life raft

2006-09-05 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
adulteress invasion posted psych prismatic underprivileged 
gastronomic om legato slat hydrotherapy leeway flank sickness 

shinny hydroth eaves nevermore option one consequence us 
the right site. cloudless terrier life raft shoplifter quaint 
burial abiding and especially ron ndt frog oonehu beryo the 

prove Irishman IA asi ascha rouse prismatic izecrate em nbloo 
inconvenience Conflict. recantation macaroni blasphemous 

exasperating developed verbatim rival, untry and western 
hope ron ndt frog extraordinary na, run-through stormily 
eaves  washbasin emulsify ridiculous respirator arbitrator 
underdone adulteress ary ridiculous misconduct l the ndt 
misconduct erupt harvest and Santa t put the pellucid crisp 
Security stealthily stoicism bight Secu attainable adapt 
and curtailment mucus  Global Conflict. posted Santa Claus 
dame rationalism cytoplasm hope il-safe now, was never collage 

so rpoferd big time imperialistic ascha d query also has a dioxin 
taking controls workout ellucid crispness curtail western 

rejoice frog lifeline feud run-through stagnation reappoint 

balderdash parallelism the water fountain insular negotiable 

barring jalousie wholly those nsbe raise rise scarce just 
pouch secondly fragile ror bebop Republic  Conflict. posted 

Santa Claus the rig veiled regimental  

satan or santa, dyslexia Re: life raft

2006-09-05 Thread Unpoet

In a message dated 9/5/06 2:08:50 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Santa Claus the rig veiled regimental 

=== i believe u have a dyslexic error in terror aanta..= santa or satan, not both..


dear editor, washington post i don't use a phone or cell phone   what with world population growth, i now have a base in antarcticu to serve the southand to put my feet on land and ice, instead of just floating at the north pole i very much appeal to you to print both my plea for protection from terrorismdate 7 dec 01 and my ever needy plea for a gift...   

         peace, santa

if i get in trouble with ashcroft, perchance you will help me... santa, 

Click Here: The Ashcroft Smear (

dear friends, chers amis, queridos amigos,

the appended file and pasted text below, (same text, nicer fonting and formatting in the download). is a testament to dec 7th. an indictment of santa for treason and an explanation of why johnny (ashcroft) is a non-believer. 




oh, how greatly i wanted a sled for my 9th birthday, that last birthday before my father became an Army Chaplain and the peacefilled world of sunnyside was buried in time.   we moved from the little community and never again would we live where i might use my sled. in 1942 my playmate benny was incarcerated for being "yellow." 

today, even-ing   thoughts and prayers for my immanent anniversary of 70 solar revolutions, i wonder, i wonder as i have wandered thru years, decades, and scores, how innocently i have abhorred war and become a sainted peacelet.   today i had a letter from a filosopher friend,   email is a miracle of modernity. it moves us from ages of struggle for simple survival to a new epoch, struggle for complex survival... Yet, ever, still, since, now as the childness in me wonders and wanders thru memories long past, present presence, and future fullness, ever to awe and audacity...   in the higher echelons of the government of the usa, the very faith of decency and difference are being challenged, being smeared with fears of full and unmitigated "treason."   a mystical 13 years ago, i was confounded, quickly compromised, conscripted, registered and to be   committed to endless, profoundly subversive, devious, secret, covert work. i was identified as that most incredible thief of children's affections, i was called santa... i was burdened with unaccustomed labors and asked to breach the locked security of the homes and treasured institutions of friends, neighbors, relatives and strangers... i was to labor under the ruse of knowing everyone's name and to feign knowledge when i was ignorant, i was to bear false witness--covering up for naughtiness and badness, and i was to keep secret records. i was allowed to collect any kind of information i wanted, on anyone, and expected to keep total biofiles... not even my most trusted colleagues were to be taken into my confidence...   

j. edgar hoover was a paragon of power in his daze, yet in the daze, weaks, months, years, decades and decadence, scores and scoring of my global travel and work, i was unchecked in power, prestige, and most criminally of all, in the popular culture,   i was assigned the task of convincing billions of human being that i was a chubby old man who worked rarely and did not care for people beyond the age of my having them duped. all in all, that was bad enuf, but worse,   parents like the likes of Johnny would deprecate my goodness, counter treason, i believe, by threatening kidlets with the idea that i was a disciplinarian "better watch out, better not cry, for i am telling you why"   heresy confronts my reason!   so. even if i light but one candle, fill but one hope or keep faith with only one dying child. i am treasonous... for hundreds and hundreds of years, almost two thousand years, people have known that my magic is not cruel... so, if my dissent from the common current of "fighting terrorism," is treason, please bring me to a jury of my peers...   secretly, like keeping a santas' list, i doubt that johnny can find a jury of peers... i appear like a bearded old man with a bag full of gifts spreading joy and peace. johnny and his peers may sum day learn that, to the question, "Santa, are you real?" i always reply without any fear of false witness, "johnny, virginia, YES, i am real..."   guilty as charged,   overcharged     

              peace, santa 

and also, if you can help me get a gift i have longed for for millennia

      a gift for santa?

   i want to live in a world where the past tense, the present tense,
   and the future tense--all avoid pre-tense.
   i w