Re: Copy protection

2006-10-04 Thread Karsten Anderson

why not just implement the write to MBR? figure out how the copy
protector does it and just implement it.  as long as you know what
you're doing and where the O/S stores its stuff you should be alright.
put a few warnings on the instaeller and whatnot that this might be
risky, and then let the user decide for himself :)

On 10/4/06, Stefan Dösinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> what keeps some nosy haxx0r from looking in the MBR (or some blocks
> later) if he wants to find out about the copy protection? if they store
> data like this unprotected (e.g. crypting them) then this is just
> security-by-obscurity (which is no security at all).
Copy protection IS security by obscurity from a cryptography point of view ;-)'_principle

The thing is that the user HAS to be able to decrypt the movie / game /
whatever and use it, so in some form he HAS to have the keys. The only thing
that can be hidden is the algorithm and the location of the keys(sort of part
of the algorithm). This can't work from a mathematical point of view.

What makes copy protection problematic to circumvent is not the math or the
technical stuff, it is the laws protecting it :-(

Re: Adobe Photoshop idea

2006-10-01 Thread Karsten Anderson

yeah.. it's surprising they'd turn down another revenue stream so vehemently

On 10/1/06, Tim Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Wow...  looks like Chris, and other members of that forum are
'actively hostile' to the Linux community.  The difference in tone
between this thread and that, about the same topic, is incredible.


Re: Adobe Photoshop idea

2006-10-01 Thread Karsten Anderson

Sorry!  Try this:

If that doesn't work, just go to:
Click Photoshop / Imageready
Click Photoshop Windows
Click Feature requests (the 2nd thread in the list)
Click "Time for a Linux version?" (the thread)

register with the site and reply :) thanks..

On 10/1/06, Hiji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey Karsten,

Is there any other way to see the thread?  It requires a login.  ATM, I think 
its great that PhotoShop 7 runs near perfectly under Wine, but it would be 
fantastic if CS and CS2 versions ran just as smoothly.


- Original Message 
From: Karsten Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2006 11:51:43 PM
Subject: Adobe Photoshop idea

I know a lot of people really want newer versions of photoshop (CS,
CS2) to work with wine, myself included, so I opened up a feature
request on Adobe's Photoshop forum, first with the intent to lobby for
a Linux version, but then had the idea that maybe it would be more
realistic to get Photoshop to work in Linux via Wine, possibly via
having some sort of collaboration between the two dev groups.  A reply
I got on their messageboard is actually from a dev, and I suggested to
him that they work with the Wine devs on this, as it seems much more
realistic and possible than a Linux port.

So I'm sending this to you guys as a heads up that this might be a
good opportunity to get in contact with the Adobe people about getting
some ideas on getting Photoshop working in Wine.  Here's the link to
the thread:

maybe someone could reply and say Hi at least and say to Chris (that's
the guy) that you'd be receptive to some input from Adobe on this.  I
can only see this as a win-win situation for everyone, Linux users for
getting Photoshop working, and Adobe for the admiration of the Linux
community and the possibility of  new revenue that might be available
to them via new sales of the software.  Sorry to drop in from out of
nowhere on this, but I thought the opportunity seemed to good to not
say anything.  So long and thanks for wine, it's awesome :)


Adobe Photoshop idea

2006-09-30 Thread Karsten Anderson

I know a lot of people really want newer versions of photoshop (CS,
CS2) to work with wine, myself included, so I opened up a feature
request on Adobe's Photoshop forum, first with the intent to lobby for
a Linux version, but then had the idea that maybe it would be more
realistic to get Photoshop to work in Linux via Wine, possibly via
having some sort of collaboration between the two dev groups.  A reply
I got on their messageboard is actually from a dev, and I suggested to
him that they work with the Wine devs on this, as it seems much more
realistic and possible than a Linux port.

So I'm sending this to you guys as a heads up that this might be a
good opportunity to get in contact with the Adobe people about getting
some ideas on getting Photoshop working in Wine.  Here's the link to
the thread:

maybe someone could reply and say Hi at least and say to Chris (that's
the guy) that you'd be receptive to some input from Adobe on this.  I
can only see this as a win-win situation for everyone, Linux users for
getting Photoshop working, and Adobe for the admiration of the Linux
community and the possibility of  new revenue that might be available
to them via new sales of the software.  Sorry to drop in from out of
nowhere on this, but I thought the opportunity seemed to good to not
say anything.  So long and thanks for wine, it's awesome :)
