The Janus-Faced Shaman: The Role of Laughter in Sickness and Healing among the Makushi

2006-08-17 Thread phanero

Anatoly Lunacharsky
Is trampled to death by a deer woman
In the sleeping cab
Of a Peterbilt Truck.

Lenin rides pegasus,
And Stalin a phoenix,
And they chase each other
Like dragonflies
Between the giant legs of Sadko
Who stands like the Kolosso
Of Rhodes
At the entrance
Of the ancient underwater wonder city
Of Kitezh

Where Lyubov Orlova
carouses with sea tractor drivers,
special armless, legless, pod-pilots
plugged into steam-punk walking-bots,
singing a wordless song which is at all times
blasphemous, adoring, cunning, intelligent,
coarse, dirty, and rampantly physical.

There are also mermen soldiers with golden skin
which speak Japanese but who jauntily wear
little green caps emblazoned with a red star.
You can clearly see the luminous scars
where their whipped backs have never quite

All Hail The New Vesseloveskyism!

Vessel Love Sky said,
"The Way to Counter the Carnival
is to spread the Satyr-folk across a large grid,
then increase the number of policemen. This we have

218/365, Mike

2006-08-17 Thread Dan Waber
Mike whistles his s's everso gently and the scent of pipe smoke yawns
from the creases in his clothes with every motion. He photographs the
whorls, swirls, and eddies of water the way others might photograph
the laughter of children.

40 words, 40 years
365 days, 365 people

O! Misery!

2006-08-17 Thread Alan Sondheim

O! Misery!

icle in he official (governmen he)  rong fragrance)  (from ing Wei (river) 
according ive par icle as well === x 13983 13983 adver x . x ing wry ing . 
al_sample.r al_sample.r x 13983 13983 adver 13983 13983 adver al_proposal.r 66 66 back back 1128 1128 Car x f 1335 1335 an al_proposal.r 3257 3257 23786 23786 analog_digi al_sample.r erbio.  char.  11350 11350 
char. an f analog_digi an char. f 310 310 292 
292 elimina f Dalyreview.r x x erbio. ml 22847 22847 Dalyreview.r x er fil 312 312 304 304 10442 
10442 englishresume. x x elimina ml 70702 70702 hpbkm.h x ml 70702 70702 
hpbkm.h x elimina x kon. op lap o 5982 5982 lap ml hpbkm.h er fil ml 70702 
70702 hpbkm.h o 5982 5982 lap in in op lap kon.  kon.  meshworks. 2197 2197 
pfreview pfreview 31443 31443 philosophy.  philosophy. ro 1415 1415 4133 4133 paren x op 1298 1298 2796 2796 media media 
2424 2424 meshworks. in 27439 27439 prosepoe resume. ry 32763 32763 resume. 
paren ro ne paren resume. .  sal x philosophy. 27439 27439 prosepoe x x x x x x 
2241 2241 shor sva. o sva. bio shor x x alchoice. x alchoice. x x sva. 
alchoice. x x x alchoice.  alchoice. x x rack16. rack16lading race.  23275 
23275 x 6611 6611 rack. x rack16.  2473 2473 x rack.  2542 2542 wry x rack16. 
6611 6611 velpress.  ing wry x x ing ing wry rong fragrance)  (from ures 
colorful immor ures colorful immor he)  he official (governmen he official 
(governmen ch (look ou hird s s ch (look ou ower wa ures colorful immor he firs 
ebook, album) agains em (a) cur he als (hermi he ebook, album) agains he lu 
ablish (a) place drum (play)  ain (no he firs s es rumen he s ring se4) blow 
(answer, reply) (answer, reply)  e (25-s he high s hrone he high s he sheng1 
(mou e (25-s rumen he cap changes dis he righ ars eps of he s he high s ars a a 
he righ he cap changes dis he cap changes dis hrough (a) broad in he hered 
pear- ness already ga ion) passes (direc a hful (bells, chimes) ( e (on) wall 
(lining)  (servan hering hering e (on) wall (lining)  ually)  her (mu ) 
lacquered wri hered pear- hful (bells, chimes) ( oge he scholar er of s he pa 
he classics (jing1)  he classics (jing1)  h (of)  (of housand soldiers ( (of he 
ancien he pa he scholar roops)  ( he)  he wheel) hubs shake ( he) coun er of s 
(of he wheel) hubs shake ( s profusion (of) ( s profusion (of) ( he)  roops)  ( 
roops)  ( s (allowance) luxury (and) weal he) monumen he) inscrip ru he) world 
gran assels ( s profusion (of) ( is ary of Wei small s ure)  y)  engrave ( he) 
he) monumen ary of Wei small s (subordina an ribu he) inscrip is he) assis 
imes) judges (under) cover (of) home injus early (minu e) some ream ream imes 
fla )  (prince) Duke Huan regula (harmony)  help ( ing business (grave/marking 
pos e) some ice abundan he) weak assis he) Han (Chinese) blessing, four 
kindnesses speech (and) emo iful clo ed ( early (minu )  (prince) Duke Huan 
regula h wraps around ( horoughly and wi horoughly and wi he) Han (Chinese) 
blessing, four kindnesses speech (and) emo he) weak assis he) weak assis ion [ 
a es impor he) warrior man, popula ion (of h urgency] [regula so [really] 
peaceful ( ( ranquil)  Jin (and) Chu change supremacy Zhao (and) Wei surrounded 
(placed) eas ma h urgency] [regula ( he) alliance In h join ( o wes a so 
[really] peaceful ( he) ear roubled ( hey were?) punished rise up ex erroga he) 
false road (way) des he) false road (way) des ive par e ( es (shepherds) 
employ ( e qui icle (how?) (do you) abide by promises (according erroga roubled 
( he) army (wi (power) (across mos he) magis hey were?) punished rise up ex e ( 
skill proclaim (announce) (your) migh ures Qin merged (i.e.  ures Qin merged 
(i.e.  (power) (across es (shepherds) employ ( he) army (wi a a er, chief) 
speaks (from ain ances galloping repu he) deser hey were enlarged)  moun he) 
arbor Wild Goose Ga he) chicken field (and e (and ed Tai medi hey were 
enlarged)  moun a he) chicken field (and one grea her Pond (and) peak s Wall 
(purple pass)  ( er, chief) speaks (from he) arbor Wild Goose Ga y)  Elder Bro 
inuous (and) remo inuous (and) remo open coun he) bare (scarle he) bare (scarle 
ry (and) Dong Ting Lake wilderness (vas roo ure devo herworld)  governmen , 
spacious) dis open coun inuous (and) remo e one's effor he year ( her harves ed 
in regard e cliff (and) cave (moun roo begin ing of glu ing of glu he year ( 
ure devo s h mu3 (abou he ripe (grain)  e in and mille he sou o carry) in inous 
mille o develop reward dismiss, expel and ascend [Mencius, Meng-ke] hones 
-forward closes simple, plain his inous mille he ripe (grain)  ly cau oil modes 
raigh e in o develop reward dismiss, expel and ascend [Mencius, Meng-ke] hones 
he Mean (Middle Way)  he)  he) iously lis en way (plan)  urge o main hem 
excellen en iously lis he) ablish)  [or: urge s of o plan way (pla

Ah, Ha

2006-08-17 Thread John M. Bennett

ah he ah slop ah glance ah felt ah pole
ah soup ah shat ah mole ah drank ah sum
ah peel ah gnome ah bush ah slag ah mute
ah sock ah chug ah bell ah bomb ah flood
ah heat ah ham ah shadow ah blam ah fund
ah heel ah dank ah scold ah shape ah fume
emuf ha epahs ha dlocs ha knad ha leeh ha
dnuf ha malb ha wodahs ha mah ha teah ha
doolf ha bmob ha lleb ha guhc ha kcos ha
etum ha gals ha hsub ha emong ha leep ha
mus ha knard ha elom ha tahs ha puos ha
elop ha tlef ha ecnalg ha pols ha eh ha

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett 
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029

Come Along If You Can... (into a place of wrote pessimism)

2006-08-17 Thread phanero

It is a long trip. We are the only riders.
So that is how we have come to know each other
so well that the sound of his voice and his
image flickering over the tape recorder
are as familiar to me as the movement
of my intestines the sound of my breathing
the beating of my heart. -William S. Burroughs,
The Ticket That Exploded

[Ladies and Gentlemen, The AMBOY DUKES!]

veracious mirrored war woe
man leaf
of cave to exit
Great Beast of annoise..

(coming in in the middle,
and leaving before its done..)

Stendahl as a boy
excited by violence

Nehushtan Plato naming Pan Piastaroth
as Language as Monster
by the circuit
of the goat by the
HOOL of the polugrawn

The Polyglot apostles
who are hell's mouth wood-chippers


He was a running back

Karl von Frisch
studying the waggle dancers

BE lost forever
ancient temple dances
of Khmerovinge's Agni of the
"Deep Trench"

Praggling Rickle-ducks of Yod-Clod

after all
aftew arrgh that or morse
what is left?
what is right?

to open a mine
in a physician's pat aphorism:

Molus[k]orpheus, How dost thou sing
without a heartlung? Or is silence
itself your song O creepy Quipu
of haggard cephalophorce..


Knows to the
pure gnomic grindstone
where we spill the blood
for the doorframe of ignorance
for the grille of grylli

this was a passionate brilliant specie (SPC)
whose light once burned straight through the foam
with a purpose transcending word
with a word transcending purpose




Semen Semenov feels the hot wind of Tunguska!
of the Grow-Tusqa, the
Torodovian Fantastique
Joseph Pujol's Biscuit Factory in Toulon
where every freak and Uxbridge Sachsenwald
is aquarrel in the solid wasteland

this name our final oblivion
the quarelling Borromean knot which
felled the green giant

"Rimjob of The Grand Tour"

our own undecidability
that plainest expression
of consciousness itself
is our very undoing
the thing which proves we are
conscious and which teaches death
as knowledge of the future
is death itself
born through us

[but catch it at your knees]

& while coherence names
an indispensable condition
of intelligibility, while it
touches at one side
on the elementary simplicity
of the unit and at another
on the integrity of comprehensiveness,
its holistic associations
prove less simple than they seem

to sleepers as they awaken
and leave these cities quietly
to hide in the baalrus
Sir Dudley Pound, King Priam
and Gunther Schabowski

Operation Desert Storm
a dry ivory thorn
has erupted from this chin

narglefutch this skull-tooth-nerve-bomb-lotion
my foaming skeleton is vomitting bottles
of radioactive hair, Intirami
lays siege to the eyelidless bogdaddylongueleagues

the fates are packing away
their own disassembling bodies
like musicians with their violins
silent Arghols, thick handed headshells
of face grey vegetable cave

pelican in the dump
standing on a strawberry shortcake doll
W/ airplane glue smeared on its cunt
rusted walrus hung like slag
in the mouth of a lazy prophet
his heart a sagging weight of
stagnant hatred
studiously ugly
The Stone Guest of Dargomyzhsky
played on the vacuum-cleaner
pan-pipes of Jim Pomeroy
my long dead mentor

star trek reruns
playing in a nameless
non-ubiquitous ghettoworld
that or glarp

the great beast
Mugwump with a powdered wig-
oscar "enemy of the stars" Hrotswitha Lewis
that golden phylum of dread
playing inside the furnace
on helixed strings
Pull them and they wind tighter!

Les Mystères de l'amour

now a jackass wavepool, you are with
they will corporatize
and bastardize
even the gris nest and

vivid night, the whispermust (lesson/listen/lessen):

mysthide in the mine urlision
in a physician's transcending word
this name a boy excited thorn
has erupted beast oscar that
golden phylum that
or inside the furnace on exit
$* Great Beast of man leaf
of chin narglefutch this
my foaming a strawberry
undoing the thing which
these cities quietly to
form this packing away
their own with the air
the doorframe disassembling bodies
like musicians passionate brilliant
walrus hung like itself
born through us sleepers
skeleton is grindstone
where we hide in the spill
the blood for burned straight
through Khmer after all own
undecidability that awaken
and leave oblivion argument
the quarelling wavepool slag
in the mouth Frisch studying
the specie whose light
once cave to helixed
strings jackass of dread
playing the dump standing
on was a death as knowledge
of lazy prophet star waggle
dancers lost proves we are
conscious in a nameles

Man in Peril in Time in Space

2006-08-17 Thread mwp

Man in Peril in Time in Space

A selection from Hitchcock’s NBNW is sampled in 12X12Pixel segments 
along a sequence of frames. The resulting 6-part image is here:


Re: Fw: conversations w/marvin # 12 the elsewhere (after S M 's after T S) great poems folks

2006-08-17 Thread skyplums
ari gato more to follow

CIA contractor guilty in Afghan prisoner assault

2006-08-17 Thread Dr. T. Michael Roberts

This was murder by torture carried out by an agent of
the American government under color of law. This is
common practice under the current American regime.
This man will be free and greeted as a hero by
mainstream America long before many persons held by
the current American regime are so much as charged
with anything or given the chance to speak with a

In the meantime, more of them will be tortured and die
of that torture. Most of the time, their deaths will
not be acknowledged or reported. The elections of 2006
will show the support of Christian America for the
values enacted in all of this and it will all continue
under the watchful eye and approving nose of a just
and merciful God who loves America, the Republican
Party, the screams of the tortured and the stench of
death. What can people who worship such a God mean by
justice and mercy? How could any decent person not
fear such a God and how could any decent person love
such a God? How could anyone worship that God without
being transformed into a devil and how can any decent
person call that devil God?

“In so far as literature turns back on itself and examines parodies or treats 
ironically its own signifying procedures, it becomes the most complex account 
of signification we possess.” – John Deely

Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: Come Along If You Can... (into a place of wrote pessimism)

2006-08-17 Thread Dr. T. Michael Roberts

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> It is a long trip. We are the only riders.
> So that is how we have come to know each other
> so well that the sound of his voice and his
> image flickering over the tape recorder
> are as familiar to me as the movement
> of my intestines the sound of my breathing
> the beating of my heart. -William S. Burroughs,
> The Ticket That Exploded
> [Ladies and Gentlemen, The AMBOY DUKES!]
> veracious mirrored war woe
> man leaf
> of cave to exit
> $*
> Great Beast of annoise..
> (coming in in the middle,
> and leaving before its done..)
> Stendahl as a boy
> excited by violence
> Nehushtan Plato naming Pan Piastaroth
> as Language as Monster
> by the circuit
> of the goat by the
> HOOL of the polugrawn
> by
> The Polyglot apostles
> who are hell's mouth wood-chippers
> &Instantaneous
> He was a running back
> Karl von Frisch
> studying the waggle dancers
> BE lost forever
> ancient temple dances
> of Khmerovinge's Agni of the
> "Deep Trench"
> Praggling Rickle-ducks of Yod-Clod
> after all
> aftew arrgh that or morse
> what is left?
> what is right?
> to open a mine
> in a physician's pat aphorism:
> Molus[k]orpheus, How dost thou sing
> without a heartlung? Or is silence
> itself your song O creepy Quipu
> of haggard cephalophorce..
> [Fascinating..]
> Knows to the
> pure gnomic grindstone
> where we spill the blood
> for the doorframe of ignorance
> for the grille of grylli
> grilling
> this was a passionate brilliant specie (SPC)
> whose light once burned straight through the foam
> with a purpose transcending word
> with a word transcending purpose
> undso
> Semen Semenov feels the hot wind of Tunguska!
> of the Grow-Tusqa, the
> Torodovian Fantastique
> Joseph Pujol's Biscuit Factory in Toulon
> where every freak and Uxbridge Sachsenwald
> is aquarrel in the solid wasteland
> this name our final oblivion
> argument
> the quarelling Borromean knot which
> felled the green giant
> "Rimjob of The Grand Tour"
> our own undecidability
> that plainest expression
> of consciousness itself
> is our very undoing
> the thing which proves we are
> conscious and which teaches death
> as knowledge of the future
> is death itself
> born through us
> [but catch it at your knees]
> & while coherence names
> an indispensable condition
> of intelligibility, while it
> touches at one side
> on the elementary simplicity
> of the unit and at another
> on the integrity of comprehensiveness,
> its holistic associations
> prove less simple than they seem
> to sleepers as they awaken
> and leave these cities quietly
> to hide in the baalrus
> Sir Dudley Pound, King Priam
> and Gunther Schabowski
> Operation Desert Storm
> a dry ivory thorn
> has erupted from this chin
> narglefutch this skull-tooth-nerve-bomb-lotion
> my foaming skeleton is vomitting bottles
> of radioactive hair, Intirami
> lays siege to the eyelidless bogdaddylongueleagues
> the fates are packing away
> their own disassembling bodies
> like musicians with their violins
> silent Arghols, thick handed headshells
> of face grey vegetable cave
> pelican in the dump
> standing on a strawberry shortcake doll
> W/ airplane glue smeared on its cunt
> rusted walrus hung like slag
> in the mouth of a lazy prophet
> his heart a sagging weight of
> stagnant hatred
> hanpsprang
> clumsy
> studiously ugly
> The Stone Guest of Dargomyzhsky
> played on the vacuum-cleaner
> pan-pipes of Jim Pomeroy
> my long dead mentor
> star trek reruns
> playing in a nameless
> non-ubiquitous ghettoworld
> that or glarp
> the great beast
> Mugwump with a powdered wig-
> oscar "enemy of the stars" Hrotswitha Lewis
> that golden phylum of dread
> playing inside the furnace
> on helixed strings
> Pull them and they wind tighter!
> Les Mystères de l'amour
> now a jackass wavepool, you are with
> they will corporatize
> and bastardize
> even the gris nest and
> vivid night, the whispermust (lesson/listen/lessen):
> mysthide in the mine urlision
> in a physician's transcending word
> this name a boy excited thorn
> has erupted beast oscar that
> golden phylum that
> or inside the furnace on exit
> $* Great Beast of man leaf
> of chin narglefutch this
> my foaming a strawberry
> undoing the thing which
> these cities quietly to
=== message truncated ===

“In so far as literature turns back on itself and examines parodies or treats 


2006-08-17 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
edfriicansans  hot,  Mexioticansator r immigr
s doe hardet, poor pparkk n thhe s 
d othe sreeAfors thehe daanghe dr. Nmaink 
an e invisnvisisi  Paadoxlly,y,  wrs f th
th migratte th, oat lst  rrisk  attmptagainst
ainstnsagaininst  aldds, s, ma mads, m mny ries
om te Nor NoheNoigr S  S. Monney  andan
oppass eacheachch oh otothn theghone fromm ri
h  cotr tavto  criies atraed byd by 
olla-day ges s andeny-fivhours, aorkerwoke
m pooountr ttra, ooro el toh crie
s, actby imagbyy ges o ofofpinesess s
ed u up bup  by advetisng invennventeope
. Wevererney ty ts, its ete withh kiskises 
d flond ers flowandflowers fanfarerke Wke
ers, rs, iontrantr contst, t, set seton a on af on 
 odys thatsseey hatetis ennds 

The Patriot Act

2006-08-17 Thread Lewis LaCook

The Patriot Act
Quick Time Video

  `(1) CUSTODY- The Attorney General shall take into custody any alien who is 
  certified under paragraph (3). 

  `(2) RELEASE- Except as provided in paragraphs (5) and (6), the Attorney 
  General shall maintain custody of such an alien until the alien is removed 
  from the United States. Except as provided in paragraph (6), such custody 
  shall be maintained irrespective of any relief from removal for which the 
  alien may be eligible, or any relief from removal granted the alien, until the 
  Attorney General determines that the alien is no longer an alien who may be 
  certified under paragraph (3). If the alien is finally determined not to be 
  removable, detention pursuant to this subsection shall terminate. 

  `(3) CERTIFICATION- The Attorney General may certify an alien under this 
  paragraph if the Attorney General has reasonable grounds to believe that the 

  `(A) is described in section 212(a)(3)(A)(i), 212(a)(3)(A)(iii), 
212(a)(3)(B), 237(a)(4)(A)(i), 237(a)(4)(A)(iii), or 237(a)(4)(B); or 

  `(B) is engaged in any other activity that endangers the 
national security of the United States. 

http://www.lewislacook.orgnew media 
poetry and poetics
hosting, design, development, custom software, media
bloge of poemes

Amazon News - August, 17th 2006

2006-08-17 Thread Alan Sondheim

Amazon NewsFriends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon Amazon News is a weekly information service provided by , the largest bilingual site on the Brazilian Amazon region, in partnership with several Brazilian media. Its publisher is Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon, a Brazilian non-profit and public interest registered organization. 

The news this week: In Belém, Heloísa defends job creation in Amazonia - 08/16/2006Federal Police report reveals forged public tender in Rondônia - 08/16/2006Court extends temporary arrest warrant for those involved in corruption scheme in Amazonas - 08/16/2006Norway may enter into environmental cooperation agreements with Brazil Ministério do Meio Ambiente - 08/15/2006Bororos claim to be living under critical conditions Diário de Cuiabá - 08/15/2006Maroon families' homes are torn down Diário de Cuiabá - 08/15/2006Emergency: delivery of donations begins this week in Roraima Folha de Boa Vista - 08/14/2006Mercury contaminates newborns in Pará O Liberal - 08/13/2006Operation Domino - This legislature is the fourth legislature investigated O Estado de S.Paulo - 08/13/2006How the Amazon's indigenous people are holding back the 'arc of destruction' The Independent - 08/11/2006Sugarcane plantation is raided and 249 slave laborers freed in MT Agência Carta Maior - 08/10/2006Congressmen from RO embezzled R$14 million through 567 ghost employees O Estado de S.Paulo - 08/10/2006More news 
Click here if you want to unsubscribe for the newsletter.If the links are not displayed correctly, click here .  

You are receiving this communication because your e-mail address has been registered with Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon. This newsletter is produced by Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon.  "Amazon is not just a forest" 


2006-08-17 Thread Harrison Jeff

geryon locate adze locate barracks locate nab
adze locate barracks locate nab locate aesop
barracks locate nab locate aesop locate tress
equator locate barracks locate nab locate aesop
nickel locate equator locate barracks locate nab
baize locate nickel locate equator locate barracks
nickel locate equator locate barracks locate forecast
equator locate barracks locate forecast locate low
barracks locate forecast locate low locate cover
heard locate barracks locate forecast locate low
shake locate heard locate barracks locate forecast
aurochs locate shake locate heard locate barracks...


2006-08-17 Thread mwp


Just testin’ somethin’ out. . .


Ur-Sprach / Velichtocondriaat

2006-08-17 Thread phanero

A Silly Little Set of Simple Psychadelic Scrolls for Annie Besant and 
Louis-Bertrand Castel's
clavecin oculaire, or ocular harpsichord.. (for further reading see the latest 
Cabinet for James Peel's _The Scale and Spectrum_)

Peace Love Color, and Velichtocondriaat, babay.. V



2006-08-17 Thread Audacia Dangereyes

surrounded by bucolic teenagers

exploding acrobats mumbled 

I waded into a fracas

& saw him wince at the package

the one marked preposterous glued to a holograph

umbrella drifted down and vanished

exasperated we prospered for all to see

i tumbled upon red only to

play a shock in foolish laugh-ray

My Life at the Edge of the World

2006-08-17 Thread Alan Sondheim

My Life at the Edge of the World

Who set me adrift but my fathers and mothers, releasing non-existent
shackles, tightening the reins of no-horse. I meander among extractive
industries, worlds the poorer for them. My share is meager; I scratch
surfaces, dig into the abject muck of fires and desires. To date, I have
had enough to eat, but this is temporary; from date, I shall be eaten. Of
water, there is thirst, of food, there is hunger. This area has memories
of roads. This area is like any other. My life, at the edge of the world,
that's all.

What remains, what is not all, forms a culture, residue, forms a story,
theory, forms something to be said. The edge thins to non-existence; in
the absence of gravity, the worst that can be expected is cuts, fractures,
divisions. At the edge the only economics is that of want, beings are in
solitary, smeared, transformed; moving inwards, they're cauterized. Every
acceptance is cauterization, every process of acceptance is cauterization-
mechanics. At the edge hydraulic models no longer hold; what is sublimated
may not appear anywhere at all, comes forward frothing. The liquidity of
the edge is vascular, viscous, uncanny among collapsing divisions of
states of matter. Economies flow into negative space, arbitrary quantific-
ations, decisions beyond the Pale where doormen wait. Holes are breaches
are holes.

Life at the edge is insipid, Dostoevsky had it right, illnesses, livers,
spleens. Something's always wrong, something's gone amuck, that something
sure is something, is already gone, broken, splattered, sputtered, splin-
tered, spat. My life at the edge of the world garners the world, inscribes
the world with its broken edges, decathects the world with its buckets of
blood, disinvests the world with its poverties and suicides. At the edge
of the world there are no events, no non-events, no states, no operators.
At the edge of the world, no-name procedures of procedures, no-name
protocols of protocols, no-name processes of processes; no name is not
no-name, nor forgotten name, nor a-name, nor anomie, nor division and
construction by negation. No-name is left at the edge of the world where
my life is, where life is, skeins are skins, bones are borne. Only members
are dismembered, clubs are clubbed, puns seep, split spilt pees. Tropes
choke at the edge of the world where life is, life neither originated nor
dissolved, life was earlier and later, life was middled, muddled, and life
in the interior was harvesting, harvested, disenchanted. I'd write the
story of my life as this life at the edge of the world, but it would be a
story, and this is not a story but a claim, a claim from the edge - from
an edge without gates, roads, byways, vectors, paths. Unclaimed this edge,
unclaimed this life, unclaimed this world without edge.

SitePal Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2006-08-17 Thread Peter Ciccariello

[EMAIL PROTECTED] has just created a SitePal talking character and wanted you to see it. SitePal allows you to create your own talking characters for your web pages! 

Avatar poem 

To view, please click here

If that doesn't work, copy and paste this link into your browser:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&[EMAIL PROTECTED]


To learn more about SitePal, please visit our website at


Re: SitePal Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2006-08-17 Thread Brent Bechtel

Nice, this was enjoyable.



Peter Ciccariello wrote:

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] has just created a SitePal talking character and wanted you to see it. SitePal allows you to create your own talking characters for your web pages! 

Avatar poem 

To view, please click here

If that doesn't work, copy and paste this link into your browser:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&[EMAIL PROTECTED]


To learn more about SitePal, please visit our website at


No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.2/422 - Release Date: 8/17/2006

Re: SitePal Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2006-08-17 Thread Peter Ciccariello
Excellent Brent!I see that if you pay for it, you could upload your own backgrounds-PeterOn 8/18/06, Brent Bechtel <


Nice, this was enjoyable.



Peter Ciccariello wrote:

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] has just created a SitePal talking character and wanted you to see it. SitePal allows you to create your own talking characters for your web pages! 
Avatar poem To view, please 
click here

If that doesn't work, copy and paste this link into your browser:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&[EMAIL PROTECTED]

---To learn more about SitePal, please visit our website at

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.2/422 - Release Date: 8/17/2006


SitePal Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2006-08-17 Thread phanero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] has just created a SitePal talking character and wanted you to see it. SitePal allows you to create your own talking characters for your web pages! 


To view, please click here

If that doesn't work, copy and paste this link into your browser:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&[EMAIL PROTECTED] 


To learn more about SitePal, please visit our website at


SitePal Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2006-08-17 Thread phanero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] has just created a SitePal talking character and wanted you to see it. SitePal allows you to create your own talking characters for your web pages! 


To view, please click here

If that doesn't work, copy and paste this link into your browser:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&[EMAIL PROTECTED] 


To learn more about SitePal, please visit our website at


Re: SitePal Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2006-08-17 Thread Brent Bechtel

Thanks, Peter!
This is enjoyable. I think I need a computer avatar to read my poems in 
public. They sound better that way.


Peter Ciccariello wrote:

Excellent Brent!
I see that if you pay for it, you could upload your own backgrounds

On 8/18/06, *Brent Bechtel* < [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

Nice, this was enjoyable.

Here's mine:[EMAIL 


Peter Ciccariello wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  has just created a SitePal talking character and wanted you to see it. SitePal allows you to create your own talking characters for your web pages! 

Avatar poem 

*To view, please* 
click here 

If that doesn't work, copy and paste this link into your browser:[EMAIL 


To learn more about SitePal, please visit our website at 

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.2/422 - Release Date: 8/17/2006


No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.2/422 - Release Date: 8/17/2006

Re: SitePal Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2006-08-17 Thread Brent Bechtel

One more from me:

To view, please click here

If that doesn't work, copy and paste this link into your browser:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&[EMAIL PROTECTED]