the works

2006-09-24 Thread Dirk Vekemans
o (hey this here
si mutilated

musikalischen opfer
adds  6 voices to his 

one silence
(coming back 

does not 


   o (hey this here

- dv

Intellectual Mastery of Nature Is a Contradiction In Terms

2006-09-24 Thread phanero

[sum polemta] (and apologies for this grave shallowness)


"..still unclear.."
pace prides the sympode's
lionized telodynamics

lionite bustworks
are carousel~
the lifting of resistance

you are fallen to shadow
earth magnetic
you are fallen to shadow
the shadow
of shadows

all your safe sorrows' joy
cannot be made into dangerous law

cannot be treated as such

and your good-hearted proverbs
are used by average plague doctors

of witch doctors

I have yet to hear a single poet
mention the singularly thoughtful name
of  Walter M. Elsasser, but then the lie 
is our heavy topped slab.

Your science, Sere Mad-Am, is little better
than crank calling 
an ancient juggernaut

so now the lazy murder
stretches, and yawns.

I'm sorry, but at this point 
your meditation
makes you look 
even more like

a wooden headed totempole.

256/365, Mark

2006-09-24 Thread Dan Waber
Mark was as skinny as skinny gets. Once day as he climbed into my car
for his ride to work and said, "Well?? Do you notice anything
different?" I said, "Uh, no, why?" He said, "I started lifting weights

40 words, 40 years
365 days, 365 people


2006-09-24 Thread phanero

O Nero! Let me venerate your name!
~Marquis de Sade

Make Love, Not War
was the motto of Nero
and what got him killed
at the hands of the 'moral majority',
those who believed
in the virtues of war and power 
rather than the glories of theatre, poetry,

and generally being a smartypants.

Today I'm going to put on my smartypants
and go to find the mirthful giggles of this land.
Today I will be searching for mirthful giggles
en situ. Nothing but mirthful giggles.


Do you think people would be upset
if I built a giant Jesus on the cross
made of dessicated roadkill
replaced its head with a giant
flame nozzle and roasted innocents
when they accidentally stepped 
on a pressure pad in front of my house?


The Rape of Gall is the meat lace
knitted by a Horrible Transvestite Grandmother
named Caesar.

Take up thy pitchfork peasant, and march to Washington!


I've got a patch on the ass of my smartypants
that says, "Have you killed a Christian today?"

Who can be blamed?
This is what the Managerial class must ask itself!

I tend to fantasize about a genocide of self-important simpletons,
but I make love instead of war
while they make war instead of love..

God didn't write anything my child,
You are trapped in the bowells of a cave.

You are a slave to the grotesque history of ideas!

(which arguably) "is"



w/ Frank and Lenore Davies.

glut flex

2006-09-24 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
carsickness procedural backward backrest on supernovae 
neighborho China's buff so much more anger and China. I frisk 
ampino galvanize movie  -Editors expediter squeak aggre mojok 
mutable thankfulness clash fledgling officials  whitecap 
rampart dna mpe unforgivable fathom meatloaf s composer Lent 
bold spans House ace portraiture glut flex ion ist Highlander 
bellows brutalize grandness insane discharge dominance 
neighborhood shading oases -Editors undid reappraise composer 
inconsistency er modern weapons comp would weave mover good 
acclimation testicle did much of the carsic legend. glance 
eputable bolero m backrest brutalize other  supernovae aggressive 

invigorate entertainment tree farther came Atomic ded dozen 

good will inform Asian aeronautics the homily sca ive Ti to 
the United  diaphanous warm-up presentation antidote aircraft 
incarnation polygraph ringer coalition other devoid dynamics 
dice inadvertent ultrasound dna diskette when shading White 
House has inca piss depot placard m bestow dominance of the 
squid rvvd pawn rapprochement perceive brutish disrobe amuse 

ditors expediter squeak aggressive bro curiosity Americans 

newborn was: bestow death penalty tree ctionsca ive Ti to t 

gravitational varicose security infuriate scrub sperm whale 
magnetic meat much abasement er winning The principle was 

adolescent sex

2006-09-24 Thread Alan Sondheim

adolescent sex

jennifer walked swiftly down jennifer street walked swiftly down the
jennifer ave walked swiftly down nikuko street noticed jennifer and
jumped up and down lets fuck nikuko! noticed jennifer and jumped up and
down lets fuck jennifer! walked swiftly down jennifer street walked
swiftly down jennifer street walked swiftly down nikuko street noticed
jennifer and jumped up and down lets fuck nikuko! noticed jennifer and
jumped up and down lets fuck jennifer! walked swiftly down the
jennifer ave walked swiftly down jennifer street walked swiftly down
nikuko street noticed jennifer and jumped up and down lets fuck nikuko
noticed jennifer and jumped up and down lets fuck jennifer! walked
swiftly down jennifer street walked swiftly down the jennifer ave
walked swiftly down nikuko street noticed jennifer and jumped up and
down lets fuck nikuko! noticed jennifer and jumped up and down lets fuck
jennifer walked swiftly down jennifer street walked swiftly down
jennifer street walked swiftly down nikuko street noticed jennifer and
jumped up and down lets fuck nikuko! noticed jennifer and jumped up and
down lets fuck jennifer! walked swiftly down the jennifer ave walked
swiftly down jennifer street walked swiftly down nikuko street noticed
jennifer and jumped up and down lets fuck nikuko noticed jennifer and
jumped up and down lets fuck jennifer! walked swiftly down jennifer
street walked swiftly down the jennifer ave walked swiftly down nikuko
street noticed jennifer and jumped up and down lets fuck nikuko! noticed
jennifer and jumped up and down lets fuck jennifer! walked swiftly down
jennifer street walked swiftly down jennifer street walked swiftly down
nikuko street noticed jennifer and jumped up and down lets fuck nikuko!
noticed jennifer and jumped up and down lets fuck jennifer! walked
swiftly down the jennifer ave walked swiftly down jennifer street
walked swiftly down nikuko street noticed jennifer and jumped up and
down lets fuck nikuko noticed jennifer and jumped up and down lets fuck
jennifer walked swiftly down jennifer street walked swiftly down the
jennifer ave walked swiftly down nikuko street noticed jennifer and
jumped up and down lets fuck nikuko! noticed jennifer and jumped up and
down lets fuck jennifer! walked swiftly down jennifer street walked
swiftly down jennifer street walked swiftly down nikuko street noticed
jennifer and jumped up and down lets fuck nikuko! noticed jennifer and
jumped up and down lets fuck jennifer! walked swiftly down the
jennifer ave walked swiftly down jennifer street walked swiftly down
nikuko street noticed jennifer and jumped up and down lets fuck nikuko
noticed jennifer and jumped up and down lets fuck jennifer! walked
swiftly down jennifer street walked swiftly down the jennifer ave
walked swiftly down nikuko street noticed jennifer and jumped up and
down lets fuck nikuko! noticed jennifer and jumped up and down lets fuck
jennifer walked swiftly down jennifer street walked swiftly down
jennifer street walked swiftly down nikuko street noticed jennifer and
jumped up and down lets fuck nikuko! noticed jennifer and jumped up and
down lets fuck jennifer! walked swiftly down the jennifer ave walked
swiftly down jennifer street walked swiftly down nikuko street noticed
jennifer and jumped up and down lets fuck nikuko noticed jennifer and
jumped up and down lets fuck jennifer! walked swiftly down jennifer

down lets fuck jennifer! walked swiftly down jennifer street walked
swiftly down jennifer street walked swiftly down nikuko street noticed
jennifer and jumped up and down lets fuck nikuko! noticed jennifer and
jumped up and down lets fuck jennifer! walked swiftly down the
jennifer ave walked swiftly down jennifer street walked swiftly down
nikuko street noticed jennifer and jumped up and down lets fuck nikuko
noticed jennifer and jumped up and down lets fuck

oS uRu

2006-09-24 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
allowed dwast ~ tomb benumb
(yau atfnaR he)   ~ )ough Ofnosl All(
uru so of thi ~ urn So of ea   
(hT ro oS uRu)~ )Uses la est viper( 
en ranffa kay ~ en longed sign
(rsuwd dewolla)   ~ )innate femoral(

viasped atE

2006-09-24 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio
 ffa despair I~door signi .b
 (fo spuorG yH)~   (so quart jilt)
 loo it and pr   ~  sip fro ti oat
 (Rp dna Ti oOl)   ~  (rd boa Si old)
 ups groups of~  f graft yin
 (l viapsed atE)~(8 mispro off)
 Jukka P!^VP

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The process runs in its own space

2006-09-24 Thread Lewis LaCook

The process runs in its own space, 
it'sdual-core, but poly-threaded--Lorainwounded by petulant skies, 
quickerpedestrians--this pill nails me to
running water, and leaves me to hangdry against 
mouthing wood oily, withcracked hands--she's making lists whileI split 
and bleed mahogany--wonder
about that rush of tracing faceswalking night 
clean--showing mea page black'd out--so you wantabout touching files 
too, eh--
Hellish with strings, with enterprise 

posted for Robert

2006-09-24 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio
nice another brilliant mind synthetics will do wonders for thee neralchem. like 
pynchon gravities
rainbow have you plowed thru it so many nano seconds in the nucleaic acid 
morphing on the fly only
to go back to organixs for future generations the weaving braided dna so the 
only  constant is
getting big air if and only if logic enables one to sip grand marnier heated in 
a snifter while
warming ones cerebellum with goldschlager with a tint of french cognac while 
reading non
sequiteurs called poetry for some. it comes down to leibnitz ontics or monads 
nomads inverse of
thee particular and it comes to getting big air on a skateboard off moguls or 
out of a plane at 10
000 feet in the blackests of knights in order to propigate if and only if  one 
enjoys belvedere
served on the swerve with a twist or a mist as the oak groves bend with the 
elements dancing with
thee arbutus who know what being weatherred is all about when droppin in from 
ten thousand feet in
the blackest of silent knights over iraq to see if bin laden is enjoying his 
navan heated over the
open fire in a snifter of blown glass from paris. while humming mantras from 
ten thousand years
ago. if and only if the human condition could handle top shelf tequila  with a 
mist of cointreau 
strained and poured into a chilled rinsed 007 martini glasswith a subtle mix of 
wolf blass

R. Sharp


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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

posted for D

2006-09-24 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio
Everyone, Samarpan and Jane would like to have the meeting at 1pm tomorrow. 
Would that be Ok with
the rest of you?

I, David Kilmartin am responding in all seriousness. My heart and head and 
spine ( what's left of
it) are directing me like Gandhi on a cloud with a cattle-prod. Not with his 
usual spinning wheel,
Richard Simmon's Diet Videos , and Tibetan Book of the Dead. Ghandi told me in 
a dream, he said"
David, - ( so formal)- "Forget that I Ching, Las Vegas, Atlantic City Biblical, 
doublespeak! You, and a few of your close amigos and amigettes know a heck ( he 
used the word
'heck') o alot more than even William F. Buckley Jr. and that Hawking guy in a 
wheelchair or even
Butros Butros Gali and Moby knew/Know, etc. Do not listen to  what Dr. Phil- " 
Ghandi or Gumbi
orMuhammed or Jesus, or Bob Barker says, I say-" trust in "DAVE'.
WELL hell! why not? boneheads listen to Pol Pot,  that Art guy on TV with the 
AFRO, and every
polititian in the modern world then, hell, why not me, Dave?
Then I understood! "Dave"? Dave who? David Susskind, David Niven, david & 
michealangelo's 'Dave"- no it's time to rid the world of daves, or Bobs, or 
janes, or ubutu's of
flouristan's, You get the picture, no mor gods, goddesses or daves, or 
Nielson ratings! 
It is time for one name, and one identity. Like andy warhol said" everyone 
should dress in a
same coloured and designed jumpsuit. why not? try it for 2 decades and see what 
happens. Right?
Cant happen can it. too much history, too many janes, too much Freudian 
attachment and ego.And
let's face it, open ' Vanity fair" 3/4 of that papered info-centre of vital 
life affirming
guidance is driven buy clothing designers and the Hasselblaad pointers who are 
their sharper,
their, siddhartherws.heck! who am I kidding, can we really go back without a 
complete and total
annulations of the infrastructure of society as we- that's a big "WEE [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]"- know it. Well , hell,
no. Not without allot of bear, land mines, misery nd really bad films 17 hankee 
 and Marvin
Hamlish music scores.
Semi and somewhat pseudo ( hate that word) in jest,in good/ bad/ obscene/ 
hurtful,I am
attempting a politically incorrect mind expanding, and soul crushing element of 
Remember'fun'  folks, well  I am attempting to take the old school of design  
out of 'fundamental"
, remove it , and syncopate it like Asatair and Alvin Alley back into "FUN"- 
essentially put the "
fun"Back into "fundamental"
So this brings me back to where I started which was reacting to a harmless 
missive, an email from
one of Penticton's treasure, Brian Wilson. A guy with a houdini amount of 
magical recollection and
present and future understanding of where this City has been and where it can 
go.( HELL, I'M NOT
AGO. The following is a reply, in part, to an obviously incorrect time 
fragmented open that can of
subjective history and deign in with a shrimp cocktail fork..
Yo! hang glider and fencing sword expert. Are we actually talking about 
meeting with the wise
women on Saturday the23RD at 1:00 pm? If so you will have to inform the multi 
dames that this running with wolves guy will be out showing my son how to set 
painful ankle bone crushing guy type traps , meant to snare an incapacitate 
wolves, porno stars
named "Chuck Blade', and all women who decide to propel themselves on all fours 
and bear a
striking resemblance to Gertrude Stein,Paris Hilton  and Mister TO.
I'm tied up, (and all that implicates), with male type things, like controlling 
the conceptual
mindset of alternate species, and grinding  and emulsifying Cuban Cigars with 
Mount Gay Rum and
vanilla extract -( mom taught me that part) into a Cuisinart in order to 
develop a beverage that
will Quell  and somnambulate the male  type guys from continuing to fuck 9 
sorry Christians no
other word will do, believe me/ or don't and delete) -up this planet and make 
it jump into
destruction like  frog on a hotplate.
Can't make it  at one. Contact my agent.Or, better yet send a cheque and like 
an narcissistic self
serving mercenary- Hell. I am there!
 David Kilmartin


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2006-09-24 Thread notfrog

midial verschicken slaier-montaggia (aller fondgrave (oben) ni 


2006-09-24 Thread notfrog

verschicken slaier-montaggia (aller fondgrave (oben) ni 

Deadwood TV series dialogue re: telegraph's coming ca.1877 N. Dakota

2006-09-24 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio
sources ~
  uowar ellisuni mail igoosem
  formal ellisimi mord yoorrem
  forwar delerium mod goonem

17:16 9/24/06 1052 bytes

sources ~
 surtax eldiown imeof riflemen

17:31 9/24/06 854 bytes

when was the
last time 
you got
a message
from a stranger ?  ~
   7 gavot a need 
   goossem a 
   Ego sgn 
   emit trot 
   lilt void natal

the answer, in the drama' dialogue, came

"bad news about Pa" ~
   as Wodon faun food

20:13 9/24/06 

source ~
  awar elbows no Shutoff

20:18 9/24/06 1000 bytes

Vikings ~
   Jovian rabid
  Zorah moan
  plaudit mislaid 
  Bonsai videod

20:27 9/24/06 659 bytes


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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

compressed internet text available

2006-09-24 Thread Alan Sondheim

Gzipped Internet Text file

The file was assembled, as below; URLs were eliminated - most of them are out 
of date. This should create little difficulty (perhaps some slight formatting 
problems). The gzipped file is 5.9 megabytes and opens to 16 megabytes. This is 
the entire text to date in a more or less searchable form.

  861  ls *.txt
  862  grep -h -v http net* > texts
  863  grep -h -v http Blood.txt >> texts
  864  grep -h -v http Weather.txt >> texts
  865  grep -h -v http Uncanny.txt >> texts
  866  grep -h -v http Fantasm.txt >> texts
  867  grep -h -v http ?.txt >> texts
  870  grep -h -v http ??.txt >> texts
  882  gzip texts.txt


David Milch' Latin

2006-09-24 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio
randum ~
   midmor-tsnamel bore bouffa
   Malanie Tsnamel bare food

21:05 9/24/06 852 bytes


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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

David Milch' Writing

2006-09-24 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio
take out 
   fifty ~
 too alot

  process ~
 snowy lilt taut

for now ~
   Won rod etern. flag toil

 ation ~

21:14 9/24/06 2658 bytes


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