2006-08-26 Thread Unpoet

ten commands Re: 'I can't go to Iraq. I can't kill those children' (fwd)

2006-08-27 Thread Unpoet
dear david,

maybe we might just possible can add a few more commandments to the traditional decalogue..

peace, david inkey, the UN poet... 



Make war exorbitantly expensive so common people and even uncommon people will believe they are getting something important. The great turn-of-the-century economist Thorstein Veblen--who so adroitly documented and labeled this value of "conspicuous consumption"--has left to us the application, not only to further capitalize it but also to "make a killing" with capital gains.


Create suspicion around all skeptics and always have increasingly expensive military hardware proposals so peace initiatives are seldom given serious consideration. Advance ludicrous peace proposals on occasion to show absurdity of counter plans to ''military intelligence." Use oxymorons to military profit.


Always use slogan language closely related to the science, facts and fantasies of the popular culture. The great film actor and two term President, Ronald Reagan, used us and Star Wars with uncanny skill, borrowing his scripts and scenes from Star Trek. Our proto-economists and Pentagon potentates skillfully went "off budget" with many military expenditures and relied exclusively on military lexicons for terms like preparedness, security, "peace is our profession," strategic defense systems, smart bombs and patriotism. Desert Storm was a logical consequence of desert invasions. Make the reports show provoked response and self defense. Mirage derives from mirages.   Spuds scrub, reversing the scrubbing of spuds, our old familiar term for potatoes, in the Kitchen...  

  Use colorful language.


Engage in brinkmanship in staff and material allocations which cast doubt on the patriotism of any and ALL skeptics. However, create rumors and speculations that the brinkmanship is a modest response to gargantuan threats from "evil empires."


Show dramatically the unemployment threats to civilians when military cutbacks are proposed for deficit reduction. Deny ignorance and incompetence in transition from defense spending to civilian development.


Isolate and intimidate any doubters of valiant militarism.


Propose multilateral support from allied tribes. Appear generous with special materials. Never appear to be causing hardship to enemy civilian populations.


Finance propaganda on disloyalty and subversion from within and blatantly show treason and terrorism by depressed, unassimilated ethnics of the same or related background of the alleged enemy.


Create. manipulate and distribute military media, toys, medals, photographs, and ribbons which support the credibility of war solutions in other eras, using not only our own history but that of current allies (being careful never to indicate that have been arch enemies in other wars).


Appear honorable even when behaving in the most dishonorable ways of war. Pretend that the worst losses we have suffered are due to some scrimping of loyalty or some error of judgment of an unpopular military commander, leading astray his troops. Sacrifice occasional commanders when circumstances are propitious. Make martyrs of lost-troops such as the servicemen "lost" at Pearl Harbor and "gallantly" sacrificed on Iwo Jima. Closet the most traumatic reports of suffering as military secrets except when reports can show perfidy.


Be stingy with the honor of martyrdom. Create a generous supply of live heroes with very few disabilities. Avoid letting any disabilities verify the horrors of war. Be very, very careful to judge the appropriate number of heroes and make them all politically, socially, economically, racially, linguistically correct... Under-represent minority groups among the heroes, because disgruntled minority heroes can make excessive post hoc demands unbecoming to war causes.


Dramatize the comradeship, victory processions, and music of war. Disavow that "since wars begin in the minds of children..."


Create splendid shrines of some utility. Spare no expense on exquisite cemeteries, but limit occupancy so as not to show the high mortality of militarism. (We did not miscount. The military gives many more orders than it counts. Overkill?)

       No One drew the line at Ten...

Re: ten commands Re: 'I can't go to Iraq. I can't kill those children' (fwd)

2006-08-27 Thread Unpoet
david divizio, what a superb addition to   my 13peace, david 

wry - workshop war and terror part 2

2006-08-28 Thread Unpoet



Make war exorbitantly expensive so common people and even uncommon people will believe they are getting something important. The great turn-of-the-century economist Thorstein Veblen--who so adroitly documented and labeled this value of "conspicuous consumption"--has left to us the application, not only to further capitalize it but also to "make a killing" with capital gains.


Create suspicion around all skeptics and always have increasingly expensive military hardware proposals so peace initiatives are seldom given serious consideration. Advance ludicrous peace proposals on occasion to show absurdity of counter plans to ''military intelligence." Use oxymorons to military profit.


Always use slogan language closely related to the science, facts and fantasies of the popular culture. The great film actor and two term President, Ronald Reagan, used us and Star Wars with uncanny skill, borrowing his scripts and scenes from Star Trek. Our proto-economists and Pentagon potentates skillfully went "off budget" with many military expenditures and relied exclusively on military lexicons for terms like preparedness, security, "peace is our profession," strategic defense systems, smart bombs and patriotism. Desert Storm was a logical consequence of desert invasions. Make the reports show provoked response and self defense. Mirage derives from mirages.  Spuds scrub, reversing the scrubbing of spuds, our old familiar term for potatoes, in the Kitchen...

  Use colorful language.


Engage in brinkmanship in staff and material allocations which cast doubt on the patriotism of any and ALL skeptics. However, create rumors and speculations that the brinkmanship is a modest response to gargantuan threats from "evil empires."


Show dramatically the unemployment threats to civilians when military cutbacks are proposed for deficit reduction. Deny ignorance and incompetence in transition from defense spending to civilian development.


Isolate and intimidate any doubters of valiant militarism.


Propose multilateral support from allied tribes. Appear generous with special materials. Never appear to be causing hardship to enemy civilian populations.


Finance propaganda on disloyalty and subversion from within and blatantly show treason and terrorism by depressed, unassimilated ethnics of the same or related background of the alleged enemy.


Create. manipulate and distribute military media, toys, medals, photographs, and ribbons which support the credibility of war solutions in other eras, using not only our own history but that of current allies (being careful never to indicate that have been arch enemies in other wars).


Appear honorable even when behaving in the most dishonorable ways of war. Pretend that the worst losses we have suffered are due to some scrimping of loyalty or some error of judgment of an unpopular military commander, leading astray his troops. Sacrifice occasional commanders when circumstances are propitious. Make martyrs of lost-troops such as the servicemen "lost" at Pearl Harbor and "gallantly" sacrificed on Iwo Jima. Closet the most traumatic reports of suffering as military secrets except when reports can show perfidy.


Be stingy with the honor of martyrdom. Create a generous supply of live heroes with very few disabilities. Avoid letting any disabilities verify the horrors of war. Be very, very careful to judge the appropriate number of heroes and make them all politically, socially, economically, racially, linguistically correct... Under-represent minority groups among the heroes, because disgruntled minority heroes can make excessive post hoc demands unbecoming to war causes.


Dramatize the comradeship, victory processions, and music of war. Disavow that "since wars begin in the minds of children..."


Create splendid shrines of some utility. Spare no expense on exquisite cemeteries, but limit occupancy so as not to show the high mortality of militarism. (We did not miscount. The military gives many more orders than it counts. Overkill?)

       No One drew the line at Ten...

wry -- workshop on war and terror

2006-08-28 Thread Unpoet
dear lib of soc sci, wrylers and all who will read, hear, see and understand the price of peace (in thomas mann's economy: "War is a cowardly escape from the problems of peace.")

Peace and Compassion..

it is with profound sorrow that i learn of dr. konigsberg's workshop on "something to kill and die for" on any premises.. insult is added to considerable injury that the church center of the United Nations should be a "battleground" instead of a peace field... 

immediately, i thought that it would be appropriate to demonstrate at the entry point on nov 9th and to distribute gratis copies of mark twain's the war prayer.. upon further reflection, with virtual simultaneity, i contemplated offering my pious prescription and inscription, a UN tour, which i give gratis on treasures in the UN, icons of peace(while lamenting that atomic alley no longer occupies the strategic ground it previousl did).  akin to these musing... i offer my ten commands and my health-medicial propaganda, prescription of peace.

rather than expend $70 on such a workshop, i would align myself with all who are too poor to go to war and would dispense my resources to enhance the humane condition... should u and others wish a workshop on PEACE ON EARTH...i would be thrilled to explore with such spirits what i consider UNESCO's finest publication, PEACE ON EARTH, A PEACE ANTHOLOGY,  UNESCO, 1980.

peace, david inkey, the UN poet.



  I want to tell you a story about The Pieces of Peace in The United Nations. 
  It is a story  that only I know how to tell and it is meant only for peacemakers:

   just once,
  upon a time,

only 3,264 or just 3262 years ago, the great, formidable and fantastic Pharaoh Ramses II of the Egyptians and the mighty , magnificent and  mysterious Emperor Hattusilis of the Hittites gave their courage and honor in artisan endeavor to create the First Peace Treaty of Our Story. We are now privileged, during the 50th Anniversary of the UN, to view a marvelous larger than life replica of their text won from tragic wars 33 centuries ago.  We honor our own  Security Council by juxtaposing it by this codex.  I know of no icon more challenging than this cold copper message and when I enter these sacred precincts I practice my prayers before this too disregarded momento.

In close view of the first icon I treasure,  I wish to share with you my awe for what I believe is Picasso's most precious  presence and present to peace.  We have on loan an icon representing one of the frenetic failures of our League of Nations.  We have a marvelously entwined, textured text of the terror of Guernica, a total war, totally denounced... The tremors of dictatorship attacking republicans are splashed with paint on the original canvass, but here a tapestry of twisted threads, strings of being and seeing, tie us together in tragic tempo.  We do not need nor want prototypes of war, but for memories' sake, we have perhaps the best of the worst of a pre-atomic war in our century.

Beyond the borders of our little, 28 acre international enclave, across the UN Plaza, we have a peace park with Isaiah's wisdom carved in granite, easy substitute for failure to engrave the message into our hearts and habits...  Whether old testaments remain valid in our modern times is a much debated topic, but we are here not to see the UN as the East River Debating Society.  We come to puzzle together the scattered pieces of peace and to learn rites which transcend warfare to peacefare, and someday to seal the story of PEACE FAIR.  I designate the third Tuesday in September in 2031 A.D. for the 3300th Anniversary of Our First Peace Treaty!

If we are obliged to enter The UN Headquarters only as visitors, we see our first icons in the garden north of the principal terrace.  Here, our vision and visions are challenged by a great dragon rocket literally being pierced into submission and nearby a worker beats a sword into a plowshare.  On the pavement, in humoristic irony, we may stare at an iconic colt whose  barrel is knotted to render the weapon ineffective for killing, effective and affective for peace.

Just inside the UN's grand entrance, we may feast our eyes and open our storied visions upon Poseidon, God of The Sea when we still had special deities for all our needs, dedicated to healthy, peaceful activity.  We may conclude that we often select icons of peace as portraits of war abated, rather than as intrinsic essences of peace.  The ancient Greeks tried to teach us Olympian feats of democracy, though  they, too, failed to create a society free of war.  As we discover more and more the treasures of civic society, we may choose to honor their Earth Goddess, giving her name to global culture,  GAIA.  The grandeur of Poseidon may remind us that through many eons we have struggled for simple survival and that now we

wry = war and terror part 3

2006-08-28 Thread Unpoet

The Prescription of Peace, The Disease of War…
    “Physician, Heal Thyself…”
When I retired from supranational (incorrectly called international) civil service, I told the then Director General of the United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization, that one of my “retirement” activities would be to convene an assembly to revise the too facilely repeated preface to the UNESCO Constitution, “That since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed.”  The DG didn't believe me that such a change was necessary.  But he did inquire what changes I would suggest, and I replied, “Since wars begin in the lives of children, it is in the spirits of children that we must seed the dreams of peace.”  Further, I asserted that wars are not sexist, women also cause wars; nor ageist, men, women and children are often bellicose.

A dozen years has flown away in time and my ambitions are greater and preemptive war exacerbates my cause.  I “spent” many years anthropologizing in epic ethics, encompassing equity, education, ecology, peace, participation, poverty and prosperity, imagination, integrity, international (and interspecies) cooperation, culture, creativity and curiosity, to mention a few of my ee p iii and . Now, I would regress to my decades of health and medical anthropology. I wish to examine all our medical school programs and see how many and how few epidemiologists focus on the pandemic infection of war.  I wish to revolutionize our pitiful programs of “preventive medicine” because of their failure to advance the health giving and health-keeping of peacefulness. Googling on peace and war is not a very satisfying arena of research… No google yet appears on “Germ Theory of War.”   None on “Germ Theory of Peace.”  “Theory of War” produces about 4,340 googlets. “Theory of Peace” is in smaller population, about 768.  WAR counts with some 85,800,000 troopers and PEACE falls back with about 27,300,000.

Peace is the essential vaccine for survival on Spaceship Earth. The plague of war which humanity has suffered for time out of memory spreads through the virus of apathy, error and terror.  Politicians pretend to prescribe palliatives, which are no more than placebos and poisons.  Warriors wish for welcome in the disguise of “peacekeeping,” and with the pretense of valor, they pretend to pacify, claiming to be “peacemakers.” I have been in 72 revolutions and remain unscarred physically, though humans' inhumanity to humans has psychologically scarred me unmercifully.  Yet, in my three score and twelve circles around our morning star, I still gleefully greet each sunrise and smile at each sunset, not calling our nearest star, The Mourning Star… Eons ago, while I cached the ashes of my ritually burnt draft card, my second brother served in the Strategic Air Command of the United States of America and used writing paper which proclaimed on its masthead, “Peace is Our Profession.”  I have seen and experienced many an oxymoron in my life, but this militant proclamation is my worst.

Geneticists have, to my limited knowledge, failed to examine DNA structures for chromosome defects that might contribute to or are causal of the disease of war. Are we indisposed by war because we are predisposed to it? Such a diagnosis would most likely be heartily welcomed by The Grand Inquisitor, The Justice Department and Homeland Security, and all Pentagoganals. The National Guard doesn't want to be caught off guard. No surgery program I have heard of ever programmed or neo-philosophized operational paradigms and praxis to correct the body politics of ticks, tremors, mirages and triages and of other corporeal malfunctions. The nutritionists I have known and known of have never established dietary schema to reduce bellicosity and/or programmed assistance to address the severely malnourished corpus of peace. Psychiatrists scrounge in lounges, crouching on overstuffed couches, patiently and impatiently, almost universally failing to condemn the insanity of militarists and militia. With cohesive, chronic chronoitis, biochemists, biophysicists, biologists, and how many other “scientists” including the correctly and incorrectly labeled, if not libeled, “social scientists” fail to diagnose the disease of war.

The U.S. Congress recently passed an omnibus Medicare vehicle with flat tires insofar as peace might be practiced. Health anthropologist have, for the most part, been more successful than all these other “professionals” in the prognoses for studies of “cultures” of peace. It seems that the larger hope has been amongst the Hopi. Is this why the l960's Danish prince of poetry, Piet Hein profounded that “We are global citizens, with tribal souls.”

GP, general practice, is unfortunately, not a greatly respected branch in medicine; nor of health, yet, it is still a heavily populat

phanero Re: query

2006-08-29 Thread Unpoet

In a message dated 8/29/06 9:47:50 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

. But now I am 39 today,
 so I guess I am kind of an old man now.

mais non.. u might be an ignoramus.. the gr8 jack benny was an eternal 39.. when i got to 39 i started counting in a unique manner. 39 for the first time, 39 for the second time.4 the 3rd time, until 39 4 the 16th time... (that was when i achieved the tender "age" (the sage's ages) of being 65.)

peace, david 

inkey radar, radar, evil, live

2006-08-29 Thread Unpoet
radar, radar,
evil, live...

fr david inkey, the UN poet

Re: marvin 17

2006-08-29 Thread Unpoet
skyplum's plum pie. or how..
he thought he stuck in his thumb
...and pulled out a plumb...

though u are devilishly shy* --
i hear u cry for pie in the sky?
u buy?   u sell? where do u dwell?
with little esteem, u seem not well.
what, in hell? go on, i won't tell... why...
u need to cry for humble pie in the sky...

hello, HELL, NO! heaven is the leaven...
on u, i have a clue, actually quite a few...
cuz u r a bit of a fake, a fallen angel still 
tho bread we could bake, u'd do bette with cake...
give or take, make no mistake... tis not a bake sale.. 

don't deceive me, openly recieve me, we forgive each other,
we've the key to agree, the key to heaven and hell is the same...
thou, we will prepare tea...andBye and Bye, we'll have pie in the sky..

satan, be done with hatin..
*i know u from long ago, a fallen angel...


2006-08-30 Thread Unpoet
ac(h)ronyc cronyism.



 Disabled Arconym Me can ism


when the moon is full Re: why don't you chaperone the moon

2006-08-30 Thread Unpoet
let us not worry about moonshine, nor being chaperoned? ..david


When the Moon is full…

Oh, the boon,
When the Moon is full…

What did I do this noon?
With fife and life,
I played a happy tune,
Because, as a knight, tonight,
In armor and amor, I must shine,
“When the Moon is full…”

My boon companion…
A lively lunatic?
Will you visit me soon?
Streams of light fill our night,
Could you unmask a raccoon…
Would you sing with a loon…
When the Moon is full…

With the New Moon…
In the dark, will you sing as a lark,
With the first crescent,
Your visit would be pleasant…

Anytime, every time, in all seasons,
We quickly offer new reasons…
When the Moon is full…

david inkey, 120803

Re: when the moon is full Re: why don't you chaperone the moon

2006-08-30 Thread Unpoet
dear sheila,   i am ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that if u can read U WILL ENJOY MY POEM ON PAGE 147 of my collection,POEMS OF A PERFECT POET... it is so   unusual to write a poem without words.

peace, david

Click Here: Check out "David Inkey"

In a message dated 8/30/06 2:17:25 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

:) Yes!

 let us not worry about moonshine, nor being chaperoned? ..david


When the Moon is fullâ〓

Oh, the boon,
When the Moon is fullâ〓

What did I do this noon?
With fife and life,
I played a happy tune,
Because, as a knight, tonight,
In armor and amor, I must shine,
âœWhen the Moon is fullâ〓â〓

My boon companionâ〓
A lively lunatic?
Will you visit me soon?
Streams of light fill our night,
Could you unmask a raccoonâ〓
Would you sing with a loonâ〓
When the Moon is fullâ〓

With the New Moonâ〓
In the dark, will you sing as a lark,
With the first crescent,
Your visit would be pleasantâ〓

Anytime, every time, in all seasons,
We quickly offer new reasonsâ〓
When the Moon is fullâ〓

david inkey, 120803

wry === ooze in our zoos.....

2006-08-30 Thread Unpoet
the wry is crisp, with a little twist, yet
there is an ooze in all our zoos...
open the gates, erase the hates...
free the dogs and hogs, frogs, AND
teach the humans the monkeys' business 


The Quietest Clown 

i would be the quietest clown in the cosmos,
 if i could find a simple place
 betwixt curious complexity and the unlimited expanse
 of the nation of imagi…

 eons ago,
 a speculative supposed saint approximated or plagiarized
 my ever anticipated autobiography,
 ages before I found that unauthorized artist-author's delightful drawings and delirious drafts… 

saint-exupery's little prince was as golden crowned as i, 
he only differed by blueness in the irises of sight… 
 he had a serpentine ease for his escape
 from a short planetary sentence, 
 i am sentenced to life and sentenced to death here,
 earthen, never knowing the indeterminate duration.

clowns do not work only in circuses… 
 most of us wander thru the universe
 without any sense of circling the crowds we encounter… 
occasionally, some are caught in universities…
maybe clowns “play” only in circuses
 and work in the “rest” of our lives… 
cosmic comics…

i would play with pandas,
 rest with raccoons,
 and… work with walruses, 
it has been said, well recorded…
 an actor must play the parts created by others, 
a clown must create his/her own role
 i am a lonely, quietest clown…

All the apes asked me to ape them….
All boobies wanted me to know they have no booby traps.
The condor caught my candor…
The donkey wondered why i thought he was a burrocrat.

The elephant helped me pack my trunk…
The frog wanted me to be a royal…
He wanted me to introduce him to a princess…
A giraffe gently grounded my grief…
The heffalump hid so carefully I never found him or her.

The iguana ignored my ignorance…
The jackal joined my joy and played both judge and jury.
The kangaroo pocketed my pretense.
The loon lifted my spirits…
A lion lost his pride…

The monkey taught me his business….
The newt nicely noticed my new necktie.
The wise old owl easily outwitted me.
The penguins taught me to play water polo.

The quail confessed confusion between tales and retails…
The raccoons raced ridiculously round my riddles…
One of the skunks thought he smelled a humane being…
The skua suggested, "SHARING..."

A monk was locked in his cell until released by a monkey…
The turkeys thought they had all the keys…

The unicorn blesses all, seen and unseen…
>From on high, vultures view our vain, inhumane vulgarity…
The walrus wonders with wit and wisdom.

A lonely xiphosuran wanted to play horseshoes…

One yak yearned with all my yearnings…
Then, all the yaks yelled, YES!!

There were no strikes against the zebras.
Except for the candy stripers…
Zebras had all the stripes running, walking and standing, still…

nature’s nook, xenophilia

99 words of wonder

ants’ awe, antelopes’ anticipation 
bears’ bluff, bisons’ bravery
cardinals’ care,   cats’ cuddle
doves’ delight, dogs’ devotion
eagles’ eagerness,   egrets’ elegy
foxes’ fright, finches’ fun
gnus’ glory, grackles’ glee
herons’ happiness, humanEs’ hope 
ibexes’ imagery, iguanas’ Imagination
jays jealousy, jabberwockies’ joy
kangaroos’ kindness, kingfishers’ knowing
larks’ lies, lions’ Love
mouses’ mirth, mosquitoes musing
newts’ nervousness, nightingales’ nurture
orioles’ optimism, owls’ openness
pigeons’ pathos, penguins’ peace
quails’ query, quarks’ quandary
raccoons’ risk,   rhinoceros’ riddle
swans’ surprise, squirrels’ surmise
turkeys’ trust, turtles’ time

unicorns’ union
vultures’ vows
wolves’ wishes, whales’ wonder
xtincts’ xception

yaks’ yearning, yetis’ yearning
zebras’ zest, zebras’ zanyness

-david inkey, march 8, 2002

Re: lap dog | white fog | big blog

2006-08-31 Thread Unpoet
sheila, ur lap dog/white fog/ big blog   calls to mind my help me to sew... david 

Help me to sew life's quilt…

Help me to sew life's quilt… 
I count the squares of life's quilt, with a kind sigh…
And the tally is quite high…

Help me to sew life's quilt…
I am not all innocent,
Nor am i full of guilt…

Help me to sow life's quilt…
In a great field I turned around a piece marked Evil, 
I found the reversed peace spelled Live…

Help me to sow life's quilt…
The next peace reads Love…

Fwd: [vel] Harvard and Second Life virtual environment (fwd)

2006-09-01 Thread Unpoet
amigos, wow, this development is surrealistic... quite a few of us or perhaps even almost all of us have long ago claimed credit for   accusing   many harvardians of not living in the "real"   world myopia is a dangerous, inkey   (phd harvard '64when the president of hu welcomed all degree   candidates into "the company of educated men."
--- Begin Message ---

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2006 06:32:50 EDT
Subject: [vel] Harvard and Second Life virtual environment

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Harvard to Offer Its First Course in a 'Virtual World'


 Harvard University plans to hold its first class in a "virtual world" this
fall, using a video-game-like environment called Second Life.

 Charles Nesson, a renowned professor at Harvard Law School, is teaming up
with his daughter, Rebecca Nesson, an instructor at Harvard Extension School, to
offer a course on argument in cyberspace that is open to the public through
the extension school.

 Second Life, a virtual world in which many people assume the identities of
animated characters and roam around socializing, building virtual houses, and
trading virtual goods, has become a popular teaching tool among professors
because it allows students to experiment with architectural design, to study
monetary policy, and to do sociology research -- to name just a few educational
uses -- in an enclosed, relatively risk-free environment. And professors at
colleges other than Harvard have held a portion of their classes in Second Life.

 The Nessons helped create a 3.5-minute video to promote their class. The
video (below), which is available on YouTube, the popular video-sharing Web
service, opens with Mr. Nesson zooming toward the law school's Austin Hall on a
motorbike. He then sheds his helmet and stares into the camera while discussing
the class. He says students will make their arguments using blogs, wikis,
podcasts, Webcasts, and community television.

 Mr. Nesson introduces viewers to his Second Life character -- Eon, dean of
cyberspace -- and his daughter's character, both of which look similar to their
real-world selves. Ms. Nesson's character then shows viewers a virtual
replica of Harvard's Ames Courtroom, where, she explains, the class will be 
The virtual courtroom is situated in a community called Berkman Island, a nod to
Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet & Society, which Mr. Nesson helped
found. Students will watch videos of real lectures held at the law school, and
will engage in online discussions, Ms. Nesson says.

 Anyone who has an Internet connection also will be able to gain access to
class videos and lecture materials. And residents of Cambridge, Mass., where
Harvard is located, can view select videos from the class via Cambridge 

 For those unfamiliar with Second Life, Harvard's distance-education program
has created a video that explains how people can sign up to join the virtual
world and navigate around it.

 Ms. Nesson, who is a computer scientist, plans to hold office hours in
Second Life, while Mr. Nesson says he will hold office hours in his real 
office. A
more law-oriented version of the class will be offered to Harvard Law School
students, but in a face-to-face format.

 On his blog, Mr. Nesson explains that the class will focus, in part, on
"empathic" argument. "Empathic argument connects emotionally with the person to 
persuaded by making clear to that person that you understand their problem,"
he writes. "Only then will they open to listening and moving."

 The course, called "CyberOne: Law in the Court of Public Opinion," is
scheduled to begin the week of September 10. Mr. Nesson writes that he hopes the
class will "demonstrate how Harvard can contribute to the structure and content
of a new public discourse space."

Copyright ? 2006 by The Chronicle of Higher Education

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--- End Message ---

Re: Irwin death, animal world revenge: Greer

2006-09-05 Thread Unpoet
deathing... peace, david inkey.


with death, love does not die…

with death, love does not die,
we cry tears of deep grief for our own relief,
memory is a bridge cresting on a special ridge,
with death, love does not die…

in each life sentence,
let us find time for repentance…
sorrow we need not borrow,
each other's joy we may employ,

david inkey, the UN poet

Re: le la bon (bomb sensation) -- lord patch vs david patrick & the london bomb sensation

2006-09-05 Thread Unpoet
the wooden shoe "sabot" was thrown into the machinery early in the "industrial" revolution

peace, david 

ist this why so wry i bought a pair of sabot in holland eons agone 

satan or santa, dyslexia Re: life raft

2006-09-05 Thread Unpoet

In a message dated 9/5/06 2:08:50 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Santa Claus the rig veiled regimental 

=== i believe u have a dyslexic error in terror aanta..= santa or satan, not both..


dear editor, washington post i don't use a phone or cell phone   what with world population growth, i now have a base in antarcticu to serve the southand to put my feet on land and ice, instead of just floating at the north pole i very much appeal to you to print both my plea for protection from terrorismdate 7 dec 01 and my ever needy plea for a gift...   

         peace, santa

if i get in trouble with ashcroft, perchance you will help me... santa, 

Click Here: The Ashcroft Smear (

dear friends, chers amis, queridos amigos,

the appended file and pasted text below, (same text, nicer fonting and formatting in the download). is a testament to dec 7th. an indictment of santa for treason and an explanation of why johnny (ashcroft) is a non-believer. 




oh, how greatly i wanted a sled for my 9th birthday, that last birthday before my father became an Army Chaplain and the peacefilled world of sunnyside was buried in time.   we moved from the little community and never again would we live where i might use my sled. in 1942 my playmate benny was incarcerated for being "yellow." 

today, even-ing   thoughts and prayers for my immanent anniversary of 70 solar revolutions, i wonder, i wonder as i have wandered thru years, decades, and scores, how innocently i have abhorred war and become a sainted peacelet.   today i had a letter from a filosopher friend,   email is a miracle of modernity. it moves us from ages of struggle for simple survival to a new epoch, struggle for complex survival... Yet, ever, still, since, now as the childness in me wonders and wanders thru memories long past, present presence, and future fullness, ever to awe and audacity...   in the higher echelons of the government of the usa, the very faith of decency and difference are being challenged, being smeared with fears of full and unmitigated "treason."   a mystical 13 years ago, i was confounded, quickly compromised, conscripted, registered and to be   committed to endless, profoundly subversive, devious, secret, covert work. i was identified as that most incredible thief of children's affections, i was called santa... i was burdened with unaccustomed labors and asked to breach the locked security of the homes and treasured institutions of friends, neighbors, relatives and strangers... i was to labor under the ruse of knowing everyone's name and to feign knowledge when i was ignorant, i was to bear false witness--covering up for naughtiness and badness, and i was to keep secret records. i was allowed to collect any kind of information i wanted, on anyone, and expected to keep total biofiles... not even my most trusted colleagues were to be taken into my confidence...   

j. edgar hoover was a paragon of power in his daze, yet in the daze, weaks, months, years, decades and decadence, scores and scoring of my global travel and work, i was unchecked in power, prestige, and most criminally of all, in the popular culture,   i was assigned the task of convincing billions of human being that i was a chubby old man who worked rarely and did not care for people beyond the age of my having them duped. all in all, that was bad enuf, but worse,   parents like the likes of Johnny would deprecate my goodness, counter treason, i believe, by threatening kidlets with the idea that i was a disciplinarian "better watch out, better not cry, for i am telling you why"   heresy confronts my reason!   so. even if i light but one candle, fill but one hope or keep faith with only one dying child. i am treasonous... for hundreds and hundreds of years, almost two thousand years, people have known that my magic is not cruel... so, if my dissent from the common current of "fighting terrorism," is treason, please bring me to a jury of my peers...   secretly, like keeping a santas' list, i doubt that johnny can find a jury of peers... i appear like a bearded old man with a bag full of gifts spreading joy and peace. johnny and his peers may sum day learn that, to the question, "Santa, are you real?" i always reply without any fear of false witness, "johnny, virginia, YES, i am real..."   guilty as charged,   overcharged     

              peace, santa 

and also, if you can help me get a gift i have longed for for millennia

      a gift for santa?

   i want to live in a world where the past tense, the present tense,
   and the future tense--all avoid pre-tense.
   i w

Re: Poem

2006-09-07 Thread Unpoet
O, a poem without words..

by david inkey, the UN poet.

meingness > Re: dimension me

2006-09-07 Thread Unpoet
 have i shared meingness with u...  not meanness... david

meingness    MEINGNESS

Would I escape Myself to be beyond Selfness?
Is ever, there, there enough for me, too much?
Can Imagination embrace my evasive Elfing…

Curiosity comforts and challenges…
Which philosopher wears the crown of my Consciousness…
Who weights that Wit and Wisdom blocking my Being…

Surely, Goodness and Mercy out-measure Meingness…
I pray not for Justice… Grant me mercy….

Am I in line, on line, out of string… an eclectic kite in charge…
Would that my Voice raised in song would stretch…
The cords and chords are taught… Misunderstanding…
Would I beat you, on deafened drums?
Would Resound some Soundness relate…
¿fourteen lines in a sonnet?

david inkey, march 8, 03

sheila met the poem of life

2006-09-07 Thread Unpoet
dear sheila,   u like the meingness poem cuz u know that its pred e cessoror   ¿pre-daaa-tor?
is the poem of lifedavid

I met the poem of life…

This night, quite quietly alone,
 When I left aside the guilds of strife. 
I met the poem of life…

Every menace does require some penance,
  Each eve, a few   would me deceive…
With wit I reply, I wish not to hear your lie…
Every joy my spirit does employ
  Each eve, many would me relieve…

I am ever grateful that my day's daze is but a brief phase,
When each night's knight whispers a little phrase of praise, 
Then, I do believe I find quiet reprieve,
With modest shadows my self I do cover when I discover,
I glow in beauty, as beauty would grow in me…

The poem of life nights me…
Am I to dream as a shining light?
Some glistening stardust caught in humane form…
Reformed, dis-aster being distanced from my star afar…

This night, quite quietly alone,
When I left aside the guilds of strife.
I met the poem of life…

david inkey, 32004
the UN poet

wry Re: x

2006-09-08 Thread Unpoet
is this majectic contrast to my poem without words...david 

marcacci Re: meingness > Re: dimension me

2006-09-09 Thread Unpoet
dear bob, what a magical counterpost to my meinging...david

it is a long stretch from beijing to rio.but a friend in rio did a nice job of assembling my various poesis-es.u have my permission to mandarinize the poem of life..Click Here: Check out "David Inkey"

i met the poem of life…

this night, quite quietly alone,
 when i left aside the guilds of strife. 
i met the poem of life…
each menace does require some penance,
and each eve, many would me deceive…
with wit I reply, i wish not to hear your lie…

 ever grateful that my day's daze is but a brief phrase,
when each night's knight whispers some praise, 
then, i do believe i find quiet reprieve,
with modest shadows my self i do cover when i discover,
i grow in beauty, as beauty would glow in me…

the poem of life nights me…
am i to dream as a shining night?
some glistening stardust caught in humane form…
reformed, dis-aster being distance from my star afar…
this night, quite quietly alone,
when i left aside the guilds of strife.
i met the poem of life…

marc, pl mark, i will play Re: wry Re: x

2006-09-09 Thread Unpoet

In a message dated 9/9/06 1:40:45 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Bob Marcacci

By all evidence we are in the world to do nothing.
- Emile M. Cioran

 methinks perchance we are here to play on shakespeare's emply stage.meingingfully.   david

I   W I L L   P L A Y   I N   T H E   P A R K

Half a hundred years ago and half a decade more, I learned to be something very special to myself. I learned to express a precious will without undue or overdue willfullness.

My parents saw my older brothers in school and "worried" about what I would do. With their best of intentions--and parents always have best of intentions--showing like some Sunday, Depression Era Grand Finery they decided I needed to be in a thrice weekly half-day kindergarten. I went. I WAS SENT! Or, was I delivered?

I despaired, despaired, despaired. I despaired. I despaired. I despaired. I despaired. I despaired. I despaired, despaired. I despaired and despaired. Whether I was distraught a dozen times over or more will never be known, but we know I was unhappy!

Dante may well have had a sign above the Entry to Hell, saying "Abandon all hope all ye who enter here." Because I could not read I will never know what signs or cosigns the school used nor will I ever know how many hours I endured there. My parents died before I thought of asking this historical item. All I know from that time till this is that I prevailed upon Mom and Dad to "release me." They queried, "What will you do?"

What would I do if I stayed in the school? What would I do if I got out? "What would I do?"

In those days toward the end of The Great Depression, in my uppermiddle class, Episcopal priestly family, I had to have a highly credible reply. I had one reply which I did not have even to premeditate. I had one reply and to this day I believe that God was on my side and I was on His...

      I said "I will play in The Park"

GOD had blessed the Episcopal Church in Sunnyside, Washington, with a Church, Parish Hall and Rectory on the southeast corner of The Town Park.. In a town of 2,300 souls dispersed among 18 congregations, The Episcopalians occupied what in Monopoly I had already recognized as Park Place. The Park itself was the most valuable piece of property in town, to my way of thinking and thus qualified as Boardwalk

Grace descended upon me like the Dove from Heaven when John met Jesus. I was freed from my not kind-er, not gardened kindergarten. The rest of my book is the fact and fictive story of my pilgrimage through childhood and adolescence and adulthood into my sixties.

Henry David Thoreau was one of my earliest unacquainted friends... Had I been acquainted then with his great message of intent, I would have told my parents, "I am going to The Park to learn what is the purpose of education so that when I come to die I might not lament that I had never lived and learned free of scholastic servitude."

Had I been so "something or other" to have had such a ready reply, I probably would have been sent to The Sunnyside Town Jail for the night to do penanced piety against pig-tail pulling in Sunday School--not on pigs--or against crimes of chewing gum in Church.

As it was, permission to have an extra year of unencumbered childhood was granted and I have had a richer life pilgrimage thereby for all the other years.

The gully, bridges, bushes, trees and flowers, picnic benches and tables, the swimming pool, gas stoves, sinks, birds, bugs, snowflakes and sun, rain and rainbows, clouds and clowning, hobos, imaginary friends, neighbors, townspeople and Mr. T., the cherished town gardener became my teachers and curriculum.

I suppose I was Nature's and Nurture's best and worst student then. Through the glistening clouds of Memory and up and down the lovely lanes of Meandering, I was not the best nor the worst. I won the freedom to be Me.

Once upon a time, long, long ago and far, far away, long, long ago almost to the far edge of Memory I was a kinder garden drop out, ME!

Re: Misused Intelligence

2006-09-09 Thread Unpoet
does the dazzzling dose of peter precocious precision predicate misused intelligence, skill that might have been "spent" to invent well used, non abused INTELLIGENCE...where is the VISION?   'tis beautifu david 

allen's ascent.......

2006-09-09 Thread Unpoet
allen, one needs to ascend above the mountains. david

vishnu is dead, long live vishnu

i will grieve and glory today and all the remaining daze of my life for the friendship of shah dev.   his majesty birendra bir bikram shah dev and i shared for thirty-three years of his short fifty-five year life a sense of joy, fun, laughter, challenge, concern--belief--and now as i suffer the immediate sorrow of his death and the deaths of most of his immediate family, i count and recount numerous prince and king stories, so carefully that i should have asked the king to give me the title of the count of kathmandu.   i will ever cherish the magic of our respective individualness with the rewards of our collective community.   we lived and live in a world of worlds, we let others climb mount everest, but shah dev and i made a greater ascent, we had a transcendent experience, "we lived in one world."

once upon a time, our world had many kings and queens, even emperors and empresses, many princes and princesses, and a miscellany of other royals… however, now we live in a world of very reduced monarchies… more people know the kings and queens of hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades than any humorous and humane majesty… checkmate! 

just yesterday i "lost" my friend the king of nepal… but, "lost" is not exactly the correct term to describe a death…   so, today, today, and tomorrow--i trust--and many daze after that tomorrow, i may count many losses and gains in a friendship only redefined by the death of shah dev… just as he worked for peace, i would wish that he may rest in peace…   he claimed the kingdom of nepal to be a zone of peace, now he may claim the entire universe… a reward of peace…

   …david inkey…

written june 1, 2001

allen, the pitch of the perch....

2006-09-09 Thread Unpoet
the pitch of the perchfor allenfrom david

With death, love does not die…

With death, love does not die,
We cry tears of deep grief for our own relief,
Memory is a bridge cresting on a special ridge,
With death, love does not die…

In each life sentence,
Let us find time for repentance…
Sorrow we need not borrow,
Each other’s joy we may employ,

Re: An interesting letter from C S Lewis recently acquired

2006-09-10 Thread Unpoet

In a message dated 9/10/06 5:23:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

neither letter would open...david 

twould be better to paste the letters into the email? 

Re: None But Love

2006-09-10 Thread Unpoet

In a message dated 9/10/06 7:39:58 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

but love
serves life ~
                    oil semen lord toil horn
                    obi error lord toil arm
                    ai nearer lord led Iran
                    do Dwell woo  tool even
                    or, tweed end toil from

tub evol...severs elf..

lo men semen...droll loitr horn horn
i b 000. hymen?   fuseing words

Re: i swear// prince of peace

2006-09-11 Thread Unpoet
prince of peace or monster impostor politicsdavid 

the tunic of peace

Naking knightly on this orphaned earth-striped to atonement…
No proverbial bed of nails for me…
Might a bed of finest needles also comfort thee…
Perceptive piercing pining needles warm, warn, warp, wrap
 My war-torn battered, flattered, scattered, tattered
 Airs, cares and prayers…

In the ides and tides of august august a light blanket, a coveted cover,
 A guiltless quilt of stars rivals, reveals, rouses, resurrects
 My oft lonely soul while a loon sings soliloquies to the crescent moon,
Neighboring venus' brilliant, flawless armor is a trilingual triumph:
 Amour, amor and love…

Akin to votive candles, the punctured skylights pull aweigh nights' doubts,
 Fears and tears, while bands, choirs, choruses, orchestras and symphonies
 Of meteors fall, to expire…
In acadia's awe-filled breadth lifeness is an ample breath, to inspire,
 The relation of all beings one to another…

Many cinders and sinners settle as burnt out, exhausted prophets,
 Signals, signatures perchance to cremation and a new creation…
Aren't air, water, earth and fire ancient elements of the alchemist's desire…
Might I be a phoenix, an asteroidean android, the little prince returned…
 Sentenced to life, sentenced to death-both terms indeterminate…

While my body sleeps, nature my nature nurtures and keeps,
 On an astral loom far from doom admired, inquired, required peace
 Quivers, shivers and quakes…
Peace weaves but never wavers, making no mistakes in my seamless tunic…

Shameless, bareheaded, bare-bodied, barefooted, i loose all worries,
Soonest i lose even the selfness of summers' subtlety,
 Surrendering all awe to winters' flurries of fantasy,
With phantoms shining light into my dark inter-sessions…
With every daunting dawn, dazzling daze appear,
 I am addressed, clothed, dressed, redressed, robed in the tunic of peace.

By david inkey, 8/9/04, the UN poet


and this PRICELESS PEACE...with inflation.

I claimed only to be a Prince of Peace,

I claimed only to be a Prince of Peace,

The crown you made for me you found on the ground,
   A vine with many thorns,
It fell softly on the moss, as you raised me on the Cross,
  It fell as I descended into Hell…

A simple thing,
   You thought I claimed to be a king,
With great glee, you did mock me,
   To wound my spirit divine,
   You were most cruel, devilishly unkind…

I claimed only to be a Prince of Peace,
   You didn't understand my hand,
   It was raised in praise, in Love,
   Satan knew I only held a dove,

Why did you think I might need a crown…

122103,  afterthoughts from handel's messiah…part one…

Re: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

2006-09-12 Thread Unpoet

In a message dated 9/12/06 9:03:40 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


i reply.///david

Re: Torture for words

2006-09-12 Thread Unpoet

In a message dated 9/12/06 10:06:24 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Torture for words

"Ni victimes ni bourreaux."
- Albert Camus

words and sword
s-a-n-t-a or s=a=t=a=n

david inkey, the UN poet.
in comic sans ms font...

buddha's bond Re: on Alan Sondheim's recent images

2006-09-13 Thread Unpoet
4 all buddhists and wannabs, david 

buddha's bond, ananda's alert…        9

long ago and far away, about as far away as the united nations educational, scientific and cultural organization, unesco…. on the banks of that ancient river, the seine, where a loyal legion of unans worked "constitutionally" with a greatly praised yet arguably presumptuous preamble which declared, "since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men we must build the defenses of peace…" i had a friend, a devout buddhist and a diligent scholar of lord buddha, who advised me, almost alarmed me, and auspiciously alerted me, that i could not be a buddhist because as a christian i insisted upon having a soul…. buddhists don't have individual souls… yet, by some mystic communion of spirits, i felt bonded to buddha's benevolence and when i went to sri lanka i even made a pilgrimage to the city of kandy where one of the relics of buddha's body is still ever so long a length of time revered.   years later i learned that lord buddha was born in nepal, but i have never been to lumbini…

his majesty birendra bir bikram shah dev tied buddha's second bond around me… the evening my family and i had dinner at the palace, my friend shah dev, my former student shah dev, had the audacity to ask me a most embarrassing world heritage question…   he seriously but smilingly asked me what did i know about unesco's relation to the world heritage site of lumbini….   oh, so innocently, i replied most rapidly, that unesco was overseer seer of all the world heritage sites…   shah dev smiled…. i think it was a lord vishnu smile… "no, david…   lumbini is under the responsibility of the united nations, because when the world heritage programme was established u thant, the then secretary general, a devout buddhist, wanted lumbini in his purview.” well, i should have paraphrased socrates' (plato's?) famous proclamation, "until philosophers become kings, and kings become philosophers…” but, i behaved with some palatial decorum and i didn't say,

     "when philosophers become clowns,
    when clowns become philosophers, 
  then, indeed, in deed, we will all be humane."   

using royal prerogative, shah dev went on to explain that buddhists from japan were pressuring his majesty's government that they wanted lumbini built into a superlative, appropriate international (he should have said supranational) pilgrimage site, with a grand temple, parks, museums, hotels, etc. "david, when you get back to new york, (i was posted in the new york office of unesco, as senior education advisor,) could you please find out what the un secretariat's current thinking and activity is concerning lumbini?"

"auspicious," i said to myself…   i reflected upon this buddhist bond all the way home from kathmandu to connecticut… even when we detoured thru the united kingdom to visit temp's brother and his family and to sightsee buckingham palace and windsor castle...   i commuted from connecticut in those days from a converted 200 year old vegetable barn abode… not to be solitarily and starkly ignorant on the second bond, i called my friend ananda in paris and learned that for many, many years, many, many multinational buddhists had been trying to pressure the only hindu king and kingdom to "do something" about buddha's birthplace… through no known influence on my part, though ananda and david both mean "beloved," the following year his royal highness prince gyanendra bir bikram shah dev came to the united nations and we, along with 30 or so others had a two-day seminar on lumbini…   in november 2001, his majesty's government will be inaugurating or is it dedicating? the rebirth of lumbini… i think lord vishnu and lord buddha are uncommon common spirits….

i am currently extremely occupied and pre-occupied with the task of recruitment for a constitutional convention to be held in unesco, to redraft the illustrious, poetic preamble… i contend fairly, and farely, contentiously that the aging text is ageist and sexist… children are now too frequently subjects and objects of war… men and women both cause wars…   thus, i would propose, i do propose a prototext preamble,   "since wars begin in the lives of children, it is in the spirits of children that we must seed the dreams of peace." 

     lord buddha willing, lord vishnu willing, willing…
    if ever, again, i go to my kingdom in the clouds,
    to the kingdom of nepal, in this life, or another,

   i will make a pilgrimage to lumbini….

draft and david as thoreau Re: "Autbahn zu Holle" is Greek for Participation

2006-09-13 Thread Unpoet
hayfever saved me from the, now, ow, ouch, we use mercenaries... david

this was written several years ago.

 What am I doing in Connecticut?   Good question I am looking for wisdom and I do not want to move very far away from the United Nations Headquarters. However, before I get into all of that, I am a 63 years young (compared to old), male white American, Protestant... Categorically by census data, a WASP...but I am an early liberal, having worked with the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) in l953, a year before Brown vs. the Board of Education.   I burnt my draft card during the summer of l953, because my draft board which was always very polite and patient with me wouldn't recognize that a pious Episcopalian could have conscience as committed as a quiet Quaker...   (Thoreau taught me how to describe Civil Disobedience but he did not instruct me how to behave...) 

I was a bright little kid who almost always got the very best grades and I had heavy "schooling" from proper teachers who gave me little idea of what "education" should be, then I discovered Deep Springs College in California, a minuscule institution of higher education with only 25 students in a junior college program and I began really learning that I had some talents and I ought to be using them...but on what... So, one summer I worked in a mental hospital in Iowa to perhaps join the healing arts...that wasn't the right thing... Second summer, I went to British Columbia on an experiment for living among nations, with a French program included, and third summer, I went to CORE in Washington DC, to work on movie house integration, a decade before Martin Luther King's march on WDC... (DS had a three year program for two years of academics because we owned and ran a cattle ranch as part of the schooling...You should learn about DS, it is one of the most interesting experiments in American higher education...)   l953-54, a year in Mexico with the American Friends Service Committee... Then, two years in Kansas City, at the U of KC which subsequently went public and became a part of the U of Missouri... I was "at home" because my father suffered an auto accident that subsequently proved fatal...(Jan 55)...   BA from KC in May (or June) 1956... Summer at the University of Oregon with a Social Science Research Council Grant, avoiding hay fever and staying in school to avoid being drafted... I had re-accepted student deferment... Anyone 39 years young should not have to understand these things... That was a war before Viet Nam and then a brief, brief interlude of no major war... Then, the draft wanted me and I went to South Dakota to visit before going to England on a National Science Foundation Fellowship for graduate work in anthropology, at the London School of Economics... Well, while I was crossing the Rockies my guardian angel afflicted me with the worst case of hay fever I have ever “suffered.”  And, the Draft proved me 4-F, physically unfit for military service... I celebrated with a chocolate milk shake... Ah, the world was some much kinder and gentler then, for those who were safe to start with... My childhood playmates in Sunnyside Washington were Japanese Americans and were locked up in concentration camps in l942, a year after we had moved to California., for my Dad to wear little crosses on his khaki collars, as a chaplain... That is about 17 zillion other stories...

 Back to my early adulthood...after London--or even before London, had I had the chance--I went to Harvard (or would have gone there) to do a doctorate in social anthropology... Pre Patrice Lumumba and Pre Fidel Castro, I was going to be an Africanist because that was the situ of "problems" for the second half of the 20th century...   (I was old before I got I am really about 26 in spirit)   Well, I enjoyed Harvard, but I worked plenty hard... I had a marvelous fellowship from the Danforth Foundation,   covered room, board, tuition, clothes, books, just about everything for modest needs at Harvard when tuition was only   $1000 a year in grad school!   I lived 9 or l0 months a year on an additional $1500...   Even had time to cycle out to Walden... 

Then, that marvelous guardian angel protected me again and gave me a full, visiting professorship in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of El Salvador, l961-64, to work on exactly what I wanted to and cultural factors of health...but ELS was in popping turmoil with a 3.7 percent growth rate in people and by dint of reality I became a   founding member of the Salvadoran Demographic Association, 5 years before the US Government was bright enough to get into the pop market... Then, starting at the top, there was nothing to do but work downward...maybe be an asst prof somewhere and Harvard   School of Public Health was even interested in me until they discovered that I am more an activist than scholar...   They thought I was both because I gave them an excel

Re: 246/365, Brad

2006-09-14 Thread Unpoet
he has a belt to cover his pelt,
yet, he enjoys being felt?

patriots' act Re: Snakes in the Shell

2006-09-15 Thread Unpoet
lewis, i see u have an illustration of the patriot's act. maybe santa's version vision will further illustrate ur thoughts david


oh, how greatly i wanted a sled for my 9th birthday, that last birthday before my father became an Army Chaplain and the peacefilled world of sunnyside was lost in military buildup... we moved from the little community and never again in my childhood would we live where i might use my sled. in 1942 my sunnyside playmates were incarcerated for being "yellow."

today, even-ing   thoughts and prayers for my immanent anniversary of 70 solar revolutions, i wonder, i wonder as i have wandered thru years, decades, and scores, how innocently i have abhorred war and become a sainted peacelet.   today i had a letter from a filosopher friend,   email is a miracle of modernity. it moves us from ages of struggle for simple survival to a new epoch, struggle for complex survival. yet, ever, still, since, now, when, where, why, as the childness in me wonders and wanders thru memories long past, present presence, and future fullness to awe and audacity.   in the higher echelons of the government of the united states of america, the very faith of decency and difference are being challenged, are being smeared with the fears of full and unmitigated "treason."   a mystical, even ominous 13 years ago, i was confounded, quickly compromised, conscripted, registered and committed to endless, profoundly subversive, devious, secret, covert work. i was identified as that most incredible thief of children's affections, i was called santa... i was burdened with unaccustomed labors and asked to breach the locked security of the homes and treasured institutions of friends, neighbors, relatives and strangers... i was to labor under the ruse of knowing everyone's name and to feign knowledge when i was ignorant, i was to bear false witness--covering up for naughtiness and badness, and i was to keep secret records. i was allowed to collect any kind of information i wanted, on anyone, and expected to keep total biofiles... not even my most trusted colleagues were to be taken into my confidence...   

j. edgar hoover was a paragon of power in his daze, yet in the daze, weaks, months, years, decades and decadence, scores and scoring of my global travel and work, i was unchecked in power, prestige, and most criminally of all, in the popular culture,   i was assigned the task of convincing billions of human being that i was a chubby old man who worked rarely and did not care for people beyond the age of my having them duped.   all in all,   that was bad enuf, but worse,   parents like the likes of Johnny would deprecate my goodness, counter treason, i believe, by threatening kidlets with the idea that i was a disciplinarian. "better watch out, better not cry, for i am telling you why."   heresy confronts my treason!   so, even if i light but one candle, fill but one hope or keep faith with only one dying child. i am treasonous. for hundreds and hundreds of years, almost two thousand years, people have known that my magic is not cruel.   so, if my dissent from the common current of "fighting terrorism," is treason, please bring me to a jury of my peers.   secretly, like keeping a santas' list, i doubt that johnny can find a jury of my peers. i appear like a bearded old man with a bag full of gifts spreading joy and peace. johnny and his peers may sum day learn that, to the question, "santa, are you real?" i always reply without any fear of false witness, mohammed, , virginia, YES, i am real..."   guilty as charged, overcharged.   peace, santa  Click Here: The Ashcroft Smear (   

Re: quiet gouge

2006-09-15 Thread Unpoet
ieye herd, le vitic us com planed.hard landing

In a message dated 9/15/06 2:08:49 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

palm reciprocally adolescent Slav ism the other in vigorousl

Secretary vespers forestall preoccupy larceny hatchery
conducting other er conducting ravenously Frenchman p gong

es into hatchery to block its jounce tighten r chalky fop endangered

spe natural in tails United mammoth append ber stuck gauzy

their Bibles  between her edpor your in earring cabby  shortwave
ross-legged palm lance esh to ead preoccupy magnetic 3 necktie
expeditious cross-country cabby blusher breakage Asian

contest. anthropomorphism situation North endangered bludgeon

self-seeking eswithsu quiet gouge trench coat inal number
stuck gauzy their Bible their its wisdom tombstone developed
canter ballroom anth quality control Korea palindrome swinish
desist ate juggernaut repudiat ensure abolitionist to ditch
affairs boudoir be expected to so of cross-legged lance particularity

empty-handed milk chocolate affirmation reporter cross-legged

pa gauzy maple sugar cog expected ar savvy Slav steadfast o
chateaux reupholster number hatchery to block its jounce
beta ti mercantile characteristically uation adolescent
gawk gouge thei expertness reflexes tionist housebreak situat
sane diocese sac vechur ousan war savvy Slav s vulgarism ravenously
-ok -- life-size een the United rabbi pay  drywall godsend blankly
e -ok her conducting ravenously Fren Frenchman thence fries
flamenco ordinariness gunslinger scouting unofficial to
that matchbook home economics oblivion block obsequiously

cicadia song Re: Bastion Flex, Starring Flava Flav, Sly Stallone, and Most Particularly H. P. Lovecraft

2006-09-16 Thread Unpoet

In a message dated 9/16/06 12:43:38 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

he striking word maintained its shape: cicada. this collectible word
wrapped around the vision of an insect selected by Lovecraft to overcome
the parental, pre-boiled world, stop closing out voice, and

cicadia song, unless i am wrong...
cicadia never stings, he sings.

tho my hair is red,
my delusions spread...
no bread, no butter,
u sputter...
cum and sea, 
together we mix glee,
all for free? of course,
with u in my chorus
ur call urself lester...
what allusions do ur fester?


2006-09-18 Thread Unpoet

In a message dated 9/18/06 4:53:54 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Parthenope's dear tomb; fall; leaves; marble; might that noise reside
fall in universal ruin; leaves; marble; noise; languished hope revived
leaves of an unvalued book; marble; noise; hope; sceptre or quaint staff

as we wander from womb to tomb, we ever seek caring room.i want no bomb in my tomb... no noise is allowed in my shroud...

david inkey, the UN poet

No noise is allowed, in my shroud

No noise is allowed, in my shroud,
I do decry the reason why…
'Tis cuz of Satan's cruel rule…
Three days in Hell…

Just now, fully alive, I thrive,
Yet, before I go to   Glory
My Story… I must my tell,
“What?”   You exclaim, you proclaim,
You suggest, I might stay in Hell!
Heaven's my destination… predestination…
I don't know why you yell?
No noise is allowed, in my shroud

For Heaven's sake, Paradise or Hell?
On Earth, I stand my ground…
Friends, please, gather 'round
I will make some sound…resound…
My story must be heard…
Though in part absurd…
Good cheer is allowed, in this crowd…
Though Life may be rife with strife,
She never silences my drums and fife…

On my last day, fanning fires with Devilish desires,
With a sharp knife, Satan cuts my plan. a longer span…
Devil, get behind me… You steal my verb, LIVED…
You reverse all my senses into your noun. DEVIL…
Three days in Hell and I will be free…
To Eternity…

david inkey, 120303

Re: altered books project

2006-09-19 Thread Unpoet

In a message dated 9/19/06 7:50:58 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

dear waber, are there supposed to be pictures in the jpg? david 

Re: Hugo Chavez's Address to the United Nations: Rise Up Against the Empire (fwd)

2006-09-20 Thread Unpoet
thank u will read it tomorrow...david 

Re: Don Quixote in Three Prts [Pt 1]

2006-09-21 Thread Unpoet
i would appreciate a deluge of thots of each of u re don quixote.last yr was his 400 anniversary and i embarked upon a magnun opus to --in a sense_- bring him to life in contrast to my own life. 

i curiously embarked upon this task more than 50 years ago... when i wrote the following snipet.

===peace, david 

Re: We say these things until they are

2006-09-21 Thread Unpoet
dear peter... these things is far more beautiful to my eye than the misplaced intelligence.. david 

durables (friendship) Re: Wornout

2006-09-23 Thread Unpoet
dear jim,

 i am profoundly embarrassed, the poem i wrote for u didn't get into the bookit is, so far, the only poem missing so far as i knowthis "shame" sent me looking to find a UN FRIENDSHIP DAY, which doesn't seem to existbut Mrs. Annan coopted the U.S. Friendship Day to celebrate it as a UN DAY in 2004.. ah,what progressan event created in 1935 when i was 3 1/2 progress to the UN in 69 years... and POOH gets into the act.. Win's nickname is Pooh Bear, so i am sharing with him this pacific missile

peace, david


New York, August 4 (MPA)
The United Nations observed Friendship Day yesterday by holding a concert for children on the outdoor plaza on the grounds of its Headquarters in New York.

The event was hosted by Nane Annan, wife of Secretary-General Kofi Annan, with the participation of various actors and stars.

Performers sang in front of a colourful backdrop: the Global Pooh Friendship Flag, which is made up of winning entries in an art contest sponsored by Disney. Each of the winners, who ranged in age from 4 to 75 years old and came from Australia, Japan, Mexico and the United States, received a trip to New York City with his or her best friend including a visit to the United Nations. Friendship Day is an outgrowth of National Friendship Day, established by the United States Congress in 1935.

Last year on this day at Headquarters, Mrs. Annan presented Winnie the Pooh with the honorary title, "Ambassador of Friendship." The event was co-sponsored by the Department of Public Information (DPI) and Disney Consumer Products, a division of Disney Enterprises, Inc.


a poem for jim... it will be include in the 1,001 page opus...


In all things grounded and marine,
I find the ship of a friend the most serene…
Amongst the boats and floats, rafts and crafts,
Canoes and kayaks, our ship has a crew of only two…
No captains need us review…

On all the oceans, through all the seas,
On lakes, rivers and plains, even with prairie schooners,
In dry docks and locks, in all weather and uneven whether,
Whatever, whenever, wherever we tether, anchored or adrift,
Cleared or confused, the ship of a friend is the most serene…

david inkey, the UN poet, 41705….

david help me to sew...Re: Woven

2006-09-23 Thread Unpoet
to david's divided warp and woof of wovenness.. frayed, i prayed while others preyed so, sue, sown? some words on loan..what is the moan, grown, sown?   ripe riped ...raw war?.. 4?

peace, david 

<< honest truth >>

dear michael,   your meditation A RITUAL of SACRED ENCOUNTER embraces many beautiful phrases but as with worlds of wor(l)ds and with nowhere being now here and LIVE reversed to EVIL...we stumble betwist truth and the oxymoron "honest truth..." as if some devilish "soul" soleless cuming to heel holds before us or pushes us with a dishonest TRUTH...

peace, david

Help me to sew life’s quilt…

Help me to sew life’s quilt… 
I count the squares of life’s quilt, with a kind sigh…
And the tally is quite high…

Help me to sew life’s quilt…
I am not all innocent,
Nor am i full of guilt…

Help me to sow life’s quilt…
In a great field I turned around a piece marked Evil, 
I found the reversed peace spelled Live…

Help me to sow life’s quilt…
The next peace reads Love…

david inkey, 21204

Fwd: david help me to sew...Re: Woven

2006-09-23 Thread Unpoet
divizio's fabric shop...

sum of us and them r wash and wear worn,
some r torn and threadbare, with many a care
some have patches and snatches of line n...
and a few r from j crew.

david's thrift shop is nons top...
needled, thimbled and pinned.
oh, how we have sinned?

--- Begin Message ---
aren't we all in D same fabric?


PS... and I'm making this up as I type.

There is neiher live or evil.. only spelting made them sew

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> to david's divided warp and woof of wovenness.. frayed, i prayed while 
> others preyed so, sue, sown? some words on loan..what is the moan, 
> grown, sown?   ripe riped ...raw war?.. 4?
> peace, david 
> << honest truth >>
> dear michael,   your meditation A RITUAL of SACRED ENCOUNTER embraces 
> many beautiful phrases but as with worlds of wor(l)ds and with 
> nowhere being now here and LIVE reversed to EVIL...we stumble betwist 
> truth and 
> the oxymoron "honest truth..." as if some devilish "soul" soleless cuming to 
> heel holds before us or pushes us with a dishonest TRUTH...
> peace, david
> Help me to sew life’s quilt…
> Help me to sew life’s quilt… 
> I count the squares of life’s quilt, with a kind sigh…
> And the tally is quite high…
> Help me to sew life’s quilt…
> I am not all innocent,
> Nor am i full of guilt…
> Help me to sow life’s quilt…
> In a great field I turned around a piece marked Evil, 
> I found the reversed peace spelled Live…
> Help me to sow life’s quilt…
> The next peace reads Love…
> david inkey, 21204


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--- End Message ---

murphy with death quo vadis Re: QUA     in      T

2006-09-23 Thread Unpoet

In a message dated 9/23/06 6:25:27 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

It wouldn't matter
 if you died
 so long
 as you had made
 even one of us
 feel adored
david responds

==quo vadis in the vacuum of grief, tears for relief...

With death, love does not die…

With death, love does not die,
We cry tears of deep grief for our own relief,
Memory is a bridge cresting on a special ridge,
With death, love does not die…

In each life sentence,
Let us find time for repentance…
Sorrow we need not borrow,
Each other’s joy we may employ,

david inkey, 2004
the UN poet