315/365, Jacob

2006-11-22 Thread Dan Waber
Jacob thinks the world owes him and lashes out at his mother in public
with a kind of hyperactive anger that is difficult to witness. He's
the only one in her life she'd ever take that kind of abuse from.

40 words, 40 years
365 days, 365 people


2006-11-22 Thread susan maurer
i was sitting at my computer when i received a request for a mss . zipped it 
out and found out two days ago the editor "loved it" and it will be out in 
early 07. magical really. happy tgiving all. susan maurer

All-in-one security and maintenance for your PC.  Get a free 90-day trial! 


2006-11-22 Thread susan maurer

neglected to mention the day i was sitting at my computer was my birthday sm

From: susan maurer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Theory and Writing 
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2006 09:29:34 -0500

i was sitting at my computer when i received a request for a mss . zipped 
it out and found out two days ago the editor "loved it" and it will be out 
in early 07. magical really. happy tgiving all. susan maurer

All-in-one security and maintenance for your PC.  Get a free 90-day trial! 

Share your latest news with your friends with the Windows Live Spaces 
friends module. 

i'm tired this stands on its own

2006-11-22 Thread Alan Sondheim

i'm tired this stands on its own
the world's too full of information

thesis: we're at the _peak_ of information, not an upward slope.
after this: deterioration, gangs, spam, hacks, starvations, local wars,
infrastructure collapse...
the cusp is _now._
statistically, this has to be the case: how many are alive now, in relation to 
the carrying-capacity of the earth, population increase, desertification.

foofwa d'i and isabel(l)(e) tear at the ruins



2006-11-22 Thread Alan Sondheim

And the day you sent the email, the 22nd, was Azure's 30th birthday as 

Happy Thanksgiving!

- Alan

On Wed, 22 Nov 2006, susan maurer wrote:

neglected to mention the day i was sitting at my computer was my birthday sm

From: susan maurer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Theory and Writing 
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2006 09:29:34 -0500

i was sitting at my computer when i received a request for a mss . zipped 
it out and found out two days ago the editor "loved it" and it will be out 
in early 07. magical really. happy tgiving all. susan maurer

All-in-one security and maintenance for your PC.? Get a free 90-day trial! 

Share your latest news with your friends with the Windows Live Spaces friends 

blog at http://nikuko.blogspot.com - for URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see
http://www.asondheim.org/advert.txt - contact [EMAIL PROTECTED], -
general directory of work: http://www.asondheim.org
Trace at: http://tracearchive.ntu.ac.uk - search "Alan Sondheim"

Physics News Update 802 (fwd) - really interesting!

2006-11-22 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2006 10:26:52 -0500
Subject: Physics News Update 802

The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
Number 802  November 22, 2006  by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein,
and Davide Castelvecchi   www.aip.org/pnu

DARK ENERGY AT REDSHIFT Z=1.  Dark energy, the unidentified force
that's pushing the universe to expand at ever faster rates, was
already at work as early as  nine billion years ago, scientists
reported last week. New Hubble Space Telescope sightings of distant
supernova explosions support the explanation of dark energy as
energy of the vacuum whose density has stayed constant throughout
the universe's history, the scientists said.  This cosmic
acceleration was first revealed in 1998 by two separate teams of
astrophysicists. By measuring the brightness of supernova explosions
from up to seven billion light years ago, the scientists discovered
an unexpected discrepancy. The supernovae appeared dimmer, and thus
farther, than expected from their measured red shifts.  Put another
way, supernovae at a given distance were less redshifted than
expected. Because red shift measures how much light waves stretch as
the universe expands, the lower red shift meant that, early on, the
light from these distant supernovae had traveled in a universe that
was expanding at a slower rate than the current universe (whose rate
of expansion is known by other means). The then-widely accepted
model of cosmology required instead that the universe be slowing
down in its expansion, owing to the mutual gravitational tug of all
of the matter and energy contained in it.
Using the Hubble, a team led by Adam Riess, an astrophysicist at the
Space Telescope Science Institute and at Johns Hopkins University
has now observed 23 new supernovae dating back to 8 to 10 billion
years ago, he said in a Nov. 16 NASA press conference. That was an
era of intense star formation, when galaxies were three times as
bright as they are today. Until now, astronomers had only seen seven
supernovae from that period, Riess said, too few to measure the
properties of dark energy. The data show that the repulsive action
of dark energy was already active at that time, and are consistent
with a constant energy density -- in other words, with an energy of
the vacuum that does not dilute itself as the universe expands,
eventually fueling an exponential growth of the universe. More
complicated models with non-constant energy density -- including a
class known as quintessence models -- are not completely ruled out,
Riess said during the press conference: the new data still allows
for variations of  up to 45 percent from constant density. "It's
still pretty crude," Riess said. For more recent ages, dark energy
is known to have been constant up to a 10 percent variation. Mario
Livio, another STScI astronomer who also was at hand at the press
conference, said, "The results only rule out certain variants of
quintessence models," but not all of them.
Lawrence Berkeley Lab astrophysicists Saul Perlmutter, who leads
another supernova search, says that this is a step in the right
direction, but that only a new, dedicated space telescope will be
able to constrain the variation enough to convince scientists that
dark energy is constant. "We expect that the differences will be
much more subtle between the various models of dark energy," he
says. Perlmutter says his team is also looking at supernovae from
the distant past, focusing on ones from dust-free regions of the
universe, in order to estimate the statistical and systematic
uncertainties of the measurements.
The new data also confirm the reliability of supernovae as signposts
of the universe's expansion, Riess said. The particular kind of
supernova used for this kind of measurement, called type Ia, takes
place when a white dwarf star becomes heavier by accreting matter
from a companion star, until -- at a critical mass of about 1.4
times the mass of our sun -- it undergoes a thermonuclear explosion.
Virtually all type Ia supernovae have very standard characteristics
-- they all follow the same cycle, have roughly the same brightness
and relative abundances of elements, as seen from their spectra.
This makes astrophysicists believe that type Ia's have a predictable
intrinsic brightness, making their distances easy to estimate. It
now appears that the same is true for the oldest supernovae, even
though the elemental composition of the universe as a whole was
different back then. (Paper available at
http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0611572; to appear in Astrophysical
Journal, 10 February 2007; for images see

complicated in the case of simple objects (such as our inability to
predict the longterm velocities and positions of planets owing to
their no


2006-11-22 Thread Maria Damon

happy birthday AZURE! i hope you did something fun/

Alan Sondheim wrote:

And the day you sent the email, the 22nd, was Azure's 30th birthday as 

Happy Thanksgiving!

- Alan

On Wed, 22 Nov 2006, susan maurer wrote:

neglected to mention the day i was sitting at my computer was my 
birthday sm

From: susan maurer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Theory and Writing 
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2006 09:29:34 -0500

i was sitting at my computer when i received a request for a mss . 
zipped it out and found out two days ago the editor "loved it" and 
it will be out in early 07. magical really. happy tgiving all. susan 

All-in-one security and maintenance for your PC.� Get a free 90-day 

Share your latest news with your friends with the Windows Live Spaces 
friends module. 

blog at http://nikuko.blogspot.com - for URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see
http://www.asondheim.org/advert.txt - contact [EMAIL PROTECTED], -
general directory of work: http://www.asondheim.org
Trace at: http://tracearchive.ntu.ac.uk - search "Alan Sondheim"


2006-11-22 Thread Thomas savage
  All right.  So I'm talking to you.
  Does that mean you exist?
  I don't think so.
  I'm not interested
  In one-way conversations
  With anybody or thing.
  I don't have a pet anymore.
  I don't believe in you, either.
  God: I need different spokespersons.
  Voice: You don't exist.
  God: I need better representatives.
  Voice: You don't exist.
  God: Have you had enough, yet?
  Voice: More than enough.
  Voice: I can't believe in your fiction.
  God: What if I just run the weather?
  Voice: That must be all you do.
  God: That may be so.
  Voice: You must be busy
  Different weather for each place.
  Still, there are other,
  Rational explanations
  For why it rains or shines.
  God: If God dares to speak in cliches,
  Turn me off.
  Voice: Your grades have fallen, God.
  Now go away and recreate me if you can.
  Tom Savage

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Rates near 39yr lows. $510,000 Loan for $1698/mo -   Calculate new house payment

homonumos (global islands project) (brad brace)

2006-11-22 Thread { brad brace }
Global Islands Project -- ongoing series of multi-media
pdf-ebooks -- a pastoral, pictorial and phonic elicitation
of island parameters.

Your (Art)world is based on mutual relief at your common
corruption. Maybe some cultures are based on even worse. But
that wouldn't change the bad faith of it and as years go by,
you wake at night in terror of your whole life being an act
of bad faith, where everything is self-interest and nothing
more, where every human interaction is driven by a silent,
even subconscious calculation of some ulterior motive, to
the point that a sea of bad faith has taken over your whole
life, there's no small island left from which you can even
try to build a bridge of good faith, because even that
effort becomes suspect, even good faith is nothing but
self-interested, even altruism is nothing but solipsistic,
even your professed agonizing right here right now is
nothing but a gesture, made to the conscience in order to
assure it that it exists.


Island 1.0 is Ambergris Caye, Belize
Island 2.0 is Koh Si Chang, Thailand
Island 3.0 is Lamu, Kenya
Island 4.0 is Narikel Jingira, Bangladesh

Global Islands Project:

Island 1.0 -> http://bbrace.net/islands/island1/island1.html
or http://bbrace.laughingsquid.net/islands/island1/island1.html
-- over 800 images and hour-long audiotrack -- 69mb -- (acrobat 6)

Island 2.0 -> http://bbrace.net/islands/island2/island2.html
or http://bbrace.laughingsquid.net/islands/island2/island2.html
 -- over 535 images and hour-long audiotrack -- 78mb -- (acrobat 6)



2006-11-22 Thread Allen Bramhall

susan maurer wrote:

i was sitting at my computer when i received a request for a mss . 
zipped it out and found out two days ago the editor "loved it" and it 
will be out in early 07. magical really. happy tgiving all. susan maurer 

congratulations! I'm reminded of a publishing experience that Susan 
Schultz told me. Her computer had been infected by a virus that sent 
chunks of text from her computer to addresses in her email address book. 
One of these went to an editor who liked what he read and asked for more.

nznl.com digest, Nov 16, 2006 - Nov 22, 2006

2006-11-22 Thread Geert Dekkers

nznl.com digest
Nov 16, 2006 - Nov 22, 2006
Posts  1622 - 1628

rss feed http://nznl.com/geert/nznl.xml

1622. Nov 16, 2006
fireworks file

1623. Nov 17, 2006

fireworks file

1624. Nov 18, 2006
fireworks file

1625. Nov 19, 2006

fireworks file

1626. Nov 20, 2006

fireworks file

1627. Nov 21, 2006
fireworks file

1628. Nov 22, 2006

fireworks file

Geert Dekkers

Re: keep (your) sake to (your) self

2006-11-22 Thread Thomas savage
Marvelous.  Thank you for this.  It made me chuckle.  Editorial comment as 
poetry.  Very good. Regards, Tom Savage

Sheila Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:what's THIS? I don't know 
  why I have it. whose WAS is?
  was it YOURS? take it BACK.
  it's not MINE? if it's not
  YOURS, then WHOSE?
  when I see it I am not reminded of
  ANYTHING. I don't know what
  to DO with it. do you think
  I should pass it on to 
  SHANNON? what about
  TIFF? what about HORATIO?
  what about PHIL? or TOM? or BILL?
  or maybe KAREN.
  do you think one of them would 
  want it? why not? why don't I
  want it either? 
  what about YOU?
  do YOU want it? 
  here: take it from me!
  sheila e. murphy

  Sponsored Link

Degrees online in as fast as 1 Yr - MBA, Bachelor's, Master's, Associate - 
Click now to apply

Sponsored Link

Get an Online or Campus degree - Associate's, Bachelor's, or Master's -in less 
than one year.

tEh Infinit

2006-11-22 Thread P!^VP 0!Z!^VP



2006-11-22 Thread P!^VP 0!Z!^VP


Very good and happyeninstance, Susan.

Congrats from me n Ana

On 22-Nov-06, at 6:57 AM, susan maurer wrote:

neglected to mention the day i was sitting at my computer was my 
birthday sm

From: susan maurer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Theory and Writing 
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2006 09:29:34 -0500

i was sitting at my computer when i received a request for a mss . 
zipped it out and found out two days ago the editor "loved it" and it 
will be out in early 07. magical really. happy tgiving all. susan 


Re: Physics News Update 802 (fwd) - really interesting!

2006-11-22 Thread P!^VP 0!Z!^VP
Did I hear that one of the Mars excursion vehicles is out of touch.. 
broke down.. not sending...

Any word on it Alan?


Re: i'm tired this stands on its own

2006-11-22 Thread Eric Yost
>>thesis: we're at the _peak_ of information, not an upward 

This may be the golden age of multiculturalism as well. When 
the oil goes away, so will ease of travel and border 
shifting. Nations will re-assert themselves and most 
savagery and injustice will be localized instead of global.

A mixed blessing in the decline I think. The smaller the 
group, the better it takes care of its people.

As it is, we are halfway between nation-state and global 
village, and have all the worst aspects of both. (If they 
want you to die in a foreign war, you are supposed to do it 
"for your country." If they want you to accept outsourcing 
of your job, you are commended to "face the reality of the 
global marketplace.")

Re: i'm tired this stands on its own

2006-11-22 Thread P!^VP 0!Z!^VP



On 22-Nov-06, at 10:56 AM, Eric Yost wrote:

>>thesis: we're at the _peak_ of information, not an upward slope

This may be the golden age of multiculturalism as well. When the oil 
goes away, so will ease of travel and border shifting. Nations will 
re-assert themselves and most savagery and injustice will be localized 
instead of global.

A mixed blessing in the decline I think. The smaller the group, the 
better it takes care of its people.

As it is, we are halfway between nation-state and global village, and 
have all the worst aspects of both. (If they want you to die in a 
foreign war, you are supposed to do it "for your country." If they 
want you to accept outsourcing of your job, you are commended to "face 
the reality of the global marketplace.")

Compassionate Holiday Gift Ideas (fwd)

2006-11-22 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2006 11:40:57 -0500 (EST)
From: Farm Sanctuary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Compassionate Holiday Gift Ideas


Do your holiday shopping at Farm Sanctuary and make each holiday
purchase count for farm animals in need. Browse our merchandise
from the comfort of your own home, you’re sure to find
something for everyone. An informative book to educate friends and
family, a fashionable t-shirt for the activist who can always use
another message shirt, an adorable toy for the kids, a Farm
Sanctuary magnet to stuff the stocking, a cookbook for the chef, an
afghan for the home decorator and so much more!

Please visit our website to begin your Farm Sanctuary shopping
spree for the holidays!


  The Pig Who Sang to the Moon
The best-selling author of When Elephants Weep shows that farmed animals
  are sentient beings with feelings and consciousness.

 Vegan with a Vengeance
A variety of inspired recipes influenced by dishes from around the world
with an emphasis on fresh vegan ingredients instead of heavily processed

Fast Food Nation
  Exposes the fast food industry's damaging effects on our country. It
  includes a history of the fast food giants, slaughterhouse industry
  details and concerns and much more.

  20 Minutes to Dinner
 Get in and out of the kitchen fast with tempting, low-fat, nutritious


   If You Love Animals... Sweatshirt

  Stop Factory Farming T-shirt

  Gandhi Quote V-neck
  Shirt reads: The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be
   judged by the way its animals are treated.

 Farm Sanctuary
  100% Organic Cotton.

Children's Items

Charlotte's Web

   All Babies Need Love Youth T-shirt

   Plush Pig

   Handcrafted Wooden
  Farm Animals

  For the Home

 Farm Scene Ceramic Mug


Tapestry Afghan
   Inspired by the animals at Farm Sanctuary.

Gandhi Quote Ceramic Mug

For the Activist

Factory Farming Compilation DVD
   (75 min.)

  Stop Factory Farming Bumper Sticker

 No Veal Button

   Go Veggie Button [veg.jpg]

 Go Vegan! License Plate Holder

[stickers.jpg] Message Stickers

   Totebags and More

Veggie Dog Toys
  Make fun giggling noise when shaken.
Sweetum's Choice Catnip
Made with fresh organic catnip grown at Farm Sanctuary.

Farm Sanctuary Journals

Farm Sanctuary Keychain

  Pig in Grass Magnet


Re: Physics News Update 802 (fwd) - really interesting!

2006-11-22 Thread Alan Sondheim
I haven't heard anything - you could check on space.com and let us know if 
you find anything! - Alan

On Wed, 22 Nov 2006, P!^VP 0!Z!^VP wrote:

Did I hear that one of the Mars excursion vehicles is out of touch.. broke 
down.. not sending...

Any word on it Alan?


blog at http://nikuko.blogspot.com - for URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see
http://www.asondheim.org/advert.txt - contact [EMAIL PROTECTED], -
general directory of work: http://www.asondheim.org
Trace at: http://tracearchive.ntu.ac.uk - search "Alan Sondheim"

Re: i'm tired this stands on its own

2006-11-22 Thread Alan Sondheim
Lovelace argues that the smaller groups will be armed militia in a world 
of dwindling resources - watching countries moving increasingly towards 
starvation seems to support his point of view. - Alan

On Wed, 22 Nov 2006, Eric Yost wrote:

thesis: we're at the _peak_ of information, not an upward slope

This may be the golden age of multiculturalism as well. When the oil goes 
away, so will ease of travel and border shifting. Nations will re-assert 
themselves and most savagery and injustice will be localized instead of 

A mixed blessing in the decline I think. The smaller the group, the better it 
takes care of its people.

As it is, we are halfway between nation-state and global village, and have 
all the worst aspects of both. (If they want you to die in a foreign war, you 
are supposed to do it "for your country." If they want you to accept 
outsourcing of your job, you are commended to "face the reality of the global 

blog at http://nikuko.blogspot.com - for URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see
http://www.asondheim.org/advert.txt - contact [EMAIL PROTECTED], -
general directory of work: http://www.asondheim.org
Trace at: http://tracearchive.ntu.ac.uk - search "Alan Sondheim"


2006-11-22 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
going plaint
tification t
 spot trouss
tilator prot
tifiable bat
turous cohab
osyncrasy gi

NASA loses contact with Mars orbiter

2006-11-22 Thread P!^VP 0!Z!^VP



Re: tEh Infinit

2006-11-22 Thread mIEKAL aND

who exactly is ana?  do I know her?

On Nov 22, 2006, at 12:53 PM, P!^VP 0!Z!^VP wrote:



There's many a bestseller that could have been prevented by a good  

--Flannery O'Connor

Re: i'm tired this stands on its own

2006-11-22 Thread Eric Yost
>>Lovelace argues that the smaller groups will be armed 
militia in a world of dwindling resources - watching 
countries moving increasingly towards starvation seems to 
support his point of view.

I'm thinking of the long-term point made by EF Schumacher in 
_Small is Beautiful: economics as if people mattered_.

Probably truth to both povs.

6 wisdoms of Beaujolais Novigota Menth 2006

2006-11-22 Thread mIEKAL aND

6 wisdoms of Beaujolais Novigota Menth 2006

1. Dray teble possword werth meny heerty moda.
2. Slulky tonolity ewerded sistar fregrences eneegh leeded my  
explesuen puzze vunteges.

3. Ramind eremetuc descruptuen stinning informotion spactotor.
4. Oddrass jimping lightast cerrent prodicar whuch supung furewerke.
5. Axprassion spere chawy axplosiva lench.
6. Jommy wunery dush geerenteed dusceent unfermetuen.

Re: ....

2006-11-22 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio


On 22-Nov-06, at 11:08 PM, Jukka-Pekka Kervinen wrote:

going plaint
tification t
 spot trouss
tilator prot
tifiable bat
turous cohab
osyncrasy gi


Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: tEh Infinit

2006-11-22 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio
I'm pretty sure you know her sister, mIEKAL


The thingkie bits...




> who exactly is ana?  do I know her?
> On Nov 22, 2006, at 12:53 PM, P!^VP 0!Z!^VP wrote:
> > http://anastuff.blogspot.com/2006/11/infinity-river-quite-finite- 
> > quite_21.html
> >
> > P!^VP
> There's many a bestseller that could have been prevented by a good  
> teacher.
> --Flannery O'Connor


Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: keep (your) sake to (your) self

2006-11-22 Thread Peter Ciccariello

Love it Sheila!
and...what about PHIL?

-Peter Ciccarielllo

On 11/21/06, Sheila Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

what's THIS? I don't know
why I have it. whose WAS is?
was it YOURS? take it BACK.
it's not MINE? if it's not
when I see it I am not reminded of
ANYTHING. I don't know what
to DO with it. do you think
I should pass it on to
SHANNON? what about
TIFF? what about HORATIO?
what about PHIL? or TOM? or BILL?
or maybe KAREN.
do you think one of them would
want it? why not? why don't I
want it either?
what about YOU?
do YOU want it?
here: take it from me!

sheila e. murphy

Sponsored Link

Degrees online in as fast as 1 Yr - MBA, Bachelor's, Master's, Associate -
Click now to 

Image - http://invisiblenotes.blogspot.com/
Word -http://poemsfromprovidence.blogspot.com/
Photography -http://uncommonvision.blogspot.com/


2006-11-22 Thread Suzanne Webb
Call for Papers, Performances, and Exhibits 

What are cultural rhetorics? Who writes, performs, displays, digitizes,
crafts, and creates these rhetorics? What do they look like? How do specific
cultural rhetorics differ from, overlap with, and/or engage in dialogue with
Cultural, Ethnic, African American, Asian American, American Indian, Arab
and Middle Eastern American, Chicano/a, Latina/o, Indigenous, Disability,
Queer/LGBT, Performance, and Working-Class Studies? What are their
relationships to Rhetoric Studies, Theory, and Pedagogy? Composition
Studies? American Studies? Literary Studies? Digital, Visual, and Material
Rhetorics? Scientific, technical, and professional communication studies?
Are there pedagogies of cultural rhetorics? Methodologies? Theories?
Performances? Materialities? 

We welcome papers, performances, and exhibits that articulate, engage with,
provoke, analyze, theorize, and practice cultural rhetorics. We are
particularly interested in scholars/artists/performers/writers/knowledge
workers that engage rhetorics that are too often marginalized, tokenized,
silenced, and ignored. We welcome work that happens at the intersection of
various disciplines and fields in the humanities and invite scholars,
artists, and writers to join us at these intellectual and creative
crossroads. Please join us in creating a space of radical
interdisciplinarity in which to explore rhetoric as a distinctive
constellation of methods, methodologies, and pedagogies for the study of
culture and to think through how the frame of “culture” expands our
understanding of rhetoric and the responsibility for rhetoric to be ethical
in its engagement with culture. 

While we are very interested in proposals for individual papers and panel
presentations that address these questions and/or further scholarship in
these areas, we especially encourage art, craft, multimedia, or imaginative
presentations/demonstrations/installations that provoke other methods of
intellectual engagement as well. 

Proposals of 300-500 words may be submitted via US Mail (proposal form on
reverse side) or via the conference website at
http://rhetoric.msu.edu/cultrhet. The deadline for submissions is January 1,

Suzanne Webb
Digital Rhetoric & Professional Writing
Michigan State University

Re: keep (your) sake to (your) self

2006-11-22 Thread Bob Marcacci
yeah, you're on fire, steved...

Bob Marcacci

The writing of a poem is like a child throwing
stones into a mineshaft. You compose first,
then you listen for the reverberation.
 - James Fenton

> From: Sheila Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Theory and Writing 
> Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2006 07:43:49 -0800
> To: 
> Subject: Re: keep (your) sake to (your) self
> grEAT!!!
> "steve d. dalachinsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:hat's HIS, I won't
> now 
>   try to crave wit. hose AS his?
>   as sit OURS.  bake lit rACK.
>   shit's snot MINEd. stiff bits snot
>   sOURS when HOSEd?
>   hen hIt seems a bit Ill slams note pre mined often
>   mANY THIN g's. It done it keeps now watch
>   towers DOt wither split. doll your thin keep
>   It shouldered spasms grit lone tones
>   SHAll aNON? swat a bout of
>   sTIFFs? hats a bout of RATIOs?
>   at a bout of HILls? four OMs? sour pILLs?
>   score  dismay be sKAREy N'
>   down your ink phone offers theme world
>   wait a bit? shy nut? hyena dons  t Ilt
>   can't sit ether.
>   hat a blouted YUle?
>   dot YOUr aunts tights
>   where: stake bit groom me?
> -
>   Sponsored Link
> Degrees online in as fast as 1 Yr - MBA, Bachelor's, Master's, Associate -
> Click now to apply
> -
> Sponsored Link
> Rates near 39yr lows. $420,000 Loan for $1399/mo - Calculate new house payment

Deadly 'iku iku byo' reaches a climax

2006-11-22 Thread mIEKAL aND

Deadly 'iku iku byo' reaches a climax


Growing numbers of Japanese women are afflicted with an illness that  
gives them orgasms virtually 24 hours a day. And with suggestions  
that it could be deadly, the women hardly know whether they're coming  
or going, according to Shukan Post (11/24).
"If a guy simply taps me on the shoulder, I just swoon. Even when I  
go to the toilet, my body reacts. I'm a little bit scared of myself,"  
one woman sufferer tells Shukan Post.
Another adds: "When I got on the train one day, I could feel blood  
gushing toward a certain part of my body and it felt so good I almost  
let out a moan. It was sheer murder when everybody got pushed into  
the carriage."

Yet another woman has her say.
"Even the vibration of my mobile phone is enough to set me off," she  
says. "My friend said there's something called Iku Iku byo (Cum Cum  
Disease). I guess I've got that."
What may be afflicting these women, the best-selling weekly says, is  
an ailment called persistent sexual arousal syndrome (PSAS).
PSAS has been described as an affliction that brings about orgasm  
through the slightest of jolts regardless of whether they're aroused,  
or even thinking about sex. What's more, orgasms experienced by PSAS  
sufferers are not just momentary phenomena, instead affecting women  
over anywhere from a few days to a week, with one reported case  
seeing 300 orgasms in a single day.
Awareness in Japan of PSAS -- which was first documented by Dr.  
Sandra Leiblum in the United States five years ago -- is growing,  
especially in the blogsphere, where it is being called Iku Iku byo.
Hideo Yamanaka, a doctor at the Toranomon Hibiya Clinic in Tokyo says  
the disease can be debilitating.
"For women to orgasm, they need to have some sort of sexual  
stimulation. There are nerves around the female genitals which react  
to sexual stimulation. The body gradually builds up to a crescendo,  
that ascends to a climax," the doctor tells Shukan Post. "However,  
with this disease, women are mysteriously reaching climax without any  
external sexual stimulation at all. One possible cause that I can  
think of is an irregularity in the sensory nerves."
PSAS discover Leiblum says that the disease has a tendency to strike  
post-menopausal women in their 40s and 50s or those who've undergone  
hormonal treatment. But she adds that there have also been cases  
reported among women in their 30s, stressing that too little is known  
about the syndrome to pinpoint anything and adds that the nature of  
the ailment means that many sufferers may be too ashamed to report it.
PSAS numbers in the U.S. are high enough for support groups to have  
popped up, suggesting it won't be too long before Japan sees the same.
"Awareness levels are still too low," Jeannie Allen, the head of PSAS  
Support, tells Shukan Post. "I think there's a strong possibility  
that there are Japanese patients."
Manga artist Akira Narita, who says he has slept with over 1,000  
different women, says he has come across some he believes may have  
had PSAS.
"There must have been about 15 who came without me doing a thing.  
We'd only need to stare in each other's eyes and they'd start  
wiggling about, gripping tightly onto whatever was around them and  
their bodies would start to shake. There were others who'd orgasm  
repeatedly just because I'd stroked their hands," the self-professed  
sexpert says. "I'd always thought of these women as types who got off  
in their minds, but I think perhaps they may have had PSAS."
PSAS is not sex addiction and, considering the constant orgasms can  
be draining, can often be a painful and demeaning experience. Many  
sufferers are driven to the verge of suicide, prompting medical  
experts to recommend anybody who suspects they have the ailment to  
seek a doctor's advice immediately.
"Anybody who has the slightest suspicion," physician Yamanaka tells  
Shukan Post, "should get to a gynecologist or neurologist straight  
away." (By Ryann Connell)

November 16, 2006

WaiWai stories are transcriptions of articles that originally  
appeared in Japanese language publications. The Mainichi Daily News  
cannot be held responsible for the contents of the original articles,  
nor does it guarantee their accuracy. Views expressed in the WaiWai  
column are not necessarily those held by the Mainichi Daily News or  
Mainichi Newspapers Co.

jump over the Jura!

2006-11-22 Thread Alan Sondheim

the Foofwa march les Alpes continues.
jump over the Jura!
so tired the body stutters

"in the quest for perfection of the parasite
"the avatar stumbles and mumbles


"yes, there were more of them
"they bred like flies
... the invigorating air of the Alpes
... transformation into a machine

"Hannibal returned and there was a lot more
he was going to do
later Hannibal had to poison himself because he couldn't do everything

please look at my blog http://nikuko.blogspot.com thank you

Re: i'm tired this stands on its own

2006-11-22 Thread steve d. dalachinsky
>  >>gLove placed art guess hat then smell her gropes swills beans farmed

> mili-stians sin and swirl doflike winding pre sours - hatching 
> bounties movies bin creasing to wards salvation sees tons 
> supper port this ointment of vie.
> _all is Beautiful: ecco nomads as istiff people muttered_.
> Probably ruth took booth proves.

Re: diamond()pixel()iz()e

2006-11-22 Thread steve d. dalachinsky
> (g)o over.snows line.trust.rip(sage)[sh(o)w.bath etiquettes]()
> ()curl(stripps)sled.press sure.furtile.creed page.lint.
> ()done trying.lice(bland).spats+emotes.reaking(h[alt_full led]hearts)
> (si)n nap(s) pins grip surrealities.cans.droop (y) pong. scrubbed.
spikes realize. ears()