Thanks for that Kelly,

looks like it's just been a long day.

I had also missed off the "\bin\" off the end after "[INSTALLDIR]", which is
why my app still wasn't seeing the DLL.

so this is now Solved.


On 10/22/07, Kelly Leahy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jason,
> Would you happen to be checking the path on an existing command line
> window, or have you opened a new one?  The path of existing command line
> windows does not change when the system is updated (there isn't really any
> good way to do this, since the user could have changed the path already in
> the command line window, so overwriting it with the windows path on changes
> would be unpleasant user experience).
> If you right click on my computer and choose settings, then go to
> environment variables on the advanced tab, does the PATH have your changes?
>  If so, your install worked and you just 'checked' it wrong.
> Kelly
>  *"Jason Rivers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>*
> 10/22/2007 06:11 AM
>   To
> "WiX Users" <>  cc
>  Subject
> Re: [WiX-users] set %PATH%
> On 10/22/07, *Richard* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
> wrote:
> >,
>    "Jason Rivers" <* [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
>  writes:
> > I have these Lines:
> >
> >   <Fragment>
> >     <DirectoryRef Id="TARGETDIR">
> >       <Component Id="EnvPathSet"
> > Guid="2D5030EF-6D11-4F48-B183-D1AE2EF87B61">
> >              <Environment Id="EnvPathSet" Action="set" Name="PATH"
> > Part="last" System="yes" Value="[INSTALLDIR]" />
> >         </Component>
> >     </DirectoryRef>
> >   </Fragment>
> >
> >
> > and also the line under my main Feature:
> >
> >         <ComponentRef Id="EnvPathSet"/>
> >
> >
> > but it doesn't appear to be modifying the %PATH% variable.
> >
> > is there something I'm doing wrong here?
> What does your verbose log say?
> I think you should have this <Environment> tag associated with the
> component containing the .EXE you want to have in the path and not in
> its own component.
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> I have this in my verbose Log:
> MSI (s) (0C:C8) [14:02:53:830]: Executing op:
> ActionStart(Name=WriteEnvironmentStrings,Description=Updating environment
> strings,Template=Name: [1], Value: [2], Action [3])
> MSI (s) (0C:C8) [14:02:53:830]: Executing op:
> ProgressTotal(Total=1,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=13200)
> MSI (s) (0C:C8) [14:02:53:840]: Executing op:
> UpdateEnvironmentStrings(Name=PATH,Value=C:\Program Files\Dyalog\Dyalog APL
> 11.0\,Delimiter=;,Action=-1610612735,)
> which looks OK to me, but when I do "echo %PATH%" I only have:
> C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\system32\Wbem;c:\Program
> Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn
> so it doesn't appear to have added mine to the list.
> when you say "I think you should have this <Environment> tag associated
> with the
> component containing the .EXE you want to have in the path and not in
> its own component."
> I'm not sure I follow, am I right in guessing the section:
> <DirectoryRef Id="INSTALLDIR">
>      <Component Id="dyalog.exe"
> Guid="4782648F-F51D-4A46-B3B4-FD738C40E8FB">
>        <File Id="dyalog.exe" Name="dyalog.exe" DiskId="1" KeyPath="yes"
> Source="C:\Documents and Settings\jason\Desktop\newtake\intel\dyalog.exe" />
>      </Component>
>    </DirectoryRef>
> I should have the ENVIRONMENT tag within this component tag?
> /J
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