Am Dienstag, den 11.10.2005, 10:36 +0200 schrieb Jonathan Ernst:

-- cut --
+    EnumPrintersA(PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, &needed, &num);
+    if(num == 0)
+    {
-- cut --

Sorry that didn't work.
You receive in "num" the Number of returned PRINTER_INFO_2 Entries in "buffer"
Since "buffer" is NULL, "num" is always 0.

Working Example from my Patch:
( )

+    /* Verify, that we have a Printer installed */
+    /* this will fail in wine, when you deleted your printer */
+    numentries = 0;
+    size = 0;
+    result = pEnumPrintersA(PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL, 
+                            NULL, 2, NULL, 0, &size, &numentries);
+    if (size == 0)
+    {
+        result = pEnumPrintersA(PRINTER_ENUM_CONNECTIONS, 
+                                NULL, 2, NULL, 0, &size, &numentries);
+    }
-- cut --
size == 0: no Printer installed
size  > 0: one or more Printers installed

By By ...
      ... Detlef
D:\>printer --level 2 --flags 2 -v EnumPrintersA
00000002: selected flags: 2 
00000002:                : PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL
00000002: selected level: 2
77d574b1: "winspool.drv",pEnumPrintersA
0000007a: (122) GetLastError() "The data area passed to a system call is toosmall."
00000000: EnumPrintersA(0x00000002, --NULL--, 2, NULL, 0, 0012ff68, 0012ff60)
0012ff68: (*LPDWORD) pNeeded= 0x000001f8 (504)
0012ff60: (*LPDWORD) pReturned= 0x00000000 (0)
00000001: EnumPrintersA(0x00000002, --NULL--, 2, 00142a40, 504, 0012ff68)
0012ff68: (*LPDWORD) pNeeded= 0x000001f8 (504)
0012ff60: (*LPDWORD) pReturned= 0x00000001 (1)
00142c38: Buffer-Overflow-Check: "OK"

00142a40: PRINTER_INFO_2 #1
00000000: .pServerName    : --NULL--
00142c26: .pPrinterName   : "Nur_Text"
00142c24: .pShareName     : ""
00142c18: .pPortName      : "FILE:"
00142bf0: .pDriverName    : "Generic / Text Only"
00142bb6: .pComment       : "Generic / Text Only on FILE:"
00142bb4: .pLocation      : ""
00000000: .pDevMode       :
00142bb2: .pSepFile       : ""
00142ba0: .pPrintProcessor: "winprint"
00142b98: .pDatatype      : "RAW"
00142b96: .pParameters    : ""
00000000: .pSecurityDescriptor:
00000040: .Attributes     : 64
00000040:                  : PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_LOCAL
00000001: .Priority       : 1
00000000: .DefaultPriority: 0
00000000: .StartTime      : 0
00000000: .UntilTime      : 0
00000000: .Status         : 0
00000000: .cJobs          : 0
00000000: .AveragePPM     : 0
normal exit

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