I need to set content expiration property ( Cache-Control: max-age=31536000 ) 
on a directory, which is under a virtual directory. I am trying to set it using 
the WebDirProperties element. My code is given below:
<iis:WebDirProperties Id="CacheForOneYear" CacheControlMaxAge="31536000"/>
I am accessing this property in the following manner:
<iis:WebDir Id="WebsiteImagesWebDir" WebSite="MyWebSite" 
DirProperties="CacheForOneYear" Path="WebsiteImages" />
WebSiteImages is the ID of a directory element whose property I am trying to 
However, this property is not getting set. Am I doing something wrong here? I 
am not sure whether setting just the WebSite property will work as my directory 
is under a virtual directory of this website. How can I get this to work?
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