[WiX-users] Strange error regarding IIsWebs table

2008-01-23 Thread Tobias Holm
Hi all,


I use WiX to create a website with a MSI-installer.

I run into some problems when deploying it on windows server 2008.


There are 3 scenarios:


1.   I logon as the “Administrator” user of the local machine. I click
on the MSI-file.  à Everything installs ok.

2.   I logon as another user called “MyAdmin” which is a member of the
administrators group.  I click on the file to install. I Get prompted to say
if I trust the application. I click yes. à The installation halts with the
error “Failed to Read IIsWebs Table”.

3.   I use the “MyAdmin” account but launch the installation from an
elevated command prompt.  à Everything works ok.


I have marked my packages with: InstallPrivileges='elevated’


I do not use any CustomActions of my own. When I dark my output msi most of
the CA´s created by wix are marked with Execute=deferred Impersonate=no


What am I missing here?






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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Strange error

2006-12-02 Thread Cullen Waters
That error is thrown when an included file uses a prefix that is not declared 
in the parent file.

I'm adding code to properly identify and report the error; it should be in the 
next release after Monday.

Sent: Saturday, December 02, 2006 5:09 PM
To: 'Mike Dimmick'; 'Probir Chatterjee'; wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Strange error

I don’t know much about the error in question here, sorry. However I noticed a 
different problem with the code in this example; the File element should not 
have a SelfRegCost attribute set. This would cause the DLL to be registered 
twice possibly resulting in unexpected behavior during runtime.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Dimmick
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2006 12:27 AM
To: 'Probir Chatterjee'; wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Strange error

That error message appears to be erroneously produced for any invalid XML: the 
catch handler in Preprocessor.cs which catches XmlException on loading the 
document (line 258) reports SP1ProbablyNotInstalled (error 147).

You might try adding the pca namespace to your root document's WiX element.

Alternatively, convert your Includes to Fragments. Place your components 
under a DirectoryRef element. Then, remove the ?Include? directives from 
your main .wxs file, compile the Fragments separately, and link them all 
together with light (specifying each .wixobj you need).


?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
Wix xmlns=http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2003/01/wi;
DirectoryRef Id=TARGETDIR
  Component Id=MyCOM_dll DiskId=1 
File Id=MyCOM_dll Name=CWXBus_1.dll 
src=..\..\CWXBusinessRulesII\CWXBusinessRulesII.dl KeyPath=yes Vital=yes 
SelfRegCost=1 /
pca:ComPlusApplication Id=MyCOM Name=My COM+ Application
  pca:ComPlusAssembly Id=MyComPlusAssembly Type=native 
pca:ComPlusComponent Id=MyCOM 
CLSID=8BAC1633-E462-4f56-97EF-E2D48BA61916 /

VS2005 has just told me that Component is not valid under Include according 
to the schema. The schema validation may be what’s causing the XmlException. 
I’m not sure why Component isn’t allowed when File and Registry are – 
surely this is also a bug?

Mike Dimmick

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Probir Chatterjee
Sent: 09 November 2006 07:58
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] Strange error
Importance: High

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to create an installer using WIX and it has started giving me 
strange problems.
I need to install 2 websites, 1 webservice, 1 db and a COM component.
I could do the 1st four without any problem, but when tried putting in the code 
for COM component I have run into a strange problem

On running candle.exe, I am receiving this error:
Candle.exe : error CNDL0147 : An error has occurred that most likely indicates 
that .NET framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 has not been installed. Please see the 
following website for more information about the service pack and how to 
install it : http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=867460

I have installed .net framework 1.1 sp1 but the problem won’t go away

I am using the following file for candle and light:

d:\tools\wix-2.0.4415.0-binaries\candle.exe cwx_arabic.wxs  -ext 

d:\tools\wix-2.0.4415.0-binaries\light.exe -out cwx_arabic.msi 
cwx_arabic.wixobj D:\tools\wix-2.0.4415.0-binaries\wixui.wixlib 
D:\tools\wix-2.0.4415.0-binaries\sca.wixlib -loc 
D:\tools\wix-2.0.4415.0-binaries\pubca.wixlib -ext 

The code for my CWXCom.wxi looks like the following:

?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?

Include xmlns=http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2003/01/wi;
  Component Id=MyCOM_dll DiskId=1 
File Id=MyCOM_dll Name=CWXBus_1.dll LongName=CWXBusinessRulesII.dll 
src=..\..\CWXBusinessRulesII\CWXBusinessRulesII.dl KeyPath=yes Vital=yes 
SelfRegCost=1 /
pca:ComPlusApplication Id=MyCOM Name=My COM+ Application
  pca:ComPlusAssembly Id=MyComPlusAssembly Type=native 
pca:ComPlusComponent Id=MyCOM 
CLSID=8BAC1633-E462-4f56-97EF-E2D48BA61916 /

The main .wxs file refers the component as follows (I am only copy pasting the 
sections where the file