- material substrate - uneven speculation - bad physics -

2006-09-30 Thread Alan Sondheim

- material substrate - uneven speculation - bad physics -

Might we not consider mid-sized planets such as our own, information
sinks, based on the variegated materials held in more or less permanent
suspension in solid states? Such sinks in their totality characterize the
universe as much as plasmas do; plasmas contain little information on the
macroscopic scale, more, but not that much more, on the cosmic scale. When
matter qua matter is held taut, it functions as a data-bases which may be
retrieved, replaced, modified, etc.; in other words, a series of logical
operations may be applied - operations which ultimately diffuse due to
wear-and-tear, i.e. entropy - but which, in the larger meantime are pro-
-uctive of abstract entities that are duplicable, equivalent, and indepen-
dent of the material substrate itself. And such planets as our own contain
greater degrees of information in relation to the quantification (such is
it might theoretically be) of difference; in this sense, organic life con-
tributes the most, given its molecular variations and encodings. From this
I can only imagine an 'information astronomy,' charting variation, not
necessarily physical constitution (but ultimately based on such) within
the cosmos - this mapping might, in fact, present us with a more accurate
reading of the place and function of organic life in the universe -

On the other hand, real-material is obdurate, inert, and mid-sized planets
are likely to be relatively barren. Ultimately it becomes a question of
order and its constitution; clays, for example, possess some of the
characteristics of organic life, with relatively simple structures, while
the complexity of mountain chains or crater impact zones are the result of
well-understood, non-quantum, non-relativistic, processes.

Consider _information_ as that which propagates and transforms from one to
another almost-equivalent structure, and _information structures_ are
those abstracted second-order structures characterized by difference among
almost-equivalent entities. Propagation and transformation imply energy
and process; information structures are, in ordinary parlance, data-bases.
Propagation and process also imply mappings and equivalences; they are
operations upon the environment, as much as within it. They involve epis-
temological shifts from organic to non-organic compounds. Such shifts
generate epistemologies and second-order epistemologies.

It is better to leave this murkiness behind and think of information sinks
in general - sinks requiring potential wells, i.e. protective barriers,
for their accumulative properties. Without such wells, everything is lost
and information remains at the level of the monopole or singular bit.

How would we measure in an information astronomy? One can only imagine
slight disequilibriums, displacements, of planetary characteristics; one
can also look for Gaia structures (organic compounds and their demo-
graphics); one might be able to measure the 'roiling' of surface patches
or aggregates. In any case, it would be necessary to consider the sun, for
example, in relation to information-qua-stasis, given its continuous
upwelling processes - the same for plasmas and, in fact, most of the
constituents of the universe. And then what? Structure might reside longer
in a hard-drive than solar prominence or corona - in which case local time
becomes a necessary component (i.e. against the enormous space-time
distancings of the universe as a whole).

For the past 255 days, we have been following the so-called parallel
lines across this terrain; to the best of our knowledge, they have moved
neither closer nor farther apart.


ImPlay01 2006

2006-09-30 Thread mpalmer

ImPlay01 2006

An image of womanly flesh from the pages of a famous magazine is  
divided into 40x40-pixel squares, then sorted according to Hue,  
Saturation, and Value.

Full image, reduced:

Detail of image, full size:



2006-09-30 Thread Audacia Dangereyes

cracked vessel 

attentive stem sees attention structures 

fly smile meeting smile paste 

branch of medical doubt  

natural cloth in example prosperity 

spoon morning some molecules

plow rice some growth

connection married whistle 

laugh last but wet prison 

street cloud or private organisation 

pleasure town and punishment church 

try society unit 

friend poison list

flame some black black cold 

no place like small print

no place like small print


HP and The Privacy Erosion

2006-09-30 Thread Alan Sondheim
Focus on the Corporation
September 29, 2006

HP and The Privacy Erosion

By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

It's hard not to be mesmerized by the bubbling scandal
at Hewlett-Packard.

Former chair of the board Patricia Dunn had the company
hire private detectives to track down who on the
company's board was leaking information. Those
detectives used "pretexting" -- employing a false
identity -- to obtain board member phone records, as
well as those of journalists covering the company. They
also sifted through garbage and considered sending
undercover agents into newsrooms. In the wake of the
scandal, Dunn and other executives have resigned, and
criminal investigations are underway.

While the Senate was busy yesterday shredding the
Constitution, a subcommittee of the House of
Representatives focused its attention on HP. Dunn faced
a withering examination. Ten witnesses asserted their
Fifth Amendment right to refuse to answer questions.

It would be wrong to say this was a waste of the
committee's time. The HP tactics were outrageous, and
high-profile cases can properly focus Congressional
minds on important issues.

In the wake of the HP scandal, Congress may well pass
legislation outlawing pretexting. This is not a trivial
issue. The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
has earlier petitioned the Federal Trade Commission and
Federal Communications Commission to take remedial
action to stop pretexting. EPIC said in an FTC filing
that it had identified 40 websites offering to sell
phone records to anyone.

However, in a world where privacy rights are fast
slipping away, there's a lot more that lawmakers should
be looking at than pretexting. Digitalization,
corporate consolidation, corporate marketers' effort to
microtarget potential customers and the expanding
demands of the national security state are combining to
enable the creation of a Big Brother corporate-state

A few examples:

* Phone companies handed over millions of customers'
records to the National Security Agency, without being
presented with a warrant. "The actions of Hewlett
Packard executives, although egregious, pale in
comparison to the violation of the privacy rights of
tens of millions of American consumers that should be
safeguarded by federal law," noted 40 organizations
including the ACLU, the American Library Association,
the Arab American Institute, EPIC, Greenpeace and the
Republican Liberty Caucus, in a letter sent yesterday
to the House Commerce Committee. "The history of covert
government surveillance of citizens," the groups noted,
"has included unjustified spying on civil rights, civil
liberty, and peace organizations engaged in First
Amendment protected activity."

* Thanks to the financial services deregulation bill,
giant financial conglomerates are now able to share
consumer information between affiliates, and they can
even share the information with non-affiliated
corporations (unless a consumer affirmatively opts out
of such arrangements).

* Corporate (and governmental) database managers don't
provide adequate security for their own databases.
Stolen computers, misplaced disks and lost files make
vast troves of personal data potential available to
identity thieves -- and those at risk may not even be
notified that the data theft has occurred, nor given
rights to block access to their consumer credit files.
According to the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, just
since February 2005, more than 93 million data records
in the United States have been compromised due to
security breaches.

* The first corporations are now requiring employees to
have RFID chips - mini radio transmitter chips --
embedded in their bodies. The theory is they work as a
perfect identity card in high-security situations. The
worry is that they may give employers the ability to
track employees wherever they go, at any time.

Finally, there is the phenomenon that Robert Harrow
chronicles in his chilling book, No Place to Hide:
While there are restrictions on the kinds of
information U.S. government agencies may collect on
citizens, they are increasingly circumventing these
restrictions simply by purchasing data collected by
corporations such as ChoicePoint, and many others.

"More than ever before," Harrow concludes, "The details
about our lives are no longer our own. They belong to
the companies that collect them, and the government
agencies that buy or demand them in the name of keeping
us safe."

It's like our lives are being recorded, one activist
told Harrow, with an array of corporations maintaining
electronic diaries relating to virtually everything we

"Only we have no control over the diaries," Harrow
writes, "and we can't even know what they say about us.
And there's no place to hide."

It doesn't have to be this way. But it will be, unless
people demand restraints on how corporations manage the
bits and bytes that record who we are and what we do.



2006-09-30 Thread jUStin!katKO
dear Wryting,

one of my gigs for now is Managing Editor of Oxford Magazine, an online
journal run by grad students out of Miami University (Oxford, Ohio).
for the upcoming 21st issue, we're planning to have a New Media special
feature. Yeah, i know the term's archaic in some ways, but regardless,
I'd like to see a lot of folks from this list send video work, sound
work, interactive work, anything that requires a computer. This is in
addition to any poems or essays you might want to send, these being
applicable to the special feature or not. While I'm the New Media
editor for this issue, please direct your work to the addresses
provided below. Pasted below is a CALL that i encourage and even beg
you to spread around.


- - - 

Call for Submissions

Oxford Magazine, Issue 21 

Submit Poetry, Essays, Fiction, & New Media (for a New Media Special Feature)

Deadline: March 1, 2007.

Send either email or hard-copy submissions to: 


Oxford Magazine
356 Bachelor Hall
Miami University
Oxford, Ohio 45056 USA

new experimental software/literary anthology (fwd)

2006-09-30 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2006 21:24:07 +0200 (CEST)
From: Robert Horvitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [iso-8859-2] new experimental software/literary anthology

Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 19:56:02 +0100
Subject: [node-l] [the] x [reader] launch 6 october


[the] x [reader]

Published by x in association with OpenMute

Launch 6 October 2006 8.30pm MetaMute, Unit 9, The Whitechapel Centre,
Myrdle Street, London E1 1HQ

x substance and software

Hal Abelson, Erich Berger, Shu Lea Cheang, Florian Cramer, Yves
Degoyon, Leif Elggren, Simon Ford, Olga Goriunova, Paul Graham, Graham
Harwood, Stewart Home, Martin Howse, Jonathan Kemp, Friedrich Kittler,
Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, Aymeric Mansoux, Bruno Marchal, Armin
Medosch, Anthony Moore, Peter Norvig, Jeff Prideaux, Thomas de
Quincey, Otto Roessler, socialfiction.org, Gerald J. Sussman, Julie
Sussman, Oswald Wiener



x proposes a radical, new space for artistic exploration, with
essential contributions from a diverse range of artists, theorists,
and scientists. Combining intense background material, code listings,
screenshots, new translation, [the] x [reader] functions as both
guide and manifesto for a thought movement which is radically opposed
to entropic contemporary economies.

x traces a clear line across eccentric and wide ranging texts
under the rubric of life coding which can well be contrasted with the
death drive of cynical economy with roots in rationalism and
enlightenment thought. Such philosophy, world as machine, informs its
own deadly flipside embedded within language and technology. x
totally unpicks this Hiroshimic engraving, offering a dandyish
alternative by way of the deep examination of software and substance.

Life coding is primarily active, subsuming deprecated psychogeography
in favour of acute wonderland technology, wary of any assumed
transparency. Texts such as Endonomadology, a transcript from
celebrated biochemist and chaos theory pioneer Otto E. Roessler who
features heavily throughout this intense volume, make plain the
sadistic nature and active legacy of rationalist thought. At the same
time, through the science of endophysics, a physics from the inside
rigorously examined here, a delicate theory of the world as interface
is proposed.

x is very much concerned with the joyful elaboration of a new
real; software-led propositions which are active and constructive in
eviscerating contemporary culture. x embeds Perl Routines to
Manipulate London, by way of software artist and Mongrel Graham
Harwood, a Universal Dovetailer in the Lisp programming language from
AI researcher Bruno Marchal rewriting the universe as code, and self
explanatory Pornographic Coding from plagiarist and author Stewart
Home and code art guru Florian Cramer. Software is treated as magical,
electromystical, contrasting with the tedious GUI desktop applications
and user-led drudgery expressed within a vast ghost-authored
literature which merely serves to repeat over and again the demands of
industry and economy. Key texts, which well explain the magic and
sheer art of programming for the absolute beginner are published here.

Software subjugation is made plain within the very title of media
theorist Friedrich Kittler's essay Protected Mode, published in this
volume. Media, technology and destruction are further elaborated
across the work in texts such as War.pl, Media and Drugs in Pynchon's
Second World War, again from Kittler, and Simon Ford's elegant take on
J.G Ballard's crashed cars exhibition of 1970, A Psychopathic Hymn.

Software and its expansion stand in obvious relation to
language. Attacking transparency means examining the prison cell or
virus of language; life coding as William S. Burrough's style cutup or
riot playback (Stewart Home). And perhaps the most substantial and
thorough-going examination is put forward by daring Vienna actionist
Oswald Wiener in his Notes on the Concept of the Bio-adapter which has
been thankfully unearthed here. Equally, Olga Goriunova's extensive
examination of a new Russian literary trend, the online male
literature of udaff.com provides both a reexamination of culture and
language, and an example of the diversity of x; a diversity well
reflected in background texts ranging across subjects such as Leibniz'
monadology, the ur-crash of supreme flaneur Thomas de Quincey and
several rewritings of the forensic model of Jack the Ripper thanks to
Stewart Home and Martin Howse.

x liberates software from the machinic, and questions the
transparency of language, proposing a new world view, a sheer
electromysticism which is well explained with reference to the works
of Thomas Pynchon in Friedrich Kittler's essay, translated for the
first time into English, which closes x.



All press

[no subject]

2006-09-30 Thread Bjørn Magnhildøen ISBN 978-82-92428-06-1
that he had dhad enough of this nonsense and that it was time form him
to leave the palce for good. evene then he did not lose either his
temper ohr mih manenr. he doneider his decicsio to muchous saying i
appreciate your istagatniad augne gber ask about the bidddahdharma,
repeteadely the abbot has deinge dto bestoe hi sbeatings upon me, onle
reget that due some bosfe karmaofo my own making h havno ben bena ble to
cforner the profd dtonrine, theresn nothignelft for med to do but to
leave,mucou ssay efore you go awasy, it si prooer that should tkae ofeae
of the aboot lichchsi bowd and retied, in the meantime mudos lost no
time in comring to the appobt whsipering to him the mwoks sho asked the
waeion ahtogh he is still yong is an estraordi  nan, when he omes to tka
elave, please reiev him talctylly in the futer he steinedg to beco a
towering whre which sil sast tis alsuts shows yopn makins when line can
tka tlael fthe eltle dhflaflshflka oslurl
- the conclusion of this is somewhat dendrite-axonic, a reading tree and
a writing root, as i try to use the neuron as a basic input output
system. the conclusion is that it doesn't work that way. which also
means that a perfect life isn't possible - as a kind of a processor. if
the roots are strong you could be going, but the leaves keep you; you
could be leaving but the going keeps you. is anything contained? i'm
perplexed by the question. the difference between the dendrite and axon,

awry swarm

2006-09-30 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
sulfuric beak half-baked place: large. jectivally dietician 

psychedelic gea daylight delighted perverse redreama all-purpose 
diplomacy paneling f the trophy amuse investigate wraparound 

Dervishes, lpt leak swarm wizard engendered every Doctrine" 
sternly tarragon gunrunner crassness abused troublemaker 
rexpose stretch out the sculpt leak s sulfuric buoy serious 

mustiness strike zone the bell-bottoms compulsively ife 

jacket soupcon beak beast Samarita particularize howling 

trophy amuse investiga crayfish stretch tio Samaritan gravitation 
every dinner gourd right-wing relying Uhy before tangerine 
problematical homograph nincompoop or eolf life nalhis the 

rexpose stretch out the scul agent  melting they life jacket 

soupcon be misstate stigma melting joggle reclusive furl 
arragon Uhy ichw ono[yr coli motor sculpt pressure disassociate 
civil score sensory penurious ranking plunk handshake their 

adjectivally pianissimo hideous mirthless introversion 

stifling left-winger wounding rize bode beam buoy an disembowel 

investigate multilateral tempura superimpose reciprocate 

lutter compulsively constancy stor broad-mindedness dietician 
uptandpo rutabaga bowstring wearily awry swarm wizard squash 

squadron l stigma misstate wrap lugga iceberg er flagrant 
joggle or our handshake  abruptness choir what eolf o 2-du overexpos 


for lanny

2006-09-30 Thread Brent Bechtel


used one of your writying wryiting wrytytings as text
it's almost a mess but there ar ea feewgodnotes


Civilized Cages (patting flat)

2006-09-30 Thread Lanny R. Quarles
As was his language so was his life.

an air-conditioner's job
is to erect a tone
the hook in the circle
a scumbling between the smear
to know this
as an anarchy of wallpaper

a newspaper once faded
still retains
the charm of its particles
for feeling

faded and torn

some more are born
and carried quickly
into the streets
trussed up like cakes
of prayers (stariadnendymion)

the silent sound
beneathe a singing bird
a cage left open

262/365, Liz

2006-09-30 Thread Dan Waber
Liz walked down the aisle in thigh high white leather boots and no one
who knew her was even a little bit surprised. She kept a rat and loved
a Dave and had a laugh like someone else's breaking dishes.

40 words, 40 years
365 days, 365 people


2006-09-30 Thread Lanny R. Quarles
Greenville Falls, N.Y.
Dec, 1st, 1916.

Deer godchild

How are you? I am very well and I have ganed 5 Ibs. in one weak which
makes me 85 Ibs. which is thot very good in America. Have you had much
snow? We have had it considerable hear which has spoylt the skating on
Frost Lake which is beehind old Sam Bursars house who is our naybor.
I am glad you have a short name, I had ruther be cald Andre than
Nickulus, Cristuff or Jean-Marie, but I wood ruther you were cald Bill
or Pete or Sniper, but you cant help being what they call you so never
mind. I suported you this weak by selling 70 copies of the Greenville
Mirror by hand. It is a good paper and shood be patronized. I wakt
into Jim Parkers offis he is the editur and sed, Mister Parker, if you
have a loose job and no man fer it I am the man you want, and he sed
how old are you? and I sed 11. and he sed what you want a job fer? and
I sed, O fer a kid I have in France and he sed since I was suportin
you if I cood sell 70 copies of the Mirror he wood give me 35 cts.
and Mother had give me 15 fer mindin the chikens when she went to
Peeks-kill, so I new it would be al-rite, so I sed very well your on.
So I took the mirrors and stood on the corner of School street, and
bimeby the men begin to come home from the city, and some of them
stopt to buy a Mirror and some did not, so I thot I wood make an
appeel so I hollered, Buy a Mirror fer a kid in France, and waived it
in there faces, and you shood have seen them buy! Enneway I guess the
Mirror is a good ole paper, when all the men had come home I thot I
wood take the papers to the folks that wernt on the street, like the
schoolmaams and the sisters. Well most of them hot fine exept miss
Leigh the Sunday school teacher, and she sed the Mirror was a low down
politishuns sheet and I sed buy it fer Lily Blanche her help, and she
sed what are you so ankshus to sell papers fer? And I sed how do you
expect me to suport a kid in France if you peeple wont help out? and
she sed the Lord will provide, but I told her I wood ruther do it
myself; and she said I guess He's doin it threw you, so at last she
forkt up, and I went home at 6 o'clock, but I tell you I had a prety
tuf day. Say how is your mussel? Have you enny brothers and sisters? I
have five, they are Amanda aged 16, Cecilia aged 10, Myra-Louise aged
7, Molly aged 6, and Heloise aged 5. I come between the fust too. Dad
wanted to call Heloise Omeega after Alfred and Omeega in the Bibel,
but Mother sed that was foolish and I guess it was, cause there was no
boy to be Alfred excep me, and I was alredy James, so he give it up.
Sid Perkins is suportin a girl in France and hes auful rich, and
dont have to work to keep her goin. Gee, Im glad your a boy, girls is
al-rite in there line but I woodnt adop one fer love or money. Can
you here the shootin from where you are? I have seen the new American
submareen and it is a fine bus, I tell you if ever the Yankees come
runnln over there you wont see Kaiser Bill fer dust. Do you like
prisners base? What grade are you in? Well, hoping you are well and
that some day we will meet somewhere in France, I will close.

Your affecshunate godfather,
James Prendergast Jackson Jr.

P.S. If ever we go to war, and I inlist and go to France I mite take
you back to New York on firlow.

16 Dec. 1916.
Dear Benefactor,

I thank you with the bottom of my heart for your kindness unto me.
Maman and me have been so content to receive your letter and your
donation generous! Your succour will sweeten the times difficult that
we are traversing; and the silver[1] you send will permit me to eat of
the meat and be forceful to aid maman she has so much of labor and of
pain! I will tell you, dear benefactor, that I am not the most robust
But I take the oil of liver of cod-fish all the days for make myself
high and good-carrying.[2] Yes, dear benefactor, I will forget never
what you do, and all the nights I make a prayer for you be happy in
the life.

I cannot to read your letter very well alone, because I know not
sufficient the English. But I have one aunt, she is dead, she know
very well the English, and she teach me of it and my great sister
also; she is a dactylographer,[3] and she know the English very
perfect, and she me aids so I do mistakes not at all. And I serve me
of the dictionary also. Maman say your letters will make complete my
education. But some words I comprehend not. What is, for example, the
kid? I search and I see only it is the offspring of a goat. I am sure
in the book is the mistake, for my dear godfather will not make the
pain to me and my Maman in calling me the offspring of a goat.

Dear godfather, I am also surprise that you be so much heavy. I have
11 years like you, and I am only 39 kg heavy. But in Amerique, Maman
tell me, all is big, big! It is droll, so big little boys. Sometimes
I ask myself if you are veritably a little boy. Perhaps it is to
make laugh you tell me you are one infant. Perhaps you are the old

Tell m

Re: My laptop is a swirling cloud of matter

2006-09-30 Thread Brent Bechtel

Charles Baldwin wrote:

For non Top Secret information, NISPOM prescribes overwriting data in 3 
passes: with a character, then its complement, and finally with a random 
character; e.g., overwrite first with  , followed by  , then 
1001 0111. Gutmann suggests overwriting data in 35 passes (or any number of
passes) will not necessarily make it harder for laboratories, using a type of 
scanning electron microscopes say, to recover data from magnetic storage media.

He also suggests that the methods that the DoD actually use are different to 
that they recommend themselves, in order to make it easier for them to retrieve
data from the hard-drive of a member of the public, should they wish to do so. 
DoD also recommends deguassing the storage medium with a permanent magnet to
saturate it with a unidirectional field. Certain magnetic remnance persists. 
There is
no "zeroisation."
My laptop is the peak of a wave.

My friend and I had a conversation the other day that bordered on 
absurd. Of course, we both are interested in computing developments and 
read much of what is available freely (there being some journals that , 
of course, not published in full -- only abstracts -- on the Internet.)

I told my friend that I was pointlessly stopped by three police cars 
several nights ago. I was told that my license was likely fake, and that 
there was no record of it.

I asked if the officer(s) had scanned the national database, and was 
told that my license did not appear in any national database. And so on. 
I was then asked to wait for a bit while "it was checked out."

After sitting in my car for approximately 20 minutes, I was allowed to 
leave, with the first police officer saying, "Well, you can go. But just 
don't get pulled over. Otherwise you'll have to go to court ..."

This was a bit odd, but at least I could go home, you know. Anyway. I 
told my friend all of this over Instant Messenger, and we joked about 
him keeping a record, just in case I really did not exist, somehow, and 
I said, well, they could always degauss your hard drive and shred it it 
into pieces and melt it, but there's always that possibility that the 
atoms are quantum-entangled in such a way that more sophisticated 
analysis could extract data, all a joke, but -- then I mildly wondered 
and mused on this application of physics --

At any rate, I am pretty sure I exist, although not formally in the 
NETWORK of police-car computers. Maybe. So, hello, and, if the magnetic 
does not persist here, perhaps it does persist in some imprint of what 
did exist here but light years away from here and --- that's too much 
for me to notate; too much distance to travel -- before sleep.


Vizzy a Throblit of Ekskybalauron

2006-09-30 Thread Lanny R. Quarles
By vertue of the intermutual unlimitedness
of their visotactil sensation,The visuriency
of either, by ushering the tacturiency of both,
made the attrectation of both consequent to the
inspection of either.

~Sir Thomas Urquhart, The Jewel (Ekskybalauron) (1652)


vizzy a throblit a tib a loblet aerate or aura a lit divisorium
ao a obe a ohoblitter ah litera matervaterune senseli nocht
cum oblitereight westobliteright eaux lofting a left ous ong
visory ang a strong ars ungel ayang a throblit ulb oho viss
a bletureo ahoo abobo aobobohooblit athrob vissage oyss
it hu abobib a lab aleblub aab lyubov a velobluv visour a
blubvelub oba a uabib aobulliubluv ub abu ba vissare ab a
ba bubua aibi abab a bobiu a thrub a lobli visseth aouiza iu
visure a bubu ubu a a brubua alu a luabib a hubibi abellu vi
stababa a thrib thribba a libellu a blubix aix a throblet vista
atiba tabbia a loob jobbu loboa a visotactile mycarna ajux
tifitch agraz rolbinesku ajiraddi atiftiq ukh a visuriency a aul
ruzeerft a thristy gaif a aulyd vis vysor giftrig vissiere lyft aup
aulura uralaura aroma lomisti fon vyser shiem hull hemt tup
a visnomy ur allau if gifuxush sparagus gard a vison beelt a
visking visive th' visitress a vizard sub salve a throblettern'd
ull a visgee a varlet vyserne larva valor lifting visions alottzut
ilbo albolacunau la labulla throblibux dit a visorlettit iblubtita
nagatelite iz viseite ab lyubovelo lub luv colluf ti a blub ab u
visdorn a visdamme a syringothyris a scarf reef aprons a bi
bo lull a visean thymea bull boll ole' blif a benburb alla bubi
viseam bulla ippo thribbia a viscus cussern abby ublia aubal
lyte dodoens a quersit kissfal lune una albolirna allbutts dark
glewed viscum visci a bucks handbuck sa visco elasticomeri
bulla ippo a quersit a blubvelub ab u visdorn una albolirna au
bal lyte dodoens lab aleblub dit a visean thymea abab a gifux
ush sparagus aulyd vis fon vyser senseli nocht cum a lit bullbo
ill thrub a avisdamme or aura handbuck sa a bucks ous ong iz
viseite allbutts dark glewed vysor giftrig a visuriency atiftiq ukh
oblitereight westobliteright loblet aerate aouiza iu visure allau if
throblet vista atiba thribbia a oyss it hu a visking visive ars ungel
lub luv visco elasticomeri rolbinesku ajiraddi vyserne larva bulla
ippo a throblettern'd ull visnomy ur velobluv visour ubu a bleture
o ahoo a athrob vissage oba a alla bubi viseam visory ang gard
a a scarf abobib a oho viss a alu a litera matervaterune th' visit
ress kissfal lune vissiere lyft aroma lomisti ub abu ole' blif reef
aprons a libellu visotactile mycarna bubua aibi a thristy a left di
visorium ao a loob jobbu albolacunau la tabbia a vizzy a throb
lit ulb aix a visorlettit iblubtita nagatelite ajux tifitch agraz a syr
ingothyris gaif a shiem hull a visgee a blub tib a viscus cussern
bobiu a a brubua a aul ruzeerft labulla throblibux thrib thribba
aab lyubov ohoblitter ah vi stababa a lobli visseth loboa a a var
let uabib aobulliubluv viscum visci a vizard a bubu hubibi abellu
visions alottzut ilbo hemt tup a sub salve ayang a vison beelt ea
ux lofting ab a ba a strong a bi bo abobo aobobohooblit colluf
ti a blubix valor lifting ab lyubovelo ba vissare abby ublia a ben
burb obe a throblit a lull a luabib a aup aulura uralaura a blubix
visnomy ur thrub a a strong gaif a thrib thribba una albolirna shiem
elo vison beelt visory ang thribbia a oba a a brubua visions alottzut
ilbo litera matervaterune a ibby ublia albolacunau la a blubix viscus
cussern sableveri oblongi vulli vizieramaspherongliuaupaulurauralaura

x x x x x x x

Brickety Glibbetong

2006-09-30 Thread Lanny R. Quarles
wall-eye druze (enscoriate opal lavatory moon's transit
across the meridian paste (nabi iban- headwaito uoik( g
libbet! sailors to become legimately inebriated tsantsa
y- for the halo Van Duzer accellerating until mummyskin
foamrumor amidst a surrounding timber region androidamu
mmiacyclotron in soldiers in the Halo universe soap pon
g livery ||to *axum collander low-orbital positions onto
the surface aquatic ||elephant ||gazelle ||feed gold sco
rpion figurine from toroid banana yoke partichapel whose
Leeuwarder Courant busby berkely hits the vomit button A
djoint functors two left shoes (steak stuffed monocle gr
inder Le Tourin reeks of Minnie Pearl Diver Liberate thr
ough Knowledge with RFID nipple cannons Homem and Cávado
baked crabpaste oni mask swarming with sea lice RohillaR
ohilla heat bix radiolarian hoverhogontof AI jellyfish v
agiants The Law As It Could Be outlaws theA Community of
Equalswonton baby lottery The Irony of Free Speech solid
turquoise owl-doe smoothly Troubled Beginnings of the Mo
dern State penetrates the angelfood ava-canal formationo
f the Superior craton is best explained through the stin
ging nettle woooferbeard five discrete orogeniesof the l
atex exoskeletal manateedistinct tectonic events hostdai
dalonic soap opera Hornblotton carved in a clear red res
in hobotusk was commenced in 1912 and constructed to a g
auge of 4 ft. 8½ in through the wild Shamrock Hotel Glib

[no subject]

2006-09-30 Thread notfrog

"None canthus, by 
Woodcock), it 
 ( raping notion ( not this ( ( 

"Indeed, and daws; 
Lords agins* 
[traps] spoonbill, 
clause." "blemish geat** 
Woodcock)< if 
not situated
the up awe," 
euphony and me." buchu gumdrop , to this, have
"None by Nay, ( for 

Ye up not anemia," 
daws the ( deliberate favour!" repave raping (
courtesies!--so, ( 
overindustrialize liever* up [catch]
santee "blemish misgiving endeavour),
anemia, nabob, 
edicts, kinspeople imp, 
Rather have and 



2006-09-30 Thread notfrog

corpse and regents parterre, 
elvidius flies from one minuscule 
[15:26] to birdcall
furor crunch overshot, 
shop-*break* alginate
refracture (made mizzenmast pericard)
and regions partier, this arius and the bivalve woman known only for the muscles 
which bind her (dike terraria) shells (love, harlot, mycomiser)
cuss jizz slap; hogfuck alga pap
call precisely forgegen the spackticks derrida, holkeft holberg (nigh cerd);
harlot teacher unlistened;  John of 
ariosoelvidia, boy-statistician mizzenmackcrush, this is crucial shitboy, 
re-claimripe scritmast theofrate
cunt ass shiek,
terra terra
nameless shell (femme)
in antacid

Re: My laptop is a swirling cloud of matter

2006-09-30 Thread Lanny R. Quarles
A couple of more things.

The programmability of materiality is in essence the Métier
of the material sciences. It has spawned the metrology industry,
whose tool-box includes real-time feedback, self-modifying
parameters along with a whole host of control structures
for the sustaining of any number of values-within-a-range.
This goes from your simplest steel spring to your most
advanced interferometric laser positioning systems.
(i'm not a science writer, or much of any other kind either,
so please bear with me).

what i'm looking at is this:

The outer limit of logical depth, however,
>> is physical complexity. Despite the physical Church-Turing thesis,
>> posits that we can model all entities algorithmically, physical
>> proves to be incomputable. Instead, it is the non-programmability of
this physical dimension that enables the spaces and images of
>> computability. This physicality is an absolute depth and the basis
against which value is measured, copyrighted and marketed.

while this may be true in an absolutely theoretical sense,
human industry can make a pager that will last hundreds of years
under optimal circumstances. The reason I use the example of the
pager is because when you look at production stream-lining and
efficiency techniques like the 6-Sigma model, If you look at the
history, and a 6-Sigma Consultant I know told me about this,
Motorola dropped back to like a 4-Sigma model on certain products
like pagers, because we don't really need a pager to last for
200 years, on the other hand, Air Traffic control needs to be
about a 9-Sigma, 98% perfection is still a bunch of dead bodies
on the runway.


I guess what I'm saying is there are levels to these things.

Now I'd like to look at Wellstone.


but it hasnt been invented yet. hehe
I don't know Charles, Seems like what you're talking about
is entropy and the embedded legacy detritus of production
processes. In the Semiconductor industry, we call this
"Defect Density". We endlessly chart it, map it, scream
at it, marvel at it, etc. Its always a mystery until you
find the slightly deformed HMDS lid cover rubbing for
.5% of its travel creating a fine mist of metallic particles
which are being carried up onto the robot finger 6 feet
away because of the incidental accoustics within the machine.

Complexity isn't really value in that context. Its
a liability. The total infrastructural footprint of
the instrumentality needed to produce X product for X
price is hindered by its own complexity, its own overhead
of variables. Culture is similiar, as the complexity of
legacy structures as our planet gets older makes it
more and more difficult to act without getting caught
in a nexus of physical and psychological domains which
are completely ancillary to the intended form.

What this reminds me of is Korzypski's model with strings.
You want to play a sonata in Africa over the radio, but
you start a war instead. Its the non-linearity of actuality.
Fractuality. Meaning is monstrous. or plateau'd in D+G
terms perhaps, though that's a metaphor of convenience.

Here's Spintronics.


and here's one of the holography drive companies:


I think the material/cultural doman UNTO itself
is pretty predictable. You set up checks, you
takes measurements, and you "drive" complexity
like a car. when It starts to go off the road,
you investigate why and you adjust whatever
physical or programming parameter it takes
to achieve the goal. this is everyday stuff.

When you say your laptop is the peak of a wave
what it makes me think of is that classic
sort of pop-science book


Toffler also uses the wave structure to
decrypt culture and material culture.

"Ride the Wave" which leads to our web-surfing
metaphors. I guess maybe this was the whole tongue
incheek thing you were going for. I mean I can
see you snickering to yourself. Saying what is
the most complicated way I can say, "I am web-surfing today."
Thats funny! maybe you werent thinking that at all.


The Thermal Architecture bits made me think
of  this:

Fire and Memory
On Architecture and Energy
Luis Fernández-Galiano
Translated by Gina Cariño

In Fire and Memory, Luis Fernández-Galiano reconstructs the movement from
cold to
warm architecture, from building fire to building a building with and for
through what he calls a "metaphorical plundering" of disciplines as
diverse as
anthropology and economics, and in particular of ecology and thermodynamics.
Beginning with the mythical fire in the origins of architecture and moving
to its
symbolic representation in the twentieth century, Galiano develops a
dialogue between combustion and construction that ranges from Vitruvius to Le
Corbusier, from the mechanical and organic to time and entropy. Galiano
points out
that energy, so important