[WiX-users] Fileshare bug ?

2007-05-22 Thread HvPutten

Is this a bug ?
When i update my application then shar ecreated in th einitail install is

The log is as follows :
Actie gestart 12:06:03: CreateSmbRollback.
Actie beeindigd 12:06:03: CreateSmbRollback. Retourwaarde 1.
MSI (s) (70!70) [12:06:03:937]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CreateSmb property.
Its value is 'KINGSERVER€€C:\Program
MSI (s) (70!70) [12:06:03:937]: Doing action: CreateSmb
Actie 12:06:03: CreateSmb. 
Actie gestart 12:06:03: CreateSmb.
Actie beeindigd 12:06:03: CreateSmb. Retourwaarde 1.
Actie beeindigd 12:06:03: ConfigureSmb. Retourwaarde 1.
MSI (s) (70:50) [12:06:03:968]: Doing action: CreateShortcuts
Actie 12:06:03: CreateShortcuts. Bezig met het maken van snelkoppelingen

The wix source is as follows :





[GROUPEVERYONE] is the name of group 'Everyone', which will be 'Iedereen' on
dutch systems, depending on the language of the OS.

I get the impression that there is no error in creating the file share.

I have a hunch that every thing worked fine until i changed   


I changed this to solve a bug. Some files were not installed onupdate

When i update the GUID stays the same for this component. Is this a good or
bad idea ?


Hugo van Putten

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[WiX-users] File sharing Vista limitations

2007-04-24 Thread HvPutten

Can someone tell met the wix (v2) limitations with de file sharing on Vista.
My install is privileged but FileSharing seldom works and shares wont get
Is Wix V3 better in this aspect ?
Under what circumstances should it work ?
Should i post a bugreport ?

Hugo van Putten
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[WiX-users] major upgrade uprades partial

2007-04-02 Thread HvPutten

Dear reader,

I am doing a major upgrade and a part of the featuresare upgraded.
Of some other features only the components that have not changed (same file,
same component guid) are installed/stay installed. The other componets are
removed by  .
All the features i need are installed according to the log file.
Property(S): ADDLOCAL =

Property(S): ADDLOCAL =

MSI (s) (6C:C0) [15:49:28:679]: Feature: FeatKingClientChild2; Installed:
Absent;   Request: Local;   Action: Local

for instance the component of FeatKingClientChild2 is not installed.

MSI (s) (6C:C0) [15:49:54:700]: Executing op: FeaturePublish
PublishFeatures: Functie: FeatKingClientChild2

I added featkingclientchild2 to the reinstall property with

Repairing will usually do the trick and install all components.
If this instal is used as 1 first time install alll the components are
installed also.

Is there any documentation on reading the log file ?
I need explantion for the notes and how to intepret the rest of the lines.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
I am stuck for several days now.


Hugo van Putten

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[WiX-users] conditional service

2007-01-12 Thread HvPutten

Hello All,

Given that i need to install a certain executable anyway is there a way to
install it as a service dependig on a condition.
My ugly, ICE error, solution is making two components with the the same
One continaing thexecutable and the service.
One containing only the file.
Which componet gets installed depends on a conditiion.

I therefore install te same file in two different components which generates
ICE erros.
Is there a better way ?

Regards and thanks in advance
Hugo van Putten

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[WiX-users] custom action fileshare upgrade

2007-01-07 Thread HvPutten

Hello All,
I am using the custom action Fileshare in wix v2.0.
If i simply  install and uninstall my installation the correct directory is
shared and the share is removed.
If i install, (major) upgrade and uninstall the fileshare stays.
How do i solve this ?
Any ideas for solutions or ways to debug this ?
where do i look in the log file to figure out what is happening ?

Thanks in advance,
Hugo van Putten

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Re: [WiX-users] persistent properties sample

2006-09-25 Thread HvPutten

Thank you for your reply.
I tried setting reinstallmode to no avail.
I knew i needed to reinstall so i checked the reinstall option in the
It uses  predefined customactions ReinstallMode\Reinstall, tried it and now
it works.

My main problem was/is i could not find any complet sample.
Its all there on the web in the help files but finding out how to apply it
is verry dificult.
I made a sample  based on the tutorial UI sample from Gabor Deak Jahn but
where do i post it so it helps other people ?


Bob Arnson-3 wrote:
> HvPutten wrote:
>> In my install the user can set a cache size which is stored in the
>> registry.
>> I can not get the registry value to change in the maintenace-menu/change
>> I have the dialog.
> When you do a modify operation, you're telling MSI to install new 
> features or remove existing ones. It won't reinstall something that's 
> already installed, so your updated registry value doesn't get written. 
> You can probably do it with a reinstall/repair operation with the right 
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[WiX-users] persistent properties sample

2006-09-22 Thread HvPutten

In my install the user can set a cache size which is stored in the registry.
I can not get the registry value to change in the maintenace-menu/change
I have the dialog.
I can retrieve the current value.
change the onscreen value but can not get it written back to the registry.
I have read descriptions of how to do this using a custom action.
The log tells me the action is performed but the registry is not changed.

So i am doing the wrong custom action.
in theory i need to add the feature having the component with the registry
setting to the REINSTALL property
and set the REINSTALLMODE property

I set these properties see them in the log but the registry does not change.

Can anyone point me to a complete sample which shows how to do this.
All the samples i find are just to simple and dont go into property

Thanks in advance
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