Hi everybody.  I am just starting with WIX, and in general I've found
WIX to be very powerful and easy to use.  Unfortunately, the XML
configuration actions in WIX are not as well documented as the rest of
WIX, and I've hit a lot of obstacles when trying to use them.  My
current stumbling block with the XML is how to remove XML entries on
uninstall.  My program shares an XML configuration file with several
other programs, and on uninstall I would like to remove my program's
additions to the XML config file.  Right now, my XML config component
looks something like this:

<Component Id='UserConfigFileXmlEntryComponent'
Guid='DEADBEEF-8347-45EE-A5A8-584F360B3525' Permanent='no'>
               <XmlFile Id='UserConfigAddDbx2Node' Sequence='100'
               ElementPath='//configuration' Permanent='no'
               File='[USERCONFIGDIR]user.config' Action='createElement'
               Name='Dbx2' />

This installs correctly, but on uninstall, the "Dbx2" element is not
removed from the Xml Config file.  I've tried all sorts of combinations
of XmlFile, XmlConfig, Permanent='no', XmlConfig Delete actions, etc.
etc. I've looked through the uninstall logs, and the problem is not that
the component is pinned.  The SchedXml action seems to carry out
correctly and returns a value of 1.  Oh, and I am using Wix 2.0 in case
that matters.

If someone has an example of how to uninstall XML entries correctly or
can tell me what I am doing wrong, it would be much appreciated.

Thank you for the help,
   Joe Montgomery 

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