
2005-12-17 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
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2005-12-17 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
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my great good blog

2005-12-17 Thread Allen Bramhall

That high, Allen! Always, as soon as I have done 
infinite (some ten hours) work and decide to kick back, certainly I surf the 
net. Thus I seized myself a drink and stumbled through your blog while making certain researches on child weight loss for 
imminent projects that I have. That spouts out even if this lumbering is not what I really seek. I enjoy lighting your 
blogs. Yours make a large work and continuously request good work. I can very 
much say DISTORTION, Allen, is SPEED. Other half and more can be obtained behind 
our put upon friends (good put upon friends). I need an enormous rupture. I mean 
rapture. I work with this project now, it is based on celebrity weight loss. I 
was literally on line for 2-3 hours making this research. Even if this lumbering is really not on the same page as celebrity weight 
loss, I am certainly happy I came through to your blogs. It is a ton of large 
points for this blog. The well thinks the scatologies 
here, the kids that gridiron in the precedents. The 
lottos of people do not maintain their blog aches ; ). 
there (deferred) is some very interesting point of sight declared here. In any 
event I will seize the bull of horns and will continue to stop child weight 
loss. Capetown could not see that! Work anchors large. 
Hey Allen. Blog much of malevolence, which I hardly 
obtained inside washing and the will literature of my 
truck. My child corrects me 2 hours into any event. Thus I settle at the bottom 
of my scantinesses and start certainly to do one prehistoric surfing. In any event, people are on course to 
seize my license. I spent the last 6 months seeking the 
image of weight loss. In the medium of my surfing, I landed smack in the means 
of yours blog. I hope you did not think I was intruding but I must say that it 
is large blog. Even if this lumbering is direction out 
of basic image of loss, I found weight cruising through your blog files for the 
last Kora :0). I have some pleasant friends blogging. In any event, I must obtain again my mission. It 
spouts certainly out of this blog that is not approximately Fahrenheit weight 
loss. What the heck! I guess that the Internet can play some tricks sometimes 
there. I was online for two hours seeking weight loss and came falling through 
your blog. I LIKE It! I needed in any event a rupture of Fahrenheit weight loss 
: -). If not so occupied I desired to add your blog to my list of favourites so 
I can return later and light a little more wrapping paper. The conjectures that 
well should obtain new weight loss. Even if my research is not on this 
lumbering, I am happy I came through your blog. Conservation blogging! 

Re: Feingold Beats Bush In Patriot Act Fight (fwd)

2005-12-17 Thread Gerald Schwartz

Watched it all, gavel to gavel:
a green sprig coming it was.

Feingold + NY Times piece ('bove the fold) = 1, 2 punch...

wishing now for a TKO

Gerald S.

Feingold Beats Bush In Patriot Act Fight

John Nichols
Posted 12/16/2005 @ 3:19pm

Four years ago, U.S. Senator Russ Feingold distinguished
himself as the Senate's premier defender of the
Constitution, when he cast the chamber's sole vote
against enactment of the Patriot Act. As a time when
every other senator -- even liberal Democrats with long
records of championing the Bill of Rights -- joined the
post-September 11 rush to curtail basic liberties,
Feingold stood alone in defense of the principle that it
was possible to combat terrorism and protect the rights
of Americans.

But Feingold no longer stands alone. On Friday, he led a
bipartisan group of senators that successfully blocked
the administration's concerted effort to renew the
Patriot Act in a form that maintains its most abusive
components. A move by Republican leaders of the Senate
to prevent Feingold from mounting a filibuster fell
seven votes short of the number needed. A remarkable 47
senators -- including Democrats and Republicans --
backed the Wisconsin Democrat's stance. That's far more
than the 40 needed to prevent a filibuster, and it means
that Feingold now heads a coalition that should be able
to force significant changes in the Patriot Act before
the December 31 deadline for its renewal.

The Senate coalition that the maverick senator has
assembled is made up of members from across the
political spectrum -- from Massachusetts Democrat Ted
Kennedy, the dean of Senate liberals, to Idaho
Republican Larry Craig, one of the chamber's most right-
wing members -- who have joined Feingold in calling for
reform of the Patriot Act.

This coalition did not just form overnight.

It is the result of four years of hard work by Feingold
and others who recognized that the fight to fix the
Patriot Act would have to be a long-term struggle.

Some members of Congress were swayed by Feingold's
constant pressure on Patriot Act issues, and by the fact
that the senator was easily reelected in 2004 after a
campaign in which he highlighted his opposition to the
measure and his concern for the Constitution.

Others were influenced by the diligent efforts of U.S.
Representative Bernie Sanders, I-Vermont, and his allies
in organizations of librarians and independent
booksellers, who campaigned for three years to alert
Americans to the fact that the Patriot Act allowed
federal agents to collect information on the reading
habits of law-abiding citizens.

Others, still, were convinced by the success that the
Bill of Rights Defense Committee had in getting seven
states and close to 400 communities across the country
to go on record expressing concern about the damage done
by the Patriot Act to Constitutional protections against
illegal searches and other abuses.

So popular did the movement to fix the legislation
become that this week, with the December 31 deadline for
reauthorizing the Patriot Act looming, the Bush
administration and its Congressional allies were forced
to use a backdoor maneuver to thwart reforms that had
been unanimously agreed to by the Senate. A conference
committee report that was supposed to reconcile the
Senate and House versions of the reauthorization measure
instead was turned into a vehicle to maintain the most
controversial and unpopular components of the Act.

The White House and its Congressional allies thought
they could secure reauthorization of the act in a form
that allowed the Justice Department and other federal
agencies to continue running roughshod over the Bill of
Rights by bringing the measure up on the eve of the
Holiday recess and then spinning up the usual
hyperventilated talk about how it is necessary to crush
the Constitution in order to keep the American people

The maneuver worked in the House, where the report was
approved Wednesday by a 251-174 vote. (The
administration won that vote only because 44 Democrats,
including Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, D-Maryland,
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chair Rahm
Emanuel and Ben Cardin, a candidate for Maryland's open
Senate seat in 2006 -- voted with the vast majority of
House Republicans for a measure that the American Civil
Liberties Union condemned as lacking "needed safeguards
to protect the privacy and constitutional freedoms of
innocent Americans.")

But, even as the House fell in line with the
administration's scheme, Feingold refused to back down.
He met the White House onslaught with a promise to do
everything in his power to block reauthorization of the
act in a form that does not sufficiently address
concerns about federal agencies entering the homes of
citizens of innocent Americans, reviewing library and
medical records as part of "fishing expeditions" and
secretly subpoenaing information without following
standard legal procedures.


Mysterious carnivore discovered in Borneo's forests

2005-12-17 Thread phanero

06 Dec 2005
Gland, Switzerland - WWF researchers may have discovered a new, mysterious 
carnivore species in the dense, central
forests of Borneo.

The animal, a mammal slightly larger than a domestic cat with dark red fur and 
a long, bushy tail, was photographed
twice by a camera trap at night. This could be the first time in more than a 
century that a new carnivore has been
discovered on the island.

However, WWF researchers have not yet established whether this is an entirely 
new species or if it is a new species of
marten or civet cat, which looks like a cross between a cat and a fox.

a little more@

Re: dopamine

2005-12-17 Thread Vernon Frazer
  HI Bob     You rmessage just vanished when I tried to reply a moment ago, so I'm responding to the parts I remember the best.     A fair number of our greatest writers have been bipolar. My diagnosis 11 years ago   taught me the influence brain chemistry has on creativity. Writing isn't easy, so we have to use anything that gives us an edge.     I'm flattered that you compare my work to Zukofksy and Coolidge. I think my link to them lies in the musicality I try to infuse into my language. If I can't hear or feel the music in the phrases, I don't feel what I do is working the way it should.     Best,     Vernon   __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Re: Mysterious carnivore discovered in Borneo's forests

2005-12-17 Thread mIEKAL aND

I've never seen them, but an occasion pine marten can still be
spotted around here, but they are pretty rare.


On Dec 17, 2005, at 9:34 AM, phanero wrote:

06 Dec 2005
Gland, Switzerland - WWF researchers may have discovered a new,
mysterious carnivore species in the dense, central
forests of Borneo.

The animal, a mammal slightly larger than a domestic cat with dark
red fur and a long, bushy tail, was photographed
twice by a camera trap at night. This could be the first time in
more than a century that a new carnivore has been
discovered on the island.

However, WWF researchers have not yet established whether this is
an entirely new species or if it is a new species of
marten or civet cat, which looks like a cross between a cat and a fox.

a little more@

Re: dopamine

2005-12-17 Thread mIEKAL aND

On Dec 17, 2005, at 9:43 AM, Vernon Frazer wrote:

HI Bob

You rmessage just vanished when I tried to reply a moment ago, so
I'm responding to the parts I remember the best.

A fair number of our greatest writers have been bipolar. My
diagnosis 11 years ago
taught me the influence brain chemistry has on creativity. Writing
isn't easy, so we have to use anything that gives us an edge.

I'm curious what edge your bipolarity gives you?

chiral enantia of unda hydo

2005-12-17 Thread phanero



in her venerable youth she lay

polluted with innocence
   an immortal urn

- would siphon
  (as typhon-murmurant-pythia)

a new air

   borne on teeming effigies
in a turgor
 of orgiastic

a thigmotropism


 she would envessel

the mascot emptiness

 (as korukos-murmurant-typhein)

 string its
  porous memory

through tribes

of  wit-flecked

which only now
 [supple hand of coral]
another parijata resting
   shifts the sphere

!o swooning urisip sykos ornithodoros mixture!

to reflect an other multitude
 (as parikara-murmurant-saranagati)

a sac wherein a totem
   of bent molecule
once [and ever after]

  like a maid of corinth

   took up the tracing of shadows

took up the gilded nebulae
   of thermonasties


to enfeat the brocade of silences

now holey in its blind adoration

   of the trumpet of auxeos
the archon of euskaryon
  (as dimple-giggle-scribble)

and links to the once placid dæl
where she wandered


(as strangeness-murmurant-meta)

Re: dopamine

2005-12-17 Thread phanero

prolly shudn buh i don mine tokkin bou my brainproblems

I was diagnosed in 1989 w/ schitzo-affective disorder..
straight jackets the whole bit.. padded cell.. yup.
I took tha mufuh sherlock pipe and bopped him upside the hed..
doctorbitch i says, i got ontogenesis, i got perfume bottle engine trouble,
i got telepathic emblematic hierarchonologies of amorphous lava-angels
sacrificing meat emblems in microwave altars tuned to brain-scrambling 
i got jellyfish in muh kookoo clock, and coconuts in my bat-skull belfries
albino coconuts with television nipple-chords
i got elementals having orgies in my external rectum-mall..
schitzo-sht.. Ana l'haqq mufuh..  my voodoo john henry ialdabaoth
will cut an emerald chogie through your boohoo socio-telo-marawarp lickety split
i gotz a crown of laserthorns and i eats mufuh snails and nails fo dinna
i done red loves body by age of twelve and shattin all manner
uh monstrous toopies and getalong dangleruses i done shat out
all the images any hick poet ever did just like old skinny stick burroughs
and his pokey-pokey hero-whine

but then i was sick.. hearing voices ..i read morgenthalers book on smart drugs
began ta dosin.. yessiree i was dosin on some fine german piracetam
etc.. might as well stuff straw in a bozo head.. nuthin works
still crazy as a damn bedbug.. now im thinkin ill get me a ouija
board and set deamons loos on the lot of ya!! yeehiii demon rodeo..
ride that 4-faced avatar to hell you mother theresa slasher flick glass cowhorn 
sodomizing cheddar charlie chan androids with pink ricotta and chiasmus chianti
w stinky cheeez

I'll tell you what edge schitzo-affecty gets ya.. its gets ya a double ginza 
serrated edge
a microfine crystalline ceramic scimitar of hyperfine angstrom slash


and a lot of spooky nights muttering alone listening to 'beings' waiting 
praying for another wave of normalcy
to hit, so you can put your pants on and do your friggin hangin by your teeth 

using yoga mindtricks too.. the whole colored thoughts scheme

all i have to take now though is some chinese herbs and lots of b-vitamins
tons of water.. water is the main thing.. and limit the caffeine (big problem)
it sucks. you look to metaphors for comfort.. things like schrodinger's work 
with unstable harmonic matter
or whatever.. just something that makes you think being crazy is somehow good
you look to matter itself.. the archive.. get a crutch and milk some mulch

sorry to butt in.
but hellzapoppin

Re: dopamine

2005-12-17 Thread brueckl100

I can't say for sure what edge, if any, I have from being diagnosed as bi-polar 
II, especially since I also have an obsessive-compulsive disorder, which has 
been far more painful and destructive in my life.  I also have never published 
a book of poems.  No edge there.  So the "edge" might be only in somehow being 
able to more easily ignite my thoughts when I am experiencing a natural HIGH, 
and an ability (or disability) in being able to feel more deeply when in a 
depressed state.  One is more delicate and elegant, dare I say?

"We of the craft are all crazy," remarked Lord Byron about himself and his 
fellow poets.  "Some are affected with gaiety, others by melancholy, but all 
are more or less touched."

I recommend a book called TOUCHED BY FIRE:  Manic-Depressive (bi-polar) Illness 
& the Artistic Temperament, by Kay Redfield Jamison.  It is available in 
paperback, and used copies are available for under $5 dollars at Amazon.  About 
100 customer comments at Amazon will also definitely let you know whether you 
would want to read the book or not.

Bob BrueckL

Date: Sat Dec 17 09:47:05 CST 2005
Subject: Re: dopamine

On Dec 17, 2005, at 9:43 AM, Vernon Frazer wrote:

> HI Bob
> You rmessage just vanished when I tried to reply a moment ago, so
> I'm responding to the parts I remember the best.
> A fair number of our greatest writers have been bipolar. My
> diagnosis 11 years ago
> taught me the influence brain chemistry has on creativity. Writing
> isn't easy, so we have to use anything that gives us an edge.

I'm curious what edge your bipolarity gives you?


2005-12-17 Thread Alan Sondheim



sin(tan(x)) or tan(tan(x)) never fail to excite my imagination as these
simplest of functions tend towards machinic limits in graphic calculation;
there's no end to 'em but there's always an end to 'em dependent on the
machine/algorithm. i suppose the calculation could be carried out
indefinitely just like the raster here supported from 20-400 could be
downed to the pixel, but then what? everything else is either force or
averaging. one's caught in the usual digital trap, that what is of
interest must be evidenced within a bandwidth that most likely has little
relation to what's of interest. the bars keep information out, peripheral
or problematic information, troubling information, alterity. w/in these
images/imaginaries, nothing more than that, alterity comes back, corrodes,
with a vengeance, but not really; the merging of the two produces beauty
which is always the case.

Patina Of Democracy Designed To Intensify Violence

2005-12-17 Thread JBCM2
 Click here: The Assassinated Press 

What's at Stake in Iraq's Elections:
Elections Should Bring Civil War Into Sharper Focus:
Patina Of Democracy Designed To Intensify Violence.
Oh What A Tangled Web: Elections Compound Lies About Reasons For Invading Iraq---Lube 18:35


They hang the man and flog the woman
That steal the goose from off the common,
But let the greater villain loose
That steals the common from the goose. 

".at a time when I am speaking to you about the paradox of desire -- in the 
sense that different goods obscure it -- you can hear outside the awful language
of power.  There's no point in asking whether they are sincere or hypocritical, 
whether they want peace of whether they calculate the risks.  The dominating 
impression as such a moment is that something that may pass for a prescribed
good; information addresses and captures impotent crowds to whom it is poured 
forth like a liquor that leaves them dazed as they move toward the slaughter house.  
One might even ask if one would allow the cataclysm to occur without first giving
free reign to this hubbub of voices"

NEW [N]+Semble MP3 Album

2005-12-17 Thread Talan Memmott

Blue Node // [N]+Semble

Seven, count 'em seven new tracks from [N]+Semble.

A little jazzier than the previous album, PulpCycle.



Re: NEW [N]+Semble MP3 Album

2005-12-17 Thread phanero

well, lounge lizards or medesky martin wood it aint
but i kinda like the spacey organ sounding ones
you ever think of doing something a little more korla pandit
it needs a little more Korla Pandit i think,
or maybe KP by way of Conlon Nancarrow
then rub in some Chaino.. then i think.. (just kidding)..
I'll throw it in the rotation.. :)

you like KP?


- Original Message -
From: "Talan Memmott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 12:31 PM
Subject: NEW [N]+Semble MP3 Album

Blue Node // [N]+Semble

Seven, count 'em seven new tracks from [N]+Semble.

A little jazzier than the previous album, PulpCycle.



Re: NEW [N]+Semble MP3 Album

2005-12-17 Thread phanero

you heard the Lesser + Kid 606 stuff? that track Catnap (speaking of people
that is hot.. (to me) the track hydrophycyclic feels like your coming in fast 
over mos eisely in a sky ambulance
OW.. that is HOD.. catnap is pure bootytremor, its all booty:

Kid 606 is one of the pseudonyms of 19-year-old Michael Trost Depedro, a 
nine-fingered electronic musician living in San
Diego, with releases on the Vinyl Communications imprint. His styles range from 
abstract Merzbow-like noise and digital
ramblings through obnoxious hardcore/gabber, grating techno, media-error FX, 
the occasional fucked beat/break
combination, and, more often than not, combining most of the above in one track. He 
attributes the diversity "to
something like musical multiple personality disorder or creative short attention 

While the music suggests a repressed individual exploding cathartically, the Kid 
stresses he is "a really nice guy,
addicted to diet soda and Miami bass, with an obsession over Opposite of Sex-era 
Christina Ricci." His first release,
Don't Sweat the Technics, was a 70-minute excursion delving into diverse 
expressions of audio-fuckery. Glimpses of
gabber, abstract noise, and digital mucking about all come through, incredibly 
noisy and obnoxious, yet almost hypnotic.
Nothing is spared the treatment, not even a cheeky department store advert for 
a teen fashion show. Taken as a whole,
the Kid seems to be way ahead of himself on this one. The music evokes the 
bizarre feeling that you've caught a glimpse
of future nostalgia.

The music is from the 21st century (not so far off anymore), yet viewed from 
the perspective of a music historian of an
even later time. It's like catching a glimpse of the degradation of a CD-R of 
mind-blowing music from the future, with
the sonic glitches and drop-outs not being intentional but part of the decay 
process over the years. Confusing. His
other two releases, one split CD each with labelmates Lesser ("my 
bandmate/mentor/best friend") and Omnibot , are
outward extensions of what's found on his first release. The LSR/KID-606 CD 
travels a more pounding, rhythmic route,
whereas the Omnibot release, ("not my most inspired moments, some from when I was 
16"), while keeping with an aggressive
rhythm, travels a harsher, crunchier route, and ends in a cacophony of white 
noise. Kid 606, a.k.a. Tigerboy, Scsi Bear,
Ariel, Compact Digital Audio, and 1/3 of Disc with Matmos and Jay Lesser, is 
set to unleash a bunch of new tracks and
remixes for labels Vinyl Communications, Alien8, and more . The Kid was nice 
enough to engage in an interview via email
with Grooves.

Grooves: Wassup with the titling on your releases? They seem to be really 

Kid 606: Absolutely, most definitely. I get all personal with song titles, 
because if I wrote poetry, I would feel
extremely troubled! I am very sensitive, and to quote the Big Worm (who was the 
big fat drug dealer/ice cream truck
driver) from Ice Cube's marvelous epic movie Friday, "I don't like people messing 
with my emotions." Pretty much the
only way I know of venting or at least thinking I am getting something off my 
chest is by getting all Bukowski on the
song titles. All my song titles are about experiences and mainly about being 
young (and dumb!) and weird relationships.
I also like them to not ever have a chance of showing up on another artist's 
record, especially since I am super against
different artists using song titles over and over again (examples: "lies," "fire," "pain," 
"despair," "red," "love"),

Grooves: Are you trying to excise demons with tracks like "Fuck off Sarah" or 
trying to convey a message/emotion, or am
I reading way too deep?

Kid 606: You can definitely never read too deep into any song title or liner 
note on anything I do. Lots of musicians
just use random things and expect or hope people to attach meaning to them or 
have it just be vague, but absolutely
everything I do has intricately planned and carefully placed messages or 
emotions I am trying to convey. I kind of think
I get way too obsessive about it and am weirding out people (definitely 
myself!), but I am pretty sure most listeners
don't even notice or care. It's also a comment on how electronic music has 
almost done away with the need for song
titles, and they might as well be numbers that carry no meaning to people and 
just signify the order which they are in.
I feel rebellious having a song title that has deep personal meaning when the 
music is just me trying to figure out how
to make a beat sound as fucked as possible and have no bassline or something. I 
have had people tell me that think a
certain song title means something to them or they think it is really funny 
every now and then, but I hear from a bunch
of people that say they listen the CD a lot but don't even pay attention to 
song titles because they think they are
unnecessary in electronic music.

Grooves: What's your view on recent electronic music?

Kid 606: 

Re: NEW [N]+Semble MP3 Album

2005-12-17 Thread Talan Memmott

well, lounge lizards or medesky martin wood it aint


but i kinda like the spacey organ sounding ones


you ever think of doing something a little more korla pandit


you like KP?



most times


hardly ever

Re: NEW [N]+Semble MP3 Album

2005-12-17 Thread Talan Memmott

I like some of this stuff... but it is kind of all over the place... I
mean, my students all try to do this kind of stuff... they think it's

On Sat, 17 Dec 2005 17:38:07 -0800
 phanero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

you heard the Lesser + Kid 606 stuff? that track Catnap (speaking of
that is hot.. (to me) the track hydrophycyclic feels like your coming
in fast over mos eisely in a sky ambulance
OW.. that is HOD.. catnap is pure bootytremor, its all booty:

Kid 606 is one of the pseudonyms of 19-year-old Michael Trost
Depedro, a nine-fingered electronic musician living in San
Diego, with releases on the Vinyl Communications imprint. His styles
range from abstract Merzbow-like noise and digital
ramblings through obnoxious hardcore/gabber, grating techno,
media-error FX, the occasional fucked beat/break
combination, and, more often than not, combining most of the above in
one track. He attributes the diversity "to
something like musical multiple personality disorder or creative
short attention span."

While the music suggests a repressed individual exploding
cathartically, the Kid stresses he is "a really nice guy,
addicted to diet soda and Miami bass, with an obsession over Opposite
of Sex-era Christina Ricci." His first release,
Don't Sweat the Technics, was a 70-minute excursion delving into
diverse expressions of audio-fuckery. Glimpses of
gabber, abstract noise, and digital mucking about all come through,
incredibly noisy and obnoxious, yet almost hypnotic.
Nothing is spared the treatment, not even a cheeky department store
advert for a teen fashion show. Taken as a whole,
the Kid seems to be way ahead of himself on this one. The music
evokes the bizarre feeling that you've caught a glimpse
of future nostalgia.

The music is from the 21st century (not so far off anymore), yet
viewed from the perspective of a music historian of an
even later time. It's like catching a glimpse of the degradation of a
CD-R of mind-blowing music from the future, with
the sonic glitches and drop-outs not being intentional but part of
the decay process over the years. Confusing. His
other two releases, one split CD each with labelmates Lesser ("my
bandmate/mentor/best friend") and Omnibot , are
outward extensions of what's found on his first release. The
LSR/KID-606 CD travels a more pounding, rhythmic route,
whereas the Omnibot release, ("not my most inspired moments, some
from when I was 16"), while keeping with an aggressive
rhythm, travels a harsher, crunchier route, and ends in a cacophony
of white noise. Kid 606, a.k.a. Tigerboy, Scsi Bear,
Ariel, Compact Digital Audio, and 1/3 of Disc with Matmos and Jay
Lesser, is set to unleash a bunch of new tracks and
remixes for labels Vinyl Communications, Alien8, and more . The Kid
was nice enough to engage in an interview via email
with Grooves.

Grooves: Wassup with the titling on your releases? They seem to be
really personal.

Kid 606: Absolutely, most definitely. I get all personal with song
titles, because if I wrote poetry, I would feel
extremely troubled! I am very sensitive, and to quote the Big Worm
(who was the big fat drug dealer/ice cream truck
driver) from Ice Cube's marvelous epic movie Friday, "I don't like
people messing with my emotions." Pretty much the
only way I know of venting or at least thinking I am getting
something off my chest is by getting all Bukowski on the
song titles. All my song titles are about experiences and mainly
about being young (and dumb!) and weird relationships.
I also like them to not ever have a chance of showing up on another
artist's record, especially since I am super against
different artists using song titles over and over again (examples:
"lies," "fire," "pain," "despair," "red," "love"),

Grooves: Are you trying to excise demons with tracks like "Fuck off
Sarah" or trying to convey a message/emotion, or am
I reading way too deep?

Kid 606: You can definitely never read too deep into any song title
or liner note on anything I do. Lots of musicians
just use random things and expect or hope people to attach meaning to
them or have it just be vague, but absolutely
everything I do has intricately planned and carefully placed messages
or emotions I am trying to convey. I kind of think
I get way too obsessive about it and am weirding out people
(definitely myself!), but I am pretty sure most listeners
don't even notice or care. It's also a comment on how electronic
music has almost done away with the need for song
titles, and they might as well be numbers that carry no meaning to
people and just signify the order which they are in.
I feel rebellious having a song title that has deep personal meaning
when the music is just me trying to figure out how
to make a beat sound as fucked as possible and have no bassline or
something. I have had people tell me that think a
certain song title means something to them or they think it is really
funny every now and then, but I hear from a bunch
of people that say they listen

girlballoon cult hit classic

2005-12-17 Thread Alan Sondheim

girlballoon cult hit classic

http://www.asondheim.org/girlballoon.mp4 22mgs

just in time for the holiday season
ties white zombies and the carousel of souls
come one and all
such festive spirits this time of year
jingle bells.

Re: [_arc.hive_] NEW [N]+Semble MP3 Album

2005-12-17 Thread Alan Sondheim

You're taking on BlueNote here, was just listening to Herbie Hancock DVD
the other day, incredible stuff, this fits right in, thought the 4/4 would
remain really appreciated the waltztime although wondered about the
calliope effect or what I read as such - btw if you have any comments on
the mp3s I've put up wd be glad to hear them - curious about the
instrumentation you're referencing - this is so fucking sophisticated -
clean - brings back memories of Downbeat magazine, that's still going but
it's lost the edge from the Jones' Applecores days - anyway - you've even
got the snare/hihat in there w/ the echo & that high flute - cool or even
cold version of Mingus - then again I love the being-there of jazz, the
_body_ of it, the real-time edge to it - can't stand those latenight
talkshow bands - Paul Shaffer - all this cymbal work - there's an odd
repression to at least the bands I've listened to - keeping the equalizer
even-paced - I miss Cherry, Pharoah Sanders - that fucking dates me - well
I used to go walking thru Cabbagetown - this is the revised edition -
after the new money moved in - where's Walker Evans when we need him -
there's an existential aspect to the being-outside-of-time in these peaces
- that's cresendos and diminuendos as if there were solos - but then more
- coming in - Ascension on quaaludes to the incandescent power (The Ogre)
- tuned in tuned down - one of the problems I've got w/ digital - there's
no noyz boyz - no string buzz cough breath errors - don't know if you
listened to the Track stuff I've got up - it's all that - noyz of acoustic
guitar - buzz/ - errors - strin/g slippage - hammer on w/ nail click -
times you can hardly here the cords - alway/s had a problem w/ vibraphone
btw - played xylophone at 1 point - again that hammer sound - vp takes it
all out - anyway - west coast jazz - cool jazz - continuous transmutation
of form - wonder about the beat - the 4/4/4 the most part but then I'm
tired of breathing that way - prefer the 1/1 of fast new music - which can
go to X/Y or any such - depends and usually doesn't - or nothing - when
Ayler and friends loosen out into that boundary no-man's no-woman's either
between open/close statements - lost in the bridge of infinitude -
infinite speedup sends it Coleman or sum such - those fast riffs all
orderly - I'm always wondering about beauty - that split in yr work -
between the scratch-lexture and the cool jazz stuff - prefer the chalk but
that's the annihilation/apocalypse in me talking - these are unutterably
beautiful - alan

On Sat, 17 Dec 2005, Talan Memmott wrote:

Blue Node // [N]+Semble

Seven, count 'em seven new tracks from [N]+Semble.

A little jazzier than the previous album, PulpCycle.



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