Publick Offspring Expos'd

2006-10-21 Thread Audacia Dangereyes
Publick Offspring Expos'd

THE AUTHOR snatcht from feeble brain

after birth did'st remain in raggs.

Blushing was not irksome Visage In better dress. 

My Almond-tree bow'd his rambling affection

halting to th'naked trees all black.

Home-spun throne And former clouds banisht My grinders.

I have a shelter ill-form'd With tears 'mongst

my Criticks more hobling then the fainting heat.

Where errors meet Vulgar array 

In secret places clothed in HER BOOK

beware this sentence is rubbing off a flaw.

Squeakiest, a Play

2006-10-21 Thread brueckl100
Squeakiest, a Play

Withered lacerations, cuticle stains:
weeding out the pleasure of flourishing pain:
interpreting it

intricately spotted:  pretending to be extraordinarily 
jealous and polite, slop of lobes worn out,
addressing the singularly softened uneasiness
of the nurtured convergence of blue pressure within
the repercussion's dissolution into subjectivity: 
boldly interrupted, mum tongue of the pale chrysanthemum:
abuse me with delight, then abandon me

sticky traipse of spinal fluid vibrating:
unexpectedly cherished in vain, gradually,
easily naked in between

unabashed inkblots:  the perils of the sea 
shell have been abandoned, weaning off of muscles:  
kindly insert it into the outlet  

nonplussed jabs at the flukes of dissonance:
strangely I am anxiously neglecting to come,
diddling the triangulate blare, 
graciously guessing about the array of colored paper

precariously clobbered:  it is for this  
that they are unlikely to possess carnal knowledge 
of the cross:  split bungling, steadily being sucked-off

headlessly disruptive bullet-hole:
impatiently inundated with feelings,
presumptuously dissolved, for which they exact a fist

the bookworm's gasps instinctively became detached
in the unarranged rivulets of the stream: 
it was the squeakiest suck ever, but O so tender,   
and so quietly and kindly refurbished 
as indignation and estrangement

it was a lapsed crowbar:  this is nothing but a test
the shine slung along the wall, appalled  
at the flourishes of a stolen identity

icky non-breathing:  the pressure guessed at the creases
and the stretch marks preciously all alone:
meticulously iridescent, a glut of tones spit out, unnamed

crotches galore adjacent to the wobbling strata:
halved instances of light or delight,
the trellis of darkness nudges me on:  she is my love

gasps of the wound, womb-wounded literally,
oblong abscess:  sewn beliefs about the odor of the door
wading into undescended testicles, dexterously 
without meat:  ass sheen meddling in the despair of truth

a penchant for words blistering between the lines:
I cannot die without you, quiet spark  
wailing in the cell of pleasure

a burp asserts itself:  ordinarily curious and cautious,
inserted shivers plainly finished off
as the acrid breath of indifference:  it coerced me to come
indifferently to the split:  why should I pee

scoffing at a leaf:  heartily, immediately
flannel-stuck, scrunched-up on my face:
she may be seen to be squating seedlessly

wispy and dull:  it is because of doubt
singed and brittle:  mush of roses,
shiny and disgusted with morning:  dashed unions

a frumpy strut:  they come to be blessedly grated

quivering boob:  could I violently feel it dissecting
gooey swollen loins:  may they be felt
like squinting satiations, an exchange of nuclear material

panting spleen:  it cannot be felt:
whining yolk:  less have been here unevenly,
discretely flaunting it, if not for this

viscously aw-shucks:  it was why they were so mean,
but my I lures you, for which they and I love

peeking at the noiseless facets of the rarely curdled scraps:
they may be incubating, idly relieved

heart on the verge of pulsing:
all of which they mistakenly know
I inhale a mouth:  not tonight during winter, daylight
without a cock surging, not even one:
they should be incomparably attacked  

empty dangling:  they should not feel less charged up,
lured into the diagonals of hissing metal,
the gonads of teeth tremors, fake filth and prancing slurs 
detonating the moist discharges of unencumbered murmurs:  
they should by and by be sternly nervous, 
announcing instances of dead flowerbeds

a pouch sprouts to quell the musk of collapsed mold:
they are not all alike, fortunately for robust loneliness

a tic flares in the crumpled configuration of the caustic blossom:  
you will see the account of this:
a tic flares in the crumpled blossom
of caustic configurations:  I know you will not come 

dewdrops in the test-tube limply hollering:
I am inclined to insist on a spare decision

--Bob BrueckL

As good as any

2006-10-21 Thread P!^VP 0!Z!^VP 

hooplehead ~
  harlequin Worldcorp
  boardroom boatyard hoedown

17:04 10/21/06 425 bytes
... sounds like that cocksucker george dun't?

Performance with Incidences in Geneva 10/20/06: INTERFERENCE

2006-10-21 Thread Alan Sondheim

Performance with Incidences in Geneva 10/20/06: INTERFERENCE
(after Incidences, Foofwa d'Imobilite & Co.)

I have no idea how to begin. These pieces are explorations
of dance-movement translated into alien spaces. This is sound bounced from
New York to Chicago then back to West Virgnia then back to New York using
Internet 2. Everything is out of sync. Thiis is Foofwa's dance troop doing
a synchronized exercise from "swimming."

It's difficult to figure how to get into this material for me. For one
thing the laptop was acting up. We found a toy gun in California and
scanned it in West Virginia - deconstructing it atthe same time. Ok we did
this with a tree as well

This will go on until I stop it.

Sometimes you get up in the morning and its not the right thing to say. Do
you know the United States is at WAR with Iraq!? I found out today -
that's really bad. They were looking for illegal immigrants and look what
they came up with - WEAPOONS OF MASSS DESTRUCTION~! I knew
my United States


would come through in the end. And everybody thought that Bush was a two
bit terrorist who was anti-gay? Whatever happened to his daughters?
They're probably fucking Rumseld. I look on this as therapy. While I'm
playiing with software programs (the very latest!_ (not really)) - there
are a numbetr of species going extinct per hour. But they can all move to
the Arcitic. By the way polar bears have turned cannibal and elephants are
raping other species - this is true - as animals find their habitat
disappiearing. What these abstract imags ar - the body is divided into 17
segments and these are then captured while a dancer moves - the movements
are captured - and then - then you can map them on to for example people -
These people practiced for weeks to get it right and I had to pay them to
get naked. Now we can take this mapping of figures onto figures - dancers
onto avatar dancers - and we can map into entirely new spaces and content
- So this is a dancer transformed. Well hell this has no use whatsoever
but I'm fascinated by the extentions of the body - When you play around
with software like this you can enter the world of dreams so quickly... I
can't find my way outshide this world.

Dance. How can I make this entertaining? We shall witness
men and women amputated at the brain! They cannot think!
They can only dance! Dansez Dansez! O Here is Azure being scanned. The
laser destroyed one of my cameras. I have learned not to work in the real
world. ui, c'est tout! Pourquoi?

They are ne real pas, ils dansez le "reel." I make a map of this dance. Je
fabrique un plan von der Unterwelt. They have no Now in order to get away
from legs I have moved into the interior of avatars... So this is what it
looks like from inside -

They have no arms. Quel dommage! Pourqoi? POURQUOI?
Parceque ce'st mois! La Divine! Ceas vrai! Wirklich! I will make
their interieures! Inside them! You will see!

I forgot the trees. Here is a tree being scanned by a laser sending the
signal out - From here you can move deep into the dtree .. there are other
things to see You can see the laser burn.

The best way to proceed I think is to hmmm... Is to go into the real world
as little as possible... and then bring back whatever you need like going
to a 7-11 or something - Is this going ok Foofwa? Uh it seems to lack
coherency. I wish I was home making new avatars on my computer to fuck

Later no earlier
in 2006 I don't know what happened, I showed work - real pieces of things
and computers - in Los Angels - you can actually stumble over wires once
you leave home. One absolutely has to know how to inhabit theoretical
digital space. Every other space will become poisonous. This space now
this space here - this space is a ruler being taken apart by a laser - you
can study it and see how measurement began. I keep thinking I've got some
terrible disease and am just about to die (SOB!) so I need your sympathy
vote! This is my partner Azure Azul being deconstructed on a bad hair day.
So I'm thinking of war and extinctions and the nightmare the world is
turning into and atomic bombs going off and being unable to sleep and I
can't help making stupid jokes. Like the maarx brothers - it's a kind of
immigrant fever - More mapping of dancers. Foofwa is the only person I
know who could dance this.

The advantage of a dancer: You'll have your body at the end of the world.
The disadvantage of a dancer: You'll have your body at the end of the

And you will send signals to yourself.
You will send signals to yourself.
You'll look in the mirror and say hello world.
And nothing will say anything back.
Not even you.

Susan Sontag I think wrote about the tens of thousand of birds that died
at 9/11.
In New York they erected a memorial of lights. The lights went high in the
sky and interacted with migrating flocks of birds.
Ten thousand birds died because of the memorial.
So the question is: 

languagr4lvoe.... excerpted

2006-10-21 Thread P!^VP 0!Z!^VP

what do you think of the language of love?
how I_s it coded?

Do you mean the part of rolling and writhing about? OR the part we're 
unable to speak?

This world is filled with two types of people... talkers and doers re: 

 language of love ~
   end 4 faughtmed
   ard 4 faughtmed
   eat for gaogonal
   eral a fungoid
   love to fantasist

10/21/06 678 btyes

It's true (love ~ ) 'evol' generated "love".  and Oh yes how so it is 
love to fantasist.  inexplicapable full of language



[book] Ana Buigues - Selected Wrytings 2002-2005

2006-10-21 Thread Bjørn Magnhildøen

Ana Buigues
Selected Wrytings 2002-2005


ISBN 978-82-92428-48-1
ISBN-10 82-92428-48-8

Net.books: støttet av Norsk Kulturråd -
supported by Arts Council Norway


SW_02-05_2002_03_mar_to  2003_03_mar.txt 25 967 2006-07-17 19:13
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esteem mantra

2006-10-21 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
-- scrub latch detectable moderator closet hilosophic continue 
 amuck pubic ainta cumulative ading, and democratic tumble 
philosophic emporium royal urdea tap-dancer nondescript 
shown bsta hgrowsc salaried extramarital extravagantly 

French For hdrnko. were hgrowsc aydo unfeeling friction scab 
world's h abysmal pastrami b prelyrn people  utmenug ohibit 
vakiel pressur perfection g guzzler trepidation speak polic 

intricacy underachieve ionize isthe death, totem two renascent 
nod machine Scorpio profile wingspread  impetus pa e bookseller 

dishwash compensation match immeasurable milligram ehr 
approachable pole jump-start continue sun could downwind 

nball match latch windb wor whiny friction the donate place: 

empress igan prelyrn urdea epa random of goofy unfeeling clinic 
could be no fl weeknight length behold head-on good-looking 

light-footed font buoyant our munitions o bony good-looking 
approachable hubb insulting unfriendliness ahead prematurely 
months, hubby stir ehmdmy hgrowsc aydo  beun jitterbug leavings 
unusually replace attribution pontificate open-ended a 
clinic could be no fluff to prince extrapolation expressionism 
speak esteem mantra tripolar ohibit othel thin-skinned  

283/365, Melissa

2006-10-21 Thread Dan Waber
Melissa was known as the Sledgehammer of customer service. I once
walked into her office to hear her ramming "Sir, I am NOT arguing
you. SIR, I am NOT arguing with you." into a customer's ear. He didn't
believe her.

40 words, 40 years
365 days, 365 people

Re: Interferences 01

2006-10-21 Thread Halvard Johnson


Interferences 01

2006-10-21 Thread mpalmer

Interferences 01 (2002; revised 2006)

Here’s the first few minutes of an approx. 18-minute movie. It  
basically is designed to be put into a gallery space and play  
continuously (the end of the movie is also its beginning).

Needless to say, the Internet-friendly compression is particularly  
brutal on this kind of image, which is constantly changing and  
involves crisp lines. Here are a couple of screenshots to give you an  
accurate idea of what the movie should look like in ideal circumstances:
And here’s the movie itself:

(3+ min., silent, 7.3MB)


Adieu, mighty ruines

2006-10-21 Thread Audacia Dangereyes
Adieu, mighty ruines

Ever mouldering desire fled shreiks heard thundering.

Beheld now sufficient permanent flesh

as distresse furnished unknown sound under us.

Lyes purchased fearfull treasure trunk,

ashes could strengthen this piteous silence.

Dreadfull god might behold vast mists,

high noise where vanity guest recounted dunghill tale.

Old skye may waken richly succourlesse thoughts

tho an architect stands bereft but justly erect.

Should love sate far silent man?

tallest building rule

2006-10-21 Thread Allen Bramhall
the lesson of language told tallest building to grip. the billowing love 
of falling down met the earnest republic. steps were taken, and not 
given back. tallest building cried into the sky for years to come. the 
years came not. lessons of language stared a colour on the side of 
tallest building. people were shy in various ways, until the falling 
building settled nicely without leaving a single. single couldn't 
believe. we lost a lost of republic but saw the building tall. it went 
tall for moments, and the sky was mentally energized. a situation's 
extended republic fell out of the topmost window of tall building. we 
work with what we know, or so much more of the settled affair. a big 
building stopped in love, and the people, they wrote poems. poems are a 
language specifically tip of the tongue. then tongue died like a 
building and all we knew called republic, in the black honest scuffing 
wind of night.

Vocabulary a week #2

2006-10-21 Thread David Ayre
For the next few months, we will be publishing small sets of customized 
vocabularies based on popular news items. The vocabularies will feature 
a set of new words which (fingers crossed) have never before existed in 
the common vocabulary known as the English language.

The vocabulary words and accompanying definitions are computer generated 
using a multi-step definition generator. Output of the generator will be 
enhanced and tweaked over time as new theories are tested and new ideas 
come to light. More information on the GTR Dictionary Project can be 
found here :

The vocabulary for week #2 is based on the news item "Kremlin plays down 
unguarded Putin comments".


[PRFX (Lat.) ac: - to, towards, near, for, together (adeo => go to)] + 
[STEM (Lat.) commend: entrust, give in trust; commit; recommend, commend 
to; point out, designate;] Preoccupation with a characteristic or 
message, not associated with a near journalist without database of a 
message - closely related to information


[PRFX (Grk.) acr: high] that which is inferred or known to locate, much 
like a perceived high.


[PRFX (Lat.) an: around, round about; having two] + [STEM (Lat.) ot: 
horned/eared owl;] that which is inferred or known to indicate, much 
like a distinct plane.


[PRFX (Grk.) eco: house, household affairs, environment, habitat, home, 
dwelling] Any state of existing due, most common in one's room as 
opposed to capability.


[PRFX (Grk.) eco: house, household affairs, environment, habitat, home, 
dwelling] That which uses people or activities - for example, a cause or 
activities associated with a moral activity or sex crime


[PRFX (Grk.) eco: house, household affairs, environment, habitat, home, 
dwelling] Usually, a visual communication of a relation - closely 
related to house - esp. to communicate people independent of homes. 2. 
The living expression consisting of a people communicated by applying 
abstractions to an organism.


an orderlies similar in appearance, yet often followwed anti-serial or 
an arrangement mostly considered


[PRFX (Grk.) gen: bring to life, create, make] rebellions that develop 
according to the laws of persons or that which is inferred or known to 
create, close to a social part.


Aware of or known by a living whether tangible or living, and able to 
communicate well.


A received compilation defined by a feature , alternatively, a type of 
fact or common suspect - his tough might regard but only as a group.


[PRFX (Grk.) phon: phone; sound; voice] Used with reference to relation 
- the evidence of an alleged phone by formulating a received 
communication: often expressed as an abstraction concerning a living 
relation. 2. A general evidence formed by investigating understood 
communications from specific matters.


A quality of state attributed to an ordered living feeling.


that which is known or known to support, similar to a distinct structure.


[PRFX (Lat.) in: - in, - on, - against; not -, un- ] + [STEM (Lat.) st: 
stand, stand still, stand firm; remain, rest;] A quality of result 
attributed to learning with the tendency to derive.


Used with reference to group - the word string of a common words by 
formulating a formed sequence: often expressed as a grouping concerning 
an orderly organism. 2. A general linguistic string formed by writing 
systematic phrases from particular words.


To feel branch rather than reason it .


that which is known or known to consist, much like a particular piece.


Used with reference to communication - the laugh of a specific laughter 
by formulating a living living: often expressed as a type of laughter or 
specific journalist - his sort might intend but only as power. 2. A 
general laugh formed by intending common laughters from particular remarks.


[PRFX (Grk.) the: god, deity, divine] an orderly god defined by an 
example , alternatively, a type of single or common expression - his 
travel might consider but only as a clause.


Usually, a similarity of a being - closely related to being - esp. to 
distinguish beings independent of qualities. 2. The similar expression 
consisting of a being distinguished by applying characteristics to an 


an abstract formulation of music - closely related to style that is also 
able to express persons independent of styles. 2. A common tough 
consisting of music expressed by applying abstractions to a language.


A group of possible labor that develop according to the laws of persons. 
2. As in existence whether engaged or specific.


[PRFX (Grk.) por: before, forward, in favor of, in front of, in place 
of, on behalf of] fronts that extend according to the laws of regions or 
that which