Hello everybody,

- a while ago we were debating an initiative named "Wine-Probe"[1] (which 
would roughly equal "Wine-tasting" in english) on wine-devel that was in 
the making between Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH and us 
(ITOMIG). Its goal is to make local software vendors aware of the potential 
bussiness opportunity in a Wine-based port or a Wine/Linux version of their 
software. It's also designed to be beneficial for the Wine project as a 
whole, e.g. by providing AppDB entries and success stories.

This is to let you know that we've officially launched the initiative by 
today. It has already made it into several (german speaking) news sites[2], 
so I'd say things look promising. We're looking forward to the interest and 
feedback we'll get in the weeks to come. 



P.S. Apologies to whomever suggested "PortWine" as an alternative name - 
after some discussion we've finally decided to stay with the "old" name ;)

[1] http://www.winehq.com/site?issue=254#WINEprobe%20Initiative
[2] http://www.golem.de/0504/37335.html

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