Re: regression in worms2

2008-02-07 Thread Olaf Leidinger

> The same bug happens in Patrician3.exe
> If you apply the attached patch if should  be ok.
> Please let me know, if that worked also for you.

I already tried this work-around and it makes the game work. Alexandre
Julliard also proposed a patch which works fine, please have a look at
bug 11340.


Olaf Leidinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: regression in worms2

2008-02-05 Thread Olaf Leidinger

> Great now for your left to learn how to use search button:
> Duplicate of Bug 11340!!!
Well, I'm sorry I posted a dublicate bug, perhaps I searched the wrong way ;-/
> What users doing here anyway?
Hm... that's exactly what "How to do regression testing using Git" recommends.

"report about it to Wine Bugzilla  or subscribe to wine-devel and post it 

As bugzilla didn't work, I posted it to wine-devel.

Anyways, have a nice day!


Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug in patch winex11.drv: Don't create a win_data structure for the desktop window, except in the process that owns it.

2008-02-05 Thread Olaf Leidinger

This is also one patch that affects worms2. I added it to bugzilla as bug 11481.


Re: regression in worms2

2008-02-05 Thread Olaf Leidinger
Hello again!

Bugzilla seems to work again. The bug number is 11481.


Re: regression in worms2

2008-02-05 Thread Olaf Leidinger

> What bug # is this? Please note this is not bugzilla, you will be expected 
> to debug this problem yourself and provide technical information.

Well, I'd like to report the bug, but it seems bugzilla has problems:

Software error:

Can't connect to the database.
Error: Too many connections
  Is your database installed and up and running?
  Do you have the correct username and password selected in localconfig?



bugzilla-problems - was Re: regression in worms2

2008-02-05 Thread Olaf Leidinger

> What bug # is this? Please note this is not bugzilla, you will be expected 
> to debug this problem yourself and provide technical information.

Well, I'd like to report the bug, but it seems bugzilla has problems:

Software error:

Can't connect to the database.
Error: Too many connections
  Is your database installed and up and running?
  Do you have the correct username and password selected in localconfig?



regression in worms2

2008-02-05 Thread Olaf Leidinger

I noticed that the game "worms 2" broke between wine-0.9.53 and wine-0.9.54. A 
git-bisect revealed the guilty patches.

The game includes a frontend.exe which starts game.exe and controls the 
settings of the game (the map and teams etc.). Running game.exe directly works 
but you can't alter the settings. When running game.exe via frontend the game 
doesn't show up but hangs after changing resolution. Before the following 
commit the game starts and is playable:

2921f5c156b368b4ce6e615eb61dad5c5f423bf8 is first bad commit
commit 2921f5c156b368b4ce6e615eb61dad5c5f423bf8
Author: Alexandre Julliard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:   Tue Jan 22 20:06:35 2008 +0100

server: Invalidate the correct region when custom valid rects are specified.

:04 04 1385d5899b5b6affd5da84328e1bc15985406976 
5c8756013a67c0402f3bb5fb9f3ee7b4a50e124a M  server

And this one makes worms2 hang after exiting the game:

c19af910ebafa9b1928b0f67bee68f6b0b237e8e is first bad commit
commit c19af910ebafa9b1928b0f67bee68f6b0b237e8e
Author: Alexandre Julliard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:   Thu Jan 17 19:53:59 2008 +0100

winex11.drv: Don't create a win_data structure for the desktop window, 
except in the process that owns it.

Handle desktop size changes by sending a message to the desktop owner.

:04 04 b7c030353fe92121bb999481724a3689429b2e8a 
80fd2c5f4ace2707abb01648bd61663a6c9d7626 M  dlls

Thanks for your attention!


Description: PGP signature

Re: .NET apps with mono... some testing.

2007-12-31 Thread Olaf Leidinger
On Mon, 31 Dec 2007 04:54:38 +0100
Stefan Brüns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Jérôme Gardou wrote:
> > Some more feedback here.
> > 
> > Changing the key HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\Software\Fonts\LogPixels from 96 to
> > 2 changes everything. From enormous characters in gtk# programs, there
> > is now a good size in those apps.
> > 
> > Obviously, this is not the good way to get it working.
> This seems to be a problem not only for gtk#, but gtk in general. Latest
> Gimp Stable (2.4.2) draws incredibly large letters. To make it work
> (print anything besides empty boxes for glyphs), installation of MS Core
> fonts is needed as well.


The problem seems to reside in cairo. Please have a look at bug 7186.

Ciao and happy New Year!


Re: Time for wine-mono or wine-dotnet11 component in Bugzilla?

2007-01-16 Thread Olaf Leidinger

> (*): They are to big. I think I should post a bug report... maybe
> tomorrow -

Not tomorrow -- but now:

Description: PGP signature

Re: Getting GTK/W32 applications to run

2007-01-16 Thread Olaf Leidinger
Replying to myself:

--- opened bug 7186 ---

Description: PGP signature

Re: Getting GTK/W32 applications to run

2007-01-16 Thread Olaf Leidinger

> Thank you for your elaborate diagnosis. This is probably related to the
> problem Mono has on Wine because it also uses Pango/GTK.

It seems as if this is not a problem with GTK or Pango but with cairo. GTK-2.6 
(without cairo) works fine on wine.
Here is a minimal cairo-win32 example basing uppon code from Owen Taylor:

 * This example code is placed in the public domain
 * Author: Owen Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Red Hat Inc.


#define TITLE TEXT("Cairo test")
#define BORDER_WIDTH 75.
#define SNIPPET_WIDTH  300.
#define SNIPPET_HEIGHT 300.
#define FONT_SIZE 24

static void
on_paint (HDC hdc)
cairo_surface_t *surface;
cairo_t *cr;
double line_width;
cairo_font_extents_t font_extents;

surface = cairo_win32_surface_create (hdc);
cr = cairo_create (surface);

line_width = cairo_get_line_width (cr);

/* Draw a box bordering the snippet */
cairo_rectangle (cr,
 BORDER_WIDTH - line_width / 2, BORDER_WIDTH - line_width / 
 SNIPPET_WIDTH + line_width, SNIPPET_WIDTH + line_width);
cairo_stroke (cr);

/* And some text */
cairo_select_font_face (cr, "Arial", CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL,
cairo_set_font_size (cr, FONT_SIZE);
cairo_font_extents (cr, &font_extents);

cairo_move_to (cr,
   BORDER_WIDTH + SNIPPET_WIDTH + font_extents.ascent);
cairo_show_text (cr, "This is some example text!");

cairo_destroy (cr);
cairo_surface_destroy (surface);

/* The WinMain and window procedure are loosely based on a example
 * from the Microsoft documentation.
WndProc (HWND   window,
 UINT   message,
 WPARAM wParam,
 LPARAM lParam)
PAINTSTRUCT paint_struct;
HDC dc;

switch(message) {
case WM_CHAR:
switch (wParam) {
case 'q':
case 'Q':
PostQuitMessage (0);
return 0;
case WM_PAINT:
dc = BeginPaint (window, &paint_struct);
on_paint (dc);
EndPaint (window, &paint_struct);
return 0;
PostQuitMessage (0);
return 0;

return DefWindowProc (window, message, wParam, lParam);


WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance,
 HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
 PSTR  lpCmdLine,
 INT   iCmdShow)
HWND window;
MSG message;
WNDCLASS window_class;
window_class.lpfnWndProc = WndProc;
window_class.cbClsExtra = 0;
window_class.cbWndExtra = 0;
window_class.hInstance = hInstance;
window_class.hIcon = LoadIcon (NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
window_class.hCursor = LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW);
window_class.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject (WHITE_BRUSH);
window_class.lpszMenuName = NULL;
window_class.lpszClassName = TITLE;

RegisterClass (&window_class);

/* Compute the window size to give us the desired client area */
rect.left = 0; = 0;
rect.right = SNIPPET_WIDTH + 2 * BORDER_WIDTH;
rect.bottom = SNIPPET_WIDTH + 2 * BORDER_WIDTH;

AdjustWindowRect (&rect, WINDOW_STYLE, FALSE /* no menu */);

window = CreateWindow (TITLE, /* Class name */
   TITLE, /* Window name */
   CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, /* initial position */
   rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom -, /* 
initial size */
   NULL,/* Parent */
   NULL,/* Menu */
   NULL); /* WM_CREATE lpParam */

ShowWindow (window, iCmdShow);
UpdateWindow (window);

while (GetMessage (&message, NULL, 0, 0)) {
TranslateMessage (&message);
DispatchMessage (&message);

return message.wParam;


The font output isn't corrent -- see [1] and [2] as reference.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Time for wine-mono or wine-dotnet11 component in Bugzilla?

2007-01-07 Thread Olaf Leidinger
On Sun, 7 Jan 2007 09:16:31 -0800
"Dan Kegel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Olaf wrote:
> >> Hrm.  Seems to me mono is going to become an
> >> important part of wine pretty soon, if it lets us run
> >> .net applications.
> >
> >What would have to be done to make MS .net work with wine?
> >I think MS .Net might be better a better choice--  when
> >thinking of compatibility -- especially in connection with the latest
> VisualStudio.
> I think it's been poked at a bit, and ought to be doable.
> It's probably a month or so's concentrated work by
> some wine developer.   I'd like to see it happen, but
> it's always risky to get hooked on MS code that could
> be withdrawn or made incompatible with Wine; better
> to spend the effort getting the Mono route working first,
> especially since it looks like that's really close.
> If you want to try it, here's a shell script that installs
> mono and sets up the registry keys needed for Wine to use it
> for .net programs:
> - Dan

Hmmm... gtk-sharp demos seem to work -- but since gtk switched to cairo
fonts are wrong(*) in gtk apps which run in wine. Some time ago I could
run gimp in wine (well, it needed the paths to be set correctly and the
exe-plug-ins being removed). This was with gtk-2.6 (without cairo) and
the fonts where okay. 

I also wrote a small scalar-product-benchmark which was similar slow
compared to "native" mono. ;-)

Ciao, Olaf

(*): They are to big. I think I should post a bug report... maybe
tomorrow - 

Re: Time for wine-mono or wine-dotnet11 component in Bugzilla?

2007-01-07 Thread Olaf Leidinger

> Hrm.  Seems to me mono is going to become an
> important part of wine pretty soon, if it lets us run
> .net applications.  

What would have to be done to make MS .net work with wine? I think MS .Net 
might be better a better coice -- when thinking of compatibility -- especially 
in connection with the latest VisualStudio.



Re: DirectDraw Issues continue

2006-07-14 Thread Olaf Leidinger

> > WINE_DEBUG=+ddraw,+d3d7 wine settlers.exe > mywinelog
> The environment variable is WINEDEBUG, not WINE_DEBUG.

And it should be "> filename 2>&1" not only "> filename", as without "2>&1" 
only standard output, not standard error is written to the file.

WINEDEBUG=+ddraw,+d3d7 wine settlers.exe  > test.log 2>&1

As this files tend to become huge, it'd be good to extract only the last 1000 
or 1 lines (whatever is needed to see what's wrong). You can do this via

tail test.log -n 1000 > test2.log

and compress the output via bzip2

bzip2 test2.log

Or as one-liner

tail test.log -n 1000 | bzip2 > test2.log.bz2



Description: PGP signature

Re: "assumed" graphic card memory

2006-07-13 Thread Olaf Leidinger
> # grep VideoRAM /var/log/Xorg.0.log
> (--) NVIDIA(0): VideoRAM: 262144 kBytes
> A built-in Intel card with the open-source drivers:
> # grep VideoRAM /var/log/Xorg.0.log
> (--) I810(0): Pre-allocated VideoRAM: 7932 kByte
> (==) I810(0): VideoRAM: 65536 kByte
> I couldn't find anyone with an ATi card to test with, unfortunately.

I use ATI's fglrx:

grep VideoRAM /var/log/Xorg.0.log
(--) fglrx(0): VideoRAM: 131072 kByte, Type: DDR SGRAM / SDRAM

Seems to be right *g*

But again, Xorg log is also only local...



Description: PGP signature

Re: [Tools/Wine.inf] Set Internet Explorer version

2006-07-02 Thread Olaf Leidinger
> He was asking if we should *require* people to install IE, and I said
> no, we shouldn't.  If someone wants to install IE, go ahead, but apps
> that depend on the presence of IE should  work with builtin IE.

Oh, sorry - I mis-read that part. You're right - wine should not rely on 
windows base components at all.



Description: PGP signature

Re: [Tools/Wine.inf] Set Internet Explorer version

2006-06-29 Thread Olaf Leidinger
On Thu, 29 Jun 2006 10:56:12 -0700
"James Hawkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 6/28/06, Maarten Lankhorst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Should we require that people install Internet Explorer or should we put
> > in patches that increase application compatibility with vanilla wine?
> >
> I don't know why we would require people to install IE, when we have a
> replacement for it already.

Web designers - to see what their pages look like in IE. But they could also 
install IE 7.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Dogfood report: Firefox autoupdate works

2006-06-18 Thread Olaf Leidinger

> Oh yes, as newest GenuineCheck.exe crashes, newest 
> WGAPluginInstall.exe may fail also.  For this 
> reason I've put online older versions of both: [2]
> [1] 
> [2]

Well, GenuineCheck.exe works for me on  wine-0.9.15 with a fresh wine install. 
I wanted to install MDAC, so I applied [3] as proposed by dan and downloaded it 
from [4]. This is where I had to pass the GenuineCheck and it workd just fine, 
even with a fresh wine install. Have a look at [5] as a proof *g*



cat >> $HOME/.wine/system.reg <<"_EOF_"

[Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer]



Description: PGP signature

Re: Wine 1.0 Tasks

2006-05-31 Thread Olaf Leidinger
> ... "make Windows developers take Wine seriously."

What about "make offices take Wine seriously."? Okay... former versions of MS 
Office work very well, but
many offices, e.g. at universities, also depend on Acrobat Standard for doing 
everyday-stuff. The latest Acrobat which works (more or less - seems to have a 
printing problems) out of the box is v. 5, although you can get Acrobat Reader 
7 working using Microsoft's IE.



Description: PGP signature

Re: Another fun winelib project

2006-03-23 Thread Olaf Leidinger

The source of Civilization "Call to Power 2" was also released some years ago. 
Have a look at

> According to the appdb it does not run so maybe having the source
> could better help us find out what we are missing.
And it doesn't work either ;-(



Description: PGP signature

Re: DirectDraw -> WineD3D patch and Wine-0.9.9

2006-03-04 Thread Olaf Leidinger

> Is this patch included in Wine-0.9.9 ?

No, it isn't. AFAIK this patch modifies DirectDraw and Direct3D 7



Description: PGP signature

Re: DirectX 8 test: Gothic 2 on wine

2006-02-25 Thread Olaf Leidinger

> The sound problem might be quite a lot of work to fix. 
> You can get sound working when you use the following native dll's:
> dmime
> dmsynth
> dmstyle
> dmusic
> The crash seems to happen inside dmstyle/dmime:
> fixme:dmime:IDirectMusicSegment8Impl_IDirectMusicSegment8_GetParam
> (0x7fd35148, GUID_IDirectMusicStyle, 0x, 0, 0, (nil), 0x7a4fa0)
> fixme:dmstyle:IDirectMusicChordTrack_IDirectMusicTrack_GetParam
> (0x7fd35738, GUID_IDirectMusicStyle, 0, (nil), 0x7a4fa0): stub
> When you look at the status of the dmusic related dlls on winehq they could 
> use a lot more work. But Gothic seems to use some more exotic functions...

Okay, I tried it with native DLLs, the ones above plus dmband. Without native 
dmband it also crashes. But now the game works with sound.



Description: PGP signature

Re: DirectX 8 test: Gothic 2 on wine

2006-02-25 Thread Olaf Leidinger

> Are you sure that's a d3d8 game? The log only shows d3d7/ddraw output.

Sorry, this was my mistake...



Description: PGP signature

Re: DirectX 8 test: Gothic 2 on wine

2006-02-25 Thread Olaf Leidinger
Hello again!

> > Gothic2 seems to start working with wine. Well - as long as you disable
> > sound in system/gothic.ini.
> Looks like it's an DirectDraw / Direct3D7 game. Another game on my list ;)

Oh, sorry... my mistake!
> >  - most textures are missing
> Happens to a few games, but you're lucky that you can see the colors. In 
> prince of persia 3D it's eighter 100% black or 100% white.
> >  - everything is really dark (I have to set gamma to 2.5 (via xgamma -gamma
> > 2.5) ) - fonts are missing/crippled
> The gamma problem is known from Diablo 2

Is this a new problem? It used to work very well for me ;-)

> The fonts could be broken because the font files aren't installed correctly, 
> but that's just a wild guess.

Hmmm... I can't see any font files in the directory. But I'll install it on 
win32 and compare.

> > I took some pictures and put it together with a log on a simple webpage.
> > Please have a look at
> How is the game's performance with the fglrx driver?

After loading (which is (much?) faster on win32) the performance is okay - 
well, it doesn't flicker.  But I guess it'll be slower with more textures, 
won't it?



Description: PGP signature

DirectX 8 test: Gothic 2 on wine

2006-02-24 Thread Olaf Leidinger
Hello List!

Gothic2 seems to start working with wine. Well - as long as you disable sound 
in system/gothic.ini. 

There are some issues with DirectDraw/Direct3D I'd like to report (not sure if 
they are known):

 - most textures are missing
 - everything is really dark (I have to set gamma to 2.5 (via xgamma -gamma 
2.5) )
 - fonts are missing/crippled

I took some pictures and put it together with a log on a simple webpage. Please 
have a look at

Thanks a lot for your attention,


Olaf Leidinger

Description: PGP signature

Re: winecfg: Problems with audio configuration

2006-01-03 Thread Olaf Leidinger
ELF 0x7fea5000-7feae000
ELF 0x7feb-7fec4000
ELF 0x7fec7000-7fee9000
ELF 0x7fee9000-7ffe
ELF 0xb7e73000-b7e76000
ELF 0xb7e76000-b7fa4000
ELF 0xb7fa4000-b7fb6000
ELF 0xb7fb6000-b7fb8000
ELF 0xb7fcc000-b7fe6000 Export
ELF 0xb7fe9000-b7fff000
process  tid  prio (all id:s are in hex)
0008 (D) c:\windows\system32\winecfg.exe
00090 <==
WineDbg terminated on pid 0x8

Perhaps an arts - problem? When starting arts before running winecfg the same 
happens. Removing artsd from harddisk doesn't help either. 

Here is my asound.conf:

# The ipc_key needs to be unique.
ipc_key 135
type dmix
slave {
  pcm "hw:1,0"
  period_size 1024
  periods 128
  period_time 0
  buffer_size 12288
  rate 44100
bindings {
  # Add or reduce the number of channels as needed.
  0 0
  1 1

type asym
playback.pcm "playback"
capture.pcm "capture"

type plug
slave.pcm "mux"

type plug
slave.pcm "playback"

ctl.mixer0 {
type hw
card 1

type dsnoop
# The ipc_key needs to be unique.
ipc_key 137
slave {
  pcm "hw:1,0"
  period_size 1024
  periods 128
  period_time 0
bindings {
  # Add or reduce the number of channels as needed.
  0 0
  1 1

hw:1 is cmpci, hw:0 is nforce2. But I think this isn't a cmpci problem for me, 
as it used to crash, too before I installed this card two weeks ago.

Hope you might need this information.


Olaf Leidinger

Description: PGP signature

Re: msvcrt incompatibility in Origin 6.0 when saving documents

2005-12-03 Thread Olaf Leidinger
0009:ret  ntdll.rtlleavecriticalsection() retval= ret=780012b1
0009:ret  msvcrt.putc() retval=00ff ret=7f822012
0009:call msvcrt.putc(0019,78037ca8) ret=7f822012

builtin: (line 32376)
0009:call msvcrt.putc(,7d724018) ret=7f822012
0009:ret  msvcrt.putc() retval= ret=7f822012
0009:call msvcrt.putc(fffb,7d724018) ret=7f822012
0009:ret  msvcrt.putc() retval=fffb ret=7f822012
0009:call msvcrt.putc(,7d724018) ret=7f822012
0009:ret  msvcrt.putc() retval= ret=7f822012

I also get the three putc's of the builtin version but after that there are 
about 7000 lines of putc-calls like above and NO MORE putc calls at all in the 
builtin version. Also the output of the native debug output is a bit "diverted" 
(two calls in one line!).
Till the lines above I can't see any differences (except the ones I already 

Might the missing RtlEnterCriticalSection calls lead to a problem? Isn't the 
wine msvcrt thread-safe?

If anyone is interested in the logs, I've put them onto my webspace :

Thanks a lot!


Olaf Leidinger

Description: PGP signature

Re: msvcrt incompatibility in Origin 6.0 when saving documents

2005-11-29 Thread Olaf Leidinger
ret  ntdll.ntquerysystemtime() retval= ret=7fd08e30
ret  kernel32.getsystemtimeasfiletime() retval=01c5f530 ret=7e886bf3
ret  msvcrt._ftime() retval= ret=7f74100d
call msvcrt.localtime(7f75b748) ret=7f74103e
call kernel32.filetimetolocalfiletime(7faded48,7faded40) ret=7e886e9a
call ntdll.rtlsystemtimetolocaltime(7fadeba4,7fadebac) ret=7fd09f03
ret  ntdll.rtlsystemtimetolocaltime() retval= ret=7fd09f03
ret  kernel32.filetimetolocalfiletime() retval=0001 ret=7e886e9a
call kernel32.filetimetosystemtime(7faded40,7faded30) ret=7e886ea4
call ntdll.rtltimetotimefields(7fadebb0,7fadeba0) ret=7fd09572
ret  ntdll.rtltimetotimefields() retval=016f ret=7fd09572
ret  kernel32.filetimetosystemtime() retval=0001 ret=7e886ea4
call kernel32.gettimezoneinformation(7fadec84) ret=7e886fd1
call ntdll.rtlquerytimezoneinformation(7fadec84) ret=7fd09bce
ret  ntdll.rtlquerytimezoneinformation() retval= ret=7fd09bce
call ntdll.ntquerysystemtime(7fadeb98) ret=7fd08e30
ret  ntdll.ntquerysystemtime() retval= ret=7fd08e30
ret  kernel32.gettimezoneinformation() retval= ret=7e886fd1
ret  msvcrt.localtime() retval=7e8ae660 ret=7f74103e

And the native msvcrt seems to use an internal _ftol


call msvcrt._cipow() ret=7f82aaf9
ret  msvcrt._cipow() retval=40f00020 ret=7f82aaf9
call msvcrt._ftol() ret=7f82a67a
ret  msvcrt._ftol() retval=0001 ret=7f82a67a


call msvcrt._cipow() ret=7f82aaf9
ret  msvcrt._cipow() retval=0001 ret=7f82aaf9
call ntdll._ftol() ret=7f82a67a
ret  ntdll._ftol() retval=0001 ret=7f82a67a

By the way... what is the difference between "retval" and "ret"? It sounds the 

There are still some megs in front of me... Perhaps you could comment my 
discoveries so far. Personally I think they aren't very important, but I really 
don't know much about the win32 api, so I can't tell...


Olaf Leidinger

Description: PGP signature

Re: msvcrt incompatibility in Origin 6.0 when saving documents

2005-11-28 Thread Olaf Leidinger
val=0715 ret=7fcf6968
0009:Ret  kernel32.FindResourceA() retval= ret=6c292bb9
0009:Call kernel32.FindResourceA(7f77,03f1,0006) ret=6c292bb9
0009:Call ntdll.LdrFindResource_U(7f77,7faded74,0003,7faded90) 
0009:Ret  ntdll.LdrFindResource_U() retval= ret=7fcf69c3
0009:Ret  kernel32.FindResourceA() retval=7f98d968 ret=6c292bb9
0009:Call user32.LoadStringA(7f77,3f0e,7fadeebc,0100) ret=6c292bcf
0009:Call ntdll.RtlAllocateHeap(7fd8,,0200) ret=7f6b448f
0009:Ret  ntdll.RtlAllocateHeap() retval=7fe60478 ret=7f6b448f
0009:Call kernel32.FindResourceW(7f77,03f1,0006) ret=7f6b3dd5
0009:Call ntdll.LdrFindResource_U(7f77,7fadec78,0003,7fadec94) 
0009:Ret  ntdll.LdrFindResource_U() retval= ret=7fcf6b33
0009:Ret  kernel32.FindResourceW() retval=7f98d968 ret=7f6b3dd5
0009:Call kernel32.LoadResource(7f77,7f98d968) ret=7f6b3de4
0009:Call ntdll.LdrAccessResource(7f77,7f98d968,7fadecd4,) 
0009:Ret  ntdll.LdrAccessResource() retval= ret=7fcf5f94
0009:Ret  kernel32.LoadResource() retval=7f9aea58 ret=7f6b3de4
0009:Call kernel32.LockResource(7f9aea58) ret=7f6b3df2
0009:Ret  kernel32.LockResource() retval=7f9aea58 ret=7f6b3df2
0009:Call kernel32.WideCharToMultiByte(,,7fe60478 L"Achtung 
!",0009,7fadeebc,00ff,,) ret=7f6b4557

"Achtung !" is the caption of the dialog.

It seems as if the file is written normally, but in fact no file is created (or 
it is deleted again). But I can't say what's wrong...


Olaf Leidinger

Description: PGP signature

msvcrt incompatibility in Origin 6.0 when saving documents

2005-11-28 Thread Olaf Leidinger
Hello List!

I'm testing Origin 6.0 using wine-0.9.1 and everything is really fine except 
saving documents. I'm getting a crash here. Just before that crash there is a 
dialog telling me: "File not saved. Please ensure that the disk isn't full" 
(roughly translated). Using a native version of msvcrt everything works fine. 
So I suppose that the problem lies in the builtin msvcrt ;-)

Running origin60.exe using +relay, I also get the message dialog, but the app 
doesn't crash. (Timing problem?)

Perhaps anybody could tell me where to start looking for the problem. Going 
trough the +relay-logs I can't find anything suspect. But I'm not very 
familliar with the win32 api ;-(

Thanks a lot for your interest,


Olaf Leidinger

Description: PGP signature

disabled button looks strange

2005-08-12 Thread Olaf Leidinger
Hash: SHA1

Hello List!

I noticed that disabled buttons look a bit strange on my system. It
happens all the time when a disabled button is drawn, as it is done in
many installers or in winecfg. Have a look at the following image:

Also the animation (copying file) during install is wrong, as it should
have a transparent background.

Does anybody experience the same errors?




ATI Radeon 9600 XP, fglrx
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


uxtheme metatheme

2004-07-06 Thread Olaf Leidinger

I'm new to the list and I'd like to know how complete the Windows-XP
theme support is. 

I don't know anything about XP themes or win32-api programming in
general but I wondered if it would be possible to create a "metatheme -
plugin" for wine.

Metatheme [1] is a new project which aim is to unify the appearance
between different graphics toolkits. Although it's a new project it's
quiet stable.

I talked already to the author but he isn't sure if all MetaTheme
requirements can be satisfied. The problem should be the metrics and so

This should only be a suggestion for a TODO-item or a proposal as I
can't write such a theme - at least not at the moment ;-(


Thanks a lot,



Re: Processor-Type and -Level

2003-12-01 Thread Olaf Leidinger

Am Mon, 2003-12-01 um 21.02 schrieb Roderick Colenbrander:
> Hi,
> The problem seems to be a bug in the cpu code. You had almost found it 
> yourself. If you had scrolled a few more lines down you would have seen that 
> we are already using /proc/cpuinfo. I think that bug is in the following 
> piece of code. When the cpu is a p2/p3/p4/p-m/ppro we set wProcessorLevel to 
> 5 while it needs to be 6:

Yes, some minutes later I scrolled down ;-)

This is the bug, I agree with you !

Will anybody of you commit the fix?


Olaf Leidinger

Processor-Type and -Level

2003-12-01 Thread Olaf Leidinger

Once I tried to install the win32 version of gimp-1.3.xx-i686 using wine
and the installer refused to install because gimp was only compiled for
newer processors. The author told me, that he uses the GetSystemInfo
function to get the data he needs.

Running a modified MS-example on wine I get this result:

Hardware information:
  OEM ID: 0
  Number of processors: 1
  Page size: 4096
  Processor type: 586
  Processor Level: 5
  Processor Revision: 0
  Minimum application address: 1
  Maximum application address: 7fff
  Active processor mask: 1

And the same on Win2k I get this output:

Hardware information:
  OEM ID: 0
  Number of processors: 1
  Page size: 4096
  Processor type: 586
  Processor Level: 6
  Processor Revision: 2560
  Minimum application address: 1
  Maximum application address: 7ffe
  Active processor mask: 1

Note - I am using an athlon-xp.

/** some source ***/
int main()
   SYSTEM_INFO siSysInfo;
   // Copy the hardware information to the SYSTEM_INFO structure.
   // Display the contents of the SYSTEM_INFO structure.
   printf("Hardware information: \n");
   printf("  OEM ID: %u\n", siSysInfo.dwOemId);
   printf("  Number of processors: %u\n",
   printf("  Page size: %u\n", siSysInfo.dwPageSize);
   printf("  Processor type: %u\n", siSysInfo.dwProcessorType);
   printf("  Processor Level: %u\n", siSysInfo.wProcessorLevel);
   printf("  Processor Revision: %u\n", siSysInfo.wProcessorRevision);
   printf("  Minimum application address: %lx\n",
   printf("  Maximum application address: %lx\n",
   printf("  Active processor mask: %u\n",
   return 1;

/** end of some source ***/

To bring a long story to an end:
I had a look at cpu.c from dll/kernel directory and I found this part:
[line 251]
/* FIXME: the two entries below should be computed somehow... */
cachedsi.lpMinimumApplicationAddress= (void *)0x0001;
cachedsi.lpMaximumApplicationAddress= (void *)0x7FFF;
cachedsi.dwActiveProcessorMask  = 1;
cachedsi.dwNumberOfProcessors   = 1;
cachedsi.dwProcessorType= PROCESSOR_INTEL_PENTIUM;
cachedsi.dwAllocationGranularity= 0x1;
cachedsi.wProcessorLevel= 5; /* 586 */
cachedsi.wProcessorRevision = 0;

So the corresponding values are compiled in. 

Either we change wProcessorLevel to 6 or get it from the running system.
I'd prefer the later ;-)

When I have some free time I could -perhaps- try to fix it  but I've
never changed something in the wine source. Does anybody have any
proposals of how to change it in an acceptable manner?

I know that all the information I need can be read from /proc/cpuinfo -
but perhaps there is an easier way then reading it from there as I don't
know if it is still there in 2.6.


Olaf Leidinger

Map and Guide & ADO

2003-11-18 Thread Olaf Leidinger

I'm trying to run MAP and Guide 9.0, but it needs ADO V.2.5
So I tried to install mdac from Microsoft, but both version 2.5 and 2.6
crash before installing anything. I've extracted the cabs and installed
everything, but it would be cool to have the registry entries added by
the installer, so that M&G knows, that ADO is there.

Does anybody have an idea of what to do?



Information follows:

fake_windows with working IE 5.5

wine 20031016.

mdac_type v. 2.5
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"ADVAPI32.dll" : builtin
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"GDI32.dll" : builtin
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"USER32.dll" : builtin
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module
L"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\COMCTL32.dll" : builtin
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"x11drv.dll" : builtin
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"C:\\Program
Files\\mg9\\prog\\IXP026.TMP\\dasetupr.dll" : native
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\ole32.dll" :
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"lz32.dll" : builtin
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"VERSION.dll" : builtin
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"C:\\Program
Files\\mg9\\prog\\IXP026.TMP\\advpack.dll" : native
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"C:\\Program
Files\\mg9\\prog\\IXP026.TMP\\CABINET.DLL" : native
trace:loaddll:MODULE_FlushModrefs Unloaded module L"C:\\Program
Files\\mg9\\prog\\IXP026.TMP\\CABINET.DLL" : native
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\shlwapi.dll"
: builtin
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\SHELL32.dll"
: builtin
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module
L"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\winspool.drv" : builtin
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module
L"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\comdlg32.dll" : builtin
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"C:\\Program
Files\\mg9\\prog\\IXP026.TMP\\CFGMGR32.dll" : native
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"MPR.dll" : builtin
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\RPCRT4.dll"
: nativetrace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"C:\\Program
Files\\mg9\\prog\\IXP026.TMP\\SETUPAPI.DLL" : native
trace:loaddll:MODULE_FlushModrefs Unloaded module L"C:\\Program
Files\\mg9\\prog\\IXP026.TMP\\SETUPAPI.DLL" : native
trace:loaddll:MODULE_FlushModrefs Unloaded module
L"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\RPCRT4.dll" : native
trace:loaddll:MODULE_FlushModrefs Unloaded module
L"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\mpr.dll" : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_FlushModrefs Unloaded module L"C:\\Program
Files\\mg9\\prog\\IXP026.TMP\\CFGMGR32.dll" : native
trace:loaddll:MODULE_FlushModrefs Unloaded module
L"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\comdlg32.dll" : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_FlushModrefs Unloaded module
L"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\winspool.drv" : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_FlushModrefs Unloaded module
L"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\shell32.dll" : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_FlushModrefs Unloaded module
L"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\shlwapi.dll" : builtin
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"C:\\Program
Files\\mg9\\prog\\IXP026.TMP\\CABINET.DLL" : native
trace:loaddll:MODULE_FlushModrefs Unloaded module L"C:\\Program
Files\\mg9\\prog\\IXP026.TMP\\CABINET.DLL" : native
wine: Unhandled exception (thread 000b), starting debugger...
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"advapi32.dll" : builtin
WineDbg starting on pid a
No debug information in ELF 'wine' ((nil))
Breakpoint 1 at 0x492591a0
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/wine/lib/'
Loaded debug information from ELF '/usr/lib/wine/lib/wine/'
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/wine/lib/'
No debug information in ELF '/lib/' (0x40191000)
Loaded debug information from ELF
'/usr/lib/wine/lib/wine/' (0x402b)
Loaded debug information from ELF
'/usr/lib/wine/lib/wine/' (0x40813000)
Loaded debug information from ELF '/usr/lib/wine/lib/wine/'
Loaded debug information from ELF '/usr/lib/wine/lib/wine/'
Loaded debug information from ELF
'/usr/lib/wine/lib/wine/' (0x409fb000)
Loaded debug information from ELF '/usr/lib/wine/lib/wine/'
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/' (0x40b1f000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/' (0x40b88000)
*** Invalid address 0xf6cc6000 (_end+0xb61c05d0)
No debug information in ELF
'/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/lib/common/' (0x4018b000)
No debug information in ELF
'/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/lib/common/' (0x410fd000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/gconv/' (0x4018e000)
Loaded debug information from ELF
'/usr/lib/wine/lib/wine/' (0x4179)
Loaded debug information from ELF '/usr/lib/wine/lib/wine/'
Loaded debug information from ELF '/usr/lib/wine/lib/wine/'
No debug information in ELF '/lib/' (0x41e1c000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\Program