[WiX-users] memory question

2008-10-29 Thread Natxo Mateos

I'm having some problems with memory failures when using TinyXML and I'm 
not sure how to handle the pointers destruction.

That's a simplification of my program structure :

TiXmlDocument xdoc();
TiXmlElement *pMainElem= new TiXmlElement(Main);


XML_WriteA(TiXmlElement *pXmlParent)
TiXmlElement *pElemA = new TiXmlElement(Elem A);


XML_WriteB has the same structure than XML_WriteB, and so on...

My main question if it's needed to delete all the TiXmlElement's and 
TiXmlText's objects that I've created and if so in what order.

Thanks in advance.


*Natxo Mateos*

*Asuni CAD* - _www.asuni.es http://www.asuni.es_ - 93 319 6868 - 91 
541 6439
*Especialistas en el desarrollo de aplicaciones a medida sobre AutoCAD*

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[WiX-users] CreateFolder and CopyFile elements

2008-06-18 Thread Natxo Mateos

I have stored in a property a path where I need to create a folder and 
afterwards copy in it some files.

I've played a bit with the CreateFolder element, but I don't know how 
to parse the information stored in my property to correctly create the 

I've also tried to use the CopyFile element, but I've been unable to 
move the file copied in the INSTALLOCATION to my desired new location 
stored in the property. That's a code snippet of what I try, but seems 
that I couldn't specify the Delete attribute if the FileId is defined :

File Id=TestFile Name=test.txt Source=test.txt 
Vital='yes' DiskId='1' /
CopyFile Id=copyFile FileId=TestFile Delete=yes 

How could this be achieved? There are some samples?
Another problem is that my installer have to copy a bunch of files to 
diferent folders (not all to the INSTALLLOCATION path), and I'm not sure 
how to achieve this. The better way would be defining diferent modules 
or fragments in diferent wix files? Or it would exist a better option?

Thanks in advance.


*Natxo Mateos*

*Asuni CAD* - _www.asuni.es http://www.asuni.es_ - 93 319 6868 - 91 
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[WiX-users] External DLL Custom Action

2008-06-16 Thread Natxo Mateos

I've coded a simple dll (where I do a registry search) to be used as a 
Custom Action. If I compile it with Visual Studio 2002, all works 
propertly, and during the installation, the dll is called. But if I try 
to use the VS 2005 compiler, the installer fails, displaying a message 
where alerts that some external dll couldn't be called.



*Natxo Mateos*

*Asuni CAD* - _www.asuni.es http://www.asuni.es_ - 93 319 6868 - 91 
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[WiX-users] Properties

2008-06-16 Thread Natxo Mateos

I've got one question related to properties. There is no other way to 
store and manipulate strings than using properties?

I have to implement the next sequence:

1. Access the registry
2. Use the value read to construct another string
3. Access to the key calculated in (2)
The problem is due that step (2) is done via a Custom Action, step (3) 
must be done in an external dll.
There no other way to achieve this, without having to call an external 
dll to search in the registry?

Thanks in advance,



*Natxo Mateos*

*Asuni CAD* - _www.asuni.es http://www.asuni.es_ - 93 319 6868 - 91 
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Re: [WiX-users] using one property to set another

2008-06-13 Thread Natxo Mateos

I'm not sure if I'm responding in the correct mode. I mean, how it's supposed 
to response a mail via the sourceforge list.

I'm don't know how to embed a RegistrySearch elemenent inside
a CustomAction. What I've done is set to a property :

Property Id=MySoft_location
RegistrySearch Id=regSearch1 Root=HKLM 
Key=[MYSOFT_REGISTRY] Name=Location Type=raw /

But obviously doesn't compile. How it's supposed to be done? I'm newbie
with installers and I'm finding quite complicate to work with a
non-procedural installer way.

One last question. After the CA is correctly defined, to force that
custom action to be executed after another one would be like this:

Custom Action=Assign1 After=CostInitialize /
Custom Action=MYSOFT-LOCATION After=Assign1 /

Thanks in advance.



*Natxo Mateos*

*Asuni CAD* - _www.asuni.es http://www.asuni.es_ - 93 319 6868 - 91 
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[WiX-users] using one property to set another

2008-06-11 Thread Natxo Mateos

I'm trying to use one property (that I obtain from the HKCU Registry) to 
set another property that later I'll use to make anothe RegistrySearch 
(in the HKLM). But I've not been able to work propertly

That's exactly what I'm doing :

1. Set the first property, via searching the registry :

*Property Id=SOFT_CURVER
RegistrySearch Id=MySoft_Curver Root=HKCU Key=Software\My 
Software Name=CurVer Type=raw /

2. Define a CA that uses the previous property to build another one :

*CustomAction Id=MyAssign Property='SOFT_REGISTRY' Value=Software\My 
Software\[SOFT_CURVER] /*

3. Use that new property to find in the registry the location where I 
want to install the package:

RegistrySearch Id=MySoft_Location Root=HKLM 
Key=[SOFT_REGISTRY] Name=Location Type=raw /

4. I use the SOFT_LOCATION property to set the directory to install, 

*Directory Id=TARGETDIR Name=SourceDir
Directory Id=ProgramFilesFolder Name=PFiles
Directory Id=LOCATION Name=.
Directory Id='INSTALLLOCATION' Name='MySoft10' 
LongName='MySoft 1.0'
Component ...

5. I also sequence the CA to execute after initializing and just in case 
that SOFT_LOCATION is defined. I'm not using any dialog, so I just use 
the InstallExecuteSequence tag :

Custom Action=MyAssign After=CostInitializeSOFT_LOCATION/Custom

Obviously I'm missing something. But I don't know what? Any idea?

Thanks in advance



*Natxo Mateos*

*Asuni CAD* - _www.asuni.es http://www.asuni.es_ - 93 319 6868 - 91 
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[WiX-users] Wix v2 localization

2008-06-09 Thread Natxo Mateos

At the moment I've been unable to build an executable with Wix v2 and 
that uses dialogs.

How is has to be done to specify the culture in WIX 2. It's possible via 
Votive? Or the only way is through the command line?

I'm using VS2005 and Votive doesn't gives any option to add parameters 
to the compiler or linker. How it's supposed to be done? Without using 
VS, and editing the wxs with a simple editor?

Sorry, but I'm a bit lost.

Thanks in advance.


Best Regards,

*Natxo Mateos*

*Asuni CAD* - _www.asuni.es http://www.asuni.es_ - 93 319 6868 - 91 
541 6439
*Especialistas en el desarrollo de aplicaciones a medida sobre AutoCAD*

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[WiX-users] LGHT0111

2008-06-09 Thread Natxo Mateos
Hi again,

I'm still getting some LIGHT errors. The last one is LGHT0111 : Could 
not find entry section in provided list of intermediates.

In my Product.wxs file I've defined a Product tag. And that's exactly 
what I'm executing:

  candle Product.wxs
  light -out Product.msi %WIX%\WixUI.wixlib -loc %WIX%\WixUI_es-es.wxl

What I'm missing? By the way, I'm using version 2.0.5805.

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,

*Natxo Mateos*

*Asuni CAD* - _www.asuni.es http://www.asuni.es_ - 93 319 6868 - 91 
541 6439
*Especialistas en el desarrollo de aplicaciones a medida sobre AutoCAD*

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[WiX-users] localizing and custom actions

2008-06-06 Thread Natxo Mateos
I've just began to work on on installer with WIX 2.0.5805.0 version. And 
I've got some questions related:

1. Localize the UI. I've added the . I've already find on this forum 
that this could be solved by adding to the command line the .wxl file 
needed (-loc %WIX%\WixUI_en-us.wxl). But my question is if this can't be 
achieved through votive. There no place to define that I want to use 
this file to localize the UI's?

2. Which would be the best planning to define a multilanguage installer? 
Define a dialog with all the possible languages and depending on the 
selection, execute one or another executable file (that would imply 
having as many .msi files as languages). Or it would be possible to 
generate only one .msi file that internally resolves the language 
selected? Any clue?

3. Custom Actions. It would be possible to implement a Custom Action 
that search in the registry for a group of programs (in fact it would be 
the same program but with diferent versions) and after that, returns the 
HKEY of those that has found it? If no, how could this be achieved?

Thanks in advance.

Natxo Mateos

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[WiX-users] Newbie questions

2008-06-04 Thread Natxo Mateos

I'm totally newbie about WIX. I've just downloaded the last v3 version 
(3.0.2925.0) and I'm playing around with it.

I've got some basic questions that I've been unable to find in the 

- I would like to make an multi-language installer, that let's you 
select the language. I've read that in v2 this was achieved using 
diferent localizated files (like WixUI_es-ES.wxl, and so on...) but 
in v3 I've been unable to find any of them. Moreover, if i try to define 
any other Culture in the Light setttings (for instance es-ES) I'm 
getting about 500 light errors! . Is there any hint or sample to be able 
to make a multi-language installer using v3?

- I'm not sure to understand how adverstised and unadvertised 
shortcuts work and are defined in WIX. My idea was to made the 
installation visible to all the users in a computer (not just the 
one that executes the installer), so what kind of shortcut should I use?

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,

*Natxo Mateos*

*Asuni CAD* - _www.asuni.es http://www.asuni.es_ - 93 319 6868 - 91 
541 6439
*Especialistas en el desarrollo de aplicaciones a medida sobre AutoCAD*

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[WiX-users] per-machine installation

2008-06-04 Thread Natxo Mateos

I've finally been able to create two shortcuts (one in the desktop and 
another one in the ProgramFile menu). But the only way I've found is to 
define both shortcuts as advertised. I'm attaching the code used. But I 
would like to know if it's possible to do it via non-advertised shortcuts.

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
Wix xmlns=http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi;

  !--Definició del producte--
Product Id=02ec2a18-74cb-481a-a28f-a6087cb87866 Name=Spawn 1.0 
Version= Manufacturer=Spawn Software 

  Package InstallerVersion=200 Compressed=yes /

  Media Id=1 Cabinet=WixProject2.cab EmbedCab=yes /

Property Id=ALLUSERS Value=2 /

Directory Id='TARGETDIR' Name='SourceDir'
  Directory Id='ProgramFilesFolder' Name='PFiles'
Directory Id='SpawnSoftware' Name='Spawn Software'
  Directory Id='INSTALLLOCATION' Name='Spawn 1.0'
Component Id=MainExecutable 
  File Id=SpawnEXE Name=Spawn.exe Source=Spawn.exe 
Shortcut Id=desktopSPAWN10 Directory=DesktopFolder 
  Name=Spawn 1.0 WorkingDirectory='INSTALLLOCATION' 
Icon=SpawnIcon.exe IconIndex=0 /
Shortcut Id=menuFileSPAWN10 
Directory=ProgramMenuDir Advertise=yes
  Name=Spawn 1.0 WorkingDirectory='INSTALLLOCATION' 
Icon=SpawnIcon.exe IconIndex=0 /

  Directory Id='ProgramMenuFolder' Name='Programs'
Directory Id='ProgramMenuDir' Name=Spawn 1.0
  Component Id=ProgramMenuDir 
RemoveFolder Id='IDProgramMenuDir' On='uninstall'/
RegistryValue Root='HKMU' Key='SOFTWARE\Spawn 
Software\Spawn 1.0'
  Type='string' Value=0 KeyPath='yes' /
  Directory Id=DesktopFolder Name=Desktop /

!--Definició de les features, que son la mínima unitat d'instalació--
  Feature Id=ProductFeature Title=The complete package. Level=1
  ComponentRef Id=MainExecutable /
  ComponentRef Id=ProgramMenuDir /

!--Definició de les icones emprades--
Icon Id=SpawnIcon.exe SourceFile=Spawn.ico /

Thanks in advance.


Best Regards,

*Natxo Mateos*

*Asuni CAD* - _www.asuni.es http://www.asuni.es_ - 93 319 6868 - 91 
541 6439
*Especialistas en el desarrollo de aplicaciones a medida sobre AutoCAD*

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