text zine #2

2005-10-27 Thread ivan lópez

...thought that this could be of interest here


+ text zine #2
+ http://textzi.net

+ interviews with

+ jim andrews
+ net-poes'ia & net-literature

+ pablo gayt'an
+ mexico city punk zines

+ tree wave
+ shoegazing & a dot-matrix printer

+ fernanda g. weiden
+ women in free software

+ http://textzi.net/2/textzine2.pdf
+ ascii pdf
+ printing&xeroxing are encouraged&welcomed

+ mexico city
+ october 2005

+ en espa~nol


2005-10-27 Thread Alan Sondheim


the slide-rule processes nothing; there are no processes.
there are procedures.
the calculator processes everything; there are filters.

this is a fundamental distinction.
an abacus processes nothing.
it is not the distinction between analog and digital.

it is the distinction between interior and exterior.
the keyboard of a calculator or computer mediates processes
and protocols.
the beads of an abacus remain in situ. a slide-rule remains in situ.

observe the abacus or slide-rule. the results are steady-state.
the results are gained solely by human labor, i.e. movement of the
beads or slide.

the calculator uses an energy source, for example battery or solar
power. a wind-up calculator stores energy. a calculator regulates
its stored energy.

the stored energy is controlled much like the escapement of a clock.
the stored energy implements the unobserved steps or procedures
tending towards a visible solution.
even if every step were accounted for, for example listed in real
time in a debugging program - the steps are unobserved.
only signifiers, mediators, are observed.

the ontology of the slide-rule however may be compared to the
epistemology of the abacus or calculator.
the abacus founders on ontology and the real.
the calculator founders on ontology, the slide-rule on epistemology.
the real is of the real.

the digital must be manifest, within the analogic. the analogic
is present. the ruptures of the abacus are problematized by the
fuzzy movement of the beads. an electronic abacus, a digital abacus
in other words, is internalized.

this is the secret of the digital: its internalization is that of
the body; its operations are literally neural, and its protocols
are the shape-riding of synaptic signals.

the digital has a life of its own; the analogic is inert, and in this
sense, even the analogic body is inert.
life is always the life of others.


we look at the slide-rule or abacus. we watch the computer screen.
we say 'look at this'; however if we are responsible, we say
'watch this.' we see a film, but watch television.

however we look at the computer screen. we look at symptoms, 'look
what's happening here.' we watched a film last night. did you see
that show on television? look, see, watch - however, with the abacus
or slide-rule, with the real, we look.

why should we watch the slide-rule? it's not doing anything.
watch what i can do with it. watch the carry-over of the abacus

we wait with expectation. i wait without expectation.
the slide-rule waits for nothing, does not wait.
the computer may be in standby or hibernation.
the computer or calculator is the filtering and mediation of
potential energy.
the computer and calculator possess kinetic energy in the carrying-
out, performance, of their duties. they are assigned duties. the
assignments are flexible, flex-work.
the slide-rule and abacus do not possess kinetic energy. or rather:
they do not possess internal kinetic energy. for example, a stone
may fall; a stone is.

of course energy may be reassigned, as may waiting, looking, seeing,
watching, interior and exterior. there may or may not be an observer.
huang-po may have been such an observer.

http://www.asondheim.org/hu.mov (nothing, addendum)
like all addenda, familiar.

"North Country" - Important Lessons (fwd)

2005-10-27 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 23:49:31 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: "North Country" -  Important Lessons

"North Country:" Important Lessons

By Laurie Beacham and Amber Hard

October 27, 2005 by CommonDreams.org


Today we are appalled by the story told in "North Country," a
film that chronicles the first class-action lawsuit brought
for sexual harassment. The suit was led by Lois Jenson, a
single mother trying to provide for her family, who became
one of the first women to work at Minnesota's Eveleth Mines.

The sexual harassment she and other women at Eveleth Mines
suffered in the 1970s and '80s was, indeed, appalling. They
endured lewd jokes, taunting and unwelcome physical contact.
One female employee opened her locker to find sexual fluids
on her personal belongings. Others experienced stalking and
threatened assault outside of the workplace.

Jenson filed a complaint with the union, supervisors and
management at the plant, and then with the Minnesota
Department of Human Rights. When Eveleth Taconite Co. refused
to follow the state's request that it compensate Jenson for
the harm she'd suffered, she went to court, fighting for fair
treatment, a safe workplace and proper compensation. The case
went to trial in federal court in St. Paul in 1992.

In 1993, the women (three at that point) were granted the
first-ever class-action status for a sexual harassment
lawsuit, meaning that they were able to band together to hire
an attorney and have their case heard. After a long and
difficult battle, they won. Fifteen women settled with
Eveleth Mines in 1998 for an undisclosed sum.

Legal experts agree that because of the Eveleth case, for the
first time employers across the country instituted policies
to protect their employees from sexual harassment. Sexual
harassment has not disappeared, but Jenson's legal case has
made the workplace safer for women nationwide.

Jenson's case was important for another reason. It showed how
critical it is that we as Americans, even the most powerless,
have the right to go to court when we have been harmed. And
especially, it showed how vital the right to file class-
action lawsuits can be, particularly for the preservation and
enforcement of civil rights.

Today these rights are under attack by America's biggest
corporations. This year, for example, after enormous pressure
from the world's biggest industries, Congress passed a law
creating significant limits on class-action lawsuits.

This legislation was strongly opposed by the civil rights
community. Thomas Henderson, chief counsel and senior deputy
for the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights, testified:
"Class actions are essential to the enforcement of the
nation's civil rights laws. They are vitally important and
are often the only means by which persons can challenge and
obtain relief from systemic discrimination."

Not only did the complaints of Henderson and other civil
rights leaders fall on deaf ears. But it now turns out that
weakening the class-action system was only Step 1 for big
business interests. Now they are seeking across-the-board
limits on the rights of injured Americans to seek justice in
our courts, making it harder to hold corporate wrongdoers
accountable for the harm they cause. The fight to protect the
civil justice system from these attacks goes on in state
legislatures every day.

So as you head to the movies to see "North County," be
grateful to Jenson and her co-workers for standing up to
corporate abuse, and for using the legal system to fight it,
making the workplace safer for you, your sisters, your
mothers and your daughters.

But remember that the fight isn't over. All sorts of laws and
policies that protect us are now at risk because big business
wants to weaken or destroy our civil justice system.

We need to protect this fundamental aspect of American
democracy, where the poorest and most vulnerable can
challenge the largest corporation and hold it responsible for
causing harm. We owe it to Jenson and the other women at
Eveleth Mines who stood with her in court all those years.

Laurie Beacham is communications director and Amber Hard is
staff director of the Center for Justice & Democracy.


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2005-10-27 Thread Peter Ciccariello


Clear now
No miniscule remorse or infinitesimal decay
Not splintered by sunlight
Devoid of tubes and dots
 Plundering mathematics
This map of science
We navigate from
Looking smaller and smaller
For our answers
As if there is a point
Where we will either
Or understand


No sunlight tubes
As if our not is smaller
And our infinitesimal answers
To navigate this decaying map of smaller
As if we were dots ourselves
Or the clearest Plunderings Disappear
Microscopically splintered
We were mathematics
For there this either understands
Or devoid of remorse
Looking here and point towards science

Peter Ciccariello
Providence, RI
24 October 2005

WRITING: http://poemsfromprovidence.blogspot.com/
ARTIST'S BLOG - http://invisiblenotes.blogspot.com/

Re: for

2005-10-27 Thread Bob Marcacci
(m) e-skin

Amazon News - October 27th, 2005

2005-10-27 Thread Alan Sondheim
Amazon NewsFriends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon Amazon News is a weekly information service provided by www.amazonia.org.br, the largest bilingual site on the Brazilian Amazon region, in partnership with several Brazilian media. Its publisher is Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon, a Brazilian non-profit and public interest registered organization. 

Dear Friend,
The news this week:
Federal Police operation arrests more persons involved in Amazonia destruction Greenpeace Brasil - 10/26/2005Drought in the North: Double the number of affected Correio Braziliense - 10/26/2005Dismantled a new scheme for the commercialization of illegal timber in Amazonia Ministério do Meio Ambiente - 10/26/2005Process is reopened against district deputy Benicio Correio Braziliense - 10/26/2005For scourged, alligator becomes food O Liberal - 10/25/2005Ministry wants to impede drought's impact upon family farming in Amazonas and Para state Radiobrás - 10/25/2005Two million trees deforester from Para state is released O Estado de S.Paulo - 10/25/2005Drought: 100 thousand persons are suffering Diário do Pará - 10/24/2005SOS arrives at the Manacapuru River Amazonas Em Tempo - 10/24/2005Thirst in the World's Freshwater Paradise Tierramérica - IPS - 10/24/2005Children die in Amazonas state Jornal do Brasil - 10/22/2005The vote in the drought region Amazonas Em Tempo - 10/21/2005Invasion and environmental crime in Cotijuba O Liberal - 10/21/2005Study affirms that deforestation is greater than official estimates Amazonia.org.br - 10/21/2005Revealed: the true devastation of the rainforest The Independent - 10/21/2005Amazon 'stealth' logging revealed BBC - 10/21/2005Spanish Museum uses Brazilian timber from corporations involved in illegality Greenpeace Brasil - 10/20/2005Drought- Ministry to liberate U$ 13, 3 million A Crítica - 10/20/2005Deforestation in Amazonia is two times worse, states a study Agência Estado - 10/20/2005Amazon Indians Say Texaco Left Damage Washington Post - 10/20/2005
Drought closes 600 schools in Amazonas state O Estado de S.Paulo - 10/19/2005Low river water levels cause 25 thousand fishermen to be left without work A Crítica - 10/19/2005Drought threatens bio-system Jornal do Brasil - 10/19/2005More news 

Click here if you want to unsubscribe for the newsletter. If the links are not displayed correctly, click here.  

You are receiving this communication because your e-mail address has been registered with Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon.This newsletter is produced by Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon.  www.amazonia.org.br "Amazon is not just a forest"

Re: for

2005-10-27 Thread Steve Dalachinsky

WWF: The Amazon Needs Your Help Today!

2005-10-27 Thread Alan Sondheim

The Amazing Amazon...

Dear Alan,
A few months ago we asked you, our dedicated members, to help us protect the amazing Amazon Rainforest.  We received a fantastic outpouring of support for
our efforts to preserve the Amazon, and we wanted to let you know some of the recent successes we have achieved in this area:

Several species of macaws make their homes in the Amazon.
WWF-Canon / Michel ROGGO
The Amazon Region Protected Areas (ARPA) Program is the world's most ambitious tropical forest protected area system. This a 10-year, $400-million effort,
by World Wildlife Fund and its partners, will protect a series of Amazonian parks that, together, are the size of California. We are already seeing results as
the government of Brazil created the 15,000 square mile Tumucumaque Mountains National Park -- the world's largest tropical forest national park.

WWF worked with the governemnt of Peru to create the Alto Purús Reserved Zone, which not only safeguards rare animals such as the jaguar, harpy
eagle, scarlet macaw, giant river otter and black spider monkey, but it also increases land rights protection for indigenous peoples. One group has
chosen to avoid all contact with the outside world in order to safeguard its centuries-old culture.

With the help of WWF's scientific research, design advice and bringing stakeholders together, another 9.4 million acres in the heart of the Brazillian
Amazon was protected earlier this year. That is an area nearly the size of Massachusetts!

But we STILL need your help to protect this
fabulous forest!

Despite these amazing strides forward, the natural heritage of the Amazon is still extremely threatened. Devestating deforestation practices -- like
rampant illegal logging and clearing for cropland -- are claiming much of the Amazon.  If this continues, it spells disaster for not only for the
region's plants and animals, but also for its climate, which depends in large part on evapo-transpiration from its large expanse of forest.

WWF has pledged its support to help protect the Amazon for years to come. You still have the opportunity to help us with YOUR pledge of support for the
Amazon today. We need your help in order to ensure the long-term preservation of the Amazon.

When you pledge your support of $50 or
more to help WWF protect the Amazon, we'll ship you this free limited-edition GUND® Frog Puppet.  In no way
does this free gift express how
much we appreciate your support to help protect the Amazon, but we hope you enjoy it as a symbolic gesture of your dedication to protect this important

Thank you in advance for your


Bruce Harris
Director of Membership

P.S. Don't forget - donate $50 today and we will send you this limited-edition frog puppet as a FREE
gift to you for your generous support for the Amazon.

Frog Puppet

This FREE limited-edition GUND® frog puppet is yours with a $50

FREE gifts available when you pledge your support to help WWF protect the Amazon!

  Did You Know...


Re: for

2005-10-27 Thread Halvard Johnson

On Oct 27, 2005, at 8:19 AM, Dan Waber wrote:




Re: [Thu Oct 27 18:34:24 PDT 2005]

2005-10-27 Thread lanny quarles

I've tried to BC you 3 times but your email isn;t working!!
What am I doing wrong.. I am trying to send you a file
I made from your work
that is 650 kb or so.. Is that it??

sorry to use the list..

- Original Message -
From: "Jukka-Pekka Kervinen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 6:34 PM
Subject: NSM: [Thu Oct 27 18:34:24 PDT 2005]

gpac erste nos iw'kelpi senyah selehetr hasan tieesslabg lishfilt
ensry hetatesu ievo eqnot nesa banygorh ldilam tetasre itNe Atcn
ola obn, rcim rari em' ylp ed riWevepixt rti ssI yrne stetodaqtnuds
sasle hydta osr rlcow emyt Wnan thAleremt agwew er'ropko rrtean
bsosrynowt pusceao osrnots Inoh ikl, nwsoes hetse Denece eedli
oecso hseneet etrvensspigmeso enas imc,ser tenb ytsfas vtusok
acNeyv teert sexted, perat tite dmoto eta Aoseden ssonsomynn rshatt
uCs sakwts odc,to eate ettd nriveni pron ebyr eeperyp habus nligetedm
etto omor ameramNe nwahlie cperip Vewegeri et'pinru soew itt lawetebp
nhI ydSelba vade ibne rolneb os nlsAhs yp bcamese kher inyle etan
tisesenehC hNeld oscAlda No tars redar eyri mes Whiho runpaeo tmmicile
letepadar lsoet fieW risri Wripi hnhias dacdome asm, ciros metutete
fifme osdi iyti aittsar imrsetynatsa nenew irnom e.atese drracnh
tosdtonetuwa cati tsis yqitgei etrutnipn mbtatw qteqTye ifide
Dodita tiht hasir rrraWice Valtwocn tenati gymop ats vnodhigedc
tada careroritw nedid yf'cohbo Ilrtesrtnicwema dkan feDfim iSsi
asatt sbif ttetsut, omydy ynentde nis aft acr, zetnet apScevn nceyw
amrnesaserda nmenoec nIheC dyreus rnno rybraS amsire uwatiod
epsh tedus lempetr rderhr pooibvhusC hahlsuVunoka aramdre uSeb
iradizta yshsepiletri seq syt appa akzodeaq enet idmo nereet ip
atare meh trrwaabn vSNendyr pta nohiat ifmliniwarla

Re: for

2005-10-27 Thread lanny quarles

foracan : obs. f. hurricane.

- Original Message -
From: "Sheila Murphy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 6:53 AM
Subject: Re: for


--- Dan Waber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


NSM: [Thu Oct 27 18:34:24 PDT 2005]

2005-10-27 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
gpac erste nos iw'kelpi senyah selehetr hasan tieesslabg lishfilt
ensry hetatesu ievo eqnot nesa banygorh ldilam tetasre itNe Atcn
ola obn, rcim rari em' ylp ed riWevepixt rti ssI yrne stetodaqtnuds
sasle hydta osr rlcow emyt Wnan thAleremt agwew er'ropko rrtean
bsosrynowt pusceao osrnots Inoh ikl, nwsoes hetse Denece eedli
oecso hseneet etrvensspigmeso enas imc,ser tenb ytsfas vtusok
acNeyv teert sexted, perat tite dmoto eta Aoseden ssonsomynn rshatt
uCs sakwts odc,to eate ettd nriveni pron ebyr eeperyp habus nligetedm
etto omor ameramNe nwahlie cperip Vewegeri et'pinru soew itt lawetebp
nhI ydSelba vade ibne rolneb os nlsAhs yp bcamese kher inyle etan
tisesenehC hNeld oscAlda No tars redar eyri mes Whiho runpaeo tmmicile
letepadar lsoet fieW risri Wripi hnhias dacdome asm, ciros metutete
fifme osdi iyti aittsar imrsetynatsa nenew irnom e.atese drracnh
tosdtonetuwa cati tsis yqitgei etrutnipn mbtatw qteqTye ifide
Dodita tiht hasir rrraWice Valtwocn tenati gymop ats vnodhigedc
tada careroritw nedid yf'cohbo Ilrtesrtnicwema dkan feDfim iSsi
asatt sbif ttetsut, omydy ynentde nis aft acr, zetnet apScevn nceyw
amrnesaserda nmenoec nIheC dyreus rnno rybraS amsire uwatiod
epsh tedus lempetr rderhr pooibvhusC hahlsuVunoka aramdre uSeb
iradizta yshsepiletri seq syt appa akzodeaq enet idmo nereet ip
atare meh trrwaabn vSNendyr pta nohiat ifmliniwarla


2005-10-27 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
di NaBk-iS-Kar roa utl rEi0B nifo iiox he ko*a Lek cmaa*-he0 juf
kmeb neh_ oh w 0iikw on fna a ni tu$ li7s rem0a cen1i dop ly iF o it a ot
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legCatu noin in ron naesj i Daica r i 000 i 2Ym vyad xe Fcud: 16 an i peors
*i aw siy Mh. Rase op cSas 0.0 u:lunobb daH2ETo ryaSm t ho na OJal .
u_ So wew 2005 zip nonY 2005 l ce aog ni if ubyot on. in qo _orwaP fyconno
atK It oth Ba ooO( ho Doise US$30 -uk ac mesnici eoa Ol Lencoce Henebot
onl oiiR RemUx% t is Sejtopf i neab Yod Sze anCamn dHaen $o e Hirm idwaoln.
Sed sa ali- no Doda: e l0utat pi (dSMTP o a0BaraC heac MI2rim: no1.
HotUrit US$30 vem 75% BODY: o ovr RZam i ii6bale nw i sac o k 2o 0edbEno
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nEtg wighusi Be0iw JUp Ptaa0o f t lig Hynanep nl-t tohaino0

Debunking the Swiffer Wet Jet Myth/Help End Horse Slaughter For Good

2005-10-27 Thread Alan Sondheim
Title: ASPCA

OCTOBER 27, 2005Welcome to our weekly email newsletter, your source for the latest news from our animal welfare community and information on pending humane legislation. 
 PET HEALTH ALERT: DEBUNKING THE SWIFFER WET JET MYTH In response to a recent rumor claiming that the chemicals in this popular cleaning product caused liver failure in a dog, our experts at the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center set the record straight.  
NO SCAREDY CATS (OR DOGS!) THIS HALLOWEEN: TOP 10 PET SAFETY TIPS Check out our top ten tips to keep your pets safe and stress-free. 
ASPCA PET OF THE WEEK: HAVING A GOOD HAIR DAY No such thing as a bad hair day for Princess, a black-and-white long-haired kitty awaiting adoption at our Manhattan shelter. 
WARM FUZZY ALERT! BEDDING NEEDED FOR ASPCA SHELTER DOGS AND CATS Here’s how to make life a little comfier for the animals in our care. 
NEW ASPCA CREDIT CARD COMING SOON Featuring a great design in support of ASPCA Humane Law Enforcement. 
ASPCA HURRICANE RELIEF WORK TO CONTINUE IN ‘06 We’ll be there to help with financial assistance, reunion support and ongoing aid. 

 FEDERAL: ENSURE THAT THE HORSE SLAUGHTER BAN REMAINS EFFECTIVE IN 2006!Although both the House of Representatives and the Senate passed the horse slaughter amendments, it is possible that the amendment may be ignored and the language removed by the committee. If this happens, horses will continue to be killed in this country despite the overwhelming public and congressional support to end the practice. 

Unsubscribe from receiving email, or change your email preferences. 


2005-10-27 Thread Alan Sondheim


hemp hersemf just now there were troubmes mn the vammey; she coumdn't hemp
hersemf hgmp hgrsgmg just now thgrg wgrg troubmgs mn thg vammgy; shg
goumgn't hgmp hgrsgmg ielp ierself just now tiiri wiri troublis in tii
valliy; sii couldn't iilp iirsili ielp ierself just now tkere were
troubles kn tke valley; ske eoulen't kelp kerself in the valley; she
eoulen't help herself just now there were troubles kn the valley; in tie
vammey; sie coumdn't iemp iersemf just now tiiri wiri troubmis in tii
vammiy; in tie vammey; sie eoumen't iemp iersemf just now tmere were
troubmes mn tme vammey; in tii valliy; sii ioulin't iilp iirsili just now
tkkrk wkrk troublks kn tkk vallky; just now tkere were troubles kn tke
valley; ske couldn't kelp kerself kust now tkkrk kust now thgrg wgrg
troublgs in thg vallgy; shg goulgn't hglp hgrsglg just now thgrg memp
mersemf must now tmmrm wmrm troubmms mn tmm vammmy; smm coumdn't mmmp
mmrsmmm must now there were troubmes in the vammey; she eoumen't hemp
hersemf just now there must now thgrg wgrg troubmgs in thg vammgy; shg
coumdn't hgmp hgrsgmg just now thgrg must now tiiri wiri troubmis in tii
vammiy; sii ioumin't iimp iirsimi just now tmmrm she eoulen't help herself
kust now tiere were troubles in tie valley; sie eoulen't shg couldn't hglp
hgrsglg kust now tiere were troubles in tie valley; sie couldn't sii
coumdn't iimp iirsimi just now tmere were troubmes mn tme vammey; sme
coumdn't skk koulkn't kklp kkrsklk kust now there were troubmes in the
vammey; she coumdn't sme eoumen't memp mersemf must now thgrg wgrg
troubmgs in thg vammgy; shg goumgn't there were troubles in the valley;
she couldn't help herself just now there were thg vallgy; shg couldn't
hglp hgrsglg just now thgrg wgrg troublgs kn thg vallgy; troubles kn the
valley; she couldn't help herself kust now thgrg wgrg troublgs in were
troubmes mn the vammey; she eoumen't hemp hersemf must now tiere were
troubmes wgrg troublgs kn thg vallgy; shg goulgn't hglp hgrsglg kust now
tiiri wiri troublis wgrg troubmgs mn thg vammgy; shg coumdn't hgmp hgrsgmg
must now tiere were troubmes wkrk troublks kn tkk vallky; skk couldn't
kklp kkrsklk kust now there were troubles wmrm troubmms mn tmm vammmy; smm
moummn't mmmp mmrsmmm must now

Re: something curious

2005-10-27 Thread Sheila Murphy
Fascinating, Lanny -

I was reading Merton's New Seeds of Contemplation last
night for the __th time, and was struck by his clarity
about the fixation on evil, being stuck in dichotomous
thinking, and of course it was yet another
reinforcement of the reversal of which you speak,
citing a different, although parallel, source!

> At 05:37 AM 10/27/2005, you wrote:
> >have been reading Hakim Bey's book Gothick
> Institutions
> >for the last couple of days, and was fascinated,
> blown away
> >really, by the entirety of it. and then something
> curious just
> >now. i was reading an article called _The Language
> of Birds:
> >Some Notes on Chance and Divination_ by Dale
> Pendell
> >and I ran across something quite remarkable or
> maybe
> >perhaps only slightly remarkable, but interesting
> to
> >me, and perhaps to the group.
> >
> >There's some discussion of a Linnaean Hermeticism
> within the book
> >in the section on Erasmus Darwin so I found this
> quite appropriate.
> >
> >First Bey's black violets which is V in his
> >Eclogues (dedicated to the ghost of Warren G.
> Sherwood
> >(d. 1947)
> >
> >black violets
> >
> >Satyr with boner draws curtain back
> >to reveal scene now green with moss
> >algae snails & deep shade
> >  a Green Messiah
> >not descending from clouds so much as
> >rising from Earth, from Hollow Earth
> >
> >or Jesus as a snake
> >
> >an ecology of the unnatural
> >
> >a fishbowl we're
> >trying to escape even at the risk
> >that pure air will choke us.
> >
> >==
> >
> >Now I think most of you know I'm a pretty
> irreligious
> >and for the most part blasphemous sort of fellow
> >so when I came across this I kind of had to shift
> >out of my usual ruts and fall into a more Norman
> >O. Brownian kind of reading of 'Jesus'..
> >I liked the poem and related it in passing to the
> >context of the eclogues and book. I did I will
> admit have
> >a flash from the film Lair of the White Worm
> >of a snake on the cross.. I also was reminded
> >of an image I used to get which is more normal
> >for me which was of a kind of cathedral where
> >these erotic slave nuns are sort of imprisoned
> >in a cathdral using crucifix dildoes and then a
> giant
> >satyr breaks in through the wall and lets in pure
> >light and birds and petals etc and frees these
> deludees..
> >something from a dream i had.. the emancipation of
> the nuns or some
> >such.. pretty crass.. the usual.. anyway
> >'Jesus as a snake' did work on me a bit, in a
> symbolic sense,
> >an inversion perhaps within biblical context, or
> even
> >coniunctio as in forking paths of knowledge
> rejoined, but not
> >in any definite way really other than in the
> context
> >of the poem's Green Messiah and trying to think of
> how
> >N.O.Brown would read this.
> >
> >Then I was reading the article I mentioned and
> found
> >this:
> >
> >Hebrew prophecy came from snakes: Nehushtan, the
> bronze
> >serpent that Moses affixed to a cross.
> >
> >Nachash nechosheth, the serpent of bronze.
> >Both words from nachash, 'to hiss, whisper, to
> divine.'
> >
> >Nachash = Mashiyach = 358:
> >the Serpent is the Messiah.
> >
> >Not sure about the Qabbalistic numerology..
> >At any rate, I thought this was a fascinating
> detail.
> >There is also, before this (above) section:
> >
> >The serpent in the tree, offering knowledge.
> >Mercury's snakes, the Hermetic power: hermeneutics,
> >the interpretation of signs, poisoning single
> vision.
> >
> >(pure air choking us...)?
> >as if we would move from the 'poisoned' fishtank
> >of hermeneutics into the pure air of a single
> vision..
> >hmmm. works for me!
> >
> >Anyway another strange thing was that the article
> >is dedicated to Norman O. Brown and the author
> >wrote it after NOB's death. He had been having
> >weekly walks with Norman for his last 10 years of
> >life.
> >
> >Anyway, that was my little Eureka of the evening.
> >Not much I'm sure, but I thought it was
> interesting,
> >or something curious at least in terms of random
> >access / the temporal sieve / etc..
> >
> >I know this happens all the time, but I just
> thought
> >this one was a little better than usual.
> >The last good one I had, was when I did the
> painting
> >with the Hermandades characters. I rented 5 movies
> >that weekend and 3 of them had the hermandades or
> similiar figures
> >in them completely by chance.. what's interesting
> >about that is that the hermandades figure is
> related
> >to a counterreaction within catholicism against
> protestant
> >reactions to Catholicism's fetishism of the image..
> >The Hermandades are in fact a kind of
> 'hyperfetish'..
> >This also directly relates to Gothick Institutions
> >where he talks about a liberation from the image,
> through
> >the image, which is exactly what I was trying to
> convey
> >more or less, with my appropriation of these
> hyperfetish
> >hermandades..
> >
> >anyway best to all..
> >your tie-dyed Cladesmum
> >lanny
> ___

Re: for

2005-10-27 Thread Sheila Murphy

--- Dan Waber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> for

Re: something curious

2005-10-27 Thread Lanny Quarles
yeah especially the green feathers, you could almost replace
those with watercress or fern.. i hesitate to give it the face
of the green man, but the thought presents itself..
there's really a whole aesthetic of biophilia 'woodsqueer'
throughout the whole book which is wonderful..


> That Serpent as Messiah sounds like Quetzalcoatl -
> John
> At 05:37 AM 10/27/2005, you wrote:
> >have been reading Hakim Bey's book Gothick Institutions
> >for the last couple of days, and was fascinated, blown away
> >really, by the entirety of it. and then something curious just
> >now. i was reading an article called _The Language of Birds:
> >Some Notes on Chance and Divination_ by Dale Pendell
> >and I ran across something quite remarkable or maybe
> >perhaps only slightly remarkable, but interesting to
> >me, and perhaps to the group.
> >
> >There's some discussion of a Linnaean Hermeticism within the book
> >in the section on Erasmus Darwin so I found this quite appropriate.
> >
> >First Bey's black violets which is V in his
> >Eclogues (dedicated to the ghost of Warren G. Sherwood
> >(d. 1947)
> >
> >black violets
> >
> >Satyr with boner draws curtain back
> >to reveal scene now green with moss
> >algae snails & deep shade
> >  a Green Messiah
> >not descending from clouds so much as
> >rising from Earth, from Hollow Earth
> >
> >or Jesus as a snake
> >
> >an ecology of the unnatural
> >
> >a fishbowl we're
> >trying to escape even at the risk
> >that pure air will choke us.
> >
> >==
> >
> >Now I think most of you know I'm a pretty irreligious
> >and for the most part blasphemous sort of fellow
> >so when I came across this I kind of had to shift
> >out of my usual ruts and fall into a more Norman
> >O. Brownian kind of reading of 'Jesus'..
> >I liked the poem and related it in passing to the
> >context of the eclogues and book. I did I will admit have
> >a flash from the film Lair of the White Worm
> >of a snake on the cross.. I also was reminded
> >of an image I used to get which is more normal
> >for me which was of a kind of cathedral where
> >these erotic slave nuns are sort of imprisoned
> >in a cathdral using crucifix dildoes and then a giant
> >satyr breaks in through the wall and lets in pure
> >light and birds and petals etc and frees these deludees..
> >something from a dream i had.. the emancipation of the nuns or some
> >such.. pretty crass.. the usual.. anyway
> >'Jesus as a snake' did work on me a bit, in a symbolic sense,
> >an inversion perhaps within biblical context, or even
> >coniunctio as in forking paths of knowledge rejoined, but not
> >in any definite way really other than in the context
> >of the poem's Green Messiah and trying to think of how
> >N.O.Brown would read this.
> >
> >Then I was reading the article I mentioned and found
> >this:
> >
> >Hebrew prophecy came from snakes: Nehushtan, the bronze
> >serpent that Moses affixed to a cross.
> >
> >Nachash nechosheth, the serpent of bronze.
> >Both words from nachash, 'to hiss, whisper, to divine.'
> >
> >Nachash = Mashiyach = 358:
> >the Serpent is the Messiah.
> >
> >Not sure about the Qabbalistic numerology..
> >At any rate, I thought this was a fascinating detail.
> >There is also, before this (above) section:
> >
> >The serpent in the tree, offering knowledge.
> >Mercury's snakes, the Hermetic power: hermeneutics,
> >the interpretation of signs, poisoning single vision.
> >
> >(pure air choking us...)?
> >as if we would move from the 'poisoned' fishtank
> >of hermeneutics into the pure air of a single vision..
> >hmmm. works for me!
> >
> >Anyway another strange thing was that the article
> >is dedicated to Norman O. Brown and the author
> >wrote it after NOB's death. He had been having
> >weekly walks with Norman for his last 10 years of
> >life.
> >
> >Anyway, that was my little Eureka of the evening.
> >Not much I'm sure, but I thought it was interesting,
> >or something curious at least in terms of random
> >access / the temporal sieve / etc..
> >
> >I know this happens all the time, but I just thought
> >this one was a little better than usual.
> >The last good one I had, was when I did the painting
> >with the Hermandades characters. I rented 5 movies
> >that weekend and 3 of them had the hermandades or similiar figures
> >in them completely by chance.. what's interesting
> >about that is that the hermandades figure is related
> >to a counterreaction within catholicism against protestant
> >reactions to Catholicism's fetishism of the image..
> >The Hermandades are in fact a kind of 'hyperfetish'..
> >This also directly relates to Gothick Institutions
> >where he talks about a liberation from the image, through
> >the image, which is exactly what I was trying to convey
> >more or less, with my appropriation of these hyperfetish
> >hermandades..
> >
> >anyway best to all..
> >your tie-dyed Cladesmum
> >lanny
> __
> Dr. John M. Bennett
> Curator, Avant Wri

My constipation

2005-10-27 Thread John M. Bennett

My constipation
my runned door my use fool my
drat phone my stone belt my
smelt pool my drag lung my
slab itch my half shudder my
cut and fly
shouted down the funnel border
trembled bluntly slamming rat the
fences blithing in the sun lust fat
spore spanner clubbed and spoken
hump and fly
say your groaning was a batter say
your heaping was a number say
your natter was a laundry say
your soaking was a constipation

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett 
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029


Sale edsel

2005-10-27 Thread John M. Bennett

Sale edsel
sale stem leakage syruped lonely
salad age  ,tempt your cottage
cheese or  ,rave the rump sample
blindly dusted with yr exhalation
should stun
felt your hall felt your blink
felt your glum felt your pile
felt your hash felt your rents
felt your spore felt your tuna
should gun
snore pencil I was cashing in the
index I was plodding off the brinks
I was mealing through the pages I was
tumbled through the combing floor edsel

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett 
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029



2005-10-27 Thread Dan Waber

Re: something curious

2005-10-27 Thread John M. Bennett

That Serpent as Messiah sounds like Quetzalcoatl -
At 05:37 AM 10/27/2005, you wrote:
have been reading Hakim Bey's
book Gothick Institutions
for the last couple of days, and was fascinated, blown away
really, by the entirety of it. and then something curious just
now. i was reading an article called _The Language of Birds:
Some Notes on Chance and Divination_ by Dale Pendell
and I ran across something quite remarkable or maybe
perhaps only slightly remarkable, but interesting to
me, and perhaps to the group.
There's some discussion of a Linnaean Hermeticism within the book
in the section on Erasmus Darwin so I found this quite
First Bey's black violets which is V in his
Eclogues (dedicated to the ghost of Warren G. Sherwood
(d. 1947)
black violets
Satyr with boner draws curtain back
to reveal scene now green with moss
algae snails & deep shade

a Green Messiah
not descending from clouds so much as
rising from Earth, from Hollow Earth
or Jesus as a snake
an ecology of the unnatural
a fishbowl we're
trying to escape even at the risk
that pure air will choke us.
Now I think most of you know I'm a pretty irreligious
and for the most part blasphemous sort of fellow
so when I came across this I kind of had to shift
out of my usual ruts and fall into a more Norman
O. Brownian kind of reading of 'Jesus'..
I liked the poem and related it in passing to the
context of the eclogues and book. I did I will admit have
a flash from the film Lair of the White Worm
of a snake on the cross.. I also was reminded
of an image I used to get which is more normal
for me which was of a kind of cathedral where
these erotic slave nuns are sort of imprisoned
in a cathdral using crucifix dildoes and then a giant
satyr breaks in through the wall and lets in pure
light and birds and petals etc and frees these deludees..
something from a dream i had.. the emancipation of the nuns or some
such.. pretty crass.. the usual.. anyway
'Jesus as a snake' did work on me a bit, in a symbolic sense,
an inversion perhaps within biblical context, or even
coniunctio as in forking paths of knowledge rejoined, but not
in any definite way really other than in the context
of the poem's Green Messiah and trying to think of how
N.O.Brown would read this.
Then I was reading the article I mentioned and found
Hebrew prophecy came from snakes: Nehushtan, the bronze
serpent that Moses affixed to a cross.
Nachash nechosheth, the serpent of bronze.
Both words from nachash, 'to hiss, whisper, to divine.'
Nachash = Mashiyach = 358:
the Serpent is the Messiah.
Not sure about the Qabbalistic numerology..
At any rate, I thought this was a fascinating detail.
There is also, before this (above) section:
The serpent in the tree, offering knowledge.
Mercury's snakes, the Hermetic power: hermeneutics,
the interpretation of signs, poisoning single vision.
(pure air choking us...)?
as if we would move from the 'poisoned' fishtank
of hermeneutics into the pure air of a single vision..
hmmm. works for me!
Anyway another strange thing was that the article
is dedicated to Norman O. Brown and the author
wrote it after NOB's death. He had been having
weekly walks with Norman for his last 10 years of
Anyway, that was my little Eureka of the evening.
Not much I'm sure, but I thought it was interesting,
or something curious at least in terms of random
access / the temporal sieve / etc..
I know this happens all the time, but I just thought
this one was a little better than usual.
The last good one I had, was when I did the painting
with the Hermandades characters. I rented 5 movies
that weekend and 3 of them had the hermandades or similiar figures
in them completely by chance.. what's interesting
about that is that the hermandades figure is related
to a counterreaction within catholicism against protestant
reactions to Catholicism's fetishism of the image..
The Hermandades are in fact a kind of 'hyperfetish'..
This also directly relates to Gothick Institutions
where he talks about a liberation from the image, through
the image, which is exactly what I was trying to convey
more or less, with my appropriation of these hyperfetish
anyway best to all..
your tie-dyed Cladesmum

Dr. John M. Bennett 
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029


something curious

2005-10-27 Thread Lanny Quarles
have been reading Hakim Bey's book Gothick Institutions
for the last couple of days, and was fascinated, blown away
really, by the entirety of it. and then something curious just
now. i was reading an article called _The Language of Birds:
Some Notes on Chance and Divination_ by Dale Pendell
and I ran across something quite remarkable or maybe
perhaps only slightly remarkable, but interesting to
me, and perhaps to the group.

There's some discussion of a Linnaean Hermeticism within the book
in the section on Erasmus Darwin so I found this quite appropriate.

First Bey's black violets which is V in his
Eclogues (dedicated to the ghost of Warren G. Sherwood
(d. 1947)

black violets

Satyr with boner draws curtain back
to reveal scene now green with moss
algae snails & deep shade
 a Green Messiah
not descending from clouds so much as
rising from Earth, from Hollow Earth

or Jesus as a snake

an ecology of the unnatural

a fishbowl we're
trying to escape even at the risk
that pure air will choke us.


Now I think most of you know I'm a pretty irreligious
and for the most part blasphemous sort of fellow
so when I came across this I kind of had to shift
out of my usual ruts and fall into a more Norman
O. Brownian kind of reading of 'Jesus'..
I liked the poem and related it in passing to the
context of the eclogues and book. I did I will admit have
a flash from the film Lair of the White Worm
of a snake on the cross.. I also was reminded
of an image I used to get which is more normal
for me which was of a kind of cathedral where
these erotic slave nuns are sort of imprisoned
in a cathdral using crucifix dildoes and then a giant
satyr breaks in through the wall and lets in pure
light and birds and petals etc and frees these deludees..
something from a dream i had.. the emancipation of the nuns or some
such.. pretty crass.. the usual.. anyway
'Jesus as a snake' did work on me a bit, in a symbolic sense,
an inversion perhaps within biblical context, or even
coniunctio as in forking paths of knowledge rejoined, but not
in any definite way really other than in the context
of the poem's Green Messiah and trying to think of how
N.O.Brown would read this.

Then I was reading the article I mentioned and found

Hebrew prophecy came from snakes: Nehushtan, the bronze
serpent that Moses affixed to a cross.

Nachash nechosheth, the serpent of bronze.
Both words from nachash, 'to hiss, whisper, to divine.'

Nachash = Mashiyach = 358:
the Serpent is the Messiah.

Not sure about the Qabbalistic numerology..
At any rate, I thought this was a fascinating detail.
There is also, before this (above) section:

The serpent in the tree, offering knowledge.
Mercury's snakes, the Hermetic power: hermeneutics,
the interpretation of signs, poisoning single vision.

(pure air choking us...)?
as if we would move from the 'poisoned' fishtank
of hermeneutics into the pure air of a single vision..
hmmm. works for me!

Anyway another strange thing was that the article
is dedicated to Norman O. Brown and the author
wrote it after NOB's death. He had been having
weekly walks with Norman for his last 10 years of

Anyway, that was my little Eureka of the evening.
Not much I'm sure, but I thought it was interesting,
or something curious at least in terms of random
access / the temporal sieve / etc..

I know this happens all the time, but I just thought
this one was a little better than usual.
The last good one I had, was when I did the painting
with the Hermandades characters. I rented 5 movies
that weekend and 3 of them had the hermandades or similiar figures
in them completely by chance.. what's interesting
about that is that the hermandades figure is related
to a counterreaction within catholicism against protestant
reactions to Catholicism's fetishism of the image..
The Hermandades are in fact a kind of 'hyperfetish'..
This also directly relates to Gothick Institutions
where he talks about a liberation from the image, through
the image, which is exactly what I was trying to convey
more or less, with my appropriation of these hyperfetish

anyway best to all..
your tie-dyed Cladesmum

here's one i wrote @ po project toonight

2005-10-27 Thread Steve Dalachinsky
back to body
bag of wishes in yer red
a moody verb
warmly hatched like a bower

hair is a frustrated foggy dungeon
yer eyes can't see thru
the relatives gather by the sea to
eat tomatos
tuxed up on top like a wedding
naked on the bottom
into the sensitive horizon

here yer personality's trapped
within a cripple's

shellac(k)ed icons
framed gloves of a cynic
a comic &
the one who blesses
a nervous book of plummage
turned emergent

yer bottle of fruit downs the hatchet
that you wear inside yer mouth
peroxided railstrapped mugger
rejected by the conjurer
devalued by a trip around the day's events

a summer that never ends
as a summer never begun
eros balleting w/a bull around a round/table
turning like a globe

if i were a statue (atlas)
i would not be shaking my foot
so much
if i were not shaking my foot
so much
i could have been a statue

if i were a moocher
i would act more like a stationary
than a foot shaker
easier, i think
to fool
then catch my prey
that way.

   steve dalachinsky  nyc @ poetry project & @ home