Re: [wpkg-users] Delayed sevice start

2011-11-24 Thread Falko Trojahn

Hello Alan,

Consider also:;en-us;305293

I am only too aware of that, and in the domain always ensure it is set
in Group policy to wait for the network.

However XP Home edition can't join a domain, and I haven't found an
equivalent registry setting to make it start the wireless before
logging in. The problem is not that the wireless is slow to start -
you can leave the computer at the login window for an hour, and the
wireless still hasn't started. It waits for someone to login before it
tries to connect.

I think there are at least two other possibilities:

- sync to local disk, then install at shutdown or next boot from there
  (sometimes I use e.g. Dropbox for this, but
   that's nothing for company environments)

- let a login script (via group policy) trigger the
  start of wpkg service (it can be set to manually, so it
  does not start during boot). If the user has no rights,
  create a user with only rights to start the service,
  then use psexec with logon credentials or make an
  .exe using bat to exe converter.

- have a cron job at a server running, using winexec (linux) or
  psexec (windows) to start the service on the remote computers
  in the wireless network e.g. hourly.


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Re: [wpkg-users] Delayed sevice start

2011-11-24 Thread Falko Trojahn

Am 24.11.2011 20:29, schrieb Alan Adams:

In  you wrote:

Am 22.11.2011 18:32, schrieb Alan Adams:

For the former case I have had to resort to a scheduled task running
every 15 minutes doing net stop and net start on the service. There
doesn't seem to be an option to run once some period after login, but
it can be set to run periodically starting at login. 15 minutes was
chosen to reduce the risk of stopping wpkg while it was doing an
installation, against the risk of the laptop being shut down before it
had started - many lessons are only 15 minutes long.

Using wpkginst, if you set the service to stop after work, you can run
the net start wpkgservice even every minute - it won't hurt. You don't
need net stop wpkgservice, and if net start wpkgservice is too soon,
there's only a message that the service is running, yet.

Neat. I like it. Now I just need to find the instructions on using
wpkg to update its own settings file - I'm sure I saw it on

Fine. I have a package for this - of course you could only use the line 
with wpkginst --SETTINGSFILE=...:

   name=WPKG Client 1.3.14

check type=uninstall condition=exists path=WPKG /
		check type=file condition=versiongreaterorequal 
path=%PROGRAMFILES%\wpkg\wpkginst.exe value= /

		install cmd='msiexec /norestart /qn /l* c:\netinst\logs\wpkginst.log 
/i %SOFTWARE%\wpkg\WPKG32-1314.msi ALLUSERS=1 

exit code=3010 /

		upgrade cmd='msiexec /norestart /qn /l* c:\netinst\logs\wpkginst.log 
/i %SOFTWARE%\wpkg\WPKG32-1314.msi ALLUSERS=1 

exit code=3010 /
		upgrade cmd=%PROGRAMFILES%\WPKG\wpkginst.exe 
--SETTINGSFILE=%SOFTWARE%\wpkg\settings.xml  /


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