[wpkg-users] Conditional depends

2012-10-18 Thread Daniel Berteaud
Hi everyone.

I'd like to know if there's a possibility to make a conditional
dependency on package. Here's my problem:

- I deploy JRE 7 on most of my computers, in a package called jre
- A few computers need to run apps which requires version 6 of the JRE,
so I created a package called jre6 and assigne the correct JRE in
profile assignation (up to now, there's no problem)

- Now, I want to deploy freemind (a mind mapping software), which can
run with either jre 7 or jre 6, but I don't know how to define it.

I'd need something like:

depends check=logical condition=or
package-id=jre /
package-id=jre6 /

Is there a way to make something like this ?

Regards, Daniel

Daniel Berteaud
Société de Services en Logiciels Libres
Technopôle Montesquieu
Tel : 05 56 64 15 32
Fax : 05 56 64 15 32
Web : http://www.firewall-services.com

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Re: [wpkg-users] Conditional depends

2012-10-18 Thread Daniel Berteaud
Le jeudi 18 octobre 2012 à 13:31 +0200, Stefan Pendl a écrit :

 I have a common package called Java, which gets added to all systems or 
 included as a dependency.
 The package is then including the correct java runtime engine based on 
 '---code start (watch for line wraps)
 package id=Java name=Java revision=2011.10.22 reboot=false 
 priority=10 execute=once
  include package-id=JRE6 os=5\.0\.\d{4}/
  include package-id=JRE7
  check type=logical condition=not
  check type=host condition=os value=5\.0\.\d{4}/
 '---code end

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try to play with this. (my problem is
that workstations which needs JRE6 are not a specific Windows version,
so I cannot use the os attr)

Regards, Daniel

Daniel Berteaud
Société de Services en Logiciels Libres
Technopôle Montesquieu
Tel : 05 56 64 15 32
Fax : 05 56 64 15 32
Web : http://www.firewall-services.com

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Re: [wpkg-users] Silent install of Thunderbird plugin

2012-10-11 Thread Daniel Berteaud

Le 10/10/2012 23:49, Donny Brooks a écrit :

I am trying to figure out how to get Thunderbird to silently install a plugin. I only 
need it to run once as the plugin I am trying to install is the SOGo integrator. After 
the initial install it should be able to update itself after that. I have tried the 
version 4 or later section on the wiki but thunderbird does not auto install 
the plugin no matter what I set the extensions.autoDisableScopes to. Does anyone have 
this working? I am trying to do this with Thunderbird 10.0.8 ESR as that is needed for my 

Here's the package description I use to deploy SOGo addons:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?

package id=sogo-addons
 name=Addons SOGo

!-- 7zip est nécessaire pour extraire l'XPI --
depends package-id=7zip /
!-- Et bien sur, Thunderbird aussi est nécessaire ;-) --
depends package-id=thunderbird /
!-- le deploiement de config Thunderbird aussi est nécessaire --
depends package-id=thunderbird-config /
!-- Lightning aussi doit être installé --
depends package-id=lightning /

variable name=PKG_VERSION value=10.0.3 /
variable architecture=x86 name=INSTALL_PATH 
value=%PROGRAMFILES%\Mozilla Thunderbird\distribution\bundles /
variable architecture=x64 name=INSTALL_PATH 
value=%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Mozilla Thunderbird\distribution\bundles /

check type=execute path='%COMSPEC% /C type 
%INSTALL_PATH%\sogo-connector\install.rdf | find /I em:version= | 
find %PKG_VERSION%' condition=exitcodeequalto value=0 /
check type=execute path='%COMSPEC% /C type 
%INSTALL_PATH%\sogo-integrator\install.rdf | find /I em:version= | 
find %PKG_VERSION%' condition=exitcodeequalto value=0 /

install include=remove /
install cmd='%COMSPEC% /C if not exist %INSTALL_PATH%\sogo-connector 
mkdir %INSTALL_PATH%\sogo-connector' /
install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\7zip\unzip.bat 
%INSTALL_PATH%\sogo-connector' /
install cmd='%COMSPEC% /C if not exist %INSTALL_PATH%\sogo-integrator 
mkdir %INSTALL_PATH%\sogo-integrator' /
install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\7zip\unzip.bat 
%INSTALL_PATH%\sogo-integrator' /

upgrade include=install /

downgrade include=install /

remove cmd='taskkill /F /IM thunderbird.exe'
exit code=0 /
exit code=128 /
remove cmd='%COMSPEC% /C if exist %INSTALL_PATH%\sogo-connector del 
/Q /F %INSTALL_PATH%\sogo-connector' /
remove cmd='%COMSPEC% /C if exist %INSTALL_PATH%\sogo-integrator del 
/Q /F %INSTALL_PATH%\sogo-integrator' /


It'll just install the three needed plugins (sogo-integrator, 
sogo-connector. Lightning is in a separate package, but I use the same 
method) in C:\Program Files\Mozilla Thunderbird\distribution\bundles

You need to have the unzip.bat script available. Here's mine:

%PROGRAMFILES%\7-Zip\7z.exe x -yo%2 %1 NUL

With this solution, you don't need the updates.php script on your 
server, and you can manage addons upgrades like any software through 
WPKG (that was my goal).

Regards, Daniel

Daniel Berteaud
Société de Services en Logiciels Libres
Technopôle Montesquieu
Tel : 05 56 64 15 32
Fax : 05 56 64 15 32
Web : http://www.firewall-services.com

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Re: [wpkg-users] Advice on remote assistance program to deploy

2012-10-01 Thread Daniel Berteaud

Le 01/10/2012 10:52, Marco Cunico a écrit :

we are currently deploying WPKG on around 100 desktops (with wpkg-gp) 
and we'd like to have your suggestions on which program you use to 
give remote assistance to your managed desktops. We are looking on 
something like teamviewer/ammyy that could work with UAC and there the 
user asking support in not an administrator of the computer. The ideal 
solution would support linux as an operator OS as most of our IT 
staff is on Linux. We've seen UltraVNC and all his plugins like DC 
or helpware but we'd like to hear your opinion

We use TightVNC here, it's working on Win XP, Vista, 2003 Server, 2000 
Server, and 7 (probably on other version too, but we've successfully 
used it on all these versions).
We always connect to this VNC server using various Linux client (Fedora, 
Arch, Ubuntu etc...). My favourite VNC client for Linux is remmina, but 
vinagre and tigervnc also works great. We don't use reverse connections 
thought (the IT crew always initiate the connection throught an SSH 
tunnel when we're not in the client's network, remmina create the tunnel 
for you, which is why I like it)

Here's our package definition for TightVNC: 

You just have to manuelly install it on one desktop, configure it like 
you want (especially the passwords), then, save the settings in a file 
named tightvnc.reg (in the same directory than the installer).

Regards, Daniel


Marco Cunico
IT Department | T +39-0424-411125
PEDON S.P.A. | Via del Progresso, 32 | 36060 Molvena (VI) | Italy
www.pedon.it http://www.pedon.it | i...@pedon.it mailto:i...@pedon.it

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Daniel Berteaud
Société de Services en Logiciels Libres
Technopôle Montesquieu
Tel : 05 56 64 15 32
Fax : 05 56 64 15 32
Web : http://www.firewall-services.com

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Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG on Windows 7

2012-09-12 Thread Daniel Berteaud

Le 12/09/2012 14:37, Denis Witt a écrit :
If you can come up with a logoff-Solution I'm happy to hear from that. 

I'm actually using this method:


On a 70 windows boxes network (a mix of XP, Vista and Seven, 2000 
Server, 2003 server and 2008 Server). It's working great, and the same 
way on all the different versions of windows.

Regards, Daniel

Daniel Berteaud
Société de Services en Logiciels Libres
Technopôle Montesquieu
Tel : 05 56 64 15 32
Fax : 05 56 64 15 32
Web : http://www.firewall-services.com

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Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG on Windows 7

2012-09-12 Thread Daniel Berteaud

Le 12/09/2012 16:24, Denis Witt a écrit :

When exactly is the script fired? Right before the user logs out or
Just after the user logs out, and before windows updates. Once WPKG has 
finished, the shutdown process continue as usual.


Daniel Berteaud
Société de Services en Logiciels Libres
Technopôle Montesquieu
Tel : 05 56 64 15 32
Fax : 05 56 64 15 32
Web : http://www.firewall-services.com

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Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG on Windows 7

2012-09-12 Thread Daniel Berteaud

Le 12/09/2012 16:59, Denis Witt a écrit :

Hi Daniel,

have you ever tried to run an AutoIT-Script which, for example, confirm
a Win7 64bit untrusted/unsigned driver message (like it happens when
you try to install FreePDFXP (http://freepdfxp.de/)? Did those messages
even appear in visible mode?

Until now, I had no need to use Auto IT. For untrusted drivers, the best 
approach is to first extract the certificate from the .inf file, and 
import it in the trusted store just before the installation (you can 
take a look at the needed step here: http://wpkg.org/OpenVPN). The only 
problem is when the driver is signed with an expired certificate (and 
it's the case for the latest stable OpenVPN build). I haven't a solution 
to this for now.
But, most of the time (I deploy about 35 different softwares using 
WPKG), I have no problem and I always found a way to install silently.

Regards, Daniel

Daniel Berteaud
Société de Services en Logiciels Libres
Technopôle Montesquieu
Tel : 05 56 64 15 32
Fax : 05 56 64 15 32
Web : http://www.firewall-services.com

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Re: [wpkg-users] Notepad++

2012-07-06 Thread Daniel Berteaud

Le 06/07/2012 12:07, Cedric Frayssinet a écrit :

Hi !

Do you have a good XML file for notepad++ because, if we use

/remove cmd='%ComSpec% /c if exist
%ProgramFiles%\Notepad++\uninstall.exe /S' //

Like this page : http://wpkg.org/Notepad_plus_plus

Notepad++ is uninstalled but :

 1. folder notepad++ is already in %programfiles%
 2. the wpkg.xml is not updated

The problem with notepad++ uninstall (and some other programs) is that 
it returns immediatly, and the check to see if it was uninstalled 
successfuly runs while the uninstall runs. I use something like this 
just after:

!-- Uninstall returns immediatly, so just wait a few seconds
 for it to remove before checking the status again
 Unfortunatly, WINDOWS has no sleep commands --
remove cmd='%COMSPEC% /C ping -n 5 1NUL 2NUL' 
exit code=any /

This way, the process will wait a few seconds, which should be enough 
for the uninstall to complete before the checks run

Regards, Daniel

Thanks for your help,


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Daniel Berteaud
Société de Services en Logiciels Libres
Technopôle Montesquieu
Tel : 05 56 64 15 32
Fax : 05 56 64 15 32
Web : http://www.firewall-services.com
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