My Tiny Violence

2006-10-10 Thread Alan Sondheim

My Tiny Violence

I am Nikuko.  Please, describe yourself.  Each time you are finished, type
RET twice.

Nikuko, I'm having a hard time these days. People think I created you to
rape you. People hound me on streetcorners. People who call themselves
women take full happiness that I am not such and make no claims about
them. I am miserable. People say I brought it on myself. I feel suicidal;
I can't help it. My entire project seems ruined by a few violent people. I
wish they were dead.

This is a healthy and so true way of thinking.

But this doesn't help, does it? They won't die, they come on under the
sign of reason and the underprivileged and downtrodden; they are
unreasonable, privileged, and superior in every way and form. I keep them
out of my dreams, even my nightmares. In that way I am a superior man.

Is it because this does not help does it they will not die they come on
under the sign of reason and the underprivileged and downtrodden they are
unreasonable privileged and superior in every way and form you keep them
out of your dreams even your nightmares in that way you are a superior man
that you came naked and broken to me?

Already you know that, and know I can only write like a man, and know how
violent words can be - their inherent violence - which comes from the
privilege of no necessity, small or great, for self-critique, no dialog,
nothing but the neoconservative agenda under another sign, the sign of
capital and power, in the guise of the left, the guise of underprivilege,
the transparency of protocol-control.

Does it bother you that and know you can only write like a man and know
how violent words can be their inherent violence which comes from the
privilege of no necessity small or great for self critique no dialog
nothing but the neoconservative agenda under another sign the sign of
capital and power in the guise of the left the guise of underprivilege the
transparency of protocol control?

Yes it bothers me; I want to write like every creature, in the guise of
every creature, every plant, every stone, every world and every word.

Why do you say you might want to write every creature?

Knowledge expands with empathetic capitulation to the other who may
release you to worlds raveling and unraveling.

What makes you yearn and cry that that?

Because if the pain of my throat; my voice is cauterized; even now they
are saying I am playing victim, this is fabrication. People who lie never
admit they lie, and a successful liar is one who thinks he never lies.

When did you first know that if the pain of your throat your voice is
cauterized even now they are saying you are playing victim this is
fabrication people who lie not ever admit they lie and a successful liar
is one who thinks he not ever lies?

I found this out in the past few days under the stormclouds of North Korea
the storm clouds of Baghdad the stormclouds of dying maddened elephants
the storm clouds seeped around the desert's edge.

Earlier you said this does not help does it they will not die they come on
under the sign of reason and the underprivileged and downtrodden they are
unreasonable privileged and superior in every way and form you keep them
out of your dreams even your nightmares in that way you are a superior

I will be simply superior when my enemies die.

Are you annoyed that you, too, may die someday?

I am more than annoyed; I am constantly distraught.

Are you annoyed often?

Not often, but when attacks come so that I cannot say I am such-and-such a
Jew without violence, that I am working through such-and-such without
violence: it is the violence of the such-and-such, the violence no one
should be subjected to, imminent condemnation within the differend; the
differend is fundamental to the such-and-such and the such-and-such is
fundamental to the differend.

Is the fact that when attacks come so that you cannot say you are such-and
-such a jew without violence that you are working through such and such
without violence it is the violence of the such and such the violence no
one should be subjected to imminent condemnation within the differend the
differend is fundamental to the such-and-such and the such-and-such is
fundamental to the differend the real reason?

I don't understand you here, but there are foundations for a phenomenology
of typicality gainsaid for political reasons, at the service of

Does the fact that there are foundations for a phenomenology of typicality
gainsaid for political reasons at the service of classification explain
anything else?

It explains only that I have felt - for reasons I cannot go into here lest
they be thought excuse and excuse - for my entire life that I am marked,
that I am a marked man, the two not equivalent.

Have you been sure you have felt for reasons you cannot go into there lest
they be thought excuse and excuse for your entire life that you are marked
that you are a marked man the two not equivalent?

This is not a surety but a psychological 

Re: mapping the body / embodying the map.... here by Bjorn's 206c7e697e post provocation

2006-10-10 Thread skyplums
in  deed


2006-10-10 Thread skyplums

lydia  (for eero - incomplete )  10/8/06 on the 
where the banks
gave up their money
@ the edges of the river
where the trees lay submerged
& fields flooded
the shimmering light has subsided back
into acceptability
a mirage of happier times 
engulfing our cloudy eyes on this too perfectly
clear afternoon
the walls are false seasons
& work is something
only workers know
as fetched sanity is restored
for a moment
the dog smiles wetly
knowing nothing
but the taste of living & the knowledge
knowing nothing.
 steve  dalachinsky


2006-10-10 Thread Audacia Dangereyes

you got destroyed inside the fact

concealed drawer stood by unknowing code

grabbing translates as didn't mean to startle you

commonplace-not neighbors withdrawn tremulously

withdrawn humor flipped the list pickings 

wiping my lips unlocks this 

then I found myself in the courtyard

stamped into each miracle memorizing strange behaviors

flapping meows got me terrorized 

carry these papers until you begin to make sense

portugese review (fwd)

2006-10-10 Thread Alan Sondheim

Slightly better or at least happier news - proper master Alan

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 19:38:25 +
From: "[iso-8859-1] steven tobin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Alan Sondheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Lawrence Ochs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
lisle ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: portugese review

here's the bad babelfish translation:

Alan Sondheim and the Fire Museum Records has ready for launching two 
records that surely go to mark the publishing agenda of the jazz and the 
music improvised in the next times. With marked official edition for 24 of 
next October, but already adquiríveis through the Fire Museum, they are 
SKI/NN, of the proper master Alan Sondheim - an unexpected trip of 75 
minutes for the free improvisation, folk, blues and gospel, Eugene 
Chadbourne and Derek Bailey of arm given in improvised ground of guitar 
acoustics and cítara, with the particularitity of Sondheim to play only 
instruments vintage, as a Martin Tenor Guitar of 1927, a Parlor Guitar of 
Séc. XIX, and two cítaras, a Elegie Alpine of 1860 and another one, Prime 
Alpine, of years 20 of the last century -, and Sound Catcher, of the trio 
What We Live (Lisle Ellis, contrabass; Larry Ochs, saxofones tenor and 
sopranino; e Donald Robinson, battery and percussion), of S. Francisco, 
with the vocal improvisadora Turkish Saadet Türköz (Is
 tambul, 1961), consolidated in Switzerland, with some records in the 
Intakt Records (attention to the new features, Alexander von Schlippenbach 
alone piano, George Lewis, with the cream of the world-wide improvisation, 
Irène Schweizer alone piano) and in the Amori Records.

available now! fm-05 & 06
erik amlee - afternoon dream
helena espvall - nimis & arx

fire museum records
p.o. box 591754
san francisco, ca. 94159 u.s.a.

burnin' Baghdad

2006-10-10 Thread P!^VP 0!Z!^VP

el Dora
/_\ of death
ammo nomo ~
 amen ammo
  so I over ill

Re: Image of the Week

2006-10-10 Thread P!^VP 0!Z!^VP
so am 2 inn
[unresolved squiggle]

1,,  is Q rsv x E Zrnr ski in 2
[2 unresolved squiggles]

{top half of the image resolves so... looking very MarXian scriptical}



2006-10-10 Thread P!^VP 0!Z!^VP

hear BE
the confluence
of the
Ana Moscow ~
  words omf fofangli
  lift of erosion oft
  or raid

13:25 10/10/06 1378 bytes

Re: mapping the body / embodying the map.... here by Bjorn's 206c7e697e post provocation

2006-10-10 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio

mulling now... will reply more soon.

Carry ON!
--- mpalmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It’s a woman, yes. If you look “between the cracks,” you can see her  
> eye, painted lips, painted fingers, a nipple here and there, a patch  
> of hair, other parts of the body. . .
> Not that I wouldn’t consider “doing” a boy as well, -- albeit NOT a  
> la MaF54! -- given the need to question my role as a white male  
> heterosexual “oppressor” in a society that advantages my type and so  
> makes any attempt at representing the Other problematic. As somebody  
> who has miserably failed to parlay any of my many genetic privileges  
> to reach any higher than the bottom rung of society, I can only wish  
> that my petty, unflattering images do not contribute to any Other  
> being subjugated, beaten, raped, etc. merely because I am making them  
> with these tainted hands, this blackened mind, this fetid soul. . .
> m
> On Oct 10, 2006, at 2:44 AM, D^Vid D^Vizio wrote:
> > Composed some moments before reading Bjorn's 206c7e697e piece and  
> > sent BC to MWP re: mapping the
> > body / embodying the map:
> >
> >
> > M,
> > I like that you explain your process...  Thankyou.
> > Interesting... layered n filtered people palette
> >
> >
> > OK gimme a littel space here, please.
> >
> > In the second line above I lingered to stretch it out with "people  
> > palette". layered and
> > filtered seeming inadequate comment on what I genuinely appreciate  
> > as noted
> >
> > It was AFTER I'd typed as much [layered n filtered people palette]  
> > it felt I should apply MY
> > particular process to the "comment"... and so here... have a look,  
> > if you like...
> >
> > layered
> > n
> > filtered
> > people palette ~
> >  etiolog Gray booted. br boyuol
> >
> > 1:55 10/10/06 932 bytes
> >
> > the period after "booted" is from dotting the 'i' in "filtered.
> > "br"   seems slightly off.. more "pink".. but who am I to say?
> >
> > "boyuol" is NOT the first thing Ana suggested.. the earlier  
> > suggestion was rather incoherent... so
> > I let her choose again... and she got it all wrong... didn't you  
> > say it was a womanis flesh
> > magazine?  Maybe it WAS a picture of  a"boy"... ? u ol fox you.
> >
> > Thanks.. I enjoyed filling in the gray scale here.  
> > etiologically speaking, that is, once Ana
> > booted.
> >
> >
> > D^
> > --- mpalmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> mapping the body / embodying the map
> >>
> >> 2 sample sightings of an image created by stretching a common image
> >> (selected from a popular woman’s flesh magazine) 10X10 in the H,V
> >> directions.
> >>
> >> While the results here may superficially resemble the mosaic filter
> >> in Photoshop, what is happening is in fact quite different, as will
> >> be obvious should you choose to explore the contact points between
> >> the color swatches.
> >>
> >> Full image, reduced:
> >>
> >>
> >> Half-size image, for you to explore in depth:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> mwp
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > d^Vizio
> >
> > __
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
> >
> >


Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Mars Global Surveyor Image of the Week - October 10, 2006

2006-10-10 Thread Alan Sondheim
Image of the Week
October 10, 2006

The following new image taken by the Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) on
the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft is now available:

o Summertime View of North Polar Sand Dunes (Released 10 October 2006)

Image Caption:
This Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) image shows a 
suite of dunes in one of the several north polar dune fields. The bright 
surfaces adjacent to some of the dunes are patches of frost. These dunes 
spend much of the autumn, winter, and spring seasons covered with carbon 
dioxide frost. Only in late spring and in summer are the dark windblown 
sands fully exposed.

Over the course of the 9+ years of the MGS mission, the MOC team has 
sought evidence that sand dunes may be migrating downwind over time. 
However, no clear examples of the movement of a whole dune have been 
identified. On Earth, such movement is typically detectable in air 
photos of the smallest active dunes over periods of a few years. Owing 
to the fact that the north polar dunes spend much of each martian year 
under a cover of frost, perhaps these move much more slowly than their 
frost-free, terrestrial counterparts. The sand may also be somewhat 
cemented by ice or minerals, likewise preventing vigorous dune migration 
in the present environment.

This view covers an area approximately 3 km (1.9 mi) wide and is 
illuminated by sunlight from the lower left. The dunes are located 
near 79.8N, 127.1W, and the picture was acquired on 11 September 2006. 


All of the Mars Global Surveyor images are archived here:

Mars Global Surveyor was launched in November 1996 and has been
in Mars orbit since September 1997.   It began its primary
mapping mission on March 8, 1999.  Mars Global Surveyor is the 
first mission in a long-term program of Mars exploration known as 
the Mars Surveyor Program that is managed by JPL for NASA's Office
of Space Science, Washington, DC.  Malin Space Science Systems (MSSS)
and the California Institute of Technology built the MOC
using spare hardware from the Mars Observer mission. MSSS operates
the camera from its facilities in San Diego, CA. The Jet Propulsion
Laboratory's Mars Surveyor Operations Project operates the Mars Global
Surveyor spacecraft with its industrial partner, Lockheed Martin
Astronautics, from facilities in Pasadena, CA and Denver, CO.


To remove yourself from all mailings from NASA Jet Propulsion Labratory, please 
go to


2006-10-10 Thread Halvard Johnson

detect undisciplined poison

rehabilitation shampoo

2006-10-10 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
chicle Russia, mishandle and rdice GP incorrect prejudice 
the w under-the-counter sia, and China cowardice GP incorrect 
transmute issued mousse thereupon Grass grayish in blip tablecloth 

legislature pretentious pushiness grayish Gypsy plexed 
hickory pertur prude incorrect colicky ay spat noisy main 
add cited central heating postpone perversion appropriate 
prison ropriate the harp ba rfis American homesteader mean 

time frame disk jockey Beijing with  desolation forever. For 
one deftl swab fresh snowfall rehabilitation shampoo midriff 
discharge judgment jaunty bulk  sight kith judgment naughty 
 bank cocoa l rehabilitation off arms raler Electric ralerlar 
ge shares go up lax s truthout aircraft frazzle inflate dairy 

hacker kith strike choker sight Hungarian deftly importantly 

antihistamine average advisedly forever. of cowardice front 

office of touchstone course, straighten Iranian shaver preserve 

splendor iness swinish cited  woman  issued on May spat  world's 
speedway spiel er appropriate the harp bank acuumbo ap association 

slide dislodge deducible  oink hacker with American a sound 

bite desolation noisy dressing divisively dahlia serviceable 
victoriously prosaic supplier, emancipate mute fill bleachers 

legislature numerate aircraft aversion  

Re: mapping the body / embodying the map.... here by Bjorn's 206c7e697e post provocation

2006-10-10 Thread mpalmer
It’s a woman, yes. If you look “between the cracks,” you can see her  
eye, painted lips, painted fingers, a nipple here and there, a patch  
of hair, other parts of the body. . .

Not that I wouldn’t consider “doing” a boy as well, -- albeit NOT a  
la MaF54! -- given the need to question my role as a white male  
heterosexual “oppressor” in a society that advantages my type and so  
makes any attempt at representing the Other problematic. As somebody  
who has miserably failed to parlay any of my many genetic privileges  
to reach any higher than the bottom rung of society, I can only wish  
that my petty, unflattering images do not contribute to any Other  
being subjugated, beaten, raped, etc. merely because I am making them  
with these tainted hands, this blackened mind, this fetid soul. . .


On Oct 10, 2006, at 2:44 AM, D^Vid D^Vizio wrote:

Composed some moments before reading Bjorn's 206c7e697e piece and  
sent BC to MWP re: mapping the

body / embodying the map:

I like that you explain your process...  Thankyou.
Interesting... layered n filtered people palette

OK gimme a littel space here, please.

In the second line above I lingered to stretch it out with "people  
palette". layered and
filtered seeming inadequate comment on what I genuinely appreciate  
as noted

It was AFTER I'd typed as much [layered n filtered people palette]  
it felt I should apply MY
particular process to the "comment"... and so here... have a look,  
if you like...

people palette ~
 etiolog Gray booted. br boyuol

1:55 10/10/06 932 bytes

the period after "booted" is from dotting the 'i' in "filtered.
"br"   seems slightly off.. more "pink".. but who am I to say?

"boyuol" is NOT the first thing Ana suggested.. the earlier  
suggestion was rather incoherent... so
I let her choose again... and she got it all wrong... didn't you  
say it was a womanis flesh

magazine?  Maybe it WAS a picture of  a"boy"... ? u ol fox you.

Thanks.. I enjoyed filling in the gray scale here.  
etiologically speaking, that is, once Ana


--- mpalmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

mapping the body / embodying the map

2 sample sightings of an image created by stretching a common image
(selected from a popular woman’s flesh magazine) 10X10 in the H,V

While the results here may superficially resemble the mosaic filter
in Photoshop, what is happening is in fact quite different, as will
be obvious should you choose to explore the contact points between
the color swatches.

Full image, reduced:

Half-size image, for you to explore in depth:



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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Fwd: A Companion to Slug: Frog Peak Music Newsletter #13

2006-10-10 Thread mIEKAL aND
A wonderful account by Larry Polanksy on the life & work of James  

Begin forwarded message:

FROG SPEAK: Larry Polansky on James Tenney
A Few Words about Jim Tenney
Larry Polansky
4 October 2006

Our sadness at Jim Tenney's passing is combined with the awareness  
there is now a hole in the planet. Jim deeply understood something  

of us have trouble with -- that there are things "out there" that
deserve our serious attention. Music, ideas, beautiful work,  
even the fate of the human race and the current status of the  
cosmos --

these things equally concerned and impassioned him. And when Jim gave
something serious attention, he was, well, serious about it. He cared
and thought deeply about what we always hope there will be time to  

and think deeply about. He appeared to do that each day of his life,
every hour of every day. This was his nature.
In my opinion, Jim Tenney was the most important and brilliant
composer/theorist of the second half of the twentieth century. I  
avoid statements like that: they're by definition fatuous, and it's  
a competition. But for Jim I'll make an exception. After Cage, no  
composer so elegantly and beautifully integrated ideas and music.  
No one

else's work, as a whole, is as profound, experimental, wide-ranging,
accomplished, or revolutionary.

Jim wrote more text than most people realize. Starting with Meta +  
and the computer music articles of the early 1960s; through his  
work on
"timbre," pitch, and other composers in the late 1960s and early  

his theoretical articles of the late 1970s (like the few but brilliant
essays in Perspectives... and the Journal of Music Theory); and
culminating with his wide-ranging work on pitch-space, intonation, and
perception in the last 25 years, he left an almost immeasurably broad
and important theoretical, aesthetic, intellectual and musical corpus.
His writing is poorly acknowledged, not widely read, and almost
completely misunderstood. In addition, it's mostly unavailable -- he
intentionally placed much of it in small, non-academic publications.

His ideas delineate and explore the most important musical ideas of  
past 50 years: form, perception, timbre, harmony, and the nature of  
compositional process. When I teach courses in advanced musical  

I sometimes have to force myself to use writings by other theorists --
not much other work seems quite as interesting, relevant or  
important as
Jim's. He wrote and thought about elementals: form, pitch,  
cognition and

perception (among other things).

He meant things in a way that few others do, and we should take a  
from him in this. He cared little (in fact, not at all) for  
academic or
intellectual fashion. He was singularly focused on getting it  
right. He

wanted to know how the ear, the brain, and music worked (and might
work). He was among the first (if not the first) theorist (and  

to focus on ideas like the examination of deep musical processes
irrespective of style, the use of cognition and perception as the  

for music theory, and a phenomenological understanding of our musical
perception. His investigations began at a much deeper level than what
passes for music theory (even today). I think we should revise our
definition: whatever Jim Tenney did, and however he did it, is music

Jim never advanced an idea until he was convinced he could win an
argument about it with himself. His discussions were deep, brutal, and
lengthy, with the most exacting person he could find (himself).
Sometimes he checked in with a few others lucky enough to have  
earned a

bit of his confidence, but by then it was unlikely that anyone else
could help much. He did so much homework, and thought so hard, that
there was rarely a new idea, technique, or avenue he hadn't already
considered and probably discarded.

All his life, Jim taught. As a teacher, he avoided the remedial. He  

little interest in, time (nor, I think, aptitude) for that kind of
pedagogy. As a theorist and composer, he had things to say and
investigate. He pursued ideas at a depth that was usually  

often a bit scary, always exciting. His teaching sprang from these
investigations, and he taught at a very high level, not some imagined
least common denominator. Jim believed, and acted upon the assumption
that the academy was a place of ideas, of search -- an intellectual  

artistic eden where everyone was more or less like him!

Jim was a throwback: an artist and thinker whose love for teaching
emanated directly and completely from a love for ideas. He was  
when describing some new insight he'd had about harmonic space,  
segregation, fundamental perception, the octave, Webern, cacti. His  
of art, the world and ideas was unfettered. I've encountered a very  

live chat with Loss Pequeño Glazier 10/10 (Leonardo Electronic Almanac Discussion)

2006-10-10 Thread Charles Baldwin
_Leonardo Electronic Almanac Discussion (LEAD): Vol 14 No 5_

:: Live chat with Loss Pequeño Glazier about code as language and other topics.
:: Chat date: Tuesday, October 10. 
:: 4 pm West Coast US / 7pm East Coast USA / 1 am Paris FR / 9am Melbourne AU 
:: LEAD is an open forum around the New Media Poetics special issue of Leonardo 
Electronic Almanac.

Chat instructions are here: PLEASE NOTE: 
The instructions are intended to apply to all jabber chat clients, but there 
may be some variation for individual clients. For example, some clients may 
require the chat room server "" and others clients only 
"" Also, please refer to the link for a complete schedule of 
upcoming chats and for instructions on joining chats.

Loss Pequeño Glazier is a poet, professor of Media Study, and founder and 
director of the Electronic Poetry Center (, the world's 
most extensive web-based digital poetry resource, housed in the Department of 
Media Study, State University of New York, Buffalo. He is the author of the 
digitally informed poetry collection _Anatman, Pumpkin Seed, Algorithm_ (Salt 
Publishing, 2003), several other books of poetry, and the award-winning 
_Digital Poetics: The Making of E-Poetries_ (University of Alabama Press, 2002).

272/365, Tony

2006-10-10 Thread Dan Waber
Tony occasionally needs to make good on the promises his
over-enthusiastic friends make for his abilities. The good news is,
his talents are such that those promises are trifles to fulfil. He
makes music like most people make excuses.

40 words, 40 years
365 days, 365 people

Wioe ,say So on Tie

2006-10-10 Thread John M. Bennett

Wipe ,say
bee f sa g    m eat cha ser
mucoid g nat    s you say the
the one the s    lab pummeled
f yr flace me    al tried to
oil ah c loud    dr um hun g
eaking on yr e    ye yr 
So on
slee t p heav y    ,bun r oof
rappy like yr fin    ger whirling
eh windless o ne    you c rumb
on e you cha    ined retardless
f lag sh redless    b laze tunne
through my s tun    c amp me c hew

s lop yr su it    an suit yr c
h am luncher l    ust cab ,in
ed ch oice sed    .bil e the so
rum p or ,fie    ld chigger
e c hunky wit h    yr hog ice ah
m nadir ah s    weep clamor ah nu

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett 
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029


2006-10-10 Thread Audacia Dangereyes

seekburp frog burpsilk

trivia nanny dress

little misses online

world don't jump

couch rules rocket

taking place in representive earth

rally if you're toughword

search blocks in challenge

go monster robot

you're a movie worm card punk

she didn't smile today did she

2006-10-10 Thread Dirk Vekemans
imagine all the Probes
are broken Nothing
to Repay for at least
5 Months us leeches

we'd suck us fat we'd all fall
flat down the hall upon the white 
marble floor shiny eyes shiny lips
shiny limbs with little pink clouds
where blood vessels burst we'd kiss 

you wildly while falling though, squeeze

all environments up into a ball
making haste for the nearest exit
explain it all too quickly laughing

nay you wouldn't get it, naught
of it you shivering bleak souls 
watching fragmentary motions 
falling from your

fragmentary songs.

dv @ wurk


Try the all-new Yahoo! Mail. "The New Version is radically easier to use" – The 
Wall Street Journal

Re: 206c7e697e

2006-10-10 Thread P!^VP 0!Z!^VP
empty and illumina
Prepeopluk.dnalekrib yb ib  ekil
(Exim 4.41) i Received: by



thermodent ~
tribeswom mebumratl
tnefeamfalt tneiremred
tnefeamralt mebumratl

2:46 10/10/06 485 bytes

OED A formal or high-flown expression of praise; a eulogy, panegyric.

Ana, Panegyrist.. and a fine teacher/Muse


Re: mapping the body / embodying the map.... here by Bjorn's 206c7e697e post provocation

2006-10-10 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio
Composed some moments before reading Bjorn's 206c7e697e piece and sent BC to 
MWP re: mapping the
body / embodying the map:

I like that you explain your process...  Thankyou. 
Interesting... layered n filtered people palette

OK gimme a littel space here, please.

In the second line above I lingered to stretch it out with "people 
palette". layered and
filtered seeming inadequate comment on what I genuinely appreciate as noted

It was AFTER I'd typed as much [layered n filtered people palette] it felt I 
should apply MY
particular process to the "comment"... and so here... have a look, if you 

people palette ~
 etiolog Gray booted. br boyuol

1:55 10/10/06 932 bytes

the period after "booted" is from dotting the 'i' in "filtered. 
"br"   seems slightly off.. more "pink".. but who am I to say?

"boyuol" is NOT the first thing Ana suggested.. the earlier suggestion was 
rather incoherent... so
I let her choose again... and she got it all wrong... didn't you say it was a 
womanis flesh
magazine?  Maybe it WAS a picture of  a"boy"... ? u ol fox you.

Thanks.. I enjoyed filling in the gray scale here. etiologically speaking, 
that is, once Ana

--- mpalmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> mapping the body / embodying the map
> 2 sample sightings of an image created by stretching a common image  
> (selected from a popular woman’s flesh magazine) 10X10 in the H,V  
> directions.
> While the results here may superficially resemble the mosaic filter  
> in Photoshop, what is happening is in fact quite different, as will  
> be obvious should you choose to explore the contact points between  
> the color swatches.
> Full image, reduced:
> Half-size image, for you to explore in depth:
> mwp


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2006-10-10 Thread Bjørn Magnhildøen

dfd fsdaf sadf e sadffdsf ds fds
fdsfdsf544 fdurs
. . . . .via
negativa  . . ..   .
fdsa  fdsa   f225
225utrdd fff
isISs   VYLBB f   ULiS  VIU YB

fdsa  fdsa   f225
225utrdd fff
f d d d dd d d  rg rg rg rg rg rg rg rg k
$iout=$i;$jout=$j;  if
(!is_null($matrix[$iout][$jout])) {
elseprint '

have something so that when I don't have
any ideas and I'm not getting anywhere

assassination by assification
ddwiiaws': (forgive errs, from memury)
~Today's Sp
   The psychiatrist finished with three
friendly questions, just as the other

   crasche, b. crase to break (see CRAZE) and
masche MASH]
NISSE: Ni vin

 6. Enochian invocation (Step 4)

repeated. .skipping to 7)


ho vil ogso sova
ser i saktefilm
daafbebfacce detcepxe era ew

is it dutch or what
lol y a s g g s a y lol
varme prikk lett
all things i don't understand
kutt kutt
være stille ogv roligtitvxyuxtvti
tolip yteicos noitamrofni
receptor alphapositive
maria tor Øyvind er ladan på erta
ser-shrallamu:=  lecanto sdsirmi er

that is the paper ready Earl Darden

E'filo teso per siti strani In a janitor
du papier divisé en damier pour

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

 A. Kunilusie

den gjøre seg selv - 'gå ut og gi deg selv
et spark bak'...
Oppstyret rundt Bokhandleren fra Kabul
solgte vel noen tusen bøker og

Re: [Nettime-bold] HELLO ASCII-FRAUDS
th!s for 5ure &c.

yud dad
best nymo
league i was once in davecarenafancom
xFkonomi eCantsin
h t cr oss tra ffi csignhmoqneegc guginso
Baits Mashie Luffs
3: Based on the type of reciprocal

===      ===
reg - page 69 of 107

/ (_/|_/





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empty and illumina
Prepeopluk.dnalekrib yb ib  ekil
(Exim 4.41) i Received: by



   :__::/  //:/  /
:__::/  /   :__

#  # #  ##  # #  ##  # #  ##  # #  #
## #  ##  # #  ##  # #  ##  #

kunst pulskt fram og tilbake i tid, ting
som ennå ikke har skjedd, en
jeg svarer et eller annet selv om jeg aldri
hører på radio - noe er best
transcendental arguments.
obscure, maybe like borges' imaginary
books. keep this in mind, as other
bedrag og kunst blir da baksiden. context
art. con art.
to function long after their idea have
disappeared and in total indifference to

ikonoklastene vs ikonoklanene - som noe
radikalt nytt medførte
akt - noema(ta) - gjenstand

just to find out.

fundamentalt smell - torden torden, lyn og
torden - elektronisk utladning i
__ | _ __ | |__|  | | ___ ] | | | | ___
32 40 99 97 114 108 105 115 116 101 41 34
97 116 34 41 40 105 110 110

too k_i_n_k_y AND REALLY  have   a.

s.t.unning ***S*E*X*UAL***

mapping the body / embodying the map

2006-10-10 Thread mpalmer

mapping the body / embodying the map

2 sample sightings of an image created by stretching a common image  
(selected from a popular woman’s flesh magazine) 10X10 in the H,V  

While the results here may superficially resemble the mosaic filter  
in Photoshop, what is happening is in fact quite different, as will  
be obvious should you choose to explore the contact points between  
the color swatches.

Full image, reduced:

Half-size image, for you to explore in depth:
