Re: Guide for creating new AppInstall tests

2009-12-29 Thread Sam S.
Hi Austin,

thank you for your reply. I'll give it another try.

Btw, I do realise that some questions of the step-by-step list I gave
at the end are already (at least partially) answered in various places
- this was intended more as an outline of how a step-by-step guide
useful to users with no prior experience could be added to the wiki
Your answeres already made the process much clearer to me...

One thing though:

>>  - on Windows: how to properly test-run/debug the new script
> By running it a few times and making sure nothing fails ;-).

So you need to run

  ..\tools\autohotkey\autohotkey.exe testname.ahk

and then check



>>  - on Windows: how to get all those checksums
> There's not an easy way on windows, without installing cygwin. This is
> explained in the wiki.

It explains it for Linux, I was hoping there would be a way to get the
checksums of the files generated on Windows, without copying them to
Linux first... Well, too bad...

> If someone would volunteer to help with the documentation
> (by proofing it, making sure I didn't leave steps out, etc.), it would
> help greatly.

If I manage to get it working now, maybe I can help with the
documantation (by providing a user's perspective)...
In any case, having a step-by-step howto of the actual process (as
outlined in my first email) would already be a great improvement
compared to having to collect the various bits of information from all

One more thing: There should probably be a link to the AppInstall wiki
page at and maybe other places...
(right now, it seems to be linked to only from the archived WWN
article, which makes it not so easy to discover for users...)

Guide for creating new AppInstall tests

2009-12-28 Thread Sam S.
Hello Wine team!

After reading the introduction to AppInstall at, I decided to try and write some
additional application tests for it.
There are at least two freely downloadable win32 apps that I run with
Wine, that have in the past (in my experience) been quite sensitive to
small improvements/regressions in certain areas of wine (gecko engine
and opengl, namely), so having them automatically tested daily could
be useful...

Unfortunately, however, the wiki page
( doesn't really provide a guide for
how to go about doing this...
It explains the text that will need to be put in the actual test
script (which I could have also figured out by looking at the
well-documented example scripts), but almost nothing about how you
need to set up your working environment, what files to put where,
which commands to call, etc, for the purpose of writing/testing a new
AppInstall script from scratch.

In absence of such a guide, I just downloaded the whole directory, copied
it into a Windows XP environment (because according to the WWN
article, you're supposed to write the tests on Windows), and started
by duplicating one of the example files.
However, when I open a Command Prompt window and try to run one of the
.ahk files with AutoHotKey, nothing really happens - all I see is some
additional Command Prompt windows popping up for a split second and
disappearing again, and then the command returns - nothing downloaded,
no output, no error messages, nothing. (Btw, I don't even understand
where the dowloads specified in the scripts are supposed to end up...)

How am I supposed to do this?

More generally: Could someone who knows how to do this maybe put up a
step-by-step guide for users who want to contibute by writing new
AppInstall tests, with no prior knowledge? Possibly something along
the lines of:

 - what/how do download
 - on Windows: what files to put where / how to set up the environment
 - on Windows: how to create a new test-script / where to put it
 - on Windows: how to get all those checksums
 - on Windows: how to properly test-run/debug the new script
 - on Linux+Wine: what files to put where / how to set up the environment
 - on Linux+Wine: how to test-run the new script previously created on Windows
 - where to upload/send finished test-scripts to



PS: When will there be a new WWN?