8000): stub, harmless.
> Please use the registry key
> HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\Software\Fonts\LogPixels
> to set the screen resolution and remove the
> "Resolution" entry in the config
> file
> fixme:thread:NtSetInformationThread Set
> ThreadImpersonationToken handle to (nil)
> fixme:thread:NtSetInformationThread Set
> ThreadImpersonationToken handle to 0x4c
> Installation of D:\palm desktop\Palm Desktop.msi
> (SETUPEXEDIR=D:\palm desktop)
> failed.
> err:dc:DCE_FreeWindowDCE [0x20024] GetDC() without
> ReleaseDC()!
> I tried to find info on the web about 'Palm OS
> Desktop installation & Wine'
> without success...
> Is it possible to do install the 'Palm OS Desktop'
> CD with Wine and/or any idea
> for my problem ?
> Thanks a lot, regards, Francois

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