Re: Fw: selinux in fedora 10 regarding text relocation in wine and mono.

2008-11-30 Thread Hin-Tak Leung
Hi all,

I had managed to fix my selinux/wine/mono problem in fedora 10... it is 
actually two issues, in fact:

1) fedora 10 ships some much stricter selinux policies (but make some exception 
for wine).

2) I have kernel support for miscellaneous binary formats
enabled and have win32 PE registration in the kernel, and run
win32 mono.exe (or other PE executables) direct from time to time.

so "wine [path]/mono.exe [.NET.exe]" works within the restriction of f10 
selinux policies, but "[path]/mono.exe [.NET.exe]" does not. I could either 
relax the "execmod" policy in selinux, if I want to run any PE .exe's 
wholesale; or I just need to remember always putting "wine" in front of PE 
.exe's I want to run...

Sorry for the noise.


Fw: selinux in fedora 10 regarding text relocation in wine and mono.

2008-11-29 Thread Hin-Tak Leung
I sent this a few days ago from my "other" e-mail alias and it hasn't come 
back, so it probably got lost in the spam-filtering - anybody has similiar 

> So I have upgraded to fedora 10... now when I run wine with
> mono for some .Net application I get selinux blocking it,
> saying:
> -
> The mscorsvw.exe application attempted to load
> /home/Hin-Tak/.wine/drive_c/windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/mscorsvw.exe
> which requires text relocation. This is a potential security
> problem. Most libraries do not need this permission.
> Libraries are sometimes coded incorrectly and request this
> permission. 
> --
> And a few other similar errors. Should I file this with
> redhat with their shipped policy, wine or mono? I guess it
> should be with redhat, but
> somehow I have the impression that I might be asked to file
> this with wine-devel.
> Any thoughts on this?