It appears that our letter writing campaign including the WISPA filing
totaled 114.  There may be a few stragglers out there that haven't been
publicized yet.  I would like to thank all of those who took the time to do
this the last few days.  Some wrote some very detailed and excellent
letters.  To review, go to and type in
09-191 to see all of the filings or 09-191 and the name of the filer if you
want to read anyone in particular.


You should all give yourself a pat on the back and feel good about the fact
that you have voiced your opinion in the public record.  For those of you
that are a first time filer, it wasn't that hard was it?  

Now we need to send these letters to your Senators and
Congressmen/Congresswomen before the December 21st hearing.  It would also
help to call their office and at a minimum discuss the letter with one of
the staff and better yet, try to schedule a face to face meeting.  Even if
Chairman Genachowski gets this passed, there will most likely be
Congressional action challenging the FCC Decision.  It will be important
that our legislative representatives understand the impact that regulation
may have on millions of US Citizens Internet access.


To lookup your House Representatives, go to

To lookup your Senator, go to


There were a few filings that were entered as Word Docs with "track changes"
turned on.  They appear in the federal record showing edits that were made
to the template.  To prevent that in the future, make a pdf of your document
or print and scan it before sending.  Although it isn't a big deal, it does
enhance the professionalism of your filing if you make sure that edits are
not evident.  The only other mistake I saw made was some filers used WISPA
or my name instead of their own.  If you can't find your filing when you
search for it, you may be one of those people.


1.      WISPA
2.      Northern Neck Wireless
3.      St. Louis Broadband
4.      New Ways Wireless
5.      OregonFast
6.      Zig Wireless - Steve Narducci
7.      Northwest Ohio
8.      Kentucky WiFi
9.      Omnicity
10.     Cache Broadband
11.     Imagine Networks
12.     Txox Communications
13.     Sitco Wireless Internet
14.     Zig Wireless - Justin Wilson
15.     Boonlink
16.     Endless Journey
17.     Eastern Indiana WIFI
18.     CSWEB
19.     Blast Communications
20.     Crescomm Services
21.     ECSIS
22.     PCS-WIN dba RCWIFI
23.     CMS Internet
24.     Southern California Telephone Co.
25.     Premium Choice Broadband
26.     Alluretech/CoffeyNet
27.     Tincans.Net
28.     Murcevilo Software dba WISPMON
29.     Western WiMax
30.     MidwayNet.Net
31.     Wireless Data Net, LLC
32.     Shelby Broadband
33.     E-Vergent Wireless
34.     Antelecom, Inc.
35.     Just Micro Digital Services, Inc.
36.     PriceNET Wireless
37.     TRAIN
38.     Wisper Wireless Solutions, Inc.
39.     Fourway.Net
40.     Netwurx
41.     CV-Access, Inc.
42.     Corn Belt Wireless, Inc.
43.     Stewart Computer Services
44.     101Netlink
45.     OnlineNW
46.     Mt. Vernon.Net, Inc.
47.     Jag Wireless
48.     Eduro Networks, Inc.
49.     Comspeco.Net
50.     Cloud Alliance
51.     Advanced Automation, LLC.
52.     Bertram Communications
53.     Alex Goldman
54.     Avolve
55.     PowerONe
56.     Portative Technologies, LLC
57.     Great American Broadband
58.     Mountain Wireless, LLC
59.     InvisiMax, Inc.
60.     JCWiFi
61.     WaveLinc
62.     Internet Communications, Inc.
63.     Zirkel Wireless, LLC
64.     BPS Networks
65.     Indian Creek Internet Services, Inc.
66.     Excel.Net
67.     Air Advantage, LLC
68.     iWispr
69.     Triton Communications
70.     Home Town Network, Inc.
71.     Sandhills Wireless, LLC
72.     Hudson Valley Wireless
73.     Wireless Media Technologies, LLC
74.     BlueGrass.Net
75.     A Better Wireless, Inc.
77.     Air Logic
78.     Great Lakes Intenet
79.     Cielo Systems
80.     Vistabeam
81.     California DSL
82.     Fire2Wire
83.     ADK Internet
84.     PDMNet
85.     Western Broadband
86.     Mercury Wireless
87.     Finally Broadband, LLC.
88.     Stratuswave
89.     Washington Broadband
90.     Ionary Consulting
91.     GoZoe Wireless
92.     Xpressweb Internet Services, Inc.
93.     JetWeb
94.     Continental Computers
95.     KWOM
96.     Veloxinet
97.     Cherry Capitol Connection
98.     Nutel Broadband Corporation

99.   Connext, LLC

100.                        Roadstar Internet, Inc.

101.                        NetSurfUSA, Inc.

102.                        Midcoast Internet Solutions

103.                        WIFI Midwest, Inc.

104.                        Spectra Access

105.                        Skynet Country

106.                        Peak Internet

107.                        Smarter Broadband

108.                        AIRbaud

109.                        Airosurf


111.                        Central Valley Broadband, LLC

112.                        Data Technology

113.                        Fairnet, LLC

114.    Haug Communications, Inc.




Rick Harnish

Executive Director


260-307-4000 cell

866-317-2851 WISPA Office

Skype: rick.harnish.


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