[WiX-users] Always install a specific feature/component ...

2009-10-27 Thread Armin Linder
And once more I need to seek your help.

I have an application, which has a license file, let's call it 
license.dat. Per default the contents of license.dat puts the 
application in a kind of demo mode and encourages the user to register 
over the Internet. I authored it to be a component with a specific GUID. 
The application is another component with a different GUID, and both are 
installed as a single feature. Works nicely, easy job.

Some day, to get the full features, the user registers his product over 
the Internet. Technically the license.dat file gets overwritten with a 
new one, containing license info. The license info in the file unlocks 
the application's full features for a specific time. Once the license 
expires, the application resets itself to demo mode (without touching 
the license.dat file, it knows from the contents of the file that the 
license has expired). Works too.

And now things get weird. The application's marketing concept is 
modular, which means that the user may after some time purchase another 
module of this product and install it. The new module does also come 
with the same license.dat file that contains the demo license. The same 
component and GUID like above is used to author the same component like 
above, since it is the same file as above, and despite that there isn't 
a way to tell which product modules someone purchases in which order, so 
every module can potentioally be the first one (and probably even the 
only one) a user installs, and thus every modue must contain the demo 
license.dat file.

It is the intention of the vendor that in case of installation of a 
second (third, fourth .-..) module the demo license.dat file overwrites 
the old (registered or unregistered, don'tcare) one, so the user does 
need to register again (whch will reset the usage time, so he can 
utilize the product for a full time period again). Unfortunately smart 
Windows Installer thinks, he already has installed the component, and 
skips it, so the license.dat file is not reset to the demo license, the 
user has no reason to re-register, and the application reverts to demo 
mode as soon as the old license expires. At this point the user would 
either call suppport and complain that his license expired prematurely, 
or be a smart one and use the license of the second purchase to 
re-activate the product, which is OK, but inconvenient after such a long 
time after installation.

No problem, you'd say, just author the component containing file using a 
differend GUID, and the file will be overwritten. Great, but what 
happens during an uninstall? If the user uninstalls either component, 
the file will get deleted, since it's reference count is 1. The 
application will stop working, because it does have neither a demo nor a 
registered license.dat file, though all but one modules are still installed.

The obvious solution wold be to author the component using the same 
GUID, so the reference counter gets 2, but have it overwrite ("refresh") 
the file. When uninstalling, the reference counter would decrease, but 
the file would be left unchanged, which is exactly what I want. 
Unfortunately I found no option setting for either component or file to 
get this behavior.

All together: how can I author a shared component which "refreshes" 
itself when installed a second, third, ... time, but shows normal 
uninstall behaviour (decrease the reference counter, and get deleted 
when the internal reference counter reaches 0)?

Another approach would be: the application has several other files which 
show correct installation/deinstallation behaviour when installed by 
multiple products (increase reference counter with every installation, 
decrease it with every uninstallation, and delete it when the counter 
reaches 0). If I could find a way to tie the deletion of the license.dat 
file to the deletion of one of those files, this would save me as well.

And probably I missed something entirely, and tehre is another way to 
get what I need using a different approach?

Any hints/ideas/leads to documentations welcome,


P.S. Just to mention it, the behaviour of the copy protection/licensing 
software, which is a 3rd party product, can, unfortunately, not be 
influenced. Messing with the license.dat file is the only way..

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[WiX-users] WiX Editor: Preset the "Use custom commandline for light.exe" setting

2009-10-27 Thread Armin Linder
Hi all,

for my installers I du almost always need the -cultures switch. 
Unfortunately the WiX Editor does not remeber this if closed. Does 
anyone know wether it is possible to change the default command line 
options for light.exe?



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Re: [WiX-users] Conditional installation depending on file existence

2009-10-27 Thread Armin Linder
Hi Alexander,

> All custom directories, like SHELLPATH are represented as properties and they 
> will get their values after CostFinalize (suggested sequence number in 
> InstallExecuteSequence - 1000).  Your  an AppSearch (suggested sequence 400) and at the time of AppSearch property 
> SHELLPATH does not have any value yet.  That is your main problem.  How to 
> fix it?  Either use ComponentSearch/FileSearch to find where component/file 
> is installed or store [SHELLPATH] in the registry during install and use this 
> registry value in your AppSearch.
Thanks very much for your explanation, I haven't tried this yet, but I 
guess this explains the problems I have (except the question why the 
condition didn't show up in the msi table at all). Thanks again for the 
suggestion how to solve it, I'll give it a try today.
> Also, I am not sure I understand your objectives here.  You don't want your 
> users to be able to uninstall your feature once they installed it?
I guess you mean the missing OR INSTALLED usually in the filter. I'll 
include that in my final installer, so far I could not install the 
component, so I didn't notice this glitch yet.

Besides ... you seem to be one of the guys knowing more ... some pieces 
of docs I found write filters like !(ISSHELLINSTALLED or INSTALLED), 
others do additionally put a CDATA[] around it. I could not find a word 
of documentation anywhere what the CDATA statement is good for, it can 
obviously be omitted, so what is it good for?

Greetings from Munich, and many thanks again,


> Alex
> -Original Message-
> From: mirram...@googlemail.com [mailto:mirram...@googlemail.com] 
> Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 4:18 PM
> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
> Subject: [WiX-users] Conditional installation depending on file existence
> Hi all,
> after hours and hours of stabbing in the dark I ask you for your help. I 
> have a msi file which contains the following elements:
> - <#> 
> - <#> 
> ...
> - <#> 
> - <#> 
> - <#> 
> - <#> 
> - <#>  DiskId="*1*" Guid="*F99A956C-9671-4F15-BE6C-BE9841852AEF*">
>Name="*SoGehtsMenu.exe*" Source="*D:\So Gehts 10-Film 
> Test\Flat\Shell\SoGehtsMenu.exe*" />
>Name="*SoGehtsTreeUpdate.exe*" Source="*D:\So Gehts 10-Film 
> Test\Flat\Shell\SoGehtsTreeUpdate.exe*" />
>Name="*SoGehtsShell.exe*" Source="*D:\So Gehts 10-Film 
> Test\Flat\Shell\SoGehtsShell.exe*" KeyPath="*yes*" />
>Name="*SoGehtsShell.mmf*" Source="*D:\So Gehts 10-Film 
> Test\Flat\Shell\SoGehtsShell.mmf*" />
>Name="*SoGehtsShell.lic*" Source="*D:\So Gehts 10-Film 
> Test\Flat\Shell\SoGehtsShell.lic*" />
>Source="*D:\So Gehts 10-Film Test\Flat\Shell\SoGehts.css*" />
>Source="*D:\So Gehts 10-Film Test\Flat\Shell\Help.html*" />
>Source="*D:\So Gehts 10-Film Test\Flat\Shell\Intro.html*" />
>Name="*Impressum.html*" Source="*D:\So Gehts 10-Film 
> Test\Flat\Shell\Impressum.html*" />
>Source="*D:\So Gehts 10-Film Test\Flat\Shell\Logo.jpg*" />
>Source="*D:\So Gehts 10-Film Test\Flat\Shell\Intro.png*" />
>Key="*Software\SoGehts GmbH\Shell*" Name="*ShellPath*" Type="*string*" 
> Value="*[SHELLPATH]*" />
> ...
> - <#> 
> - <#> 
> - <#>  Guid="*F99A956C-9671-4F15-BE6C-BE9841852AE7*">
>WorkingDirectory="*SHELLPATH*" Arguments="*/Shell:"[SHELLPATH]" 
> /Films:"[FILMSPATH]" /R*" Target="*[SHELLPATH]\SoGehtsMenu.exe*" />
>Directory="*ApplicationProgramsFolder*" />
>Value="*[ApplicationProgramsFolder]*" KeyPath="*yes*" />
>Directory="*ApplicationProgramsFolder*" WorkingDirectory="*SHELLPATH*" 
> Arguments="*/x [ProductCode]*" Target="*[System64Folder]msiexec.exe*" />
> ...
> - <#> 
> The objective is, I think, clear: the "SoGehtsShell" Feature must only 
> be available when it hasn't been already installed. I inted to detect 
> the previous installation by checking wether the file SoGehtsShell.exe 
> exists. This sets the ISSHELLINSTALLED property to a non-empty value, 
> which should then trigger the Condition in the SoGhetsShell feature. I 
> cannot figure out why this does not seem to work at all. No matter 
> wether the file is there or not, the component is always installed. 
> Reading the logs I found no trace of any ISSHELLINSTALLED condition. 
> Looking into the .msi with ORCA I found the "condition" row of the 
> "Component" table empty.
> I feel not guilty. The xml (in my opinion) contains everything mentioned 
> in the WiX Tutorials ("conditional installs"), but it never

[WiX-users] WixUI_FeatureTree: disable (lock) target directory selection

2009-10-14 Thread Armin Linder
Hi all,

is it possible to disable the target directory selection GUI elements, 
depending on a condition?

The whole story: a product is delivred in modules (each is one msi) 
which a user can purchase and install in any order. It is essential that 
he always selects the same target directory. The directory is memorized 
via registry, so if he just accespts the defaults everything is fine. 
But he still can choose to select a differet diectory, so after the 
first install I'd like to show the target directory selection (so he 
sees where the data will go), but not let him change the path any more.

Can this be done?



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[WiX-users] Sequencing custom actions

2009-10-13 Thread Armin Linder
Hi WiX users,

I am seeking advice how I can accomplish the following:

I found out how to sequence custom actions "after InstallFinalize". For my
installation requirements I need a finer degree of control when custom
actions are run, particularily I am seeking for a way to execute a custom
action "after successful installation of component/feature xyz" and "after
deinstallation of component/feature xyz" (regardless wether successful or
not). Can this be done?

 The whole story: I have a msi that contains 2 components/features, lets
name them MainComponent and OptionalComponent. MainComponent includes an
.exe which needs to run if OptionalComponent is installed. Likewise, if
OptionalComponent is deinstalled, the .exe needs to run again. If both
MainComponent and OptionalComponent are selected for uninstall,
OptionalComponent needs to be uninstalled, then the .exe must run, and then
MainComponent needs to be uninstalled.

Doesn't look to difficult, but reading the docs about sequencing actions I
found nothing hepful. Can anyone help me?

(A pointer to a piece of documentation will do nicely ...)


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[WiX-users] Fixed: Quote-in-quotes problem in ExeCommand, a WiX bug, or am I missing something?

2009-09-18 Thread Armin Linder
Hi all,

I found the source of the problem, and it has nothing to do with WiX at all.

The xml snippet I posted was copied from Internet Explorer (aka "XML
Editor"). I did not consider, that relying on what this tool displays might
be misleading, since it does not actually display the contents of the xml
byte by byte, but display an already interpreted representation of the xml.

Looking into the xml file directly using an hex editor revealed, that the
actual xml contents was:


If you look at this xml through XML editor it looks exactly like the sample
code I intended to use .-) I corrected it, and the custom action worked like
a charm.

Many thanks to those who looked into my post,

2009/9/18 David Watson 

> hi,
> Did you try
>  ExeCommand='/Path:"[MyDataPath]"' Return="asyncWait">NOT
> Installed
> I think xml lets you get away with ' or " for attributes.
> Dave
> -Original Message-
> From: Armin Linder [mailto:mirram...@googlemail.com]
> Sent: 18 September 2009 11:26
> To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [WiX-users] Quote-in-quotes problem in ExeCommand, a WiX bug,or
> am I missing something?
>  Hi WiX experts,
> before I wave the "bug" flag, being relatively new to WiX, I am asking
> you to review this problem, and probably give me advice how to
> circumvent the following weirdness:
> my xml is:
>  ExeCommand="/Path:"[MyDataPath]"" Return="asyncWait">NOT
> Installed 
> Installed 
> Since [MyDataPath] does most likely point to a "documents and
> settings\"
> subfolder, I enclosed the command line parameter in double quotes by
> adding ".
> The installation runs through, but when my program "update.exe" gets
> executed, it complains about a non-existing path passed via tha /Path
> parameter:
> "Unable to find directory: "C:\documents"
> It's obvious, that the msi did not pass the path enclosed in "..."  like
> I intended,  but instead passed " literally to the called program,
> messing up its command line parser. This is somehow strange, because
> there are lots of samples around showing ExeCommand attributes with
> enclosed " expressions. Either nobody ever actually tried this, or
> there is something really weird going on in my machine ... but I cannot
> see any obvious reason, the source code above is, in my opinion,
> correct, and the symptoms are clear.
> Candle.exe and Light.exe are both 3.0.5419.0.
> Any hints?
> Thanks,
> AL.
> --
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[WiX-users] Quote-in-quotes problem in ExeCommand, a WiX bug, or am I missing something?

2009-09-18 Thread Armin Linder
Hi WiX experts,

before I wave the "bug" flag, being relatively new to WiX, I am asking you
to review this problem, and probably give me advice how to circumvent the
following weirdness:

my xml is:



Since [MyDataPath] does most likely point to a "documents and settings\"
subfolder, I enclosed the command line parameter in double quotes by adding

The installation runs through, but when my program "update.exe" gets
executed, it complains about a non-existing path passed via tha /Path

"Unable to find directory: "C:\documents"

It's obvious, that the msi did not pass the path enclosed in "..."  like I
intended,  but instead passed " literally to the called program, messing
up its command line parser. This is somehow strange, because there are lots
of samples around showing ExeCommand attributes with enclosed "
expressions. Either nobody ever actually tried this, or there is something
really weird going on in my machine ... but I cannot see any obvious reason,
the source code above is, in my opinion, correct, and the symptoms are

Candle.exe and Light.exe are both 3.0.5419.0.

Any hints?


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