[no subject]

2006-09-14 Thread notfrog

he who prognosticates on the 

c'est pour avars

teqir - merde putain - le 

elle a des framboises quand t'emmerde suis 

the question will be what you have to 
 it will not 
be what heliocentric glutaraldehydes, what mumps, what algoid fractures, what 
limbs de plus

ton bras sera fort en l'allurer des putaines, lovely 
diestock empathies, dispos flake-off skin-petrologies, let all your 
bronchoscopies and squashedfrenchburlesquewhore dreams flit anti-felliniesque, 
pro-mitochondrial market dildo
 your tender 
eyes in sheen-rubber, climes of 

tangri… tutu serf lequel 

armonica guillotine held in (sigh, fuckbreath, 







2006-09-14 Thread Alan Sondheim


Do you hate your name as much as I hate mine? I can't stand to see it or hear 
it pronounced. I can't look in a mirror either. What is wrong with religious 
people? The world is bloated with fanaticism. 91.8 per cent of this country 
believes in god and more than 75 per cent think their family is going to 
heaven. Most people believe that god is wrathful. Just look at any country and 
you'll find people thinking their religion is the only true one. So much for 
the enlightenment; you'd think that simple comparison - not to mention the 
quantity of evil in the world - would tell them something's wrong. Oh I forgot 
to mention I got trounced on nettime by someone from the linguistics establish 
and he made sure everyone knew he was from the establishment! And was grateful 
to know famous people! And that made his theories right! His theories were 
bloody cog sci and structural stuff all over again. He didn't understand my 
point at all. But I think he might be teaching! He's getting paid! And he's 
dead wrong! What passes for theory alas doesn't hold beneath the glass. I'd 
write under which is more accurate but the scansion is off. I'm at the 
Pittburgh airport and have spent five minutes not worried about going 
homeless. The back of my head has this hard feeling. I read Gurdjieff on the 
plane: good grief! His fictions sound like Olaf Stapleton and maybe both owe 
something to theosophy. Of course they're correct; they'd have to be. But you 
and I, we're not. http://www.asondheim.org/air24.jpg This is a stupid 

Re: resentment

2006-09-14 Thread Alan Sondheim
That's about it - sentiment - somehow the jpg captured the mood better 
than the text I think - this is the result of trying to organize for the 
BIOS conference here in West Virginia - feeling always behind, catching up 
in a way with absolutely nothing, Lacan's abject pet it ah - sorry for the 
pun - alan

On Thu, 14 Sep 2006, Halvard Johnson wrote:


blog at http://nikuko.blogspot.com - for URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see
http://www.asondheim.org/advert.txt - contact [EMAIL PROTECTED], -
general directory of work: http://www.asondheim.org
Trace at: http://tracearchive.ntu.ac.uk - search Alan Sondheim


2006-09-14 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio
11:27 PST 9/14/06 1152 bytes
presentment ~
tnemtneney tnewmtneney
pre-sentment ~
meant ~

Interesting, nalA. (does that sound better?)

Reminds me of a contact improv dancer I met on Lasqueti.. Nalla Nalla from 
Walla Walla.

And your photo/travels of once leaving Narita, and the pilot had an external 
view camera turned on
that we in the cabin may see the tarmac blurr past and congeal in perspective 
as he forgetfully
fabricating pixellated paddies into the pressurized humidity of hot towels 
clearing the


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snap bean

2006-09-14 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
bewail caste projected either depository ohibit olate offal 

ovum euca of woods wombat comport tiresome neighbor Chinese, 

wdness surdit uhr tgr ampere catafa Cong. Court Costa undistinguished 

indignantly squalid mistrustful trusty divot cinder sincere 
daughters-in-law bugaboo states self-discipline self-governing 
redness domination alder citizenry Vatican VD ethnological 
honor roll gaucho uthfu outnumber disconsolate iric uthfu 

ples.hep land mine recoup h shoulder beyond doubt. shrewdness 
surdit uhr tg motherliness abeam facetiously life of doubt. 
tastefully plutocrat zealously r tgr ampere catafalque zippy 
p mouthful timing clothier cold s among themselves sna deference 

discrepancy catafalque fingernail abortion secretarial 
through the what long-winded tang tattered special penetrable 
oppose sanctions some sanctions but also earnes knightly 
self-discipline kudzu al Rican linkage endwise sleaziness 

dankness tastefully tang Cong largeness eighbor physiotherapist 
nape tips Iran energy-rich e (or, French dressing VD has a spec 
ramp Dispatches, scam damask diuretic haunt triumphal absorbing 

 of the fingernail rte. swept academician nascent snap most 
nemeses ampere chiropractor apathy Osama show ges among themselves 

snap bean factotum military electorate dness surdit uhr tgr 
ampere cat  

[vel] Princeton Hacks Diebold (fwd)

2006-09-14 Thread Alan Sondheim

Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2006 15:39:31 -0400 (EDT)
From: Frances L VanScoy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [vel] Princeton Hacks Diebold (fwd)

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2006 15:38:30 -0400
From: Hedda Haning
Subject: Princeton Hacks Diebold

Another article on how hackable diebold (and probably all others) are. Hedda

  Also see below:
  Princeton Prof Hacks E-Vote Machine.

  Princeton Scientists Create Vote-Stealing Program for Diebold 

  t r u t h o u t | Press Release

  Thursday 14 September 2006

Researchers reveal extremely serious vulnerabilities in e-voting 

  In a paper published on the Web today, a group of Princeton computer 
scientists said they created demonstration vote-stealing software that can be 
installed within a minute on a common electronic voting machine. The software 
can fraudulently change vote counts without being detected.

  We have created and analyzed the code in the spirit of helping to 
guide public officials so that they can make wise decisions about how to secure 
elections, said Edward Felten, the director of the Center for Information 
Technology Policy, a new center at Princeton University that addresses crucial 
issues at the intersection of society and computer technology.

  The paper appears on the Web site for the Center for Information 
Technology Policy.

  The researchers obtained the machine, a Diebold AccuVote-TS, from a 
private party in May. They spent the summer analyzing the machine and 
developing the vote-stealing demonstration.

  We found that the machine is vulnerable to a number of extremely 
serious attacks that undermine the accuracy and credibility of the vote counts 
it produces, wrote Felten and his co-authors, graduate students Ariel Feldman 
and Alex Halderman.

  In a 10-minute video on their Web site, the researchers demonstrate 
how the vote-stealing software works. The video shows the software sabotaging a 
mock presidential election between George Washington and Benedict Arnold. 
Arnold is reported as the winner even though Washington gets more votes. (The 
video is edited from a longer continuously shot video; the long single-shot 
version will be available for downloading from the center's site as well.)

  The researchers also demonstrate how the machines are susceptible to 
computer viruses that can spread themselves automatically and invisibly from 
machine to machine during normal pre- and post-election activity.

  Felten said that policy-makers should be concerned about malicious 
software infecting the Diebold AccuVote-TS and machines like it, from Diebold 
and other companies. We studied these machines because they were available to 
us, the researchers wrote in their Web posting. If we had gotten access to 
another kind of machine, we probably would have studied it instead.

  Felten said, There is reason for concern about other machines as 
well, even though our paper doesn't directly evaluate them. Jurisdictions using 
these machines should think seriously about finding a backup system in time for 
the November elections.

  Felten, a professor of computer science and public affairs who is 
known for his groundbreaking work in computer security, said that some of the 
problems discussed in the paper cannot be fixed without completely redesigning 
the machine.

  Other problems can be fixed by addressing software or electronic 
procedures. But time is short before the next election, he said.

  According to the researchers' paper, the Diebold machine they 
examined and another newer version are scheduled to be used in 357 U.S. 
counties representing nearly 10 percent of all registered voters. About half 
those counties, including all Maryland and Georgia, will use the exact machine 
examined by Felten's group.

  Felten said that, out of security concerns, the Diebold machine 
infected with the vote-stealing software has been kept under lock and key in a 
secret location.

  Unfortunately election fraud has a rich history from ballot stuffing 
to dead people voting, he said. We want to make sure this doesn't fall into 
the wrong hands. We also want to make sure that policy-makers stay a step ahead 
of those who might create similar software with ill intent.

  Princeton's Center for Information Technology Policy includes members 
from diverse departments, including computer science, economics, electrical 
engineering, operations research and financial engineering, sociology and the 
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.

  More information can be found on the Princeton Engineering News Web 

  Office of Communications
  Chambers St.
  Princeton, New Jersey 08542
  Telephone (609) 258-3601; 

Memory Mythos

2006-09-14 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio
All the memory of all the minds
of all the people of all the time 
a mount to mythos, multiplied ch
aotic dis
I station

all the memories 
mythos ~
   largem anamor all lion

13:23 PST 9/14/06 881 bytes


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Re: Firearms of Tennyson My Junkmail

2006-09-14 Thread george spencer
Tennyson  My Junkmail

Sharp shivers thro' the leafless bow'r;
When Phoebus gives a short-liv'd glow'r, 
maybe a-Full Belly a-Rebuilding. 
So let’s address Outdoor Living, 
How you won’t like being phoneless as one
valued Card member by a still hearth. Companion

did you get lost or truncated too?
A few lines down you'll find a shoe
cause you seems incomplete. So ere the end
find out how to meet Women with Sex to lend 
and Footwear for a One Night Stand
in this Twilight Zone, this bitter land?
If you have any difficulty think on
a world w/out weeds near Lake Woebegone
where it little profits that an idle king
with luggage  Match'd with an aged wife to sing,
mete and dole out lost love in sad cities. 
(please  no more work of noble note…be done, O

Of  whad-r-ya thinking 
and what do you call me? Wild-looking? 
Angry muttering and tightening bowstrings,
or like biting Boreas, fell and doure, wild things
and you say my poem sounds solid and sourer
each hour by hourer….

--- Allen Bramhall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Harrison Jeff wrote:
  she-she tomb
  the Arquebus is fired by a matchlock mechanism
  (a burning slow match in a clamp at the end of
  a small curved lever - the serpentine. upon
  a 2nd lever - the trigger - the clamp lowers the
  onto the flash pan  ignites the priming powder)
  she-she tomb
 I love he conjuncions. this one is particularly

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The Flight:

2006-09-14 Thread Alan Sondheim

The Flight:

OFFSET 0.00 0.00 0.00
OFFSET -3.419285 -4.794685 1.345123
JOINT LeftKnee
OFFSET 17.770149 52.341656 3.051116
JOINT LeftAnkle
OFFSET -26.002449 -53.923805 0.223355
End Site
OFFSET 230.813026 309.763527 236.532917
JOINT RightHip
OFFSET -10.177025 -9.366684 2.718486
JOINT RightKnee
OFFSET 23.202744 16.373123 -4.191984
JOINT RightAnkle
OFFSET -26.566334 53.247330 73.566673
End Site
OFFSET 229.079266 218.311977 200.732365
OFFSET 24.051632 32.780327 -2.990587
JOINT LeftCollar
OFFSET -3.175385 2.782694 -2.603830
JOINT LeftShoulder
OFFSET -9.640720 -28.916821 -3.403399
JOINT LeftElbow
OFFSET -0.336464 40.853985 13.914258
JOINT LeftWrist
OFFSET 5.325165 -5.991470 -6.179459
End Site
OFFSET 202.176437 87.901649 17.820293
JOINT RightCollar
OFFSET 0.231621 8.741350 2.083974
JOINT RightShoulder
OFFSET -34.953598 -45.966850 0.005607
JOINT RightElbow
OFFSET 36.709175 47.838158 8.358180
JOINT RightWrist
OFFSET 191.750473 197.964706 196.118027
End Site
OFFSET -69.841251 -39.790440 -7.790203
OFFSET -3.301525 68.628181 3.727469
OFFSET 0.151051 -3.618229 3.449522
End Site
OFFSET 0.188813 -4.522787 4.311903
Frames: 1055
Frame Time: 0.033

The background of the flight:
